Day 12 The Ransom Note/The 12 Days of JonBenet

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I still lean towards Patsy as the author of the ransom note. But now that several people have mentioned it, I think Burke is also a possibility. He would have to be very precocious and perhaps he was. As a loner, maybe he read and watched movies to the extent that he could write a note like this. When he said that the writing was too sloppy to be Patsy's, that seemed to hint at him, IMO. Patsy may have admonished him about his sloppy handwriting before. That could also explain why he never read the note. If he wrote it, it could have the same effect as "pineapple" during the interview. Maybe he could not stand to see it again. He was moving on, after all. The note strikes me as creepy weird (the talk about beheading, ugh). It also strikes me as childish in tone (despite the over 30 year old woman phrases, which could have been imitated, as were the movie allusions). Also, the scolding tone towards the end sounds like something Burke may have overheard from his mom to his dad. There is just something so strange about this note (other than its length). MOO.
Just to add a few other thoughts. One thing I try to do is read some of the evidence sans context. So I imagine I found this ransom note on the street. Would I call the police? No, I would assume it was some children playing games with each other. That's because the note reads as so childish, illogical and elaborate. It would never occur to me that this was an actual ransom note. If Patsy was too upset or had drank too much to realize how strange the note was, wouldn't John have made her rewrite a very simple one? This is the strangest case ever.
I find this interesting. I am however of the belief that JR dictated the note and PR wrote it.
Also I don't necessarily think that had it been one of the parents that they wouldn't have covered for each other. Reputation is everything to the Ramsey's and I think this was a terrible accident that they went to great lengths to cover. JMO

I don't believe John would have allowed that note to be used if he had seen it, so I cannot imagine him dictating it. That
RN has always screamed "Patsy" to me, even if you exclude the unbelievably similar handwriting. Overly dramatic.

That is one of the main reasons I have always pretty much subscribed to Steve Thomas' theory of PDI.
Just to add a few other thoughts. One thing I try to do is read some of the evidence sans context. So I imagine I found this ransom note on the street. Would I call the police? No, I would assume it was some children playing games with each other. That's because the note reads as so childish, illogical and elaborate. It would never occur to me that this was an actual ransom note. If Patsy was too upset or had drank too much to realize how strange the note was, wouldn't John have made her rewrite a very simple one? This is the strangest case ever.

Not if he did not see it until he came down the stairs, just as he said. The fact that he is a liar doesn't mean that everything he says is a lie. Even politicians tell the truth once in a while.
Not if he did not see it until he came down the stairs, just as he said. The fact that he is a liar doesn't mean that everything he says is a lie. Even politicians tell the truth once in a while.

I do agree that Patsy most likely wrote it. Do you think John never even saw it before she made the phone call? Do you think he did not realize that Patsy had written it? I guess that is possible. My only quibble with that is that his fingerprints are not on the note. I think he would automatically pick it up, unless Patsy said, "Don't touch that", which I guess is possible.
I don't believe John would have allowed that note to be used if he had seen it, so I cannot imagine him dictating it. That
RN has always screamed "Patsy" to me, even if you exclude the unbelievably similar handwriting. Overly dramatic.

That is one of the main reasons I have always pretty much subscribed to Steve Thomas' theory of PDI.
I think that reasonable people, when under circumstances to awful for us to imagine, don't always do very smart things. I don't think PR or JR had time to calculate the long term consequences of what was happening and acted in the moment. I feel that Patsy wrote the RN it in an effort to throw anyone off from thinking it was her, John but mostly from Burke. JR probably went along with it knowing that arguing with Patsy was not going to work. I truly think had it been either one of them that murdered JBR, that at some point they would have confessed. I hope.

Maybe the sexual molestation came as a big surprise to both
and made this horror show even more frightening. How can you admit or even think that your son could do this. (especially when they'd seen the signs but chose to ignore them). I suspect others knew too but the thought of approaching either JR or PR with what they may have thought was happening, was too big a hurdle to overcome and then thinking, what if they were wrong? And I think that continues to this day.

