Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

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DNA Solves
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
I can't tell you if Darlie is innocent or guilty. Quit looking for motive the State doesn't have to have one and lack of one won't set her free.
I am not here to change anyone if you want to change something then
that is your own personal business.
I am not the answer to all the forum questions.
I came here to discuss the crime scene evidence, how it was interpreted,what tests and reanactments were done and why the crime scene evidence points to her guilt and her innocence.
You cannot accept the fact that Darlie is and was a REAL PERSON. She has faults and so do I. You seem to have this idealized view of her. For some reason accepting any fault in anyone Darlie or me . I have no problem admitting mine, especially if I'm going to talk about someone elses. Being self assured enough to do so comes with age and experince.
I have driven beesy and goody crazy with questions based on the evidence.
I am looking for answers here.
None of our discussions, posts or theories will change the fact that Darlie is on death row for this crime. The only hope of proving anything lies in the evidence. I don't mind discussing it either way looking at her as Darlie is the killer alone, with an accomplice, as a victim of 1 ,as a victim of 2 intruders. What best fits the results of the crime lab tests and how do experts derive the answers they get from what they see.
Get off my case I don't make personal coments about your theories, ideas or life experiences cause at least you have the guts to put them out there. If you are as honest as you claim then you could admit that you have faults and so does Darlie and every other living human out there. You should take with a grain of salt everything you hear until you know for a fact that it is true. That goes for about all information in life. I really don't care if you respond of not I didn't come here to win friends and influnce people. I would rather discuss the evidence.
I don't have any view of her.....I don't KNOW her. YOU said you did. I think she killed her kids. Yeah...a real idealized view! LOL :laugh:
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Darlie will still be my friend even if I think she is guilty. My colors don't run either and if I must say goodbye not knowing for sure it would be much worse. If I have to be there for Darlie, even if I'm her only non family supporter, not in her innocence or guilt but in her life. She deserves peace as well. Even if proven unconditionally guilty I would feel the need to be there for Mama Darlie and all the family, not just Darlie.
I commend you for your loyalty and do not hold it against you in any way. I think people who care about her should stand in support, but I don't think you should help her lie about what happened. If she did it, she did it. We can't bring the boys back now, but if there ever could be any justice for them, it would be in her telling what happened and exactly what role she played and what role Darin played. Once this appeal is decided, if her conviction is affirmed, there is no hope she won't be executed. Future appeals will be just going thru the motions. Once this appeal is done, she should tell the truth once and for all. If she wins a new trial, she should plead it down to life or maybe 30 years or so and turns state's evidence against Darin for whatever his role was. Perpetuating a fraud upon the public by claiming innocence falsely just piles more guilt and bad karma on top of the murders. It can't be good for anyone, and esp not for Darlie.

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
I don't think I can ever consolidate the idea of her killing her kids with the beautiful child who had a very big heart, the lovely woman who DOTED on her kids and seemed so happy with life in general.
You sound like you are describing Susan Smith.

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
The killer of those boys deserves punishment and I am not convinced 100% in the story being correct and complete that the prosecution used to put Darlie in jail. A lot of good forensics was done alot was not done at all and maybe with better advances in science now we might get some more answers. I am also being realistic here, Darlie's only hope is finding clues in the evidence collected. No amount of silly string, boats, cars or houses with hot tubs changes anything about Darlie IMO I never judged her on that level but I had to stand around and see her tried and slayed like a lamb at the altar of media interest. The horrible things said about her at trial were lies they painted a false image of Darlie. The Bad Darlie I descibed IS THE REAL DARLIE. Was she really that bad, did I make you think of her as a murderer, no way. Funniest and worst fault was her naivity, and what we always called her dumb. Read the definition of dumb and stupid it applies perfectly here she didn't know better because she didn't percieve things the way you do, or more like the jury of her peers percieved her.
Obviously. Anyone who thinks they can get away with murder has to be pretty naive or so lost in their own world, they can't see the forest for the trees.

O, just one thing more....few murders are ever solved so completely that there is no shadow of a doubt about guilt or innocence. Most are deductions made from a pile of circumstantial evidence, an estimate of what 2 +2 equals. (Only a few have actual direct evidence.) The catch phrase is "reasonable doubt." If your husband comes home wreaking of cheap perfume, it is "reasonable" to conclude he has been hanging around some barroom Rose. (Could be cousin Pauley's girlfriend, who knows?) If he has lipstick stains on his briefs,...well, that would eliminate reasonable doubt for most of us. If you want no doubt at all, you would almost have to be a witness to the crime.
justice2 said:
I had the same observations.

Hmm. I beginning to wonder now if that is how Darlie's friends and family treat her, the "teasing" and put downs ... you know how some people almost bring it on themselves ... Anyway, maybe Darlie went along with all of it because of the center of attention thing. Except maybe Darin didn't treat her that way. Maybe that is the "connection" between Darlie and Darin. I'm mean how many people would learn bookkeeping from their husband. Most would end up fighting. Hmm. Ramblin on her but I'm started to see things a little different.
Don't kid me Darlie could be a silver tongued devil when she got old enough to join the womens circle at the table with her mother and her mothers friends. She teased plenty and was quick with a comeback. I never got my feelings truly hurt and she never did either. Some of it was hilarous, None of the close women friends was abusive to Darlie. Its probably the same stuff you do with your close friends. Darlie would tease us older women about gravity and such.
We would tease her about being young dumb and not really a true blonde. That wasn't they only conversations we had at the table, playing cards usually, but its the ones I remember most cause we were happy and we were ALL laughing. It was good times not bad. Thats what I mean about y'all reading into what I say what you want it to mean not what it really is. Haven't you ever been to a HEN PARTY-- I mean thats all it is in the beauty parlor in Steel Magnolias

Darlie never had a dark side in her childhood years, she could socialize with her own peers as well as older friends of the family. She was self assured enough to give and take in all relationships she had, her marriage, her friends, her parents friends. Her closest friends have always been her sisters. Her Mom was her best friend when she got older. Just like mine is to me now. She'll never lie to me, she's my mama.
beesy said:
I am not, and doubt the others are, threatened by you. I think we are mystified. I have never spoken with anyone like you before.

