Day 7 The DNA/ 12 Days of JonBenet

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

I won't post any highlights. You really have to read it for yourself. And check out the Bill Owens interview as an extra treat!

I can't even tell all of you how happy this makes me for JBR. The truth will always (and eventually) reveal itself. Anyone think it's a bit funny PR who changed her into the long johns and has no DNA there. OR, maybe she is in the composite. JR laid her body in a doors threshold and then LA placed in front of the Christmas tree. Lots of visitors in that home for the Christmas party on the 23rd.
LW does not have legs to stand on now for his guilty (IMHO) clients.
Hey, if it's not a Ramsey I will be shocked but if new testing will ID some random intruder (highly doubt) than good for JBR. As we all knew and now have confirmation from experts, THIS IS NOT A DNA case to begin with. So, cheers!

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What could be more important than the death of your daughter? Despicable elitist *advertiser censored*.
Defensive comment from the guilty! IMHO

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What could be more important than the death of your daughter? Despicable elitist *advertiser censored*.
Defensive comment from the guilty! IMHO

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Agreed! What job is more important than finding out who killed your daughter? He disgusts me. He's probably already in another country now! Haha!

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I won't post any highlights. You really have to read it for yourself. And check out the Bill Owens interview as an extra treat!

Just Wow......I pray they do the Y-STR testing pronto! ML should absolutely be held to account for how she came up with that love letter to the Ramsey's based on omission of the truth. I hope the press hounds the ***** out of her until she explains herself.
Just Wow......I pray they do the Y-STR testing pronto! ML should absolutely be held to account for how she came up with that love letter to the Ramsey's based on omission of the truth. I hope the press hounds the ***** out of her until she explains herself.

Replying to my own post.....She told the network that when she saw an indentation in the carpet around the corner from JonBenet's bedroom on the second floor, chills ran up and down her spine.

"It was a butt print. We all saw it. The entire area was undisturbed except for that place in the rug," Lacy said. "Whoever did this sat outside of her room and waited until everyone was asleep to kill her."

What in Sam's Hell is this woman talking about? Her love letter to the Ramsey's exonerating them was because she recalled a butt print in the carpet years before? She states the area was undisturbed except for the butt print. I never walked through that house but all the photos I've seen show it is a pig pen. The whole house was a freaking mess and disturbed! For pity sake there was still spilled wine on the kitchen bar from the party on the 23rd! If PR was too lazy to take a sponge to the counter and clean the wine, you know she wasn't running a vacuum! There were kids all over that house that day and IIRC right JBR was sitting in the doorway of BR's room while he and the gang played video games. I can't stop shaking my head at the ridiculous logic this woman is publicly stating. moo Unreal :shame:
Just Wow......I pray they do the Y-STR testing pronto! ML should absolutely be held to account for how she came up with that love letter to the Ramsey's based on omission of the truth. I hope the press hounds the ***** out of her until she explains herself.
AMEN Charliegirl!
Those responsible for hindering this case should be held accountable. It's obvious the DA's office had a conflict of interest.
Replying to my own post.....She told the network that when she saw an indentation in the carpet around the corner from JonBenet's bedroom on the second floor, chills ran up and down her spine.

"It was a butt print. We all saw it. The entire area was undisturbed except for that place in the rug," Lacy said. "Whoever did this sat outside of her room and waited until everyone was asleep to kill her."

What in Sam's Hell is this woman talking about? Her love letter to the Ramsey's exonerating them was because she recalled a butt print in the carpet years before? She states the area was undisturbed except for the butt print. I never walked through that house but all the photos I've seen show it is a pig pen. The whole house was a freaking mess and disturbed! For pity sake there was still spilled wine on the kitchen bar from the party on the 23rd! If PR was too lazy to take a sponge to the counter and clean the wine, you know she wasn't running a vacuum! There were kids all over that house that day and IIRC right JBR was sitting in the doorway of BR's room while he and the gang played video games. I can't stop shaking my head at the ridiculous logic this woman is publicly stating. moo Unreal :shame:

PLUS lets not forget the following!
Supposedly this "intruder" sat around writing practice ransom notes and getting familiar with the home's layout. Are we supposed to believe that JR and PR walked past a stranger sitting outside JonBenet's room when they put her to bed that night? The butt print is such a stupid idea! It's like they are grasping at random straws to try and pin the crime on a fictional intruder. :notgood:
Woody is lying as usual. Beckner never said it was a DNA case.

