***Day 5 -Committal Hearing*** 18th,19,20th March 2013***

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I have been shaving for 30 years with all manner of razors and in all states of sharpness to downright butter knives. I think I speak for all men that use razors that it is impossible to cut yourself shaving like that. And once you do feel a nick on your face from getting it wrong, you certainly dont keep going and then go back for two more attempts. The guy is an bsolute freakin moron. It is a rediculous statement to make. I cant quite believe that he said it.
No doubts whatsoever, nothing but more nails in his coffin so far
He hit on her ? ! :what:

Good Grief GBC ? !
No shame, no soul, no heart....NOTHING !
Not a thing in there is there ?!
From her statement it certainly appears that way. The way he suddenly got all excited about helping her with finding a house, his general demeanor, it reeked of GBC-flirtysyndrome!!! FFS, he was more interested in being nice to her than worried about his wife.
I have been shaving for 30 years with all manner of razors and in all states of sharpness to downright butter knives. I think I speak for all men that use razors that it is impossible to cut yourself shaving like that. And once you do feel a nick on your face from getting it wrong, you certainly dont keep going and then go back for two more attempts. The guy is an bsolute freakin moron. It is a rediculous statement to make. I cant quite believe that he said it.

I've been shaving my legs for just a bit longer than that and have only ever cut myself with a new razor, never a blunt one.
I'm pretty sure he will go to trial... I'm just worried that he might not be convicted. ... and there is soooooo long to wait for that.

I dont think youll have to worry about that, even after what we've heard ths last few days, he's almost necked himself already.
Once he realised that Candace wasnt exactly buying in to the razor story, he did the Gerard thing, asking her her age, where she lived, he could help her with property, * folks.. !!... please* .. I am not making this up* ... he didnt mention to Candace the other stuff, the hand, the chest, the shoulder.. no.. looking dicey. .. not going according to plan, these bloody women, ...OFF to another doctor..

I remember reading that statement and thinking "What the hell? He's flirting with this woman!!" I had to re-read it to make sure I hadn't misunderstood. This man can't help himself, can he??
aha.. Gerard was a bit nervous that Candace hadnt seemed to grasp the significance of his story.. she didnt roll over and had the nerve to actually look at his face with a medical eye and not a worshipping eye.. So. OFF to another doctor.. yes, he is busy this Saturday, wife missing, kids in tatters, still the body hasnt been found * Gerards Million Dollar Payoff*.. wont be long now, but time to fit in another medical opinion....
Agree Trooper. Well illustrated. Caring only for himself and his defense.
Is there anyone on here who has any real doubt that he will be committed { for trial I mean}

I think the trail will happen. I don't think I've heard anything to make me think there's a chance he didn't do it. IMO
Once he realised that Candace wasnt exactly buying in to the razor story, he did the Gerard thing, asking her her age, where she lived, he could help her with property, * folks.. !!... please* .. I am not making this up* ... he didnt mention to Candace the other stuff, the hand, the chest, the shoulder.. no.. looking dicey. .. not going according to plan, these bloody women, ...OFF to another doctor..

WTF.................. for real??????? I am gobsmacked. I have literally been staring at my computer reading your post for 10 minutes. I...I......I........
Dr Beavan was so disturbed by Gerards breezy manner, ( he tried to chat her up and advise her on buying a house ) in the light of the circumstances he outlined to her, wife missing, police everywhere, that she contacted her medical indemnity service the minute he left, and then made detailed notes of the encounter, just in case..
Very astute Dr. Bevan. Immediate follow up warranted and actioned. Well done. We need more like her.
I just looked again at Allison's phone records and had hubby check it out too. He agrees it's a HUGE coincidence but without the phone, there's no way to prove anything there. He also said "The first suspect in these cases is always the husband or wife. It beats me why they still do it, they still think they can get away with it!'

And sometimes they do get away with it - for years and years anyway. Double murder in North Qld in the 1980's and just last week husband arrested.
I remember reading that statement and thinking "What the hell? He's flirting with this woman!!" I had to re-read it to make sure I hadn't misunderstood. This man can't help himself, can he??

Gerard worked the percentages.. he propositioned every woman he met..wouldnt be surprised if he chatted up Dr. Kumar, she may not have noticed it.. if you work out the odds, one day, some idiot will say yes.. its only a matter of time. we've only had the ones who said yes in the spotlight, but I bet, right across QLD and further, there are hundreds who gave him the back of their hand and a curled lip.
wtf? they aren't cross examining the financial advisor?

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou

The financial advisor has been dismissed without cross examination. #badenclay
I think it will go to trial and I also believe he will be found guilty on both accounts.
Thinking about it a bit more, a separation and divorce at the time would have been made GBC's situation worse for him. Allison may not have known the full extent of the debts though she knew things were very tight as she was trying to save money eg the life insurance premiums.

Had they separated, Allison would likely have got a lawyer to give her some advice and then GBC would have had to deal with disclosing all the financial details and would have had outsiders scrutinising his business records. I get the feeling he didn't like giving people information, he didn't disclose info to people he borrowed money from or let join into the business. So a separation would have just made the situation worse and been even more pressure on him. He wouldn't have been able to afford lawyers anyway and he knew that.

<respectfully snipped> .

Agree Alioop. Your reading of his situation and motivation seem 'spot on' IMO.
No doubt in my mind he will go to trial and be convicted of Allison's murder, the evidence so far is compelling.
WTF.................. for real??????? I am gobsmacked. I have literally been staring at my computer reading your post for 10 minutes. I...I......I........

From Dr Candice Bevan's statement to police:

Mr Baden-Clay then asked me how long I had been at the practise and if I lived in the area. I stated that I had been at the practise for almost a year and a hlaf and that I lived out past Springfield Lakes but was looking to move closer to work. He responded by handing me his business car showing details of his real estate business and saying " I might able to help you with that". I took the card and placed it on my desk.
I later placed the business card in the top drawer of my desk. He appeared jovial and friendly at this point. He stood and left the room and the consultation ended. He appeared less distressed that I would have expected given the circumstances.
no Tommy Laskaris??? hmm.. probably wise for Davis to give him a pass note right now. .
The whole calling police immediately is weird. They'd been having marriage counseling, how could he not think that she may have finally decided to leave? What was there for him to be suspected of if she just went for a walk and didn't return? Even if you thought the worst, you wouldn't think of being a suspect and if you did, your priority would still, if you gave even the slightest tinker's cuss be finding your wife. NBC getting the vacuum "Oh, he's helping me with a property today!" He still intended going to work? Didn't continue trying to locate his wife, went to see a criminal lawyer instead when there's no indication Allison isn't alive.

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