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Oh please read the trial transcripts A2M, they clearly show that the photos were shown to the jury and discussed in front of the jury. The crime library is not an accurate source of information, the evidence is.

Not the prosecution's job to show a greiving Darlie on the surveillance tape it was up to the defense to offer it into evidence to impeach the SS tape. They chose not to. Wonder why? Because it had no evidentiary value.
I couldn't agree with you more.. I lost my beautiful precious girl last year. The pain and the grief is unbearable for a mother. How this women could laugh and carry on like that is just totally unbelievable to myself.

Reams have been written about how devastating it is to lose a child for any reason; women are affected emotionally and mentally for years because of miscarriage and that's losing a child they've never even met. The mother-child bond, in emotionally healthy people, is just that strong. I know a couple of women who have lost children to accident or illness and I can't think of a single one who would be laughing, chomping gum, and squirting Silly String over the graves of their recently murdered babies in front of the news media 8 days -- or even 8 years -- after the fact. No one. Not a single person. Really.

My whole take on the Silly String episode is that not only is Darlie conscienceless, she's also stupid.

So sorry to read of your loss of your beautiful daughter, vegemet. What a beautiful website and tribute to her. She's lovely. A beautiful rose in God's flower garden.

I'd die if anything ever happened to my "baby" my 26 year-old son.
People grieve differently, I will give you that. After my grandfather died, I went to a bar with my cousins and we all got roaring drunk and told stories about him. We worshipped the man and it was very cathartic for us to do that after his death. I can think of a lot of people who would think it was disrespectful, etc. for us to go out and drink like that. But the day of his funeral we were devastated, and some of us still can't go to his grave without crying, three years later.

What her apologists seem to ignore when they excuse her behavior with "Everyone grieves differently" is that Darlie supposedly witnessed -- and was unable to prevent -- the brutal stabbing of her two small children a week prior to the Silly String incident.

Yeah did you ever notice how many killers "grieve differently" from the rest of us? When they are caught out...due to their stress relief....they always trot out the old everyone grieves differently psalm.
Cami, thank you so much for your kind words..our babies, will always be 'our babies' no matter what their age is, wont they?

It totally amazes me that anyone could ever question whether this evil person was innocent, after reading the transcripts...

So sorry to read of your loss of your beautiful daughter, vegemet. What a beautiful website and tribute to her. She's lovely. A beautiful rose in God's flower garden.

I'd die if anything ever happened to my "baby" my 26 year-old son.[/quote]
Watch any interview with Darlie. She will cry -- she always cries -- but watch WHEN she cries. She doesn't cry when she's discussing the murders of her sons -- she cries when she talks about the "injustice" that's been done to her. She cries when she talks about what she is missing, how difficult it is to be in prison, etc. -- but not when she discusses the actual crime itself. Every time I've ever seen her interviewed I've been struck by how self-centered she is.
Oh please read the trial transcripts A2M, they clearly show that the photos were shown to the jury and discussed in front of the jury. The crime library is not an accurate source of information, the evidence is.

Not the prosecution's job to show a greiving Darlie on the surveillance tape it was up to the defense to offer it into evidence to impeach the SS tape. They chose not to. Wonder why? Because it had no evidentiary value.

If it had no evidentiary value, why did the jury keep asking to view it? How many times? One juror said 7. It obviously had an influence on the jury.

The defense couldn't offer 'grieving tape' because the officers that photographed it may have broken the law, and pleaded the "5th amendment". The judge therefore ruled out the showing of that section of the service. Not particularly fair.

" Of course, what the television camera didn't catch was the solemn,
tear-filled memorial service presided over by a pastor that preceded the
party. "

This was ruled out, never seen by the jury, after they had seen the 'silly string' tape a minimum of 7 times.
The defense couldn't offer 'grieving tape' because the officers that photographed it may have broken the law, and pleaded the "5th amendment".

" Of course, what the television camera didn't catch was the solemn,
tear-filled memorial service presided over by a pastor that preceded the
party. "

Have you seen this tape Rocking?
Have you seen this tape Rocking?

Certainly have! It's available all over the place. It's not very clear as it was a surveillance tape, which was the illegal act the police performed on private property. The cemetary was not a public one, but private, hence they plead the "5th amendment". No search warrant. There were also planted microphones, in the containers you put flowers in. Can't recall if I've heard the audio.

The video clearly shows the family involved in a service, praying at the grave. This was not permitted at court, but the jury had already seen the 'silly string' tape. It's a travesty.

I should be clear here, I am not arguing for Routier's guilt or innocence. I just think the whole trial process, did not offer justice.

I'll find a link for you, when I get a chance.
So when you grieve the death of two brothers who died a violent and horrible death, first your "pretend" to grieve and then "you party hardy with silly string.

A mere week after the death of your children. Well she went from sad to a happy, gum chewing, cut off jeans wearing "giddy" and happy "murderess" in a very short time. The grieving was an act. The party was not.

