David Jacoby

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SB told one of his aunts, IIRC, that TH would make him put his hands up when he hit him with a belt. Even TH confirmed this in the Pasdar depositions. So, if my theory of discipline out of control (with SB the initial victim and the other two collateral damage), maybe SB put his hands up to ward off the initial attack. I still contend that it was a Blitzkrieg attack, fueled by anger and frustration, that simply went too far. Such an attack could easily happen in a short period of time, especially if the attacker were someone known and (to an extent) trusted by the victims.
Never said anything about whether the killer struck with his hands first or not. Simply stated a fact: the boys have defensive wounds on their hands -- this is established.

Perhaps I am taking your scenario a little too literally, but then again, I think that is the only way to take it, no?

The amount of defensive wounds found on the hands of SB would indicate that he had his hands up for a good amount of time, in that they are very present and numerous...so again, I can't really buy your scenario, respectfully.

It seems as if you are quantifying "Hit" in my statement. CR summed it up. My main point was that it was a fast vicious attack that caught them off guard and could have happened in a small time frame. Sorry "Hit" is a little less descriptive, but more sanitary for me. You thought it would take at least an hour unless multiple perps were involved and that was what I was countering too.
More examples of evading answering questions:

I can keep going on if needed, but probably not, I would hope.

These aren't so much non-answers, but answers I found interesting.

Doesn't this one fit squarely with the profile?

And funny this is coming from the guy who didn't even contact LE or Pam until late in the evening after picking Pam up.
Just bumping because these are TH answers maybe the posts concerning him should be moved to his topic because this being here can confuse some people?
Excellent post btw; )
I forget the details, but doesn't it seem odd that TH is looking all over the place instead of stopping by the other parent's houses? Seems like he isn't really looking for them and maybe avoiding the other parents/ establishing an alibi? It was definitely odd that DJ got so shaken up when talking to John D. There is a lot to be said about intuition. The brain is processing a lot more than you'd think subconsciously.

These statements are good. I think DJ got so rattled because TH was telling him they looked more times together than they really did. From DJ point of view TH came by with his daughter to play guitar for an hour and then left alone telling him he needed to find SB who was still playing outside. Then TH came back nearly two hours later stating they needed to drive around to find the boys. TH muddies the waters to state they were looking for boys for a longer time and earlier than DJ remembers. TH is manipulating his memory to make it seem like DJ was with him all evening. From what I could glean there was a time approx 8 pm they drove around the neighborhood looking every where other than the woods. And then left DJ at his house so he could pick up PH and brought AH with him. Then DJ came later on after 9 or 10 pm to help the search again. Somehow that translates into looking "all over west memphis" together all evening. Is it possible that TH was working with another person and that person helped conceal the boys and evidence while TH was establishing an alibi through DJ?
Well, we have got this affidavit: http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/affidavit_jamie_clark_ballard.pdf
According to that, Hobbs did go back to his house after playing guitar with Jacoby AND he saw the children at that time.

"9. Between approximately 6 PM and 6:30 PM on May 5, 1993, Terry got up from playing guitars and told me that he was going to his house to see if Stevie was at home. Terry told me that Stevie was supposed to be home and he thought for sure Stevie would be home "before dark" or "by dark," or something to that effect. Terry then left my house. I am 90% sure that Terry left Amanda at my house for me and my wife to watch and that Terry left my house alone. "

The timeframe is the same in both depositions.
Difference from TH version of events is that he adamantly states that he was never by himself, when not with Jacoby he took Amanda with him .
There is something that confuses me about DJ's statement. He says that when he searched in the woods, there was a West Memphis police officer present: 'I mean there was a West Memphis Police Officer there when we got in the woods and you know I told him this. I mean I don't where it went to but it was kind of frantic that night'
So I thought: this could be John Moore. He was around the woods between 21:42 and 22:10, according to the dispatch logs. However, DJ wasn't active in the search at that time. DJ says in his declaration that Terry dropped him off to get some flashlights (this was somewhere around 20:00), and that he never came back that evening. Pam did come to use their phone to call several hospitals and the WMPD, but this was after 23:00. DJ drove her home and after that, he finally began to search for the missing children. AFAIK, there were no police officers searching at that time. The 15:00-23:00 shift had just ended and due to a miscommunication, the police officers on the 23:00-07:00 shift had no idea that there were three children missing. So my question is: how could DJ have spoken to a police officer, if he wasn't at the woods at the time Moore was there?
IMO, DJ was just confused with the timing. The time when no police were searching was11 pm til 7 am or 2300 to 0700. I believe that DJ could have spoken to a policeman during the two car searches (which both occurred between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm or 1830 and 2000) that he went on with TH and simply got confused with the timing. DJ did say "it was kind of frantic that night" which would account for his confusion, IMO. I don't think the policeman was Moore but another officer in the area at the time.
I forget the details, but doesn't it seem odd that TH is looking all over the place instead of stopping by the other parent's houses? Seems like he isn't really looking for them and maybe avoiding the other parents/ establishing an alibi? It was definitely odd that DJ got so shaken up when talking to John D. There is a lot to be said about intuition. The brain is processing a lot more than you'd think subconsciously.