Well, I live in Lubbock and have just about all of my life. I've spent many many hours at the mall and I have never once heard a joke about Darlie or even heard her name mentioned. Most people there wouldn't even know who she is at all. Lots of good stores and shops aren't even in the mall in this town. However, I have seen Sarilda at the mall several times. By the way, there is no fountain there any longer and no one really ever mentions Dirk West anymore either ( or cares) but it would really be something that would show up online in looking up the history of Lubbock since he was sort of famous like 20 years ago.
Thanks Vicki for the Lubbock info. Though not from Lubbock I am "familiar" with Lubbock. I couldn't imagine the general public in Lubbock being interested in this case. I personally can't find anyone interested in this case or even know it exists (except of course the people I was working with in the metroplex at the time it happened).

I don't think Darlie's supports realize very few people are interested in her case.
deandaniellws said:
I am very honest. I am not hiding anything. Saying the truth is one thing, acting cruel is another. I have taken an objective view of the evidence. I believe she killed her children and also believe Darin is involved. I have never said her house was decorated tacky. Read my posts before accusing me of such. I have said that without the make-up and the bleached hair, I think she is pretty. I am referring to the prison pictures. I asked for personal details in trying to understand why she did this horrid crime. I see that you have had little contact with her in her adult years. If you had, she and the boys would have known who you were when you were demonstrating the products at Sam's that day. You are the one reading something into our posts. Not the other way around. So far, you have not stated one thing that has been persuasive in changing my mind about her or Darin's guilt. If you came here to post not expecting to be challenged, you were wrong. We all challenge each other on details and ideas. We are here, still trying to find the truth. There are many details that do not fit into the puzzle. Many are here trying to figure out WHY she would do such a thing. I am one of them. I thought talking to someone that personally knew her would shine some light on that. I do not care that you thought she was dumb or that she slept on her side. Those details are useless and don't offer anything in the way of what I would call "personal" details. You say you don't want to discuss her "personal life". Fine. Then I guess we have little more to discuss since you haven't offered any facts that would have me change my mind about what happened to those poor innocent children.
You seem to think I'm mean to her. You seem to think being honest about her faults -the prosecution wasn't too honest about her faults, is mean.
Even someone who knew Darlie, distant and close knew the lies when they came out at trial. The family was not allowed in the courtroom as they would have to testify, so none was available to point out to Mulder that he needed to impeach this witness, here are the facts, do your job. It was after the fact when we read the transcripts of testimony.

I am not convinced 100% that Darlie is guilty, becauise I knew her, because the crime scene evidence doesn't pull all the pieces together like it should.
People do change and thats pointed out too. I don't have any clues from her past that would help you decide, she was a normal child, a normal teen, a normal adult.

I can barelly hook up to the internet, someone had to tell me how to quote here, so some of my comments are not directed directly at you but previous posts. I only have a little time to post between work and my own life. I know I have quoted the wrong poster in a previous post so let me apoligize if you didn't read some of the posts on top of yours I just went to the bottom thread and quoted the last poster ,who happened to be you.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
You seem to think I'm mean to her. You seem to think being honest about her faults -the prosecution wasn't too honest about her faults, is mean.
Even someone who knew Darlie, distant and close knew the lies when they came out at trial. The family was not allowed in the courtroom as they would have to testify, so none was available to point out to Mulder that he needed to impeach this witness, here are the facts, do your job. It was after the fact when we read the transcripts of testimony.

Why don't you tell us what the prosecution lied about in regards to Darlie and who she was/is?
txsvicki said:
Well, I live in Lubbock and have just about all of my life. I've spent many many hours at the mall and I have never once heard a joke about Darlie or even heard her name mentioned. Most people there wouldn't even know who she is at all. Lots of good stores and shops aren't even in the mall in this town. However, I have seen Sarilda at the mall several times. By the way, there is no fountain there any longer and no one really ever mentions Dirk West anymore either ( or cares) but it would really be something that would show up online in looking up the history of Lubbock since he was sort of famous like 20 years ago.
Honey I grew up on Dirk West. I went to school here and Lubbock only had 4 TV STATIONS,5, 11,13,28. And to get 28 you had to install an aerial antenna. There was nothing past 50th the mall didn't exist and where the car dealerships now on the west loop are was going out of the city limits.

I will not repeat the joke i overheard 2 punk kids at the old gaming store Challenge Games, say. That really would be cruel and mean.

I went to school, same class as Willie McCool the now dead pilot for the shuttle that literally blew up right in front of our eyes. That tells you how old I am.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Honey I grew up on Dirk West. I went to school here and Lubbock only had 4 TV STATIONS,5, 11,13,28. And to get 28 you had to install an aerial antenna. There was nothing past 50th the mall didn't exist and where the car dealerships now on the west loop are was going out of the city limits.

I will not repeat the joke i overheard 2 punk kids at the old gaming store Challenge Games, say. That really would be cruel and mean.