Darn, at least show some "respect" for your dead children and wear black.
So when you grieve the death of two brothers who died a violent and horrible death, first your "pretend" to grieve and then "you party hardy with silly string.

A mere week after the death of your children. Well she went from sad to a happy, gum chewing, cut off jeans wearing "giddy" and happy "murderess" in a very short time. The grieving was an act. The party was not.

Darn, at least show some "respect" for your dead children and wear black.

I completely agree with you. Now I know I have said this before ........... there is no freaking way Darlie was mourning her boys that day. Look at her in the video. She does not resemble someone who had just experienced a loss, let alone the loss of her kids. PLEASE:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

For instance, my grandmother died last week. We all knew it was coming but of course it was still devastating. I actually at one point thought about Ms. Darlie and the "silly string" while I was standing graveside at my grandmother's grave. Thinking ok could I actually smile and be happy at this instance. NOPE!!! I don't care how many people want to say that we all grieve differently there is no freaking way that woman was MOURNING her little precious boys. She was happy. It is difficult to conjure up feelings of happiness when someone you love has just died. Believe me I tried for the benefit of my kids but it was impossible for me to be happy in the way Darlie was that day. Oh and the pills her supporters say made her act like that. well I say bullcrappy because several of my relatives had taken a pill to calm their nerves...but that was it, it did not make them feel and act like like Darlie did that dreadful day. She is guilty plain and simple and as each day goes by I wonder when she will be punished. I don't necessarily take the stand of pro death penalty - but she IMHO certainly deserves to die... to bad it won't be the same way...
I don't think I've ever seen the entire taped surveillance, please do post a link.
So when you grieve the death of two brothers who died a violent and horrible death, first your "pretend" to grieve and then "you party hardy with silly string.

A mere week after the death of your children. Well she went from sad to a happy, gum chewing, cut off jeans wearing "giddy" and happy "murderess" in a very short time. The grieving was an act. The party was not.

Darn, at least show some "respect" for your dead children and wear black.

How people grieve is not relevant to the point I was making. I am looking at the trial itself. The jury were shown the celebratory "silly string" tape, which even Greg Davis admits had an effect on the jury, yet the defense were not permitted to present an alternative view of events, due to the police pleading the 5th.

As I've posted before, I have no formed opinion on Routier's guilt or innocence, I am just concerned about the deficiencies in the trial process.
How people grieve is not relevant to the point I was making. I am looking at the trial itself. The jury were shown the celebratory "silly string" tape, which even Greg Davis admits had an effect on the jury.

Source please.

yet the defense were not permitted to present an alternative view of events, due to the police pleading the 5th.

I've heard this argument a million times, and it is not true. The transcript makes it very clear that Greg Davis had no objection to the defense showing the memorial service that preceded the Silly String party. He even told Judge Tolle that Mulder could show the video, even though it hadn't been admitted into evidence before the trial began.

Mulder declined. I wonder why he didn't want the jury to see that video. Could it be that Darlie wasn't exactly the epitome of a grief-stricken mother?
If Mulder declined to show the "other video then it did not show his client in the best of light. It would not have been beneficial to his client. I put money on the fact that the "difference" between the two videos would be very telling. First it would show a "mother" joining other relatives, then a very short time later she is happy as can be. Not a chance that this would "go over well" with the jury. Darlie hired Mulder, he had a good reputation, he made the right choice in his opinion about the "tactical" advantage in court and how that would affect his client.
If Mulder declined to show the "other video then it did not show his client in the best of light. It would not have been beneficial to his client. I put money on the fact that the "difference" between the two videos would be very telling. First it would show a "mother" joining other relatives, then a very short time later she is happy as can be. Not a chance that this would "go over well" with the jury. Darlie hired Mulder, he had a good reputation, he made the right choice in his opinion about the "tactical" advantage in court and how that would affect his client.

Mulder was NOT ALLOWED to show the video. He did not decline. The police that took the video pleaded the 5th admendment to
STOP it being shown.

What was the time between the two videos, was it a short time? Check your facts.
Mulder was NOT ALLOWED to show the video. He did not decline. The police that took the video pleaded the 5th admendment to
STOP it being shown.

What was the time between the two videos, was it a short time? Check your facts.

The police took the Fifth Amendment because they were BEING SUED by the Routier Family, so they had no choice. If the Routier Family was so concerned about having the officers being allowed to testify about the video during the trial, they NEVER would have filed that suit. It was done intentionally because their attorney KNEW the officers would not comment while the suit was pending. PLEASE try and get at least some of the facts straight before you comment. We've been over this same stuff for years and its getting old.
Yes, you are right Jeana, it is getting old. Same old same old.

But when Darlie is FINALLY put down, then it will be a new and interesting fact. But then again, I won't hold my breath.....I wish someone would move along with her final date with fate.

Hey you never know, I may even make it to Texas overnight to be there when Darlie's sentence is finally carried out. That is if I am not in a nursing home or using a walker.

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