Maybe JR thinks that going to his grave with this secret will be the end of it. But it won't be. Not as long as his progeny has kids and so on. It has to eat at him everyday and every minute of his life.

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So I imagine I found this ransom note on the street. Would I call the police? No, I would assume it was some children playing games with each other.
Even if I found it in my house, I would think it must be trick or something. Everyone reacts differently, but if it were true and I decided to call 911, I would be nervously hoping I'm wasting their time and this is someone's idea of a sick prank. I might nervously say, "Obviously someone didn't sneak in here and carry her off without anyone hearing anything, right?"
to me the ransom note never seemed like something hastily put together. It seems like it would take at least a three or so hours to think the scenario out and write it down. If it was hastily done , it could've easily been one page or even a couple of sentences. But whoever wrote it thought out a lot of detail.
Length does not mean it was thought out. They could have been stressed out, have drunk some alcohol to calm down, and then written meandering note that was very poorly thought through.
one feel of the area would've told them there was no way to save BR's butt this time.
I can't understand the mind of a murderer, but I have a 6-y/o daughter and I wouldn't given up hope even if she had no pulse. I know kids can sometimes recovery from brain injuries that would kill or permanently disable an adult. I would have to try chest compressions and calling 911. I can't imagine thinking of initiating a coverup while there's still hope.
I can't understand the mind of a murderer, but I have a 6-y/o daughter and I wouldn't given up hope even if she had no pulse. I know kids can sometimes recovery from brain injuries that would kill or permanently disable an adult. I would have to try chest compressions and calling 911. I can't imagine thinking of initiating a coverup while there's still hope.

I can't either. And the head injury wasn't noticeable. I think she had to have been strangled and in some way obviously dead for them not to call 911 when they found her.
- - - -

J. RAMSEY: When we find the right suspect and get enough samples, three pages of handwriting will allow us to make a conclusive match. That has been stated by experts in the handwriting field.

KING: That's the key to this whole thing, right?

J. RAMSEY: This is a huge key and a huge gift.

KING: It's a strange, letter, isn't it?

THOMAS: Absolutely. It is an absolutely bizarre letter, that the writer knew so much about this family, using Patsy's tablet, a pen from within the home, and...

P. RAMSEY: They did not use JonBenet's name.

THOMAS: He or she certainly did not. I don't know what your point is with that.
- - - -

Does this seem like a spontaneous utterance on Patsy's part? I think she screwed up there and we got a little view into her deceit. It's not exactly a Bombshell! but I think it's damning.
What does it mean? Why did she bring up that apparently unrelated fact?
I do agree that Patsy most likely wrote it. Do you think John never even saw it before she made the phone call? Do you think he did not realize that Patsy had written it? I guess that is possible. My only quibble with that is that his fingerprints are not on the note. I think he would automatically pick it up, unless Patsy said, "Don't touch that", which I guess is possible.

I think he did not see it until he came down the stairs I think he was clueless when he heard Patsy scream. I think once he saw the RN, he immediately recognized Patsy's writing and style and started to put it together fairly quickly. Not details, just the fact that something was very wrong, aside from the obvious, and that Patsy was involved.
The author wants us to believe someone is mad at John's company for doing business with a country they don't respect. They've taken the kid, if anyone is contacted the kid dies. EVERYONE is contacted so of course the kid is dead and returned. Totally believable. Not.
It's so unbelievable I can't even understand the scenario. "the kid is dead and returned?" They invite everyone over and the kidnappers kill her and then sneak the body into the house while everyone is there? For that to make sense the writer would have had to be on drugs, which is possible. The scenario makes no sense.

I wonder if the writer (I think PR) had planned to have someone take the body into the countryside to bury it. If the police caught them, they could show them ransom note. It explains why she is dead, why they did not go the police, why they would go to a remote "exhausting" location, and why the body might be buried (their threat to deny them her remains). The note doesn't make sense if the body's in the house. So at first it makes me think PR panicked and called 911 before JR had a chance to depose of the body in an exhausting location.

