David Jacoby

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I'm still reading callahans. Instead of referring to another website, can you give a brief synopsis. I'd be curious to hear.
No, I feel that WM3 Truth makes the case against the convicted as concisely as reasonably possible, so attempting to truncate that much further would be foolish.

That other site he discusses is all spin, which is fine if that's what you are looking for.
Where exactly are you finding any spin in WM3 Truth's The Case Against the WM3? Also since you've made your way past the Misskelley trial, I'm curious to know: did you ever came up with anything to actually substantiate the notion that he was wrongly convinced?
No, I feel that WM3 Truth makes the case against the convicted as concisely as reasonably possible, so attempting to truncate that much further would be foolish.

Where exactly are you finding any spin in WM3 Truth's The Case Against the WM3? Also since you've made your way past the Misskelley trial, I'm curious to know: did you ever came up with anything to actually substantiate the notion that he was wrongly convinced?

You can disagree with me if you like kyle, that is fine, but it's my opinion that that site is spin. I'm sure there are sites that promote their innocence that are spin too. Personally, I see no objective discourse on that site, though I could be wrong. If there is a part of the website that puts forth the case that the 3 are innocent, let me know and I'll revisit it. As to your last question, I would refer you to callahans and review the trial transcripts from the trial.
I'd agree with you if you could substantiate your opinion, but you've yet to even try, regarding both WM3 Truth's The Case Against the WM3 and Misskelley's conviction. You might as well be claiming the Earth is flat for all the evidence you've shown to back up your opinions here.
I'd agree with you if you could substantiate your opinion, but you've yet to even try, regarding both WM3 Truth's The Case Against the WM3 and Misskelley's conviction. You might as well be claiming the Earth is flat for all the evidence you've shown to back up your opinions here.

Or you choose to believe what you want to believe and if you believe that that website is a fair and balanced discussion of the facts, then that is your belief. I happen to disagree.
So is it that you're simply unwilling to substantiate your opinion, or incapable?
After reading the new allegations that Terry Hobbs may have had help from David Jacoby, L.G. Hollingsworth and Buddy Lucas, I re-read David Jacoby's statements from 2007 and 2009 (found on callahan).

Next I transcribed his statements made in the documentary "West of Memphis". This consisted of a discussion with John Douglas, profiler for the FBI, and a phone conversation with Terry Hobbs.

Mr. Jacoby's statements have changed with each re-telling. In his 2007 statement to the police, he says Terry came by to play guitars and that Terry had told Stevie to be home before dark. After playing an hour Terry left with Amanda (although he waffled on this quite a bit), then came back for David's help.

In David's 2009 declaration in the Hobbs v. Pasdar suit, he claims he saw the boys in Terry Hobbs presence as Terry arrived at his house to play guitars. This time he was "90%" sure Terry left Amanda behind.

Then in his West of Memphis interview with John Douglas he claims Terry came over with Amanda "looking for Stevie". But for some reason David delayed Terry by requesting he show him how to play some music. After a while, Terry left saying "I need to go look for Stevie". No mention of Amanda, although I am sure this is not the entire interview.

One thing I find interesting is how Jacoby describes the interview with John Douglas to Terry Hobbs.

Terry: Hello?

David: Hey. Had me a visitor today, John Douglas.

Terry: John's the FBI. What'd he say?

(Note: Terry didn't ask what John wanted, or what David told him, only what did John Douglas say.)

David: Just a bunch of discrepancies on where I said we were and where you say we were at and it just...

Terry: I don't give a (bleep) what them people got to say about where I was at and what time I was there. We don't have to answer to them people.

(Note: David uses the word said to describe himself, and as we noted he has changed his story several times. I have not compared it to Terry's statements to see if he has stuck to his timeline, but he uses the word say to decribe Terry.)

(Note: I find it interesting in light of the newest allegations that Terry uses the word "we" after talking about himself.)

Does the evidence support the theory that more than one man may be responsible for the murders? We certainly thought the placement of the bodies (Michael Moore being further away) supported the WM3. If you take out all evidence of WM3 (Jessie's confession), could the crime have been committed by two men, or even four men?

I am going to compare Terry Hobbs statements, and re-read Hollingsworth's and Lucas' and comment further.

