DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would guess that this never even happened and the detective is lying just to say that he figured it out before anybody else did. According to the article, there was nothing about Chandra Levy in the police report. And if it "wasn't [his case] to pursue," as he said, than why did he have a photo of Chandra Levy with him at the interrogation? Why did he bother asking? It really seems very contrived to me.

I do think that either Guandique or another random attacker probably killed Chandra and that Gary Condit just happens to be a sociopathic jerk who almost got him self thrown in prison b/c of sheer arrogance and stupidity.
My take exactly.
It seems clear that Condit was not responsible.

I don't think that's clear at all.

There's another theory of the case that Chandra was abducted from her bed the night before and the computer searches and dumping of the body in the park were staged to make it appear like a random violent crime. Neighbors of Chandra reported hearing a bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night the night before she disappeared.
I don't think that's clear at all.

There's another theory of the case that Chandra was abducted from her bed the night before and the computer searches and dumping of the body in the park were staged to make it appear like a random violent crime. Neighbors of Chandra reported hearing a bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night the night before she disappeared.

Is there any evidence for this theory? How would the "abductors" know the police were so stupid they would fail to view the security tapes? Are they in on it too? If the Rock Creek Park attack was "staged" then why was her body not found immediately to take the heat off Gary Condit? All it would have taken was a call to the police from a passerby using a pre paid cell phone to alert them to a body being found and 'presto' no more media circus...but that never happened....IMO because there was no conspiracy she was not killed over anything to do with Condit but by a park rapist...probably the guy in jail now for 2 similar attacks in the same place her body was found.
There's another theory of the case that Chandra was abducted from her bed the night before and the computer searches and dumping of the body in the park were staged to make it appear like a random violent crime. Neighbors of Chandra reported hearing a bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night the night before she disappeared.

It's possible, I suppose, that Chandra was abducted at some point before she is thought to have left for a run in the park but it seems highly unlikely.

Her computer had been used that morning, she'd read email and done some web surfing. She checked on the times of flights and she checked out the park where she was eventually found.

Yes, that could have been staged but her family wasn't surprised by her computer activity. Had it been staged, it would have meant that an intruder would have been in her apartment until something like one in the afternoon. That would have exposed any intruder to a high risk of detection--they couldn't depend on the security tapes not being requested until after they'd already been recorded over.

If Condit were responsible, it would have had to have been a professional hit. So why were Chandra's pants found knotted? Pro hit men don't play with their victims, they don't want to get any closer to a victim than they have to so as to leave as little evidence as possible.

Once it became publicly known that Chandra had a connection to Gary Condit, it would have been much to Condit's advantage for her body to be found promptly. There's plenty of ways the location of her body could have been revealed to the police without endangering the sender, so why wasn't it done?

I don't think Condit had a motive. The last communications from Chandra to her family (including the aunt she confided in) were reported to be upbeat, happy and planning for the future.

I think it's much more likely that Condit had led Chandra on or may have been a bit carried away in the passion of the moment. He was a serial adulterer, very experienced in letting women down gently once he was no longer interested. I think he was planning to let distance fade the connection that Chandra felt for him a bit, and then a final parting of the ways, as he'd done so many times before.

Considering his personal history, I think things would have gone as Condit was probably planning until something happened to Chandra.

I don't feel sorry for Condit, mind you. I think he was nearly terminally stupid and should not have lied to the police. But there's a lot of ground between terminally stupid and murderer which I do not think Condit crossed.
Breaking News: Chandra Levy Case


WASHINGTON (CNN) — Police are close to making an arrest in the Chandra Levy murder case, one of Washington’s most infamous cold cases, CNN affiliate KGO reported Saturday.

Police contacted Levy’s parents Friday informing them the arrest was imminent, the San Francisco, Calif., television station reported.

KGO quoted a Washington television report that said police were pursuing an arrest warrant for an inmate in the D.C. prison system named Ingmar Guandigue.

I bumped up this thread because obviously people were already looking at Gandique back in 2005, and here we are almost 4 years later and it's the same guy they want to arrest.
Just received a txt alert on my cell from CNN breaking news? "Police close to making an arrest in Chandra Levy Murder Case" Sorry if old news already, prayering for answers for the Levy family..
please post a link when you get one. This is exciting news!