I agree Kaytom! It only makes sense to go to the other houses to speak with the parents, especially when T.H. knew who Stevie was with. I also believe that D.J. could put some of the puzzle pieces together but already he has told the truth that T.H. was not with him at crucial times!
Just for the records, and for those who do not have the book, I decided to quote some of the things DJ told John Douglas in "Law and disorder" Page 266 - 268

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He verified that Terry came over to his house shortly after he dropped off Pam at work, which would have made it about 5:15. He had his daughter Amanda with him, and David’s wife Bobby was home with him. Terry came over frequently in those days to play guitars with David, which was what they did that evening.

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he recalled Terry saying that he’d better get home and see if Stevie was there, because he hadn’t been home when Terry left with Pam. He told David that Stevie knew he wasn’t supposed to be out after dark. This would have been some time between 6:00 and 6:15 p.m. He couldn’t remember if Terry had left Amanda with him when he went back home, but thought he probably did, which is what he had told Rachel when she interviewed him.

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David also recalled that when he had opened the front door to let Terry in, he saw two boys on bicycles and one on a skateboard. He was pretty sure that one of the boys was Stevie.

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It was about an hour later when Terry returned. He asked David and Bobby whether Stevie had come by. When they both said no, Terry and David decided to go out and look for him. He was pretty sure they took Amanda with them. Their first stop was the Mayfair Apartments, where they asked if anyone had seen Stevie or his two friends, Michael and Chris. They then drove to the area south of Ten Mile Bayou, but didn’t see anything. Then they drove back to David’s house, where Terry dropped him off. He thought they were out for about fifteen or twenty minutes.

David and Bobby were alone in the house until Pam came over, which would have had to be some time after nine when Terry picked her up from her restaurant shift. She drove over in her own car and Terry came just afterward in his truck. She was hysterical, saying that Stevie was still missing and she wanted to go out looking for him. He didn’t think she was in any shape to drive, so he convinced her to let him take her around to some of the locations Stevie frequented, like the cub scout meeting place, which he thought was either a local church or school. They returned without finding the boy.

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When they approached the drainpipe crossing, he noticed bicycle tracks, and also muddy footprints small enough to be children’s on the pipe itself. As they got close to what turned out to be the murder scene, Terry reported to David that he heard something that sounded “evil.” He had a bad feeling about the place, so he turned around and they went the other direction. David thought this was odd because he was looking for Stevie and wouldn’t want to think he was in that “evil” place, but he didn’t say anything. I had the same reaction. If you are afraid for your son and you sense something bad, a parent’s natural instinct would be to go toward it to protect him, not recoil from it.

I found this statement very interesting " She drove over in her own car and Terry came just afterward in his truck."
Just for the records, and for those who do not have the book, I decided to quote some of the things DJ told John Douglas in "Law and disorder" Page 266 - 268

I found this statement very interesting " She drove over in her own car and Terry came just afterward in his truck."
Thank you for the quotes, Cher! His statement is in contradiction to PH's statement, where she said that she walked to DJ's house and that TH didn't come to DJ's house at that time. The most interesting time frame, IMO, is 17:30-20:00. Judging from DJ's quotes, TH was playing guitar until about 18:15, left to check if SB was home, came back an hour later, searched some places with DJ and then left DJ at his house. So the question is, what was TH doing in that crucial hour between 18:15 and 19:15?
Thank you for the quotes, Cher! His statement is in contradiction to PH's statement, where she said that she walked to DJ's house and that TH didn't come to DJ's house at that time. The most interesting time frame, IMO, is 17:30-20:00. Judging from DJ's quotes, TH was playing guitar until about 18:15, left to check if SB was home, came back an hour later, searched some places with DJ and then left DJ at his house. So the question is, what was TH doing in that crucial hour between 18:15 and 19:15?

Yes, that's the question, isn't it? As to PH driving or walking over, IIRC, she wasn't supposed to be driving at the time (which was why TH took her to work). However, as a mother, if I had a working vehicle and my son was missing, I wouldn't let a suspended license stop me! She could have driven and lied to the police about it because she had a suspended license at the time, but this is just speculation on my part. It was close enough to walk, but she had AH with her. IMO, it's not critical to the situation whether she drove or walked. What is critical, of course, is where TH was during the 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm time frame.
Yes LM and CR, 18:15 to 19:15 would be a crucial time, but also 19:30 to 20:15 or 20:30, as DJ said that when TH came back an hour later, they drove round for about 15 minutes. So according to this statement we would have the following:

17:15 - 18:15 Playing guitars at DJ
18:15 - 19:15 ???
19:15 - 19:30 Mayfair apartments, south of bayou.
19:30 - 20:30 ???
20:30 - 20:30 Meeks, Moore, Byers
20:30 - 21:15 ???
DJ says in this statement, TH and DJ took Amanda with them when driving around for 15 minutes, then DJ was dropped off (not Amanda).

21:15 - 21:?? Catfish restaurant.

