Day 7 The DNA/ 12 Days of JonBenet

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Here's her feeble attempt:

"Here's what I was doing with the exoneration letter," Lacy explained. "I was trying to prevent a horrible travesty of justice. I was scared to death that despite the fact that there was no evidence, no psychopathy and no motive, the case was a train going down the track and the Ramseys were tied to that track."

No, lady. You made a travesty of justice WORSE. "No evidence?" Jim Kolar GAVE you the evidence, and you ignored him! "No psychopathy?" It was there if you knew to LOOK for it. I hope you BURN.

All these years and the BPD knew there was the probability of a third person DNA. No one came out and refuted ML's bull *hit of exoneration that I'm aware of with the actual proof that she was misquoting the truth......Dear Lawd, the BPD never stood a chance with the powers that be interfering and yet they kept at it, giving everything they had to find the person responsible for this senseless torturous death of a 6 year old girl. They've got to be dancing a jig there in the BPD for finally having some truth come out. Makes me want to send some pastries or something to these men and women for never giving up. Hope is restored, I pray they go full steam ahead and re-examine everything.
Is there a legal way to go after Lacy?

You don't think that Lacy is going through hell? Lacy was just publically crushed by an investigative team and a former Colorado Governor. Her defense is a butt print. If she had any reputation, it's just been demolished. I don't think there's any legal way to go after her, but she'll be forever linked to this case. There' s no place to hide. All she can do is keep her head down and hope that people will forget. Of course, there is Kansas--some place where she's 200 miles away from any town in all directions. South Korea's also a good choice, but they'll have the Olympics in 2018 so they'll be too many reporters.
Just when you thought this case couldn't show more incompetancy...... a "butt print?" Has Mary Lacy ever mentioned this before? Are there photos or a cast impression?

Did other investigators get chills when noting this incredibly powerful piece of evidence pointing to an intruder? /snark

Just nuts and surreal.
This does bring the odd story about the butt print in Foreign Faction to light. I often wondered what it was doing there. I could just imagine investigator Forrest Gump. "I saw a buttox print on the floor. I wonder about that. It must have been from an intruder."

Line up at the door folks! Gotta test everyone's butts!
Just when you thought this case couldn't show more incompetancy...... a "butt print?" Has Mary Lacy ever mentioned this before? Are there photos or a cast impression?

Did other investigators get chills when noting this incredibly powerful piece of evidence pointing to an intruder? /snark

Just nuts and surreal.

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Is there a legal way to go after Lacy?

In the article posted, Owens says it's not legally binding. So, no need to go after her. IF a person is exonerated, the DNA is labeled as the killer- jane/John Doe. The fact ML didn't do this, which is procedure- is telling. She just felt the need to stop the train from running over the R's. she needs to get off the crazy train. MOO

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I'm ASStounded at the facts she even graduated with honors. HOW?

Can you imagine someone being dragged into court over a butt print? It would turn into another, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

"Well sir he ate one too many DingDongs so now there's no way to tell"
I'm ASStounded at the facts she even graduated with honors. HOW?

Can you imagine someone being dragged into court over a butt print? It would turn into another, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

"Well sir he ate one too many DingDongs so now there's no way to tell"

I'm ASStounded at the facts she even graduated with honors. HOW?

Can you imagine someone being dragged into court over a butt print? It would turn into another, "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

"Well sir he ate one too many DingDongs so now there's no way to tell"

It is ASStounding, isn't it? So Mary Lacy was on the Sexual Assault Unit of the Boulder County DA office when she walked through the Ramsey house around Dec 30, 1996. Just guessing, but she may have had a preconceived notion in her mind that this was a sex crime. She saw what she wanted to see. And now, 20 years later, we learn she was influenced by a "butt print?" Smh!
Thank you Charlie Brennan for delivering the goods yet again with this new article about Mary Lacy's "tell-tale butt print." I'm dying! This is the final nail in Lacy's coffin, I mean how incompetent can you get! What a pathetic and asinine attempt to assure the public that her friends didn't commit the crimes they obviously committed. Lacy's credibility wrt the Ramsey case has hit an all-time low in the public eye and it's never recovering - hopefully this will prevent future documentaries and news reports on the case from quoting her useless exoneration letter. Brennan's article is as much about how terribly she failed this case as it is about the new DNA findings, it was so satisfying to read. And also to know that she's in hiding somewhere refusing to comment. The least she could do is answer for herself. And not that bs about the poor, defenseless Ramseys being "tied to the track." As the article points out, there was no "train" headed towards the Ramseys in 2008, just the very inconvenient end of her term looming. Her time to pin the murder on anyone-but-a-Ramsey was running out, and that was the best she could come up with.