I went to school, same class as Willie McCool the now dead pilot for the shuttle that literally blew up right in front of our eyes. That tells you how old I am.
You're like Forest Gump. Connected to all the big events in history, you've done everything, seen everything, known everybody.
Dick Scobee was the commander of the Challenger, which is the shuttle that blew up right before our eyes. McCool was the commander of the Columbia, which blew up, but not right before our eyes. Or did you witness it? Do you work at NASA?
McCool graduated from HS in 1979. That is not old. No wonder you still look 16. If you were in his class, then Darlie was about 10 when you graduated. When did you babysit her? Did Darlie babysit for you when you were living in that hut? I don't think that would be Darlie's cup of tea.
Darlie Kee is much older than you if you graduated in '79, unless you were held back a few years. Darlie is 35 or 36 now. If Darle Kee graduated in '79, she would have been about 9 or so when she had Darlie, depending on your age differences. I'm just asking these things, not accusing you of lying, just asking because I understood you to be about the same age as Darlie Kee, you know, contemporaries. I guess I misunderstood
Goody said:
Why don't you tell us what the prosecution lied about in regards to Darlie and who she was/is?
The silly string party is one example. Just like I said Darlie didn't percieve things the way you might think. She didn't think it inappropriate to have a memorial party for the boys. I have heard it described as "dancing on their graves".
To me this is Darlie in grief and one of the 1st steps denial.
She is having a hard time coping with the boys death and the party is a way for her to spend some time with them. I imagine if more time had passed before she was arrested she would have always lavished flowers on their graves. She was lost, without her 2 boys. She was going thru one of the 1 st stages of grief.DENIAL- she's still hanging on to earthly things like birthday parties for the boys, she knows they are in heaven but she can't let go.

If she was a cold blooded killer and self obsessed she would have shown up dressed to the nines with her hair big and lots of make up to hide that scar. Now thats she killed her boys she has more time for herself. Isn't that what they made her out to be. New clothes for the party, etc.
What does she wear- cut offs, hair limp in need of roots done, that was Darlie's little make up look at the grave, I've seen the tape she isn't a dressed up Darlie I've seen her wear more make up to go shopping.

Funeral:Many people have commented that music that was selected was inappropriate. Darlie did not provide the music nor did she pick it out. Her sister Dana did and has regretted it ever since. I don't care if these boys favorite song was Strawberry Roan by Marty Robbins, Or some heavy metal sound that makes your fillings fall out and the back of your neck hurt.

It was their favorite song. Kids change like the wind so hold on to those little ones a little tighter, they will change and grow so fast. Just like popular music every couple of months hits come and go. The song like most things kids like are a flavor of the month.

What do you mean, I lie for her. I haven't told you anything untrue about her or myself and everything else is just an opinon that can change. I feel bullied by that post. I ask why a poster felt threatened because calling me MEAN AND CRUEL, for telling the truth is an attack, people tend to attack when they feel threatened.

Being honest about Darlie means admitting her faults she is human too. In fact she looks pretty innocent to me knowing her and how she reacted to the situation. Seems like normal Darlie.

I have in no way described myself in glowing terms, I do not put Darlie down, I simply put all the information out there the fact that anyone sees it as anything else is why Darlie got convicted in the 1st place. The enertainment value it made for people to hate on someone else, to find easy answers and get this "Mother Killer" behind bars.

The testimony of Basia, and Barbara, could have been impeached, That lady was a nut I heard. I heard she and her daughter tried to throw a baby out the window of a moving car. I think thats in MTJD She is at least an attempted child killer and should be prosecuted if she really did it.

The media attention to the case was watched by myself and witnessed across America. A fight outside the courtroom occured with the prosecution calling the defendants family trailor trash. I can't imagine a lawyer involved in a Death Penalty case being so badly behaved. I expected better- didn't he realize that because the family was outside the courtroom it would only be after it was over that they would be able to see the forensic evidence. You see I think if he had handled it better and the forensics had been the majority of the trial then all this would be over. No one could say Darlie was hung by Silly String. THE JURY VIEWED IT 6 TIMES AND HE PROTRAYED IT AS DANCING ON THEIR GRAVES. He didn't have to go there if the forensics proved it. He could made his case less emotionally charged in compassion for the boys and the surviving family, they didn't kill them. They would want to know and if he could have convinced them with stong evidence Mama Darlie wouldn't be a thorn in his side right now. He could have gotton a stronger conviction with less controversy had he relied upon his experts, the blood evidence that is available looks pretty bad for Darlie. Why didn't he, is what makes me suspicious, did they ignore clues because Darlie presented herself so easily to their rifle sights, or was the same old story these tests costs so much and so does a trial the budget is only ........ I hate that that even occurs in police work.

There was a pube found at the crime scene! Considering Darlie's obsessive vacumming habits a pube is a pretty good find, Yes she reports her panties missing so it could be hers or someone elses.
I mean come on a pube is pretty convincing evidence that whom ever it belongs to well at least their *advertiser censored* was there.

No doubt about it part of them could be hanging out the window with Skin Head, CRACK SMOKIN, Circus Clowns wearing Bugle Boy jeans and carrying 2x4s. HEY WE GOT A DESCIPTION ISSUE AN APB.
The owner of the pube is ............... we got ya, your *advertiser censored* was there!

The prosecution didn't answer this question for me so Thats why I find myself sitting on the fence. Not sure that she really did it and still looking for clues. The clues I'm looking for are in the crime scene evidence. A lot of stuff got tested but I think if it didn't point DIRECTLY to Darlie is was ignored. One of the theories put forth here and by others was this was more a a single person crime. That could mean Darlie's intruders, an accomplice to Darlie, Darin and Darlie together, Darin with an accomplice. If this is possible to people who look at this crime and think Darlie did it but with help then why didn't the police see this too, hold off a little and nail 2 instead of one.

What happened to the jeans Darin was wearing, was the blood tested? why was he not a equal suspect to Darlie.

Susan Smith killed her kids in a way that allowed her to remove her self or detach herself from them. She only pushed the car into the water the drowning is what killed them. This doesn't remove her from culpability it just allowed her in her head to remove herself from her kids long enough to kill them.Killing with a knife is rare in Mother/Child killings and those that have done it have confessed and many had extreme drug problems, broken marriages, history of mental illness etc.It is very rare and seen more in women of different racial, and socio-economic backgrounds than Darlie.

Susan Smith confessed after police pressure, Darlie still to this day contends she is innocent, she saw someone in the house and that person killed her boys. Susan Smith was a single mother with out the family network of support both Darlie and Darin had. Darlie's case isn't really like any other case out there. It really is hard to compare it to any other case too. Darlie's case is an anomally . It is very different than any mother/child killing I have looked into.