After driving from Catfish to the woods, looking for a while, TH and PH go home to change. This is where TH disappears again. (I think it was for about 30 - 45 minutes, PH stated this somewhere else). This is where the PH statement, and DJ's are not synchronous. PH says she walked to DJ's, then DJ drove her back home and TH was there. DJ says in this statement, PH came in her car, was not fit to drive, so he drove her round a while. TH then came to DJ's in his truck.

As CR mentions, would PH have told the police if she had been driving without a license ? I don't think so. I found this interesting, because if this DJ statement was true, it would mean that TH was out in his truck in this third unaccounted time frame of 30 to 45 minutes. This is a good example of how things look in reality. On paper it all seems easy. Everything is dynamic, at the time the three boys were being murdered, other things were going on, like people driving around without a driving license, and lot's of other things the police need not know. It's the details that matter, the details like who is driving which car at which time, what happened to the green beans, did SB have his pocket knife with him or not ? These are the things that a good detective would have to sort out. We know TH came to the Catfish with a car (was it the White Oldsmobile, or the Blue Le Baron ?). When TH took DJ to Mayfair, bayou, was it with a car (which ?) or the truck ?
Details, details, details.
Furthermore, would the police really even care if Pam drove the short distance to the Jacobys? In hindsight, I'm certain they really wouldn't.
Although I do not have any children of my own, I'll still agree with CR. In that situation, a mother would not give a ***** about a suspended license.
Nice to see your still sitting on the fence Graznik. Yes I think we can all agree on that, PH reacted like I would have expected from a normal parent who cares.

After looking at the different DJ statements, I would say two things stick. The fact that he played guitars with TH somewhere between 17:15 and 18:15, and the fact that he and TH drove around for 15 minutes at least once before PH was picked up from work, and that they drove around the Mayfair, south bayou area. Everything else seems debatable.

As for the time frame after PH was picked up, that is still a bit chaotic. We know that PH phoned her sister up from Catfish, after TH had rung the police up. We know that her family came down from Blytheville sometime after this. We know that TH and PH went to the woods and searched for a while after leaving Catfish. Then they went home to change. TH disappeared (with the truck ?), after a while PH went (drove ?) to DJ with Amanda. As she took Amanda with her, I think we can assume her family had not yet arrived. That's where things start getting murky.

After recapitulating all of this, I realise, not only was TH a major suspect, DJ was a suspect, and of course a very important statement could have been made by BJ. Yes this is the entire branch of a tree that was not investigated. add that to the door-to-door canvassing which seemed to abruptly end near 1601 Mcauley, up comes that nasty word "conspiracy" again.

As far as TH lying about the one hour guitar session goes, I still think he denied this to keep face with PH, who would have rightly asked the question "how could you be playing guitars when Stevie was missing" ?
I'm still about! I just haven't been posting lately due to work. And getting my god damn social life back. :P

You're right about the guitar session. I believe it's one of the reasons why some (me included) have begun to wonder if TH did see Stevie that afternoon and possibly gave him permission to stay out longer. Or he just didn't care. Both seem as likely to me.
As CR mentions, would PH have told the police if she had been driving without a license ? I don't think so.
Actually, PH did admit (in her police interview) that she drove a car without her licence:
'And my vehicle (was) still there and I said momma I'm ah - get out and ride the street and she said well, I'll stay here with Amanda in case Steve comes back home. So momma stayed with Steve and I just drove around the city of West Memphis you know just looking.' http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/pam_hobbs_interview.pdf
I think it's interesting that TH just left his wife at their house. Why would he do that? Also, I'm interested in TH's whereabouts during the time period between 20:30 and 21:15. According to JMB, TH went to the Robin Hood Hills area, while JMB was going with RC and his friends to the concrete slab at 14th Street to search there: 'It's now probably 8:30. It had gotten dark, and Terry said, well, he was going to spread out down towards where they were found. I don't know how far that way he went, but he was going that way and my son, Ryan and I and RM (...) we're looking in that area kind of where the loop is' http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmb1.html
That puts TH pretty close to the crime scene in the time period of 20:30 to 21:15. Why would he go there? Why didn't he go with JMB and the others?
Oh snap, I forgot about that statement!

Also, I could give you my assumption of my TH went were he did and why he wasn't with JMB...
I speculate that TH did see SB. IIRC, TH said that he went out to the driveway about 4:30 pm (when SB was due home). It is my contention that he saw SB at that time and gave him permission to stay out a while (until dark?) longer. I think everyone knows where I think TH was (and what he was doing) during that critical period!
I speculate that TH did see SB. IIRC, TH said that he went out to the driveway about 4:30 pm (when SB was due home). It is my contention that he saw SB at that time and gave him permission to stay out a while (until dark?) longer. I think everyone knows where I think TH was (and what he was doing) during that critical period!

I also think that TH saw SB before TH went to DJ to play guitars. But I think it was after he dropped off PH at work. If TH saw and spoke to SB at 4:30, why didn't he tell PH?
TH is a control freak, especially where "his" woman is concerned, IMO. I believe that he simply didn't feel the need to tell her. It's also possible that TH wanted to drive a wedge between PH and SB. Making SB appear a little disobedient would serve TH well. I don't think (as some do) that TH was planning to kill SB that night, but that is another possible explanation.

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