So without the dubious DNA all Mary Lacy has left to offer is a freakin' butt print. But did she even see it? She definitely said so to ABC: "We all saw it." But in Kolar's book, it doesn't actually say she saw it first hand, just that she heard from another person that a butt print was seen. And that person didn't even remember seeing it.
As I was packing up my computer and projector, she told me about something that Tom Wickman had purportedly observed during the execution of the search warrants at the Ramsey home. He reportedly had observed the impression of someone’s buttocks in the carpet of the hallway outside JonBenét’s second floor bedroom. It appeared that someone had been sitting on the floor with their knees up around their chest, leaning against the wall / cabinets. Wickman purportedly told her that he thought it was where the intruder had been waiting while the family was at the White dinner party. I was aware that some intruder theorists believed it possible the perpetrator had entered the home while the family was away that evening, and that he had written the ransom note while awaiting their return. Apparently, Lacy thought that Wickman was suggesting the intruder had found some time to sit on the floor outside JonBenét’s bedroom after penning his note. I didn’t recall seeing anything like that in any of the police reports I had read and subsequently asked Wickman about it. He told me he had no idea what I was talking about.
Which would be stupider, convincing yourself a butt print you see in the carpet is a smoking gun, or making up a ridiculous story about a butt print thinking it will convince other people?
Which would be stupider, convincing yourself a butt print you see in the carpet is a smoking gun, or making up a ridiculous story about a butt print thinking it will convince other people?
respectfully snipped....

It's inconceivable isn't it? I'm still in disbelief..... To disregard all the time and effort the BPD put into this case and flat out refuse to acknowledge the physical evidence and ALL the circumstantial evidence collected, then carelessly hang your hat on a phantom butt print to give these suspects an out of jail free card, I'm thoroughly disgusted. If the weight of this intruder could leave an *advertiser censored* print, wouldn't there have also been foot prints? "Knees up around their chest...." This woman is bat***** crazy. If this bit of dysfunction that's come to light doesn't force new eyes on this investigation, nothing ever will. Unbelievable!
Thank you Charlie Brennan for delivering the goods yet again with this new article about Mary Lacy's "tell-tale butt print." I'm dying! This is the final nail in Lacy's coffin, I mean how incompetent can you get! What a pathetic and asinine attempt to assure the public that her friends didn't commit the crimes they obviously committed. Lacy's credibility wrt the Ramsey case has hit an all-time low in the public eye and it's never recovering - hopefully this will prevent future documentaries and news reports on the case from quoting her useless exoneration letter. Brennan's article is as much about how terribly she failed this case as it is about the new DNA findings, it was so satisfying to read. And also to know that she's in hiding somewhere refusing to comment. The least she could do is answer for herself. And not that bs about the poor, defenseless Ramseys being "tied to the track." As the article points out, there was no "train" headed towards the Ramseys in 2008, just the very inconvenient end of her term looming. Her time to pin the murder on anyone-but-a-Ramsey was running out, and that was the best she could come up with.

So without the dubious DNA all Mary Lacy has left to offer is a freakin' butt print. But did she even see it? She definitely said so to ABC: "We all saw it." But in Kolar's book, it doesn't actually say she saw it first hand, just that she heard from another person that a butt print was seen. And that person didn't even remember seeing it.
Which would be stupider, convincing yourself a butt print you see in the carpet is a smoking gun, or making up a ridiculous story about a butt print thinking it will convince other people?

So, not only did ML "clear" the Rs based on tDNA, she "cleared" them, in her mind, based on buttprints? Honestly, her habit of dismissing any evidence that pointed to the family sounds like denial to me. Denial that any normal-looking family (and rich family) could be capable of this. Denial that people involved in an investigation should not possess.

In Kolar's book, Kolar states ML said she, "didn’t want to harm her relationship with the Ramsey family." This family's influence over her and many others is unbelievable. I wouldn't be surprised to learn she is a distant cousin of the family, actually.
With IDI dead in the water, i.e. no dna. Maybe a new Grand Jury can be convened to review the latest evidence?
I'm ashamed to admit this, PL, but I felt really good reading the parts where LW and JR were squirming. And it's gonna be even more fun watching them get ROASTED if they don't drop these new lawsuits. Is anyone ELSE reminded of Napoleon attacking Russia?
That was fantastic. I bet JR was thanking his lucky stars that he already made his "final interview" when he got that call from the Daily Camera! Very convenient for him. JR must be the only parent of a murder victim who responds to a new development in his daughter's case with, "I think we have said all that can be said and I need to get back to my job!" I'm glad that in contrast to nearly everyone who's been involved with or followed the case, John Ramsey is able to close the book on that child's murder and walk away without another word. But after all, this is the guy who was wanting to hop a plane within half an hour of finding his daughter's body because, according to the police report, he had business in Atlanta. Like the grand jury indictment reveal, this is "just more drama" for Mr. Ramsey.

