***Day 4 -Committal Hearing*** 18th,19,20th March 2013***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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For me, the red flag is the credit card debt. We have business and personal credit cards with quite high limits (40k +). If our business was in trouble (which it isn't) the credit cards would be the last to be paid. We would pay our creditors first, credit card last.

Absolutely, as credit cards are unsecured they are the easiest to walk away from when in financial trouble. But they had not been paid for a couple of months.
It's hard to say why I think she still loves GBC.

I guess it's the way she speaks of him. How she thought they would be together, even after past hurdles.

It's the way she answers questions - in a caring sort of way, not in a " I hate you GBC " way.

I found sometimes that it took her a long time to actually answer a question. I even thought to myself at one stage that I thought perhaps she might be on some sort of calming drug. She spoke softly and slowly mostly.

I agree with all of this wwgy. She just didn't seem to have any anger towards him at all - it was more a tragic affection and sadness for something that didn't work out, a love lost. I also thought she was on a calming drug, for sure.
I found sometimes that it took her a long time to actually answer a question. I even thought to myself at one stage that I thought perhaps she might be on some sort of calming drug. She spoke softly and slowly mostly.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking earlier today whether or not she may be on a relaxant of some sort. I've only been into a courtroom once and it was nerve racking to say the least.
Absolutely, as credit cards are unsecured they are the easiest to walk away from when in financial trouble. But they had not been paid for a couple of months.

And the minimum payment had not even been met. Sure way to get yourself a bad credit rating but I guess he already had that going on, with all those "gentlemans agreements" and business debt. I'm guessing that no financial institution would touch him with a barge pole.
I’ve done some notes of the main things that happened this morning that might be of interest, along with all the stuff that has already been reported. Sorry it is so long!

1. I found it interesting that Dr Stark (first witness) thought that the left side chest scratch (the one I understand to be the “caterpillar” scratch) was NOT caused by scraping of any kind. Rather, she thought the mark came from a blunt force to the skin, which could have been through clothing. Davis seemed to be trying to get her to agree that it could have been caused by “scraping” but she seemed quite definite that there was no abrasion, rather it was pinpoint bruising. She said the same thing about the bigger chest injury – she believed it was likely to have come from pressure being applied to the skin through clothing and it was not likely to have been self inflicted (I think he may have also explained this one away blaming the poor caterpillar too).

2. The armpit injury intrigues me a bit. She said she believes it is also pinpoint bruising – as an example she said this type of bruising could have been caused by a heavy backpack pulling under the armpits or a t-shirt being pulled tightly under the arms (in my view a shirt would have to be pulled VERY tightly to cause this sort of a lasting mark on a man?). Does anyone have any theories about this injury? I wonder how he got it, and I’m not sure of how he has explained this one in his “version”.

3. The Dr had seen pictures of Allison’s hands and confirmed the other expert evidence that Allison’s fingernails were long enough to have been capable of causing such scratches as those on GBC. Davis said as a throwaway line: “fingernails grow a bit post-morten don’t they?” – there was a murmur of disgust through the gallery in response to this comment and Davis quickly moved on.

4. TM seemed very spaced out at times and I suspect she is medicated reasonably heavily – but I am no expert in this regard and maybe she is just a bit “doughy” by nature. I wonder if medication may have contributed to her weight gain as well. Davis took her through the chronology of the relationship with GBC and she was quite cooperative, but every time the “break up” in September 2011 came up she became visibly upset. It seemed to me that she was very hurt and distressed when Allison found out (as I said previously, not a thought for how it felt for Allison to actually find out!), and GBC broke if off with her abruptly. She didn’t seem to accept it at all, the way she described the situation. She admitted that she pursued him in the time immediately afterwards but he didn’t respond.

5. TM said that when she spoke to GBC the day Allison was reported missing, he told her there had been no fight, they wouldn’t be able to talk and suggested they “lay low”, and that police were at the house.

6. Davis quizzed her about whether she thought at any time that she was a suspect. She seemed adamant that she was never a suspect at any time, even though she was given formal warnings each time she gave a statement. Davis asked her if it crossed her mind that she may be implicated in some way? She said not at all, she “had only the truth to tell” and had no reason to fear. He pushed the point: “It must have crossed your mind that the police suspected you?” – she said no.

7. Davis grilled her about the fact that she said that she and GBC had decided they should have no physical relationship (when they met up again in December 2011), yet there were a few occasions when they did have sexual intercourse. He kept pushing her for dates, when and where it happened and she kept saying things like “I can’t give you a date”, “I can’t remember” (mustn’t have been memorable :)) etc – she got a bit worked up and that is when she said “I loved him!” – it was with this type of grilling that I heard the higher pitched, defensive tones.