If that just doesn't scream "I'm above the law." Really wish someone would tell him, yes, you do have answer to us. Either that or lawyer up.
I wish I knew what law you're alluding to here, but I doubt asking for a citation will get me any closer to knowing, will it?
kyleb, I hope you're being sarcastic. Everyone knows what "above the law" means. And reedus23, I agree. In my opinion he's been very defensive and always seems like he's hiding something in his interviews. I don't like how he evades questions instead of answering them directly.
After the last few exchanges, I have to laugh and remind everyone that we shouldn't feed any trolls, which is what I fear may be happening here.:facepalm:
Everyone knows what "above the law" means.
I know what it means in a general sense, but I'm not aware of any law which would require Hobbs to answer to the people casting suspicion on him.

In my opinion he's been very defensive and always seems like he's hiding something in his interviews. I don't like how he evades questions instead of answering them directly.
Would citing actual examples of what you're alluding to be too much to ask?

I have to laugh and remind everyone that we shouldn't feed any trolls
I figure that's Hobbs' attitude towards those of you who keep casting suspicion on him.
I figure that's Hobbs' attitude towards those of you who keep casting suspicion on him.

I figure Hobbs' recent attitude (of wanting to prove his innocence by going on radio talk shows and posting on Facebook, etc.) are that of a guilty man afraid that he may finally have to face the consequences of his actions.
I know what it means in a general sense, but I'm not aware of any law which would require Hobbs to answer to the people casting suspicion on him.

He filed the lawsuit.


Would citing actual examples of what you're alluding to be too much to ask?



And randomly pulled a question and answer:

18 Q Have you ever had any conversations
19 with you daughter, Amanda Hobbs, about whether
20 or not when she was under the age of 15 she
21 accused you of any sexual wrongdoing?
22 A Not to my knowledge.
23 Q Well, as you sit here today -- because
24 I would think that would be a conversation that

1 would stick out in your mind, wouldn't it, a
2 conversation with your daughter about whether
3 you had sexually molested her?
4 A I've never sexually molested my
5 daughter.
6 Q I understand that's your testimony.
7 My question to you is a little bit different.
8 Have you ever had any conversations with Amanda
9 about whether she ever accused you of sexual
10 wrongdoing prior to let's say the date she
11 turned 15?
12 A I'm not sure.
13 Q Just don't know one way or the other?
14 A Just don't know.
15 Q It's entirely possible that you and
16 Amanda have had discussions in which you talked
17 about Amanda accusing you of sexual wrongdoing
18 when she was under the age of 15; correct?
19 A I don't know. I ain't never touched
20 my daughter.
21 Q It's possible you guys have talked
22 about it; correct?
23 A I don't know. I don't remember.
24 Q Don't remember one way or the other?

1 A Not that kind of -- we don't talk
2 about garbage, and this is -- well, I don't know
3 where you get this stuff from; but, no, this
4 didn't happen.
5 Q I understand it's your position it
6 didn't happen, but I just want to be real clear
7 about this. As you sit ---
8 A I don't see how much more clear you
9 can get than it did not happen.
10 Q I'm talking about a different topic
11 though now. As you sit her today, in 2009,
12 Mr. Hobbs, you just can't remember whether you
13 and Amanda have ever talked about the fact that
14 she accused you of sexual wrongdoing while she
15 was a minor?
16 A I don't know.

Seriously? You don't know if you ever talked to your own daughter about you having sexually molested her? Come on. That's is beyond absurd.
His memory fails him on important details and comes straight back for the most mundane ones.
You could start a whole new thread on the absurdities of his depo.

Q. No. Who’s Mildred French?
4 A. I don’t know.
5 Q. You don’t know a Mildred French?
6 A. No.
7 Q. I’m sorry?
8 A. No.
9 Q. No. Isn’t it true that you were arrested for
10 grabbing her breasts as she got out of the
11 shower? It was a sexual assault?
12 A. Yeah.

wow... just, wow.
After the last few exchanges, I have to laugh and remind everyone that we shouldn't feed any trolls, which is what I fear may be happening here.:facepalm:

That's why many people won't even come here to post. In fact there are some who only come here to post on this thread and make it difficult to have a conversation about this case.

Whoever stirs the pot should have to lick the spoon...
Hi all, I'm new to the forum but have followed this case for a long time. I haven't lately though and I'm interested in what you are all discussing. Where could I find a good primer on the situation with Hobbs? I know of the basic suspicion but most of what you are all referring to is new to me. Any help appreciated :)
Hmm went and watched West Of Memphis. Knew that was coming out but had totally forgotten about it. It filled in a lot.
Would citing actual examples of what you're alluding to be too much to ask?

