***Day 1-Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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@KateKyriacou: In earlier court hearings he sat sideways in his chair so his back was to the gallery.
Very interesting re documents being seized from RA. Usually they are exempt from Court under sections in the Act. When it comes to murder I hope that the documents can be submitted as evidence.
Some legal argument about a witness, a Relationships Australia counsellor, citing "privilege" for reason why she shouldn't give evidence.#katekyriacou.
Well, we now know that the counsellor was from RA and not one of the BC's. In the case of alleged murder 'privilege' should be overidden IMO.
Relationships Australia is where GBC and Allison were having their counselling sessions. The police exercised a search warrant to obtain copies of their records. Relationships Australia is objecting to them being used because they are confidential. GBC by his lawyers is saying he does not waive his rights to them being privileged and confidential so the magistrate is now deciding whether to override the objections to their admissibility. Hope he does as they very relevant to Allison's state of mind.

Edit, sounds like the magistrate is not going to make a decision on this issue until the 20th which is the last day of the committal, next Wednesday. So if he rules them and evidence by the counsellor admissible, then the counsellor will likely give evidence on Wednesday. I should point out that the counsellor and RA are just following procedures and their rules, nothing personal in their objections. Good timing in a way as if the defence continue with the suicide theory for the next few days of the committal it will seem even more relevant that the counsellor be allowed to given evidence on her state of mind. So good idea of the magistrate to postpone decision I think.
@KateKyriacou: Some legal argument about a witness, a Relationships Australia counsellor, citing "privilege" for reason why she shouldn't give evidence.

Defence are likely claiming 'legal professional privilege', which if granted by the magistrate, will make the documents exempt from being produced as evidence - same applies to counsellor's need to give evidence.
Relationships Australia is where GBC and Allison were having their counselling sessions. The police exercised a search warrant to obtain copies of their records. Relationships Australia is objecting to them being used because they are confidential. GBC by his lawyers is saying he does not waive his rights to them being privileged and confidential so the magistrate is now deciding whether to override the objections to their admissibility. Hope he does as they very relevant to Allison's state of mind.

thanks so much Alioop
9.25am: The court has heard that one witness, Carmel Ritchie, is separately represented by a lawyer after she was summonsed to give evidence.

Ms Ritchie, a counsellor with relationships Australia, will argue that any documentation or evidence she could give, would be inadmissible in court.

"It is conceded that she is compelled by way of summons but anything she has to say is inadmissible in these proceedings," Ms Ritchie's lawyer told the court.

Peter Davis, for Baden-Clay, said his client did not consent to waiving any "privilege" from the counselling sessions.

Does this seem very slow moving to anyone else??? what's happening guys? Because none of the BC's are in the court does that mean they are all being called as witnesses?? My stomach in a knot...

Oh, thanks Amee for update & all for being there (hugs)
Relationships Australia is where GBC and Allison were having their counselling sessions. The police exercised a search warrant to obtain copies of their records. Relationships Australia is objecting to them being used because they are confidential. GBC by his lawyers is saying he does not waive his rights to them being privileged and confidential so the magistrate is now deciding whether to override the objections to their admissibility. Hope he does as they very relevant to Allison's state of mind.

If the defence is going the suicide theory then those records are very relevant - no wonder he doesn't waive his privilege
Relationships Australia is where GBC and Allison were having their counselling sessions. The police exercised a search warrant to obtain copies of their records. Relationships Australia is objecting to them being used because they are confidential. GBC by his lawyers is saying he does not waive his rights to them being privileged and confidential so the magistrate is now deciding whether to override the objections to their admissibility. Hope he does as they very relevant to Allison's state of mind.

Those documents could also reveal a lot about GBC's state of mind - which presumably is why the prosecution were the ones who seized them....
Courier Mail states GBC - no beard and wearing glasses
'Oh dear, this is so beneath me! I will just sit here in the corner and let it all hurry up and go away. I am really a little bit hurt by all this fuss and attention and just wish that they would let me get on with my 'business as usual', as this is all so unnecessary and time wasting'.
Starting with her best friend. Very appropriate.
Allison Baden-Clay's best friend, Kerry-Anne Walker, is taking the stand.#katekyriacou.
alioop, a question about 'circumstantial'. Does that basically mean the accused wasn't caught in the act/at the scene? Trying to get a grasp on the legal meaning of circumstantial.
Aarggh have such a busy clinic today!! Was hoping for a super quiet one!! Have the screen minimised so i can have a quick peek in between appointments, lol.. What's happening? It seems to be going quite slowly, nearly an hour in and not much info yet! Sorry, a little impatient :) Thankyou so much to all the Sleuthers that are there today! xx
Aislin O'Connor‏@AislinOConnor

Baden-Clay hearing now being live streamed outside court room, due to large number of people packed into public gallery. @9NewsBrisbane
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