8. Davis also pushed her on the fact that in her statement she said that GBC told her he had to stay in his marriage, yet in the same conversation he told her he would one day come to her unconditionally. Davis was trying to make out that it was silly to suggest that GBC would say such opposing things in one conversation (and thus TM was making it up or misunderstood etc). My take on this is that TM is telling the truth here, and GBC was just completely playing with her mind – knowing that she would only hear the part she wanted to hear. Charming man.

9. I was a bit surprised when she admitted to meeting him at a block of rental units in the Valley, about a week before he was arrested. I didn’t know about this.

10. TM also got a defensive tone when Davis was asking her if GBC told her what Allison’s reaction was to the affair. She eventually said that he told her nothing specifically, but she knew that Allison had placed restrictions on him as she didn’t trust him.

11. TM also said that after the September 2011 break up, she had no desire to continue the last 3.5 years so she was more determined to get a timeframe and pressed him for a date (this is in my words). GBC told her he couldn’t afford a divorce though.

12. I thought it was interesting when Davis asked her if the 2011 floods caused the business failure? She said “there were contributing factors but no, I wouldn’t say that the floods caused the business failure.” Got the boot in a bit there!

13. When we were going to morning tea break and all were standing, TM looked mournfully at GBC and I did see them exchange a glance at this point, then he looked away. After the break, TM was led in first and had to sit on her own for a few minutes in the witness stand. This was a bit awkward as the Dickie family were there in the front rows and she looked at them and they were all staring at her. She poured herself a glass of water for something to do! Then GBC was led in and she sat there staring at him mournfully – I could see him briefly and he didn’t make eye contact with her from what I saw.

14. TM mentioned the payphone GBC used was at Taringa train station.

15. TM also got the high pitched defensive tone when Davis was trying to nail down details of how many phone conversations she had with GBC in the time between Allison going missing, and GBC being arrested. She said “a handful”. He asked what was discussed and she was very evasive – finally after much pushing she said defiantly that she can’t recall specifically, “He loved me, I loved him” and that sort of thing.

My opinion – I found it very hard to accept that there were so many dates of get-togethers and details of conversations that TM could not recall. In my view she was completely besotted with GBC and totally consumed by the relationship, so I really do think she would know exactly what happened and at what time, and when each thing was discussed.

16. When Davis grilled TM about her conversation with GBC on 19 April, she got very spaced out (in my opinion), there were lots of gaps and delays in her answers and she started crying. She said they discussed steps he was going to take to “make the marriage separation viable”. She said she also said that Allison deserved to know that TM would be at the conference the next day. She said that she asked him how he is “adjusting the business” so he can afford to leave his wife – he said he was going to sell the business.

17. When asked, TM said she knew GBC was in debt. She mentioned one time they met up and he seemed very down. The next day when they spoke, he told her that he could hardly look at her as he was in so much trouble with owing money – he said it was nearly a million dollars.

18. Grilled again about the tryst in the Valley a week or so before the arrest, she admitted that they went there together in a taxi (not sure where from), they were there for about an hour, and she said she loved him and was sorry this was happening.

19. Then Carl Streeting took the stand and most of the information he provided has been reported. The one thing I found very interesting though, was that he said he discovered red blood stains on a bath towel hanging in the bathroom at the BC residence. Nothing further was discussed about these bloodstains – has anyone ever heard mention of this before?

20. I saw Michael Kelly give evidence also. The main information he gave that was new to me was that the hair found in the blood was found to be unsuitable for DNA testing – there was a root but no cellular material attached to the hair as it was hair that shed, rather than hair that was pulled out. There was no mention of whether or not there was hair dye on the hair though??

That is all I have in my notes. I left in the lunch break. I hope you find it interesting and not too long. If other sleuthers were there and I’ve got something wrong, let us know!
As much as I think OW knows more than she is leading everybody to believe, she is the ONLY one from his family attending Court, and one has to admire the courage she has to come to Court every time by herself. The parents are MIA and not giving public support to her nor him.
I am a baggy clothes junkie. I am not comfortable until I lose my size 12s and don my xxl sweats and/or pjs in a size 24. If it has a drawstring waist and its huge its mine. Wouldn't wear them outside though, ever.

Yep I'm with you there but if it was only those clothes that were big then I'd be asking questions :twocents:
I'm not surprised that she has apparently "protection". She is one of the main witnesses for the prosecution and because of the nature of her relationship with GBC, she is a target for abuse from public and media. Although I dislike any person who has an affair with a married person, I do feel she is getting more that what she bargained for. I am not defending her, but she did not envisage being eventually linked to an alleged murderer accused of killing her rival.

