DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #6

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These people.
Thank you PLT, you are a good Mommy as well! I was just about to say (before I got to your last sentence) that Youtube is our friend. LOL I can proudly say that I can make a waterfall with ease, all because of YT.

"Waterfall"?? you are putting me to shame - I only can do the basic! I better get back on YT. I took a break from WS for a bit too. I felt that maybe if I stopped and came back - new info would be there. Something...anything new. While on break, I was wondering if TK and SY traded phone calls during the time when police got involved. Phone calls would indicate to me they were plotting on what to do next and that SY had knowledge of whereabouts.
Jacksonville Child Sex Offender Faces Federal Charges for Producing and Possessing Child *advertiser censored*

This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Jacksonville and Washington, D.C., the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department. It is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney D. Rodney Brown.
http://www.fbi.gov/washingtondc/pre...ng-and-possessing-child-*advertiser censored*
Regarding the blogtalk radio interview with G.T. - What caught my attention was him saying "All the males in the family are in a uproar, and they kind of need to be held back" (paraphrasing).

I wonder if the men really are in the dark, and this is all Shamika and her mom's doing???
Interview with George Turner

First, this comment is really odd:
“Gray and Red New Balance, the ones she has on her feet now.” (Later changed to Purple and Gray.)
What does this mean? Is this just a cultural way of saying "the shoes she has now"?

My opinion, GT either only sees what he wants to see, or he really doesn’t have a clue what is going on first hand, and only is privy to what he has been told. (and more than likely has been coached as well.)

He sounds like he does know right from wrong, but I don’t think this man has any influence over anything and that MY/T wears the pants in that branch of the family.

When he first hooked up with his wife, which was right around the time Relisha was born, (2005) it sounds like he was quite involved with Shamika and the kids, especially since it sounds like they lived together at some point early on.

To be kind, GT’s theory about someone killing AT because she was protecting Relisha and that someone killed KLT and made it look like a suicide is quite sad. It may be the only way he can cope, because I think deep down he has finally realized that things that he thought was ‘just normal behavior; women doing women stuff, passes the kids back and forth and so on’ in this family is not as it seems.

His speech pattern is different at times. Sometimes he sounds like what he is saying is from the heart, and very natural. Other times it sounds stiff, like he is repeating what he has been led to believe, but he really does not believe what he says. Other times it just sounds like he is trying to maintain the image of “tuff guy, family protector”. I also think that he is repeating what is being said on the streets, because he has always been more inclined to believe the street as opposed to the authorities.

GT says he has an extensive family and they all have been having a hard time holding him back. ????? "holding him back" --- Telling the real truth or keeping him from physically going after people who he thinks are responsible.

He doesn’t seem to like AW/TW much. Thinks he can be abusive, but didn’t elaborate.

GT says he has known Relisha's father, IR, for a very long time. He seems to have more empathy for him than anyone else that he mentioned in the entire interview.

corrected link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kwdcradiolive/2014/04/10/the-warren-experience
"Waterfall"?? you are putting me to shame - I only can do the basic! I better get back on YT. I took a break from WS for a bit too. I felt that maybe if I stopped and came back - new info would be there. Something...anything new. While on break, I was wondering if TK and SY traded phone calls during the time when police got involved. Phone calls would indicate to me they were plotting on what to do next and that SY had knowledge of whereabouts.

I'd like to know if there were and how many calls between Tatum and the mother and gm before the school started asking questions and also after. How many calls and when did the calls quit?
My thought is that KT had no intention of killing RR as well and he killed AT and only AT. However the only thing that prevents me from going in that direction 100% is the purchase of the items (lime, shovel, trash bags) so far in advance of AT's murder. I am trying to reconcile that fact. i would love to believe SY sold her daughter and the sale was orchestrated by KT. AT got wind of it and threatened him.... but those darn items were purchased weeks in advance....

Good point. I'm not sure there's a way for me to rectify those purchases with my theory, unless he bought those things for completely innocent reasons.

I'm with everyone else in the mindset that when he bought those items, he was either using them to dispose of Relisha (I hope not) or he was premeditating the murder of his wife. Perhaps the murder of his wife didn't go as planned/he knew the police were looking for him, so he abandoned those plans.

