Day Before Trial Begins - What Are You Feeling?

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Insomniac......I'm so excited to see justice I can't sleep!
3 hours and five minutes, casey!!!

wow I'm antsy, I used to think the 5 hours I am ahead of EST was a blessing as I could get all my stuff done and husband home before hearings (he works weirdddd hours) but right now I am not so sure, I just have to sit here and WAIT all day!
My eyes popped open at 4am......I'm ready. I went and sat out on the deck for a few and thought about the last 3 years and not only this case but a few others that have happened since. Some, we may never see come to an end, but today the guys in the white hats win.
I thought I'd feel nervous and uptight, just like first day of jury selection. But all day yesterday and still this morning, I'm heavy hearted. There are so many ways this can go wrong, but so many MORE ways it can go right. Praying justice will prevail.
I'm feeling: I'll believe the trial will start May 24 when Opening Statements begin.
I was full of anxiety and emotional but I am surprisingly calm like I got a big warm hug around the neck from Caylee.
My daughter was killed by a drunk driver when she was 19. It has been 15 years since she passed and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. The tears are infrequent but they are still here especially on her birthday or the anniversary of her death, even reading about her friends who have gotten married or have babies... wondering what it would be like being a grannie by now. She was my only child. I can understand your friends feelings and I am glad she has a friend like you. When my daughter was killed my friends just didn't know how to act or what to say around me so i did not hear from them.
I forgave my daughters killer as I sat in the ER holding her hand that was turning cold after she lost her life. I even prayed for her killer then and there and I think no matter what the circumstances we should say a prayer for everyone involved in this case, The lawyers both sides, the judge, the jury, the Anthonys, all those called as witnesses and even say a prayer for Casey and the long road she has ahead of her. Pray that God forgives her for what she may have done to her little one and Pray for the Anthonys. No grandparents should lose a grandchild. I know it will be hard for a lot of us to forgive Casey for what she may have done to her daughter. None of us want to see any child harmed. In the end when this trial is all over we will go on about our business after a while and will forget all about The Anthonys and Casey unless they come up in the news again.
Forgiveness is the key to a peaceful heart no matter how angry we are that this precious Child Caylee may have lost her life at the hands of her mother. There is nothing we can do to bring her back but we can prevent this from happening to other children . If Cindy Anthony had been more observant and acted on Caseys behavioral problems perhaps Caylee would have still been alive.

Abbra, I am so sorry you lost your daughter and at such a young age. Your post was beautiful.

Thank you.
I know what is going through my mind.....since we all know 99% of the facts in the case, to me anyway is the 3 wildcards....

The states opening statement
The defense's attempt to defend the 31 days and the murder

And above all is the testimony of George, Cindy, and Lee. How far will they take this, and how will they explain away there behavior. This is to me anyway going to be the most telling part of the next 8 weeks.
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