February 21, 2009 12:51 AM
ABC News' Rhonda Schwartz, Imtiyaz Delawala and Pierre Thomas report: Over the last several months FBI agents have been reviewing evidence in the 2001 "cold case" murder of Chandra Levy and have revisited longtime suspect Igman Andique.

Andique has been in jail since approximately July 2001 for two similar but non-fatal, attacks on women in Washington DC's Rock Creek park, according to case FBI agent and ABC News consultant Brad Garrett.
Andique attacked a woman two weeks after Chandra's disappearance in the middle of May 2001 and another in July. The women were jogging in Rock Creek Park, when he "clotheslined" them and dragged them down the hill. There was a struggle, they escaped and he ultimately was caught and pled guilty.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Police are close to making an arrest in the Chandra Levy murder case, one of Washington's most infamous cold cases, CNN affiliate KGO reported Saturday.
Police are reportedly close to making an arrest in the Chandra Levy murder case.


Police contacted Levy's parents Friday informing them the arrest was imminent, the San Francisco, California, television station reported.
KGO also quoted a Washington television report that said police were pursuing an arrest warrant for Ingmar Guandique, an inmate in the D.C. prison system.
YEP YEP YEP, I just got a breaking news email from CNN that says the same thing - police are close to making an arrest.

However, what does close mean? Does it mean they are on the perps street, on their way, haven't left police station left, or still gathering information............??????????
well since this guy is in jail already i would assume it means they are very close to filing an arrest warrant. they have all the evidence they need and its just a matter of finalizing and submitting it. jmo.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - There could be a break in the Chandra Levy case.
A Washington D.C. news station is reporting that inmate Igman Andique told other prisoners that he killed Levy after seeing her in the park where her body was later found.
well since this guy is in jail already i would assume it means they are very close to filing an arrest warrant. they have all the evidence they need and its just a matter of finalizing and submitting it. jmo.

You are right on the money LilJim as that is just what CNN is reporting right now.
Just heard it too, and I'm waiting with hope that Gary's kids are Not going to be back on TV talking about Gary.....
New Developments in the Chandra Levy case
February 21, 2009 12:51 AM
ABC News' Rhonda Schwartz, Imtiyaz Delawala and Pierre Thomas report: Over the last several months FBI agents have been reviewing evidence in the 2001 "cold case" murder of Chandra Levy and have revisited longtime suspect Igman Andique.
Andique has been in jail since approximately July 2001 for two similar but non-fatal, attacks on women in Washington DC's Rock Creek park, according to case FBI agent and ABC News consultant Brad Garrett.

Andique attacked a woman two weeks after Chandra's disappearance in the middle of May 2001 and another in July. The women were jogging in Rock Creek Park, when he "clotheslined" them and dragged them down the hill. There was a struggle, they escaped and he ultimately was caught and pled guilty.
Andique is now serving a 10-year sentence at the U.S. Penitentiary-Victorville in Adelanto and is eligible for parole in 2011. The FBI most likely wants to close the case before his parole date, Brad Garrett tells ABC News.

Guandique was the focus of the last three parts of a 12-part series on Levy's disappearance in the Washington Post metro section last year.

12-part series on Levy's disappearance in the Washington Post metro section last year.

Who Killed Chandra Levy?

The murder of Chandra Levy remains Washington's most famous unsolved crime. Many people, including police and prosecutors, suspected that a congressman was responsible. But a year-long Washington Post investigation reveals new information showing that critical leads were ignored and the killer may never be brought to justice.

Chapter 1: A Young Woman Disappears
Synopsis | After government intern Chandra Levy goes missing, a series of police mistakes hinders the early efforts to find her. Police quickly begin to focus on Rep. Gary Condit of California. Read full chapter»

Chapter 2: The Gentleman From California
Synopsis | Government intern Chandra Levy is missing, and police are learning of her affair with Rep. Gary Condit. Read full chapter»

Chapter 3: A Private Matter
Synopsis | Calls from women alleging affairs with Rep. Gary Condit draw police attention. Officers begin to wonder whether their stories have something to do with Chandra Levy's disappearance. Read full chapter»

Chapter 4: The Levys
Synopsis | Frustrated by the pace of the police investigation, the parents of missing intern Chandra Levy come to Washington to bring attention to the case. Rep. Gary Condit complains to police about leaked details of his personal life. Read full chapter»

Chapter 5: A Secret Meeting
Synopsis | The D.C. police investigation of Rep. Gary Condit ramps up as Chandra Levy's mother questions him at a Washington hotel. Tipsters and psychics deluge the department with leads. Read full chapter»