The arguments for guilt as made by goody and beesy are exactly the type of questions that I want answered and they have been answering them. I'm leaning their way despite my doubts about her guilt. I'm still looking at everything and would appreciate a more though exam by experts cause none of us are. The questions of cast off, and other interpretations of the blood evidence. Goody has posted and so has beesy some great links to how crime scene evidence is interpreted. I intend to study them more.
The silly string party is a moot point. She didn't even bring the stuff. Dana did. I don't think anyone here puts very much, if any weight on that party.:twocents:
Jane, no one here feels threatened by you. You have a much inflated opinion of yourself to think ANY of us feel threatened of you. It may be more along the lines of us not exactly BELIEVEING you. I do not for one second believe that crap of you ordering tests. It doesn't happen. Staff KNOW who their doctors are and they don't scream for tests. They order them and sign forms. While I don't believe the lawyer should have called them trailer trash...they DID behave that way. I would actually call it poor white trash. I don't feel it is right to put down individuals who live in trailers. As far as the pube hair? That is not unusual. Like others have stated.....that could have been brought in by the children's shoes or any number of ways. I think the issue of the panties missing is another lie. You don't sleep through someone getting your panties off. Darlie had a shapely little bottom and she would have had to lift her hips off the couch for them to be taken off. If they had been ripped off, then you would see red marks around her bottom hips. I am sure Darlie would have brought that to the policeman's attention when they were taking pictures. I believe the reason Darin was spared is because he didn't have a shirt on .......making the cast off blood not as noticeable, and he kept his lies straight. The jeans have never been tested. I think Darlie's lawyer is trying to make them test them. Darlie hung herself....every time she opened her mouth. She could NEVER keep anything straight. For some reason you think we can't read. That is the only reason I can think of because you keep saying the jury convicted her on her personality and what she did at the graves, funeral, ect, and not on evidence. Read the trial transcripts and study the blood evidence. That my dear, are the only things that convicted her....and of course, her lies that didn't fit the crime scene. JMO of course.
beesy said:
You're like Forest Gump. Connected to all the big events in history, you've done everything, seen everything, known everybody.
Dick Scobee was the commander of the Challenger, which is the shuttle that blew up right before our eyes. McCool was the commander of the Columbia, which blew up, but not right before our eyes. Or did you witness it? Do you work at NASA?
McCool graduated from HS in 1979. That is not old. No wonder you still look 16. If you were in his class, then Darlie was about 10 when you graduated. When did you babysit her? Did Darlie babysit for you when you were living in that hut? I don't think that would be Darlie's cup of tea.
Darlie Kee is much older than you if you graduated in '79, unless you were held back a few years. Darlie is 35 or 36 now. If Darle Kee graduated in '79, she would have been about 9 or so when she had Darlie, depending on your age differences. I'm just asking these things, not accusing you of lying, just asking because I understood you to be about the same age as Darlie Kee, you know, contemporaries. I guess I misunderstood[/QUOTe

The shuttle burned up upon rentry over TEXAS. OUR CLASS FLAG WILLIE TOOK WITH HIM WAS FOUND . I am sorry I said exploded instead of burned up. The wreckage from the shuttle was scattered across Texas and CNN showed footage of the shuttle burning up. I guess you never saw it. I was in my front yard and it made me SICK. I referred to him only because it gives you a hint to my age.

I never listed all the really famous people, relatives of famous people, I know or went to school with, so if I had wanted to brag and self impote you would know it. They are in our yearbook. I also know a who's whos list of murdering idiots, that I've met in my life. Helped solve some murders too. Know some good DA s and bad ones too.


But if you want to know what make me the proudest and what I consider something to BRAG about, of all my accomplshments in life. I have raised 3 beautiful intelligent kids who are going to make a difference in this world. They have talents way beyond average people and I know they can do anything they set their minds to.

I was 17 when I met Darlie Kee, she is, along with another woman, the closest female friends, outside of family, I'll ever have.They are like sisters to me. Darlie was a newlywed 2nd time, when I met her. My husband is who introduced us. I have been married to him since 78. Darlie Kee, Darlie Lynn
the other woman friend and her daughter who was close to Darlie growing up came to my wedding.
Been EVERYWHERE: This I had to just laugh and hold my sides about. I have been no where remember every kid in Lubbock only wants to get out of Lubbock (most go to Austin). We ended up right back here. I spent some time in Mexico because the little town where I was born is on the border. My grandparents continued to live there even though we- my parents sister, then little sister, got to Lubbock as quick as we could when I was 2. Spent my summers at grandmas, on the horse farm and delinting plant. They had a water tower for the whole town , does being there count for bragging.LOL.LOL.LOL.

I lived for sometime in New Mexico and no Darlie wasn't around to babysit for me then, Making fun of someone for having hard times so bad they lived in a hut is quite telling of your character. Perhaps you should look closer at yourself before you pass judgement on others I don't think you meant to look so shallow but it looks that way to me. Or maybe I should rephrase that it feels that way to me.

Our family vacations have always centered around camping, fishing, enjoying the outdoors. We have almost always roughed it in a tent. So another LOL LOL LOL WORLD TRAVELS-My only point in bringing it up is most people who aren't very outdoorsy-like Darlie would be real scweemish when it came to wielding a knife in any situation. I guess I just expected my hat to tell you I was a NATURE GIRL. Earth Mother type, Outdoorsy and very different than Darlie. So know, you could have just asked without being tacky. My two best friends, besides my mom, are older women than me, I'm 44 going on 44magnum. I'm not ready for the red hat society but the other day my mother and I were talking and I referred to it as the purple hat society she looked long and hard at me and said your sometimers is kicking in but you aren't old enough yet to join. I already wear bifocals and have always preferred the comapny of older women as friends.My daughter is now my best friend as she as grown up gotton married and wants to start her own family. I was raised that way obviously, to seek out the company of older wiser women. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Darlie was in high school when she babysat for me, we moved back to Lubbock, I was in high school when I babysat her. She kept 3 children ages 5, 2, 1. girl, boy, boy. I didn't work so she kept them for us when we played cards at her parents house, when I had surgery, when I went back to the hospital 4 months later, several times for me just a get a break and go shopping with her mom and our mutual friend. in fact after she and Darin started dating I think he and her kept the kids for MR R and I so we could go out for our anniversary. I didn't work so she wasn't full time child care she was still in high school. My kids had babysitters they didn't like and some they did- Darlie was their favorite.
It is obvious to me that you have very closed minds as to any possibility that Darlie is innocent.
You have 1 swipe--- good but 1 is explainable as accidental, 2 is damnable ,good police work. We are talking about a conviction based on SOLID evidence.
You have a knife impression on the carpet .
You have a witness who can't remember or can't tell the same story twice.

