DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #6

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Benning Rd is still in the seedy part of DC. She could be there. I wouldn't be surprised. The area is a criminals paradise.

I almost hope that's the case, because most criminals (of the more victimless variety) aren't too keen on having a constant presence of cops searching their territory. I could see the reward being an added bonus for calling it in and getting LE out their hair.

(If anyone's seen Fritz Lang's "M," maybe they'd even band together to find her and punish those responsible.. oh I dream.)

Either way, it'd be scarier if she were somewhere more secluded, maybe even nice and suburban, hidden away by criminals who hide their own criminality on a regular basis. They scare me much more than blatant gang bangers.
struggling to get through these radio shows.
Benning Rd is still in the seedy part of DC. She could be there. I wouldn't be surprised. The area is a criminals paradise.

Respectfully, she could be anywhere in the area. I don't think it necessarily matters how seedy the area is. The shelter is a block away from Capitol Hill. IJS
They get $721 in disability payments a month per wusa
interesting to note, during the interview with AY (sister of SY) when being questioned about her mother and SY indicating to the school that Tatum was a doctor:

AY claims to have been in the room while her mother MYT was on the phone with a school official and provided that individual with a phone number that AY assumes is/was Tatum's (see http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kwdcradiolive/2014/04/10/the-warren-experience-1 at about the 60:00 mark and forward to hear this account)

What is interesting is that this does not seem to jibe with MYT's latest version of events saying she never told the school that Tatum was a doctor but that they MAY have misread her handwriting as Dr. Tatum rather than Mr. Tatum.

So this version being told by AY on teh radio show does not seem to jibe with the note version we are hearing right now from her mother.
If SY was never involved with KT intimately, why did AY say there was DNA test that proved KT wasn't the father of Relisha?

I'm thinking that IR's name might not be on birth certificate. In some states if the father is notppresent to sign, the mother can not just put his name down. I'm not sure of D.C. law but my father is not on my birth certificate and I was born in NY. Clearly my opinion, but if it was not on birth certificate and he attempted to get custody or visitation....paternity would have to proven first. Again, it's just my thoughts.

I'm not a landscaper either but it was definitely one of the worst winters here. And, I live in MD, plus we had the polar vortex thingy going on here. It was freezing. IMOO, I think the ground would be too hard to dig deep enough to bury anything but I'm not a genius in that area. I remember when Chief Lanier described the trash bags but in all honesty, I do not remember how lime and the shovel came into play. I don't recall her saying that and I've been here since the beginning. I could be wrong though, I'm just a newbie. Also, someone asked about RSL taking KT to subway. And where was that information located? Didn't the arrest warrants mention something in that area that was found out after RSL was interviewed by LE.

I just remember that's around the time all of us on here was trying to figure out what "IT" stood for. At that time, we agreed that witness #1 & witness #2 named in warrant was not the same people but resided at the same residence. Now, it is obvious that LE doesn't want to identify the individuals maybe for safety reasons but they haven't told us a lot of stuff that we figure they know like...

*Why haven't we seen the camera footage from hotel of KT and Relisha on 03/01 entering it existing?

*Why were we allowed to see footage of the hotel on 02/26, if it wasn't the last time RR was seen alive??? What was the significance of that video??? Why didn't we see the exit of 02/
26??? Other people entering &.exiting possibly??? Did the camera break all of a sudden???

*Wouldn't the last time LE verified Relisha being seen on 03/01, be a better video because of her appearance, clothing, etc???


*If LE, has recognized that they are dealing with a family of liars, what are they using to verify that last time Relisha was alive with KT??? What are we not seeing??? Or do they already know the truth??? Are they keeping pertinent information from us because Relisha is alive and they are building a bigger case...even bigger than SY and family's involvement???

I know I'm rambling but we don't know a lot of the little things. I'm hoping that they know where Relisha is and she's safe. It is quitting down a little of the news but I keep thinking of... the police sometimes don't go after the little fish...even though, they are aware of their involvement with hopes of catching a bigger fish. JMO but I'm thinking that's the only reason SY and family haven't been arrested yet. They think they are scott free but the evidence that Le already have on them is not going anywhere so those arrests can still be made
e. It's just a lot of wishful thinking & my own opinion.

Relisha, we are still searching for you...high and low!!!
There is no video of RR on March 1st because she wasn't there. No one saw her there, but someone did see her earlier that day with KT at the resource center on RI ave.

I would think the resource center had cameras, no? Doesn't every agency/business have cameras these days? Especially a govt agency like that.
This is abridged transcript of the talk show with AY, maternal aunt of Relisha.