Chapter 6:The Predator in the Park
Synopsis | Police intensify their focus on Rep. Gary Condit; meanwhile, a man is arrested for attacking women in Rock Creek Park. The man says he saw Chandra Levy in the park, but police do not follow up. Read full chapter»

Chapter 7: Crisis in Condit Country
Synopsis | Lawyers for the government and Rep. Gary Condit clash over the direction of the two-month-old investigation into the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy. The questioning of Condit leads to a blowup in his lawyer's office. Read full chapter»

Chapter 8: A Singular Focus
Synopsis | As the media intensity builds around Rep. Gary Condit and missing intern Chandra Levy, a behind-the-scenes DNA test links the two sexually. But the information does not help the police investigation. Read full chapter»

Chapter 9: Media Frenzy
Synopsis | D.C. police on the Levy case learn about a man attacking women in Rock Creek Park but don't immediately investigate. Rep. Gary Condit gives his fourth and final interview to investigators. A storied FBI agent comes away thinking Condit is not involved. Read full chapter»

Chapter 10: A Jailhouse Informant
Synopsis | A jailhouse informant tells police that Ingmar Guandique admitted killing missing intern Chandra Levy. But the informant fails a polygraph. Read full chapter»

Chapter 11: A Walk in the Woods
Synopsis | Police find the remains of missing intern Chandra Levy deep in the woods of Rock Creek Park. Investigators turn their full attention to a man who had attacked women in the park the year before. Read full chapter»

Chapter 12: Pursuit of the Predator
Synopsis | D.C. police pursue the Guandique lead. A renowned criminal profiler gives investigators his assessment of the case. Read full chapter»

Synopsis | Seven years later, the Chandra Levy investigation is a cold case that haunts investigators and former top D.C. police officials. Several of them share the same theory of the case. Read full chapter»

I was worried that this was one of those cases that would never be solved. I hope it brings some comfort to Chandra's parents. I saw them on the news this morning and Chandra's mom had a bit of a smile on her face. I don't think I've ever seen her smile before.

I'm glad they're finally going to get justice for their daughter.

RIP Chandra.
Police may be close to arrest in Chandra Levy case
updated 1 hour, 34 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Police are close to making an arrest in the Chandra Levy murder case, one of Washington's most infamous cold cases, CNN affiliate KGO reported Saturday.
Police contacted Levy's parents Friday informing them the arrest was imminent, the San Francisco, California, television station reported.
KGO also quoted a Washington television report that said police were pursuing an arrest warrant for Ingmar Guandique, an inmate in the D.C. prison system.
Washington police did not return calls to CNN seeking comment.

"We appreciate all the hard work they did," Susan Levy, Chandra's mother, told another CNN affiliate KXTV. "You want justice. You want the person incarcerated. It is still painful no matter what. Your child is dead and gone. But we are glad the police are doing something and making a difference."

Report: Break In Chandra Levy Murder Case?
Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:34:44 AM
"I think he admitted it, but I really don't know officially," said Robert Levy, Chandra's father, in reaction to the news that the arrest was imminent. "There's got to be some kind of evidence they are going through, but they have enough to make an arrest, or at least a warrant, even if he's in prison already."

Police questioned Condit several times in connection with the murder, but never named him a suspect.
Guandique was mentioned in a Washington Post investigation into the unsolved murder published in 2008.
The newspaper quoted former investigators in the case who said Guandique assaulted two other women in the park where Levy's body was found.
Guandique admitted seeing Levy in the park, the newspaper reported.
This sure is great news. I just hope this guy is the real perp and not wanting his 15 minutes of fame.

Police may be close to arrest in Chandra Levy case

Police told Levy's parents Friday that an arrest was imminent, the San Francisco, California, television station reported.

Media reports said police were planning to arrest Ingmar Guandique, an inmate in the District of Columbia prison system.

Washington police did not return CNN's calls seeking comment.
Oh wow! I didn't realize this guy had admitted seeing Levy in the park!

That puts an entirely new spin on this possible suspect, IMO. I recall reading about him before, but I didn't realize he said 'he'd seen Levy in the park.'



Guandique was mentioned in a Washington Post investigation into the murder published last year.

The newspaper quoted former investigators in the case who said Guandique was convicted of assaulting two other women in the park where Levy's body was found.

Guandique admitted seeing Levy in the park, the newspaper reported.

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