DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #6

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yes Tony did make that statement to press early early on but I could not find a direct quote. More like Relisha's stepfather told news channel whatever that Tatum had taken Relisha on outings at times before and always brought her back outside hospital where SY was

It is linked and snipped in te last 3 to 4 pages this thread by maybe popsicle or cinnamon
What she is saying makes more sense, I just never could see the shelter letting the little girl leave with him I say they would of frowned on that.
I don't even know what to say or think. I am so reminded of the Haleigh Cummings fiasco.

cummings and all the lies and conflicting he said she said
I don't even know what to say or think. I am so reminded of the Haleigh Cummings fiasco.

Yep. I don't know which family member (if any) to believe in Haleigh's or Relisha's cases.

cummings and all the lies and conflicting he said she said

and the grandmas, the blog radio, the drugs, seedy characters, ugh! We still don't know where Haleigh is! :tantrum:
I think the most telling part of that whole interview is when SY yells, "..and how I feel, I'm hurt, I wanna break down but I gotta stay strong for the rest of my kids. I ain't got nobody by my side but my strong supportive team. You think my mother come to comfort me at nighttime? or my sister, NO!!! THIS SH%T is HURTFUL!!! I wouldn't be going through this: Who sells their missing granddaughter for five dollars a tee shirt???? YOU DON'T SEE ME SELLING NO SHIRTS, WHO DOES THAT???YOU TALKING BOUT YOUR MISSIN' GRANDDAUGHTER AND YOUR MISSIN' DAUGHTER, WHO THE HELL DOES THAT???"
I think MY's Mother should come on the show.
Great Grandmother. Would be interesting.
Another question for Shamika: Is your Great Grandmother on speaking terms with her daughter MY and Granddaughter AY? Are you?
I fully believe that MY called about the tablet because she herself couldn't use it as it was broken.
Fix it on someone else's dime.

If I had I don't remember at this point. once again we have school laying this at Shamika's feet. I wonder tho, if you are speaking to someone on the phone how would you know who? Could school have been talking to grandma thinking they were talking to mom? I guess that would depend on what phone number they were calling when the school officials were calling or were they on the receiving end of calls and if so even more so how do they know they were actually having these conversations with Shamika Young?
I hope police have that tablet now!
All of this family holds some responsibility for this child. If SY, AY, and grandma can't work out between them who's care Relisha was in then they should all be locked up. If they do not know her whereabouts then surely there is some charge that can be laid! Produce the child or pay the price. So frustrating that no one is being held accountable for this :(

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its the new trend. dont report a child missing, lie and or stonewall and then all goes quite and no arrrests or charges.

Its maddening.

Erica Parsons
So whatever happened to the lady that say she was with MY from Feb. to March?

We never got to hear what she had to say.

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She seemed more mature than I imagined.

Two reasons for that could be a) that for once she wasn't high during an interview or b) someone has been coaching her...even if that "someone" is herself! Have you all noticed that her story keeps changing? It's evolving. She is fine tuning her story. First she said she never told LE that KLT was a doctor (which we know was a lie because Social Services and the school said the same thing). Now she's implying that the grandmother is to blame?

I don't know if there have been any reported sightings of Relisha, but if she has been trafficked she is not out on the streets playing in broad daylight. She may have changed hands a couple times already, which could explain all the dead ends that keep coming up.
I think the most telling part of that whole interview is when SY yells, "..and how I feel, I'm hurt, I wanna break down but I gotta stay strong for the rest of my kids. I ain't got nobody by my side but my strong supportive team. You think my mother come to comfort me at nighttime? or my sister, NO!!! THIS SH%T is HURTFUL!!! I wouldn't be going through this: Who sells their missing granddaughter for five dollars a tee shirt???? YOU DON'T SEE ME SELLING NO SHIRTS, WHO DOES THAT???YOU TALKING BOUT YOUR MISSIN' GRANDDAUGHTER AND YOUR MISSIN' DAUGHTER, WHO THE HELL DOES THAT???"

These emotional words from SY were the closest I've felt have been to the truth this far. It reminds me of CA's excited utterance on the 911 call when she reported Caylee was missing and the smell in KC'a car (forgive me).

Whether or not we are any closer to the actual true story, my gut is reminds me that even within the fabric of a lie, there is often a thread of truth.

I believe that MTY holds the key to all of this - and sadly AY as well. Yes, SY should have demanded answers from DAY ONE of not seeing Relisha. However, we can't turn back the clock. If MTY and AY are truly refusing to answer questions (and can't even look SY in the eye) - then that's who needs to answer the tough questions next. :moo:

Relisha, BabyGirl, I am SO sorry we didn't know about this sooner. I promise you, we will keep searching for you, demanding the answers, until we find you. No stone unturned!

You may not have known how much you mattered, and always have, Sweetheart! :tears: There's NO WAY you will ever doubt your worth when you come home!



***ETA: the Parking Lot has me ready to delete everything I said about SY/MTY/AY (sliver of truth), & throw in the towel for the night. I know I won't though. I'll be lucky if I manage to sleep at all after this roller coaster.

The worst part is, this madness is Relisha's life!

:tears: :stormingmad:

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Has it been said why SY wasn't brought up by her mum??

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Same here. I gave my son a bad haircut once :blushing: and there was alittle bald spot from the clippers and he woke up the next morning for school telling me his stomach hurt and he felt sick and I knew instantly it was because he was nervous about being made fun of at school.

He was like 'how did you know that Mom?'

I felt so guilty but we lived through it. A Mommy knows her baby!

Exactly! little Relisha may have known either consciously or sub-consciously that Tatum was bad news but since the adults were supporting it there was little she could do except try to avoid. One article mentioned she would fake asthma attacks just to stay at relatives' houses. So I found myself sympathizing with SY when she said she was trying to keep Relisha at her Moms because she kept getting sick. However - this was not a working Mom who was pre-occupied with trying to hold down jobs. SY had her days free - she could have taken Relisha to school every morning and picked her up. Where was SY everyday that she couldn't be with RR? Why didn't MT or AY take all the children in and SY? I think SY was under the influence and won't admit - I was too high to care. She seems to just now be coming out of the haze/fog/numbness and we are hearing the anger rise. To me her voice sounds more alert and emotional - her brain seems to be working a bit better too - she's asking questions instead of reciting what MT told her. I am in no way saying she is not responsible but am seeing things a little differently.
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