And Lin, as the family mouthpiece, couldn't "no comment" himself out of the situation so he had to cling desperately to Mary Lacy's completely non-existent "integrity" in his statement. It was astounding. "...until someone impugns her integrity, or contradicts former Chief Beckner's statement, I continue to believe, as I have said before, that this is a DNA case and that the best chance for solving the case will be a hit and match on the DNA in the future."
UM, her integrity HAS been impugned. In this article. And by multiple people over many years, including two ex-employees of hers on the record. And you can "believe" all you want but this article has already stated a DNA match is not forthcoming. But go on and pin your hopes on a woman who couldn't or wouldn't understand the wording on the lab report vs actual experts explaining the evidence to you.
You don't think that Lacy is going through hell? Lacy was just publically crushed by an investigative team and a former Colorado Governor. Her defense is a butt print. If she had any reputation, it's just been demolished. I don't think there's any legal way to go after her, but she'll be forever linked to this case. There' s no place to hide. All she can do is keep her head down and hope that people will forget. Of course, there is Kansas--some place where she's 200 miles away from any town in all directions. South Korea's also a good choice, but they'll have the Olympics in 2018 so they'll be too many reporters.


Here is ABC News take on the subject:
Ex-DA Opens Up About Why She Cleared the Ramsey Family of JonBenet's Murder

My headline would be something like: The Woman Who Covered Her A$$ With A Butt Print!!

Her explanation is just a fig leaf, nobody is going to believe her, Team Ramsey is starting on a downward spiral, could there be a case coming down the track?

Thank you Charlie Brennan for delivering the goods yet again with this new article about Mary Lacy's "tell-tale butt print." I'm dying! This is the final nail in Lacy's coffin, I mean how incompetent can you get! What a pathetic and asinine attempt to assure the public that her friends didn't commit the crimes they obviously committed. Lacy's credibility wrt the Ramsey case has hit an all-time low in the public eye and it's never recovering - hopefully this will prevent future documentaries and news reports on the case from quoting her useless exoneration letter. Brennan's article is as much about how terribly she failed this case as it is about the new DNA findings, it was so satisfying to read. And also to know that she's in hiding somewhere refusing to comment. The least she could do is answer for herself. And not that bs about the poor, defenseless Ramseys being "tied to the track." As the article points out, there was no "train" headed towards the Ramseys in 2008, just the very inconvenient end of her term looming. Her time to pin the murder on anyone-but-a-Ramsey was running out, and that was the best she could come up with.

So without the dubious DNA all Mary Lacy has left to offer is a freakin' butt print. But did she even see it? She definitely said so to ABC: "We all saw it." But in Kolar's book, it doesn't actually say she saw it first hand, just that she heard from another person that a butt print was seen. And that person didn't even remember seeing it.
Which would be stupider, convincing yourself a butt print you see in the carpet is a smoking gun, or making up a ridiculous story about a butt print thinking it will convince other people?
AND there is no picture of this mythical butt print that was supposed to be a smoking gun?
I think it's the stupidest "smoking gun" I've ever heard honestly. She should be embarrassed of herself and should have to answer for it. I wonder what LW will use now since his main bragging point was that ML exonerated the Ramsey's with DNA. I think more people are beginning to hide in their showers now. The truth is coming out.

Justice for JonBenet!!!!


  • kermit.png
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AND there is no picture of this mythical butt print that was supposed to be a smoking gun?
I think it's the stupidest "smoking gun" I've ever heard honestly. She should be embarrassed of herself and should have to answer for it. I wonder what LW will use now since his main bragging point was that ML exonerated the Ramsey's with DNA. I think more people are beginning to hide in their showers now. The truth is coming out.

Justice for JonBenet!!!!

Butt print image? Here ya go - found it!



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So, not only did ML "clear" the Rs based on tDNA, she "cleared" them, in her mind, based on buttprints? Honestly, her habit of dismissing any evidence that pointed to the family sounds like denial to me. Denial that any normal-looking family (and rich family) could be capable of this. Denial that people involved in an investigation should not possess.

In Kolar's book, Kolar states ML said she, "didn’t want to harm her relationship with the Ramsey family." This family's influence over her and many others is unbelievable. I wouldn't be surprised to learn she is a distant cousin of the family, actually.
It floors me too!
Since this new evidence has been revealed and now also her reasoning behind her decisions, couldn't this in fact destroy any other case she was involved in? Like it possible that some cases will require being retried due to her incompetence?

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