But I actually think that's giving the note too much meaning. I imagine someone in the house committed the murder. JR and PR spent time figuring out what to do, arguing about who's to blame, cleaning up the crime scene, staging, and writing the note. That's a lot to do in a few hours in the middle of the night. I imagine PR wrote it, probably tired, definitely upset, possibly on a prescription tranquilizer. She was focused on disguising the handwriting and not leaving any evidence. The content of the RN was whatever random crap from movies came into her mind. We have had 20 years to think about it and consult with others over the Internet. The writer had an hour or two, so she had to go with the first thing that entered her mind, even if most it sounds absurd if you read it dispassionately in the light of day.
It's so unbelievable I can't even understand the scenario. "the kid is dead and returned?" They invite everyone over and the kidnappers kill her and then sneak the body into the house while everyone is there? For that to make sense the writer would have had to be on drugs, which is possible. The scenario makes no sense.

I wonder if the writer (I think PR) had planned to have someone take the body into the countryside to bury it. If the police caught them, they could show them ransom note. It explains why she is dead, why they did not go the police, why they would go to a remote "exhausting" location, and why the body might be buried (their threat to deny them her remains). The note doesn't make sense if the body's in the house. So at first it makes me think PR panicked and called 911 before JR had a chance to depose of the body in an exhausting location.

But I actually think that's giving the note too much meaning. I imagine someone in the house committed the murder. JR and PR spent time figuring out what to do, arguing about who's to blame, cleaning up the crime scene, staging, and writing the note. That's a lot to do in a few hours in the middle of the night. I imagine PR wrote it, probably tired, definitely upset, possibly on a prescription tranquilizer. She was focused on disguising the handwriting and not leaving any evidence. The content of the RN was whatever random crap from movies came into her mind. We have had 20 years to think about it and consult with others over the Internet. The writer had an hour or two, so she had to go with the first thing that entered her mind, even if most it sounds absurd if you read it dispassionately in the light of day.

Proper burial was on their mind when they wrote the ransom note.

All in all, it was a very effective diversion. I'm thinking they did as well as they could have hoped for.
It's so unbelievable I can't even understand the scenario. "the kid is dead and returned?" They invite everyone over and the kidnappers kill her and then sneak the body into the house while everyone is there? For that to make sense the writer would have had to be on drugs, which is possible. The scenario makes no sense.

I wonder if the writer (I think PR) had planned to have someone take the body into the countryside to bury it. If the police caught them, they could show them ransom note. It explains why she is dead, why they did not go the police, why they would go to a remote "exhausting" location, and why the body might be buried (their threat to deny them her remains). The note doesn't make sense if the body's in the house. So at first it makes me think PR panicked and called 911 before JR had a chance to depose of the body in an exhausting location.

But I actually think that's giving the note too much meaning. I imagine someone in the house committed the murder. JR and PR spent time figuring out what to do, arguing about who's to blame, cleaning up the crime scene, staging, and writing the note. That's a lot to do in a few hours in the middle of the night. I imagine PR wrote it, probably tired, definitely upset, possibly on a prescription tranquilizer. She was focused on disguising the handwriting and not leaving any evidence. The content of the RN was whatever random crap from movies came into her mind. We have had 20 years to think about it and consult with others over the Internet. The writer had an hour or two, so she had to go with the first thing that entered her mind, even if most it sounds absurd if you read it dispassionately in the light of day.
I don't think they wanted to dispose of the body, they wanted it to be found there. They just had to explain why they had a dead body. I could be wrong but I can't imagine after all they'd just been through that they'd want to ditch her body and leave it to the elements and wild animals as well. Patsy was probably in a state of shock and panic when she wrote the ransom note and not thinking logically. Obviously to you and me kidnappers returning a body is insane, but she would want the body for burial, she said so in the ransom note. And I'm thinking John never read the note before she called 911. Leaving a ransom note at all for a murder is pretty insane in itself. Actually, the whole thing is pretty insane. But it was all done to explain why they had a dead body in their basement, yes?