Ah witness:
Traumatized or self inflicted, If she is guilty she had to have snapped because nothing in her character or personality I ever saw would indicate this level of extreme personal violence. All the head shrinks say she is OK not schizophenic, not split personality, no indications of any disorders.?????? How can this be????

The jury is the one that stated they viewed the tape nine times, sorry I previously said six times and it was the tapes that made up their minds not just the crime scene evidence. The crime scene evidence left them some doubts just like it does us, they put 2+1 together and came up with 4 . Maybe they thought it lacked substance too.
One of the jurors on Darlie's home site has told what went on the jury room. There wasn't a lot of good police work done in this case IMO.

I don't want to blame the police I know how hard it is for them really. I know what kind of obstacles stand in their way. I wasn't blaming Waddel either when I said he just stood there. His primary job is to protect and serve. I think I'd want someone standing guard over me. I heard he got sick in the bathroom too. It would have made me sick, so if he did I don't blame him for that either. Just don't blame Darlie for seeing the police and paramedics as her knights in shining armor, IMO she just gave up cause help had arrived and these are the people to catch the killers and save her babies.

Had they explored the other avenues and said hey people are reporting slashed screens 5 blocks away, a neighbor says 2 men tried to break in same night, another neighbor says a suspious black car was seen. if they had explored those avenues they might have come up with a different answer.

The crime scene evidence that has been presented here in this forum is not the complete picture it is only a small part of it. They don't have enough edge pieces and darn sure not enough of the center pieces joining one piece of the crime to another piece of the crime. It doesn't tie all the elements together.
How did Darlie who is bleeding and bleeding enough to leave knife impressions in the carpet plant the sock and not leave any blood either. If the perp had to leave a trail leaving the house why doesn't Darlie. The Darlie site says bloody footprints can be seen in the garage leaving the house.
Why do you insist there could not be two knives, The size and widths of the knife wounds are different on Devon and Damon. This is a reasonable conclusion especially considering that they had one knife already to compare both boys wounds with.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
beesy said:
You're like Forest Gump. Connected to all the big events in history, you've done everything, seen everything, known everybody.
Dick Scobee was the commander of the Challenger, which is the shuttle that blew up right before our eyes. McCool was the commander of the Columbia, which blew up, but not right before our eyes. Or did you witness it? Do you work at NASA?
McCool graduated from HS in 1979. That is not old. No wonder you still look 16. If you were in his class, then Darlie was about 10 when you graduated. When did you babysit her? Did Darlie babysit for you when you were living in that hut? I don't think that would be Darlie's cup of tea.
Darlie Kee is much older than you if you graduated in '79, unless you were held back a few years. Darlie is 35 or 36 now. If Darle Kee graduated in '79, she would have been about 9 or so when she had Darlie, depending on your age differences. I'm just asking these things, not accusing you of lying, just asking because I understood you to be about the same age as Darlie Kee, you know, contemporaries. I guess I misunderstood[/QUOTe

The shuttle burned up upon rentry over TEXAS. OUR CLASS FLAG WILLIE TOOK WITH HIM WAS FOUND . I am sorry I said exploded instead of burned up. The wreckage from the shuttle was scattered across Texas and CNN showed footage of the shuttle burning up. I guess you never saw it. I was in my front yard and it made me SICK. I referred to him only because it gives you a hint to my age.

I never listed all the really famous people, relatives of famous people, I know or went to school with, so if I had wanted to brag and self impote you would know it. They are in our yearbook. I also know a who's whos list of murdering idiots, that I've met in my life. Helped solve some murders too. Know some good DA s and bad ones too.


But if you want to know what make me the proudest and what I consider something to BRAG about, of all my accomplshments in life. I have raised 3 beautiful intelligent kids who are going to make a difference in this world. They have talents way beyond average people and I know they can do anything they set their minds to.

I was 17 when I met Darlie Kee, she is, along with another woman, the closest female friends, outside of family, I'll ever have.They are like sisters to me. Darlie was a newlywed 2nd time, when I met her. My husband is who introduced us. I have been married to him since 78. Darlie Kee, Darlie Lynn
the other woman friend and her daughter who was close to Darlie growing up came to my wedding.
Been EVERYWHERE: This I had to just laugh and hold my sides about. I have been no where remember every kid in Lubbock only wants to get out of Lubbock (most go to Austin). We ended up right back here. I spent some time in Mexico because the little town where I was born is on the border. My grandparents continued to live there even though we- my parents sister, then little sister, got to Lubbock as quick as we could when I was 2. Spent my summers at grandmas, on the horse farm and delinting plant. They had a water tower for the whole town , does being there count for bragging.LOL.LOL.LOL.

I lived for sometime in New Mexico and no Darlie wasn't around to babysit for me then, Making fun of someone for having hard times so bad they lived in a hut is quite telling of your character. Perhaps you should look closer at yourself before you pass judgement on others I don't think you meant to look so shallow but it looks that way to me. Or maybe I should rephrase that it feels that way to me.