I have paraphrased a lot of it and I have not taken the time to put in quotes and all that good punctuation stuff like it should have.
I also added in [ ] the first name to help keep the entire he, she, me stuff straight. I may also have missed some things so don’t take this as a true transcript. Just something to help for all of those who don't have the time to listen to the whole thing.

Blogtalkradio.com The Warren Experience –KWDC Radio Live
Show #6231269 April 9th Interview Ashley Young (was suppose to be with Melissa Turner Start at 52:09

Hostess: Why was Relisha out of school for all that time? Why did it took so long to notice that she was missing?

AY: Well she had been out on medical … (could not understand) “they told Mr. Tatum that she was not cleared to come back to school until the following Monday. (could not understand)

Hostess: When was the last time Relisha was at school?

AY: She was last seen on, I think, March 7 and then on March 6

Host: Do you even know who was in the room with Mr. Tatum and his wife? (I believe the host may have been referring to the motel where AT was killed)

AY: Aah!! pause Only persons mention by my niece [Relisha] – his wife[AT], Mr. Tatum, his daughter and the granddaughter.

Host: Have you seen this granddaughter?

AY: I have never seen the granddaughter, and my mother [MY/T] hasn’t. But when my niece comes home, and she says “hey, I had a 9 year female friend that is Mr. Tatum’s granddaughter, I believe her because she has never lied to me.

Host: What is the granddaughter’s name, I didn’t even know Tatum had a daughter.

AY: I can’t remember the daughters [Sec: Tatum’s] name but yes I have seen her in the flesh and blood myself.

Guest: Why wasn’t Relisha back in school?

AY: She gets seizures and real bad migraines. She has been to the emergency room.

Guest: Where was Relisha the day before she went missing?

AY: It is complicated to explain, oh.. (pause) ….How can I explain.
Note: AY Never answered the question.

Guest: Was Shamika in a relationship with KLT? Why would Shamika let him take Relisha?

AY: She has never had a sexual relationship with him [Tatum] that I know of. Shamika trusted him [Tatum].

Guest: When was the last time someone in your family spoke to her [Relisha] ?

AY: I spook to her [Relisha] on the 19th, so did my mother [MY/T]. The police have all of our phone records that we spoke to him [Tatum] …pause …we spoke to her [Relisha] that day.
My niece told me, she [Relisha] said she was with the wife [AT] , Mr. Tatum, the granddaughter [Tatum’s], and the daughter [Tatum’s].

Somewhere in all of that exchange AY talked about her and her mother’s conversation on the phone. Repeat of exactly what has been said by the MY/T.
AY: Relisha was picked up by KLT from her mother [Shamika] by not me [AY]. (And she is clearly sticking to the story that they spoke to her on the 19th.)

Guest: Why would a mother let her child go to anyone or to someone you don’t know? There has to be something deeper to her to give him. What are these ties? Is he the father? He could be the father and he is trying to get her out of this situation. He was going to take this child and put her in a safe place. There is no way a mother is going to give her child to a stranger, period.

AY: He [Tatum] is not the father. DNA has already done proved that.

Voices speaking in the background, Shush!! (Can’t understand) Just Say It!! …..silence

Host: AY has hung up. I’m sorry she has hung up.

Hostess: That sounded to me like Shamika. I appreciate all of you that called in today and asked questions. I’m sorry to say, it sounds just like she was reading off of a transcript from the news station. Did we learn anything? No, it was just a voice.

In my opinion Ashley is full of stinky poo poo, plain and simple.

Nothing sounded genuine in her responses to questions except one time. When the host asked her the question about who was in the room with Tatum and his wife. She was surprised at the question, paused for a split second, and said Aah!! with actual emotion in her voice. Then recovered and went into her answer, which was not really an answer for that particular question.

It sounds like she has tried to memorize the transcripts from JVM and Nancy Grace.

MY/T and AY must have gotten together and did a practice run so they could try to make sure their stories match… word for word in some cases.

Interesting that AY s still claiming those March 5 and March 6 dates that Relisha was at school so she did not go missing on March 1st. (should have actually been the 7th, if there are keeping to those first dates that came out in the news)

Her explanation for why it took so long to notice that she was missing --- “they told Mr. Tatum that she was not cleared to come back to school until the following Monday. What? Who is “they”? It sounds to me like she is saying that the school told them Relisha could not come back to school yet, since the Doctors note had her excused for a set number of days, so KLT kept her until she could come back.

Good grief:Banane45:
I am not sure I believe the bulljazz about Relisha having seizures either. On the show, Ashley said she had seizures (plural) but then backtracked and said she had a seizure one time, and when the host asked if they'd taken her to the ER AY said yes, and she has headaches... and blah blah blah. That whole interview was a big ole hot mess!
If a child has a doctors note stating a certain date, the schools are not allowed to let e child back until that date. They could be held liable if they did and something happened.