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As for the ransom letter - Burke admitted that Patsy would chastise him if his handwriting was sloppy. Is a 9-year-old boy who may have struggled to write legibly, going to sit down and write 3 pages of nonsense in the middle of the night? I'll bet, like most other males that age, it was hard to even get him to write very short thank-you notes after Christmas or birthdays (if he did). No, after considering the possibility that Burke wrote the letter, I have to go back to Patsy yet again. If it were Burke, he'd have written one sentence. The letter is way too sophisticated for a 9-year-old boy to have written.
I don't think Burke wrote the Ramsey letter. Mostly because he would have actually written a convincing one!

The big problem with the RN is that it was too elaborate and adult. A psychopathic killer would have written a shorter, more to the point ransom note with simpler sentences and more pointed threats. Heck the use of sentences a 10 year old would use would have created a horrifying image a violent mentally retarded adult killer that wants to live in the world of Jon Benet.
A sadist would want to see someone in pain. JBR wouldn't have been able to exhibit signs of pain being unconscious or brain dead. Ligature strangulation is typical of sex crimes, but not all sex crimes are sadistic.

Dr Spitz said the garrote was make believe and it was applied after JBR was unconscious or brain dead. I agree with him.

One of the reasons this case will never end is because there is no lack of 'experts' weighing in with their opinion.

Here's something about whether JBR was brain dead at the time or not:

"During his Thursday interview with Yahoo News, Wood passionately rejected the documentary’s conclusion.

“Let’s get the facts and the evidence out there,” he said. “JonBenét didn’t die from a blow to the head. She died from strangulation with the garrote and the rope that was around her neck. That’s the physical evidence, uncontroverted from the autopsy.”

“The blow to her head was delivered shortly after her death,” he added. “Perimortem.” (

Never forget; 'Experts' built the Titanic.

I'll stick with this being a sadistic intruder.
One of the reasons this case will never end is because there is no lack of 'experts' weighing in with their opinion.

Here's something about whether JBR was brain dead at the time or not:

"During his Thursday interview with Yahoo News, Wood passionately rejected the documentary’s conclusion.

“Let’s get the facts and the evidence out there,” he said. “JonBenét didn’t die from a blow to the head. She died from strangulation with the garrote and the rope that was around her neck. That’s the physical evidence, uncontroverted from the autopsy.”

“The blow to her head was delivered shortly after her death,” he added. “Perimortem.” (

Never forget; 'Experts' built the Titanic.

I'll stick with this being a sadistic intruder.

And Lin Wood is your idea of a credible source???
And Lin Wood is your idea of a credible source???

Nooooooooooo............ Let's revisit the first sentence of my post shall we? "One of the reasons this case will never end is because there is no lack of 'experts' weighing in with their opinion."

Notice if you will, my fine fellow sleuther, the use of a set of single quotation marks on either side of the word, 'experts'.

(plural noun: quotation marks, each of a set of punctuation marks, single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”), used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage or to indicate that a word or phrase is regarded as slang or jargon or is being discussed rather than used within the sentence.)


Then; notice also if you would please the end of the post indicating that 'Experts' built the Titanic. This was to emphasize the sarcastic tone of my post.

I'm not saying Dr. Spitz is not an expert. For me to do so would be pure foolishness. What I am saying it that this case is absolutely FULL of 'experts' giving their own OPINION of what happened. That's a fact Jack. This thing floats on opinions and feeds on innuendo.

One expert says one thing and one expert says the complete and total opposite.

I have no idea if L wind wood is an 'expert' or not. Could be. Seems to be anyone's opinion in this is a good one. No one can pin down who wrote the ransom note, no one can pin down what happened to who and when and where it happened. It's a total mess.

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