Our family vacations have always centered around camping, fishing, enjoying the outdoors. We have almost always roughed it in a tent. So another LOL LOL LOL WORLD TRAVELS-My only point in bringing it up is most people who aren't very outdoorsy-like Darlie would be real scweemish when it came to wielding a knife in any situation. I guess I just expected my hat to tell you I was a NATURE GIRL. Earth Mother type, Outdoorsy and very different than Darlie. So know, you could have just asked without being tacky. My two best friends, besides my mom, are older women than me, I'm 44 going on 44magnum. I'm not ready for the red hat society but the other day my mother and I were talking and I referred to it as the purple hat society she looked long and hard at me and said your sometimers is kicking in but you aren't old enough yet to join. I already wear bifocals and have always preferred the comapny of older women as friends.My daughter is now my best friend as she as grown up gotton married and wants to start her own family. I was raised that way obviously, to seek out the company of older wiser women. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Darlie was in high school when she babysat for me, we moved back to Lubbock, I was in high school when I babysat her. She kept 3 children ages 5, 2, 1. girl, boy, boy. I didn't work so she kept them for us when we played cards at her parents house, when I had surgery, when I went back to the hospital 4 months later, several times for me just a get a break and go shopping with her mom and our mutual friend. in fact after she and Darin started dating I think he and her kept the kids for MR R and I so we could go out for our anniversary. I didn't work so she wasn't full time child care she was still in high school. My kids had babysitters they didn't like and some they did- Darlie was their favorite.
No Jane! The Challenger DID NOT burn up upon re-entry!!!!! The Challenger NEVER GOT INTO SPACE. The Challenger experienced O-ring failure 73 SECONDS after LIFTOFF! The shuttle's tank tore apart, spilling liquid oxygen and hydrogen which formed a huge fireball.The Challenger itself was tore apart as it was flung free of the other rocket components. It blew/tore apart in pieces just a few miles from the launching place. No flag was found! Do you think we are stupid? If you are going to :liar: at least get your facts straight. There is NO WAY you could have seen it from Lubbock Texas! HINT: Try Florida! There were small debris scattered over Texas...but not large pieces...and certainly nothing like a whole flag. Most of the bigger pieces landed in the ocean.
The cabin hit the water at a speed greater than 200 mph, resulting in a force of about 200 G’s — crushing the structure and destroying everything inside.


G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
The silly string party is one example. Just like I said Darlie didn't percieve things the way you might think. She didn't think it inappropriate to have a memorial party for the boys. I have heard it described as "dancing on their graves"
The prosecution did not say anything like that. They did not have to. She wasn't dancing, but she was skipping around. You're analyzing how Darlie felt. She doesn't even say she was in denial. She says there was nothing wrong with it. You cannot put words in her mouth. I don't care how well you know her. You show me one place where the prosecution called it "dancing on her grave". If it was not said in trial, it doesn't matter. If 20/20 said it, it didn't do a thing for the verdict. That is what you can't seem to get. It doesn't matter if that tape disgusts me. I wasn't on the jury. So it was played, big deal. It wasn't staged. It happened. Go ahead and quote the transcripts for me.
She is having a hard time coping with the boys death and the party is a way for her to spend some time with them. I imagine if more time had passed before she was arrested she would have always lavished flowers on their graves. She was lost, without her 2 boys. She was going thru one of the 1 st stages of grief.DENIAL- she's still hanging on to earthly things like birthday parties for the boys, she knows they are in heaven but she can't let go
I'm sure you are aware that the boys do not have a stone marker, just a little metal thing. But you know that. I'm sure you've been there.
If she was a cold blooded killer and self obsessed she would have shown up dressed to the nines with her hair big and lots of make up to hide that scar. Now thats she killed her boys she has more time for herself. Isn't that what they made her out to be. New clothes for the party, etc.
What does she wear- cut offs, hair limp in need of roots done, that was Darlie's little make up look at the grave, I've seen the tape she isn't a dressed up Darlie I've seen her wear more make up to go shopping
I wear makeup to go shopping. Of course I don't look like Darlie. Darlie looks the prettiest in that tape and then also that time in court where her hair is just pulled back and her face is all clean and fresh. I think she's very pretty there. By the way, Darlie has a perfect manicure in that tape. It's fresh because the photos taken in the police station show her with short nails.
Funeral:Many people have commented that music that was selected was inappropriate. Darlie did not provide the music nor did she pick it out. Her sister Dana did and has regretted it ever since. I don't care if these boys favorite song was Strawberry Roan by Marty Robbins, Or some heavy metal sound that makes your fillings fall out and the back of your neck hurt
Actually Darlie told her family that they would need to play that song. She said it the day after the murders.
The testimony of Basia, and Barbara, could have been impeached, That lady was a nut I heard. I heard she and her daughter tried to throw a baby out the window of a moving car. I think thats in MTJD She is at least an attempted child killer and should be prosecuted if she really did it
That is a horrible thing to say! MTJD is full of lies, which can be proven to be lies! You should be ashamed of yourself.
The media attention to the case was watched by myself and witnessed across America. A fight outside the courtroom occured with the prosecution calling the defendants family trailor trash. I can't imagine a lawyer involved in a Death Penalty case being so badly behaved. I expected better- didn't he realize that because the family was outside the courtroom it would only be after it was over that they would be able to see the forensic evidence. You see I think if he had handled it better and the forensics had been the majority of the trial then all this would be over
That was not the prosecution, it certainly was not Toby. I believe it was an investigator, but he was not part of the actual trial. And honey, it was not seen by the jury. He called them "white trash" and Darlie Kee was interupting everything he said. She was hollering at him and calling him a liar during the interview. I don't blame him for getting pissy.
No one could say Darlie was hung by Silly String. THE JURY VIEWED IT 6 TIMES AND HE PROTRAYED IT AS DANCING ON THEIR GRAVES. He didn't have to go there if the forensics proved it. He could made his case less emotionally charged in compassion for the boys and the surviving family, they didn't kill them. They would want to know and if he could have convinced them with stong evidence Mama Darlie wouldn't be a thorn in his side right now. He could have gotton a stronger conviction with less controversy had he relied upon his experts, the blood evidence that is available looks pretty bad for Darlie. Why didn't he, is what makes me suspicious, did they ignore clues because Darlie presented herself so easily to their rifle sights, or was the same old story these tests costs so much and so does a trial the budget is only ........ I hate that that even occurs in police work
Again, show me where the prosecution states that she was dancing on their graves in the trial transcripts. I'd like you to find the place in the transcripts which says the jury viewed it 6 times. If they did, why is that a big deal? I'm sure they looked at everything else more than once as well. The family wasn't even allowed in the court room for most of the trial because they were testifying. They stood outside singing hymns and quoting bible passages. They created the carnival atmosphere
There was a pube found at the crime scene! Considering Darlie's obsessive vacumming habits a pube is a pretty good find, Yes she reports her panties missing so it could be hers or someone elses.
I mean come on a pube is pretty convincing evidence that whom ever it belongs to well at least their *advertiser censored* was there
As far as I know every single person that had ever been in that house was not tested for pubic hair. Was the hair found on Darlie's body? Was it found on the knife? Was it found on the clothing? Was it found on the sofa? Was it found on the boys? Was it found on any of the towels? Do you even know where it was found? Think about the cops and medics who walked around that house and remember that they use public restrooms and could have easily tracked it in. It could have been there before. I don't care how much somebody vaccums. She didn't crawl around on the floor with tweezers.
No doubt about it part of them could be hanging out the window with Skin Head, CRACK SMOKIN, Circus Clowns wearing Bugle Boy jeans and carrying 2x4s. HEY WE GOT A DESCIPTION ISSUE AN APB.
The owner of the pube is ............... we got ya, your *advertiser censored* was there!
What are you talking about? So the cops are supposed to issue an APB for clowns? They had no description. She said "someone". That was her description at first. The black car was mentioned and a black car was stopped with 4 people in it. They were checked and questioned and there was nothing to it. The Garland K-9 unit was called out that night and they found nothing.
The prosecution didn't answer this question for me so Thats why I find myself sitting on the fence. Not sure that she really did it and still looking for clues. The clues I'm looking for are in the crime scene evidence. A lot of stuff got tested but I think if it didn't point DIRECTLY to Darlie is was ignored. One of the theories put forth here and by others was this was more a a single person crime. That could mean Darlie's intruders, an accomplice to Darlie, Darin and Darlie together, Darin with an accomplice. If this is possible to people who look at this crime and think Darlie did it but with help then why didn't the police see this too, hold off a little and nail 2 instead of one.
If evidence points directly to Darlie, then Darlie did it. You don't need 1,000 things. What was ignored? This lone pubic hair? Then her defense should have investigated and found the owner. LE found the killer. Its up to her to prove they are wrong. It's not up to them. She's had nearly 10 years to find something more than a pubic hair and some smudged fingerprints. The Tim Hennis case comes to mind here. He was put on DR for circumstantial evidence. There was not one piece of forensic evidence against him. But his defense team worked for hours and hours and hours and was able to find an explanation for every single piece of evidence brought up at the trial. He was granted a new trial and was released. If something were there, it would have turned up by now!
What happened to the jeans Darin was wearing, was the blood tested? why was he not a equal suspect to Darlie