The DNA test was done for IR, not KT, and probably done years ago. IIRC, IR filed for visitation in 2012. Anytime a non custodial parent files for visitation or child support a DNA test is done, no exceptions.

I wonder if SY received child support. In my state, if you apply for any government benefits you MUST try to obtain child support FIRST. The govt doesn't want to pay for your kids if their Dad is off gallivanting somewhere and not helping out. Then, if they can't locate the father you will get your benefits. If they do locate the father and he pays, that factors into your benefits.

If IR was rich and paid SY a ton a child support making her over the income threshold, she would not qualify for ANY benefits.

I'm assuming he does not pay much $ if in fact he pays any $.

IIRC, KT does not have ANY children. AT has children from a previous relationship. They are all adults now, and from my FB sleuthing some of them do have kids. One of the kids does appear to be girl that is Relisha's age.

The pictures of this girl are still posted but obviously I can't link to them per TOS.
interesting to note, during the interview with AY (sister of SY) when being questioned about her mother and SY indicating to the school that Tatum was a doctor:

AY claims to have been in the room while her mother MYT was on the phone with a school official and provided that individual with a phone number that AY assumes is/was Tatum's (see http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kwdcradiolive/2014/04/10/the-warren-experience-1 at about the 60:00 mark and forward to hear this account)

What is interesting is that this does not seem to jibe with MYT's latest version of events saying she never told the school that Tatum was a doctor but that they MAY have misread her handwriting as Dr. Tatum rather than Mr. Tatum.

So this version being told by AY on teh radio show does not seem to jibe with the note version we are hearing right now from her mother.

I noticed then it was a different version, again from the first time we heard about the note stuff.

There was an interview, and it was in person, not on the phone, with MYT sitting there saying that she gave the school the note from the "doctor" and not Shamika. I remember MYT was sitting on a chair facing the interviewer and the camera angle was from the left. I think it was a women who was doing the interview. She clearly said Doctor and nothing about her T's look like D's. I wish I could find it because I think that will make 5 versions of this same story, if you count AY's and Shamika's.
I think it's interesting that during the interview AS says she not SY is the one who's having anxiety attacks.Makes me think that with all the heat surrounding the Young family, that there might be tensions between AY and SY. AS also says she met KLT's daughters in the flesh and the blood, whatever that means. AS also says she never saw the mystery "granddaughter", she can't remember the mystery "granddaughter's"name, she can't remember KLT's daughter's name, and AS seemed surprised by the question if she had ever seen KLT's mystery "granddaughter", as if she hadn't prepared herself for that question. AS is a big liar as far as I'm concerned. It makes me wonder what AS has to hide.

It would help make listening easier if there wasn't all the background noise. But I'm glad these interviews ( AS and GT ) were made.
Now shadow of my mind... Ms look like Ds... You know, you just love eating D&Ds!

In the interview with MYT and either JVM, or NG, she said she didn't know how to spell. But how to spell doctor, mister, or Tatum I don't know.
Much thank's to Shadow of My Mind for posting these links and transcribing the AS interview!
When AS was asked where Relisha was the day before she was known to be missing, AS started to say ( paraphrasing ) it's hard to explain, how can she explain it so everyone understands, .... She never answered this question. What was it about this question that made AS fumble/stumble out the beginning of an answer she never finished?
Put ear buds in, and you can hear the interviews much clearer.
In an earlier interview AS seemed very concerned that SY gave Relisha to KT. She said something along the lines of "how could she let Relisha over there unsupervised? She doesn't know his family, she doesn't know his history"

It seems AS is the only one with some brains in this whole ordeal.
removed link because it now goes to just music playing instead of interview.

Another aunt interviewed. Indya or India it sounded like.

Should have a live interview tonight any minute now as well.
AY: She gets seizures and real bad migraines. She has been to the emergency room.

SBM & BBM: Oh, really,?! When was Relisha taken to the emergency room? Where...What is the name of the hospital? That should be easy enough to prove...even with HIPPA laws, I think, in the case of an endangered person or a crime, LE can pull medical records. I hope LE is listening to this crap!!!

I haven't had a chance to listen to the interview yet, but thanks to all your posts and updates, I know it's a bunch of BS! Their stories are constantly changing!

There is no video of RR on March 1st because she wasn't there. No one saw her there, but someone did see her earlier that day with KT at the resource center on RI ave.

I would think the resource center had cameras, no? Doesn't every agency/business have cameras these days? Especially a govt agency like that.

That March 1 sighting of the girl occurred on Bladensburg Road, near motels that police say Tatum had stayed in, including at least one stay with Relisha.

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