It could also be to protect her from the defendant's people. She seems to me to be quite vulnerable, very naive and perhaps quite fragile. The way she describes the past events perhaps she has always been this way. So, probably easily influenced and manipulated. I'm guessing she's not in a good way right now so she would need the back up iykwim. IMO.
On the morning of the 19th April when GBC was frantically shaving, packing lunches, texting Allison, calling the clan and driving around looking for Allison, I wonder how he knew what Allison was wearing when the Police arrived and questioned him about her attire, he knew even down to the colour of the singlet top under her jumper.
Wow so TM met up with G even AFTER She had found out about his other affairs? What a tragic!
THINKING ... Thank you, that's a great post!!

I have never heard about blood on a towel either. Why didn't he say whose blood it was???
On the morning of the 19th April when GBC was frantically shaving, packing lunches, texting Allison, calling the clan and driving around looking for Allison, I wonder how he knew what Allison was wearing when the Police arrived and questioned him about her attire, he knew even down to the colour of the singlet top under her jumper.

Especially being that the last time he saw her was 10pm the night before!
THINKING ... Thank you, that's a great post!!

I have never heard about blood on a towel either. Why didn't he say whose blood it was???

Couldn't agree more.Thanks so much Thinking for you insight into today's proceedings. Much appreciated.
On the morning of the 19th April when GBC was frantically shaving, packing lunches, texting Allison, calling the clan and driving around looking for Allison, I wonder how he knew what Allison was wearing when the Police arrived and questioned him about her attire, he knew even down to the colour of the singlet top under her jumper.

That's something I wondered too. He said she had two outfits and one was still there. I have one and my hubby still couldn't tell you what it looked like. Often I lose him in the shop and I wrack my brain trying to remember what he's wearing so I can spot him from a distance.

ETA G knew the brand of the clothes which is even more bizarre to me.
Wow so TM met up with G even AFTER She had found out about his other affairs? What a tragic!

They met up just one week before GBC was arrested! Dear oh dear. She must be seriously delusional, but that's what Con Men are good at I guess. Moo.
I don't believe his worry about adjustment of finances in a divorce. They were insolvent so even if they went half share each in a divorce, half of nothing is nothing. Maybe that was the real worry, the insolvency. Only way to solve that was nothing to do with a divorce or working on the marriage, but a large windfall of money.

My thoughts exactly Alioop. There was no money for him to lose in the event of a divorce. Only his upstanding reputation :furious:
I’ve done some notes of the main things that happened this morning that might be of interest, along with all the stuff that has already been reported. Sorry it is so long!

1. I found it interesting that Dr Stark (first witness) thought that the left side chest scratch (the one I understand to be the “caterpillar” scratch) was NOT caused by scraping of any kind. Rather, she thought the mark came from a blunt force to the skin, which could have been through clothing. Davis seemed to be trying to get her to agree that it could have been caused by “scraping” but she seemed quite definite that there was no abrasion, rather it was pinpoint bruising. She said the same thing about the bigger chest injury – she believed it was likely to have come from pressure being applied to the skin through clothing and it was not likely to have been self inflicted (I think he may have also explained this one away blaming the poor caterpillar too).

2. The armpit injury intrigues me a bit. She said she believes it is also pinpoint bruising – as an example she said this type of bruising could have been caused by a heavy backpack pulling under the armpits or a t-shirt being pulled tightly under the arms (in my view a shirt would have to be pulled VERY tightly to cause this sort of a lasting mark on a man?). Does anyone have any theories about this injury? I wonder how he got it, and I’m not sure of how he has explained this one in his “version”.

3. The Dr had seen pictures of Allison’s hands and confirmed the other expert evidence that Allison’s fingernails were long enough to have been capable of causing such scratches as those on GBC. Davis said as a throwaway line: “fingernails grow a bit post-morten don’t they?” – there was a murmur of disgust through the gallery in response to this comment and Davis quickly moved on.

4. TM seemed very spaced out at times and I suspect she is medicated reasonably heavily – but I am no expert in this regard and maybe she is just a bit “doughy” by nature. I wonder if medication may have contributed to her weight gain as well. Davis took her through the chronology of the relationship with GBC and she was quite cooperative, but every time the “break up” in September 2011 came up she became visibly upset. It seemed to me that she was very hurt and distressed when Allison found out (as I said previously, not a thought for how it felt for Allison to actually find out!), and GBC broke if off with her abruptly. She didn’t seem to accept it at all, the way she described the situation. She admitted that she pursued him in the time immediately afterwards but he didn’t respond.

5. TM said that when she spoke to GBC the day Allison was reported missing, he told her there had been no fight, they wouldn’t be able to talk and suggested they “lay low”, and that police were at the house.

6. Davis quizzed her about whether she thought at any time that she was a suspect. She seemed adamant that she was never a suspect at any time, even though she was given formal warnings each time she gave a statement. Davis asked her if it crossed her mind that she may be implicated in some way? She said not at all, she “had only the truth to tell” and had no reason to fear. He pushed the point: “It must have crossed your mind that the police suspected you?” – she said no.