I would really like to know if they've ever found the items--the garbage bags, lime, and shovel, and if they did, what vehicle or apartment they were in.
If they found those items in one of the vehicles he was seen with over March 19-20, maybe they were purchased for his wife all along.

Just speculation, of course.
Good point. I'm not sure there's a way for me to rectify those purchases with my theory, unless he bought those things for completely innocent reasons.

I'm with everyone else in the mindset that when he bought those items, he was either using them to dispose of Relisha (I hope not) or he was premeditating the murder of his wife. Perhaps the murder of his wife didn't go as planned/he knew the police were looking for him, so he abandoned those plans.

I would really like to know if they've ever found the items--the garbage bags, lime, and shovel, and if they did, what vehicle or apartment they were in.
If they found those items in one of the vehicles he was seen with over March 19-20, maybe they were purchased for his wife all along.

Just speculation, of course.

One of the reasons besides the timing I don't think those items were meant for AKT is because of the amount of time KLT spent in the park, several hours I've heard reported, after KLT left Home Depot.
One of the reasons besides the timing I don't think those items were meant for AKT is because of the amount of time KLT spent in the park, several hours I've heard reported, after KLT left Home Depot.

All of that makes sense--I just wish they had found Relisha at the park. :(

IF (and im just doing this to generate some ideas) she wasn't buried in the park, what do you think KT was doing there for 2 hours??
Interview with George Turner

First, this comment is really odd:
“Gray and Red New Balance, the ones she has on her feet now.” (Later changed to Purple and Gray.)
What does this mean? Is this just a cultural way of saying "the shoes she has now"?

My opinion, GT either only sees what he wants to see, or he really doesn’t have a clue what is going on first hand, and only is privy to what he has been told. (and more than likely has been coached as well.)

He sounds like he does know right from wrong, but I don’t think this man has any influence over anything and that MY/T wears the pants in that branch of the family.

When he first hooked up with his wife, which was right around the time Relisha was born, (2005) it sounds like he was quite involved with Shamika and the kids, especially since it sounds like they lived together at some point early on.

To be kind, GT’s theory about someone killing AT because she was protecting Relisha and that someone killed KLT and made it look like a suicide is quite sad. It may be the only way he can cope, because I think deep down he has finally realized that things that he thought was ‘just normal behavior; women doing women stuff, passes the kids back and forth and so on’ in this family is not as it seems.

His speech pattern is different at times. Sometimes he sounds like what he is saying is from the heart, and very natural. Other times it sounds stiff, like he is repeating what he has been led to believe, but he really does not believe what he says. Other times it just sounds like he is trying to maintain the image of “tuff guy, family protector”. I also think that he is repeating what is being said on the streets, because he has always been more inclined to believe the street as opposed to the authorities.

GT says he has an extensive family and they all have been having a hard time holding him back. ????? "holding him back" --- Telling the real truth or keeping him from physically going after people who he thinks are responsible.

He doesn’t seem to like AW/TW much. Thinks he can be abusive, but didn’t elaborate.

GT says he has known Relisha's father, IR, for a very long time. He seems to have more empathy for him than anyone else that he mentioned in the entire interview.

Excellent observations! I got the same impressions about George Turner. The interview is kinda hard to hear, so when I can, I'll have to listen again. I so agree with you that MYT wears the pants in that family! It's troubling too, because I think GT is choosing to believe what he's told, but I think deep down he knows there's way too much wrong. I think if he questions anythone or anything MYT and others will shut him up and shut him down.
Bootscr I had a dream Relisha was in a southern state as well. It was very vivid and detailed and I remember every bit of it.

I posted about it in the morning when I woke up because it affected me very much!
All of that makes sense--I just wish they had found Relisha at the park. :(

IF (and im just doing this to generate some ideas) she wasn't buried in the park, what do you think KT was doing there for 2 hours??

If she wasn't buried in the park, then I would consider the idea that maybe KLT wanted to destroy and bury all incriminating evidence against him, such as photos, mail, and anything that would expose him for what he was. I still would love to know if the grounds in the park would have been too frozen or too hard for him to dig, or not?
Interview with George Turner

First, this comment is really odd:
“Gray and Red New Balance, the ones she has on her feet now.” (Later changed to Purple and Gray.)
What does this mean? Is this just a cultural way of saying "the shoes she has now"?