Darin covered his butt by saying he was near both of the boys and Darlie. There was no spatter or anything which stood out on his jeans. He's lucky he was shirtless though. IMO
The arguments for guilt as made by goody and beesy are exactly the type of questions that I want answered and they have been answering them. I'm leaning their way despite my doubts about her guilt. I'm still looking at everything and would appreciate a more though exam by experts cause none of us are. The questions of cast off, and other interpretations of the blood evidence. Goody has posted and so has beesy some great links to how crime scene evidence is interpreted. I intend to study them more.
I hope you do study it more. I think everybody on here has answered your questions with answers that make alot of sense
G.I.RattlesnakeJane[QUOTE said:
The shuttle burned up upon rentry over TEXAS. OUR CLASS FLAG WILLIE TOOK WITH HIM WAS FOUND . I am sorry I said exploded instead of burned up. The wreckage from the shuttle was scattered across Texas and CNN showed footage of the shuttle burning up. I guess you never saw it. I was in my front yard and it made me SICK. I referred to him only because it gives you a hint to my age.
Of course I saw it on the news. I know the wreckage was scattered everywhere and people even heard it. My good friend lived in Garland and she heard it. You said exploded though and I was correcting you. It started burning over reentry over CA, not TX.
Been EVERYWHERE: This I had to just laugh and hold my sides about. I have been no where remember every kid in Lubbock only wants to get out of Lubbock (most go to Austin). We ended up right back here. I spent some time in Mexico because the little town where I was born is on the border. My grandparents continued to live there even though we- my parents sister, then little sister, got to Lubbock as quick as we could when I was 2. Spent my summers at grandmas, on the horse farm and delinting plant. They had a water tower for the whole town , does being there count for bragging.LOL.LOL.LOL.
Tongue in check love.
I lived for sometime in New Mexico and no Darlie wasn't around to babysit for me then, Making fun of someone for having hard times so bad they lived in a hut is quite telling of your character. Perhaps you should look closer at yourself before you pass judgement on others I don't think you meant to look so shallow but it looks that way to me. Or maybe I should rephrase that it feels that way to me
I'm not making fun. I'm sorry I've just never been around anybody like you. I've never heard of anybody from my generation living in a hut. I thought you were 80 or something.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Honey I grew up on Dirk West. I went to school here and Lubbock only had 4 TV STATIONS,5, 11,13,28. And to get 28 you had to install an aerial antenna. There was nothing past 50th the mall didn't exist and where the car dealerships now on the west loop are was going out of the city limits.

I will not repeat the joke i overheard 2 punk kids at the old gaming store Challenge Games, say. That really would be cruel and mean.