[–]MarkBeckner[S] 119 points 3 days ago
Sorry, I can't provide the rebuttal, as I agree with Jim Kolar. Exonerating anyone based on a small piece of evidence that has not yet been proven to even be connected to the crime is absurd in my opinion. You must look at any case in the totality of all the evidence, circumstances, statements, etc. in coming to conclusions. Mary Lacy, the DA who said the DNA exonerated them made up her mind years before that a mother could not do that to a child, thus the family was innocent. Even though we pointed out that it is not unheard of for mothers do such things.....and you would know that if you just watched the news.

I believe Woody's referring to Beckner's CYA statement afterwards, which many IDIs have twisted into something else.

What could be more important than the death of your daughter? Despicable elitist *advertiser censored*.

Oh, don't leave now, Johnny! The fun's just getting started!
In all seriousness, he is despicable. I want you to remember one thing, John Ramsey: JonBenet was your daughter. You had a chance to do right by her. But when you should have been thinking about her, you only thought about yourself. And now yourself is all you have left.
Just Wow......I pray they do the Y-STR testing pronto! ML should absolutely be held to account for how she came up with that love letter to the Ramsey's based on omission of the truth. I hope the press hounds the ***** out of her until she explains herself.

Here's her feeble attempt:

"Here's what I was doing with the exoneration letter," Lacy explained. "I was trying to prevent a horrible travesty of justice. I was scared to death that despite the fact that there was no evidence, no psychopathy and no motive, the case was a train going down the track and the Ramseys were tied to that track."

No, lady. You made a travesty of justice WORSE. "No evidence?" Jim Kolar GAVE you the evidence, and you ignored him! "No psychopathy?" It was there if you knew to LOOK for it. I hope you BURN.
Here's her feeble attempt:

"Here's what I was doing with the exoneration letter," Lacy explained. "I was trying to prevent a horrible travesty of justice. I was scared to death that despite the fact that there was no evidence, no psychopathy and no motive, the case was a train going down the track and the Ramseys were tied to that track."

No, lady. You made a travesty of justice WORSE. "No evidence?" Jim Kolar GAVE you the evidence, and you ignored him! "No psychopathy?" It was there if you knew to LOOK for it. I hope you BURN.
Preach it Dave!:clap::clap:
Replying to my own post.....She told the network that when she saw an indentation in the carpet around the corner from JonBenet's bedroom on the second floor, chills ran up and down her spine.

"It was a butt print. We all saw it. The entire area was undisturbed except for that place in the rug," Lacy said. "Whoever did this sat outside of her room and waited until everyone was asleep to kill her."

Oh God, she jumped to the wrong conclusion. The imprint around the corner from JB's room proves it was an intruder? She couldn't find a motive for the murder? I'm ashamed. This shows true incompetence.

This does bring the odd story about the butt print in Foreign Faction to light. I often wondered what it was doing there. I could just imagine investigator Forrest Gump. "I saw a buttox print on the floor. I wonder about that. It must have been from an intruder."

This is the same Mary Lacy who was afraid to consider them suspects.

"She told me that she was unwilling to pursue that lead because she ‘didn’t want to harm her relationship with the Ramsey family.’"

Kolar, A. James. Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet? (Kindle Locations 3628-3629). Ventus Publishing, llc. Kindle Edition.
Or the butt print was from someone sitting outside of JB's room, crying perhaps, wondering what the H#ll they were going to do next.

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