My opinion, GT either only sees what he wants to see, or he really doesn’t have a clue what is going on first hand, and only is privy to what he has been told. (and more than likely has been coached as well.)

He sounds like he does know right from wrong, but I don’t think this man has any influence over anything and that MY/T wears the pants in that branch of the family.

When he first hooked up with his wife, which was right around the time Relisha was born, (2005) it sounds like he was quite involved with Shamika and the kids, especially since it sounds like they lived together at some point early on.

To be kind, GT’s theory about someone killing AT because she was protecting Relisha and that someone killed KLT and made it look like a suicide is quite sad. It may be the only way he can cope, because I think deep down he has finally realized that things that he thought was ‘just normal behavior; women doing women stuff, passes the kids back and forth and so on’ in this family is not as it seems.

His speech pattern is different at times. Sometimes he sounds like what he is saying is from the heart, and very natural. Other times it sounds stiff, like he is repeating what he has been led to believe, but he really does not believe what he says. Other times it just sounds like he is trying to maintain the image of “tuff guy, family protector”. I also think that he is repeating what is being said on the streets, because he has always been more inclined to believe the street as opposed to the authorities.

GT says he has an extensive family and they all have been having a hard time holding him back. ????? "holding him back" --- Telling the real truth or keeping him from physically going after people who he thinks are responsible.

He doesn’t seem to like AW/TW much. Thinks he can be abusive, but didn’t elaborate.

GT says he has known Relisha's father, IR, for a very long time. He seems to have more empathy for him than anyone else that he mentioned in the entire interview.

I think GT wants to whoop some *advertiser censored**. That's what he means by being held back. I don't blame him!
If she wasn't buried in the park, then I would consider the idea that maybe KLT wanted to destroy and bury all incriminating evidence against him, such as photos, mail, and anything that would expose him for what he was. I still would love to know if the grounds in the park would have been too frozen or too hard for him to dig, or not?

Weather in Washington DC around the March 2nd visit to the park (according to wunderground.com)

February 24: H 48 L 34 partly sunny
February 25: H 39 L 30 snow
February 26: H 38 L 27 snow
February 27: H 43 L 21 partly sunny
February 28: H 30 L 14 partly sunny
March 1: H 46 L 23 partly sunny
March 2: H 53 L 36 scattered showers

I think the ground would have still been too frozen to dig anything usable, but I'm not a contractor or a landscaper....do we have one of those around on the forum?? :)
I wonder if Trisha could get gm on her radio show? Or the mother.
I found a link to the "Warren Experience" radio show dedicated to Relisha. I am not sure if this is the link some of you were seeking ??


Blogtalkradio.com The Warren Experience –KWDC Radio Live
Show #6231269 April 9th Interview Ashley Young (was suppose to be with Melissa Turner) Start at 52:09

Show with Interview with George Turner
They didn't care for the wusa special. :lol:
If SY was never involved with KT intimately, why did AY say there was DNA test that proved KT wasn't the father of Relisha?
If she wasn't buried in the park, then I would consider the idea that maybe KLT wanted to destroy and bury all incriminating evidence against him, such as photos, mail, and anything that would expose him for what he was. I still would love to know if the grounds in the park would have been too frozen or too hard for him to dig, or not?

It looks like, from the weather at that time, he could have been able to dig since the ground was not frozen solid, but it still would have been a hard go at it.

I had also wondered that he was possibly burying clothes, photos, papers, etc and the lime was used to speed up the break down of material and paper, thinking that no one would ever go looking in the park for that stuff. But again, its the time lime that has me not being able to put to much stock in this, as much as I want to.

But why so early in the month?

On March 2, the alarm has still not be sounded, that didn't happen until the 19th. Could that "meeting at the motel" have een to move an alive Relisha to another location, AT would not have anything to do with it, and KLT killed her.

I also was wondering if could have taken Relisha to the park to play, which would account for LE knowing that he had spent time there.

Also March 2 was a Sunday and he and AT were connected to a church. Could he have purchased these items as part of a clean-up at the church? I had at one time come across the name of the church she went to, but I can't find it now. On the site that they were asking for donations to help with funeral expenses, the pastor's name was on there, but that site has been taken down.

And then I go back to More than likely, I think that KLT (or someone else that he had shared her with) may have un-intentionally killed or injured Relisha badly enough that she died, which would explain why no one has seen her since.

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