I went to school, same class as Willie McCool the now dead pilot for the shuttle that literally blew up right in front of our eyes. That tells you how old I am.

Actually everyone had to have an aerial antennae 35 years ago, and to get channel 28 and (there was a channel 34 also added many many years ago) UHF, one of those little circle antennaes had to be hooked up on the back of the television. All this was years and years ago. The mall was built around the late 70's but no one would make jokes about or even know Darlie now. Houses and neighborhoods sprang up South of town as far back as 30 years ago. I know because I was looking at some of them back then. I just think it is odd to mention things that were going on in Lubbock 35 years ago instead of now and don't know how it really applies to Darlie.
txsvicki said:
Actually everyone had to have an aerial antennae 35 years ago, and to get channel 28 and (there was a channel 34 also added many many years ago) UHF, one of those little circle antennaes had to be hooked up on the back of the television. All this was years and years ago. The mall was built around the late 70's but no one would make jokes about or even know Darlie now. Houses and neighborhoods sprang up South of town as far back as 30 years ago. I know because I was looking at some of them back then. I just think it is odd to mention things that were going on in Lubbock 35 years ago instead of now and don't know how it really applies to Darlie.
You noticed that too!?! LOL. Reading my mind again Tx. :D
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
It is obvious to me that you have very closed minds as to any possibility that Darlie is innocent.
You have 1 swipe--- good but 1 is explainable as accidental, 2 is damnable ,good police work. We are talking about a conviction based on SOLID evidence.
You have a knife impression on the carpet .
You have a witness who can't remember or can't tell the same story twice.
Are you addressing me? I have told you numerous times that I had trouble realizing Darlie's guilt. I have been everything but close minded. Goody as well. One swipe? There's more than one. All you need is one. There should be NO cleaned up blood at all. NONE! There was cleaned up blood from the floor, in the sink, on the counter. There shouldn't be any. How can somebody accidently clean up blood? It's sort of like being a little bit pregnant.
And the knife impression. How many impressions do you need? Darlie's blood is in places it should not be. You forgot about the cast-off. The lack of wet towels. The timeline. Damon would not still be alive if he had been stabbed by an intruder and left to die. He only lived about 8 mins after the fatal wound. You easily burn up 3 and 1/2 waiting for Waddel.
How long was the intruder attacking Darlie? How long was it before Darlie was attacked after Damon was?
How long was it before she called 911? You can't dismiss her entire story, you know. She got up, followed the man into the kitchen, turned back to turn on the light, picked up the knife, put it on the counter, went back into the family room, screamed "Devon". Ran to meet Darin in the entryway, ran back into the kitchen and grabbed the phone. Darin confirms this last part. Your 8 mins is all gone. . He was still alive when the medics got to him. Darlie stayed on the phone 5:39. She was off the phone when they came in. You know it was a few mins before the medics were allowed in. Even if we say it was 1 min. The time is long gone.

The jury is the one that stated they viewed the tape nine times, sorry I previously said six times and it was the tapes that made up their minds not just the crime scene evidence. The crime scene evidence left them some doubts just like it does us, they put 2+1 together and came up with 4 . Maybe they thought it lacked substance too
It was not the tape! Please tell me where you saw that it was viewed 9 times. On Darlie's site? Everybody else can lie, but this lone juror is telling the truth? How do you know that?
One of the jurors on Darlie's home site has told what went on the jury room. There wasn't a lot of good police work done in this case IMO.
How about if Darlie had been found not guilty on this exact same evidence. Would you think there was good police work then? Yes, you would.
I don't want to blame the police I know how hard it is for them really. I know what kind of obstacles stand in their way. I wasn't blaming Waddel either when I said he just stood there. His primary job is to protect and serve. I think I'd want someone standing guard over me. I heard he got sick in the bathroom too. It would have made me sick, so if he did I don't blame him for that either. Just don't blame Darlie for seeing the police and paramedics as her knights in shining armor, IMO she just gave up cause help had arrived and these are the people to catch the killers and save her babies.
Had they explored the other avenues and said hey people are reporting slashed screens 5 blocks away, a neighbor says 2 men tried to break in same night, another neighbor says a suspious black car was seen. if they had explored those avenues they might have come up with a different answer
The questions that go unanswered are things like why, did Darin help, how long did it take, things like that. Not did she do it?
Please think about that lady's story. She is home alone, catches 2 men trying to get into her house and she doesn't call the police? Instead she waits up for her husband to come home from work. What would you do if you saw and she says she saw them, that she got a good look at them, someone at your window doing that? Wait up for hubby? I sure as hell wouldn't. I don't know why that woman would say that, but I cannot believe that it is true. I already told you about the black car. It was looked into.
What about the bread knife? If you can give me a good explantion for it besides there wasn't enough to test, please do so.
The crime scene evidence that has been presented here in this forum is not the complete picture it is only a small part of it. They don't have enough edge pieces and darn sure not enough of the center pieces joining one piece of the crime to another piece of the crime. It doesn't tie all the elements together.
How did Darlie who is bleeding and bleeding enough to leave knife impressions in the carpet plant the sock and not leave any blood either. If the perp had to leave a trail leaving the house why doesn't Darlie. The Darlie site says bloody footprints can be seen in the garage leaving the house.
That is not true.
We've never said he had to leave a trail. If Darlie planted the sock, which I don't think she did. I think Darin did it and he was throwing it away, not planting it. Anyway, Darlie would have gone out the front door. It was quicker. Darlie was not trying to escape through an unfamiliar garage piled high with junk.
Why do you insist there could not be two knives, The size and widths of the knife wounds are different on Devon and Damon. This is a reasonable conclusion especially considering that they had one knife already to compare both boys wounds with.
I trust the M.E. on that on. She doesn't interview witnesses or look at any other evidence. I'm sorry, but I believe her over you. I would never assume an M.E. was wrong or that I knew more than the experts

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