More examples of evading answering questions:

23 Q. As matter of fact, they are things that had
24 been said for years and years about you, isn’t
25 it?

Page 13
1 A. Some people say.

5 Q. Isn’t it true, Mr. -- you wrote a journal,
6 did you not, Mr. Hobbs, from May the 5th, 1993
7 forward?
8 A. I have done a lot of writing.

12 Q. What did you read?
13 A. Just some papers.
14 Q. What papers?
15 A. I don’t know what they are. A bunch of
16 garbage.

21 Q. What statements from Sharon Nelson?
22 A. A bunch of garbage.

11 Q. Sounds fine to you. All right. What other
12 papers did you look at in preparation for the
13 deposition?
14 A. Some other packs -- pile of garbage.
15 Q. Well --
16 A. I can’t think of them.
17 Q. I appreciate that, but I need to know what
18 pile of garbage you looked at, Mr. Hobbs?
19 A. I don’t know.

3 Q. Well, who would you have told at work?
4 A. Who. I work with a bunch of men.

5 Q. Okay. Have you spoken with anybody over the
6 phone about the deposition or preparing for the
7 deposition?
8 A. I’m not sure.

15 Q. You’ve done drugs in the past, haven’t you?
16 A. I don’t do drugs.

17 Q. That’s not my question. You’ve done drugs in
18 the past, haven’t you?
19 A. I’m not a druggy.

7 Q. Other than -- other than smoking a joint, any
8 other drugs that you have used, other than drugs
9 that doctors have prescribed for you?
10 A. I’m not in the business.

9 Q. Crystal meth?
10 A. I’m not in it.
11 Q. I’m sorry?
12 A. I’m not in the business.

4 Q. Okay. Do you have a list -- you said you’ve
5 got a list of folks in your mind that you want to
6 sue. Give me the list.
7 A. Everybody who brought my name up about
8 suspecting me as a suspect, I feel like should be
9 dealt with in the courts.
10 Q. Okay. Other than just a general category, do
11 you have a list of specific folks that you want
12 to sue?
13 A. Everyone who brought my name up.

12 Q. Well, okay. My question is, if he came on TV
13 and called you a child killer, and -- I’m
14 assuming you didn’t do it. Did you do it? Did
15 you kill those three little boys?
16 A. I can’t believe you.

14 Q. You would agree with me, sir, that there is a
15 doubt in a lot of other people’s minds?
16 A. I don’t care about that.

17 Q. You don’t want them to get a new trial, do
18 you?
19 A. Justice has taken it’s toll, and I appreciate
20 the justice system.

10 Q. And you realize that those appeals are still
11 underway?
12 A. I don’t care.

15 Q. Okay. When was the last time you spoke with
16 a criminal lawyer about the killing of the West
17 Memphis -- about the killing of the three little
18 boys?
19 A. A criminal lawyer?
20 Q. Yes, sir.
21 A. Ross Sampson.
22 Q. When did you -- and Mr. Sampson, he’s a
23 criminal lawyer you consulted with regard to the
24 three killings, correct?
25 A. He’s more than a criminal lawyer.

10 Q. So as the media spokes representative or
11 consultant, Mr. Sampson advised you not to speak
12 to the media, right?
13 A. Probably. I don’t remember.
14 Q. Well, did he? I mean --
15 A. Ask him.

2 Q. How much money did you sell them your life
3 story for, Mr. Hobbs?
4 A. Is it relevant?

8 Q. You were comfortable with selling your story
9 and having that story made into a movie that
10 would have national release, were you not?
11 A. I guess.
12 Q. Yes or no?
13 A. I guess.
14 Q. I’m sorry. Yes or no?
15 A. We did sign a contract.

I can keep going on if needed, but probably not, I would hope.

These aren't so much non-answers, but answers I found interesting.

Doesn't this one fit squarely with the profile?

7 Q. Well, you said you want to humiliate the
8 Dixie Chicks. Do you want to humiliate everyone
9 who brought your name up?
10 A. That sounds fine to me.

And funny this is coming from the guy who didn't even contact LE or Pam until late in the evening after picking Pam up.

10 Q. What police procedures didn’t you not like
11 the night of the May the 5th?
12 A. We were so desperately trying to get them to
13 help us search for our kids, and they would not.
I feel like he thinks that every single question is intended harmfully. I don't think he's ever been completely truthful in his interviews either. It's upsetting because I'd like to be able to trust him but he makes it almost impossible. Thanks to all of those who gave examples of his evasiveness.

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