7. Davis grilled her about the fact that she said that she and GBC had decided they should have no physical relationship (when they met up again in December 2011), yet there were a few occasions when they did have sexual intercourse. He kept pushing her for dates, when and where it happened and she kept saying things like “I can’t give you a date”, “I can’t remember” (mustn’t have been memorable :)) etc – she got a bit worked up and that is when she said “I loved him!” – it was with this type of grilling that I heard the higher pitched, defensive tones.

8. Davis also pushed her on the fact that in her statement she said that GBC told her he had to stay in his marriage, yet in the same conversation he told her he would one day come to her unconditionally. Davis was trying to make out that it was silly to suggest that GBC would say such opposing things in one conversation (and thus TM was making it up or misunderstood etc). My take on this is that TM is telling the truth here, and GBC was just completely playing with her mind – knowing that she would only hear the part she wanted to hear. Charming man.

9. I was a bit surprised when she admitted to meeting him at a block of rental units in the Valley, about a week before he was arrested. I didn’t know about this.

10. TM also got a defensive tone when Davis was asking her if GBC told her what Allison’s reaction was to the affair. She eventually said that he told her nothing specifically, but she knew that Allison had placed restrictions on him as she didn’t trust him.

11. TM also said that after the September 2011 break up, she had no desire to continue the last 3.5 years so she was more determined to get a timeframe and pressed him for a date (this is in my words). GBC told her he couldn’t afford a divorce though.

12. I thought it was interesting when Davis asked her if the 2011 floods caused the business failure? She said “there were contributing factors but no, I wouldn’t say that the floods caused the business failure.” Got the boot in a bit there!

13. When we were going to morning tea break and all were standing, TM looked mournfully at GBC and I did see them exchange a glance at this point, then he looked away. After the break, TM was led in first and had to sit on her own for a few minutes in the witness stand. This was a bit awkward as the Dickie family were there in the front rows and she looked at them and they were all staring at her. She poured herself a glass of water for something to do! Then GBC was led in and she sat there staring at him mournfully – I could see him briefly and he didn’t make eye contact with her from what I saw.

14. TM mentioned the payphone GBC used was at Taringa train station.

15. TM also got the high pitched defensive tone when Davis was trying to nail down details of how many phone conversations she had with GBC in the time between Allison going missing, and GBC being arrested. She said “a handful”. He asked what was discussed and she was very evasive – finally after much pushing she said defiantly that she can’t recall specifically, “He loved me, I loved him” and that sort of thing.

My opinion – I found it very hard to accept that there were so many dates of get-togethers and details of conversations that TM could not recall. In my view she was completely besotted with GBC and totally consumed by the relationship, so I really do think she would know exactly what happened and at what time, and when each thing was discussed.

16. When Davis grilled TM about her conversation with GBC on 19 April, she got very spaced out (in my opinion), there were lots of gaps and delays in her answers and she started crying. She said they discussed steps he was going to take to “make the marriage separation viable”. She said she also said that Allison deserved to know that TM would be at the conference the next day. She said that she asked him how he is “adjusting the business” so he can afford to leave his wife – he said he was going to sell the business.

17. When asked, TM said she knew GBC was in debt. She mentioned one time they met up and he seemed very down. The next day when they spoke, he told her that he could hardly look at her as he was in so much trouble with owing money – he said it was nearly a million dollars.

18. Grilled again about the tryst in the Valley a week or so before the arrest, she admitted that they went there together in a taxi (not sure where from), they were there for about an hour, and she said she loved him and was sorry this was happening.

19. Then Carl Streeting took the stand and most of the information he provided has been reported. The one thing I found very interesting though, was that he said he discovered red blood stains on a bath towel hanging in the bathroom at the BC residence. Nothing further was discussed about these bloodstains – has anyone ever heard mention of this before?

20. I saw Michael Kelly give evidence also. The main information he gave that was new to me was that the hair found in the blood was found to be unsuitable for DNA testing – there was a root but no cellular material attached to the hair as it was hair that shed, rather than hair that was pulled out. There was no mention of whether or not there was hair dye on the hair though??

That is all I have in my notes. I left in the lunch break. I hope you find it interesting and not too long. If other sleuthers were there and I’ve got something wrong, let us know!
Thank you Thinking for your work today and sharing you notes with us on WS.
Originally Posted by mcfly86
According to Allison's phone records, there was internet access at 6:31am on 20 April at Fig Tree Pocket.

The timing is interesting because the first phone call that is diverted to message bank is from GBC at 6:32am, i.e. one minute after the internet activity.

Has this been discussed?

I have copied this from the general discussion thread as I too think that it is interesting. Who had her phone to use it at 6.31?
And THANK YOU to all the others that have also provide inside Court reports and tweets today!!!
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