DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #6

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MYT told SY that Tatum commented "if anything happened to me and my wife - Relisha would be set for life". If that is true - how very odd. I am guessing it was another one of Tatum's tactics to entice the family to let Relisha spend more time with him.

how crazy would it be if someone took his word for it and thought there was financial gain to be had if they murdered the couple.
thank you :D

I knew it was out there.

Have you had any luck finding the whole article Shamika kept trying to call our attention to on tonights show, the one she claims contains her saying she never allowed tatum to take Relisha and that he asked her if Relisha could go to the retreat but Shamika said no no no?

Because I'll be darned if I can find it.

I do recall reading that in an article, I'll look for it as well.
Patrick Kelly, Andrea's cousin, believes she was killed because she knew Tatum was with the missing girl.

"[Andrea] was a beautiful person and she didn't deserve what she got," Kelly said. "He's a wolf walking out here amongst us. He’s a demon. She lost her life by standing up for what she believed in."

Relisha's mother told News4 she, and her daughter, had a trusting friendship with Tatum.


From 3/28
I do recall reading that in an article, I'll look for it as well.

thank you :D

I knew it was out there.

Have you had any luck finding the whole article Shamika kept trying to call our attention to on tonights show, the one she claims contains her saying she never allowed tatum to take Relisha and that he asked her if Relisha could go to the retreat but Shamika said no no no?

Because I'll be darned if I can find it.
I posted it earlier:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - DC DC -*Amber Alert* Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 #6

Relisha’s grandmother says before she hung up, she told Tatum to bring Relisha home by Sunday the 16th for a birthday party and then immediately called her daughter Shamika.

“I said, `Shamika, did you know your daughter was out of town with Mr. Tatum and his family?’ She said, `When he asked me could she go, I said no, don’t take her. How do you know?’ I said, `Because I just called him,’” Young said.


Another round for tomorrow? On his FB he says M, A and S tomorrow night and maybe no questions asked from callers til later because he might just mute his mike and them them have at it:)
yep just read that. Can you imagine? all three of them hashing the stuff out on the air????? talk about hot mess.

I cannot even picture what a hot mess but I will not miss it if it happens because in these heated moments is when I think the realest stuff comes out. when nobody is thinking about their answer first.
Nikki, once again, you were spot-on with your questions and comments! You are my hero!!! :loveyou:

I haven't listened to the entire show yet, not sure if any other known WSers called in...if so, thank you, too!!!

Y'all are awesome!!! You do what I'd like to do...but I'm too scared, heck, it took me weeks to even post here on WS! But y'all got me covered by asking the questions I would ask and making the comments I would make. Thank you!
I posted it earlier:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - DC DC -*Amber Alert* Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 #6

Relisha’s grandmother says before she hung up, she told Tatum to bring Relisha home by Sunday the 16th for a birthday party and then immediately called her daughter Shamika.

“I said, `Shamika, did you know your daughter was out of town with Mr. Tatum and his family?’ She said, `When he asked me could she go, I said no, don’t take her. How do you know?’ I said, `Because I just called him,’” Young said.



yes exactly but Shamika Young tonight ont he show stated twice that we needed to read that article because SHE (as in herself) had never let Tatum take her child and had said so way back in an article if people would bother to read it.

At least that is what I heard her say. So if she was just pointing to an article where her mother says that SY had relayed to mother that she had said no about Atlanta that means she is indicating her mom is truthful in that respect.

but her mom lied to her about where Relisha was and wont meet her eye and is not talking to her now.

I am just confused as all hell.

So we should believe her mom and sister and cops and reporters and school officials (ALL of whom say that SY is the one who states she allowed Tatum to take the child and claim she was an active participant in a cover up or Relisha's absence) are LYING.

But on the fact that on that final trip/outing with Tatum Shamika said no and he took her anyway, somehow from one of the women each of whom claim they are not the woman. On this ONE fact we should trust her mother's word.

my head hurts. my stomach is a mess.

stop this ride I need to get off and catch my breath
Why doesn't shamika just let the person who is feeding her the lines talk?? Like we can't hear that in the background. Duhhhh

I'm listening on excellent headphones. I can hear the people in the back clear as day.

Yep, I could too! IMO, it was obvious she was being coached, and/or reading prepared answers.
When a child is in your care, you wear many hats: teacher, police , doctor, chef and yes - psychiatrist! you don't have to be any of those to take on the role. Totally agree with you - when my daughter suddenly gets a stomach ache before school or before bedtime - I think - is she avoiding something ? - is she scared ? - has she eaten something bad?

Again SY shirks the responsibility .

Same here. I gave my son a bad haircut once :blushing: and there was alittle bald spot from the clippers and he woke up the next morning for school telling me his stomach hurt and he felt sick and I knew instantly it was because he was nervous about being made fun of at school.

He was like 'how did you know that Mom?'

I felt so guilty but we lived through it. A Mommy knows her baby!
yes exactly but Shamika Young tonight ont he show stated twice that we needed to read that article because SHE (as in herself) had never let Tatum take her child and had said so way back in an article if people would bother to read it.

At least that is what I heard her say. So if she was just pointing to an article where her mother says that SY had relayed to mother that she had said no about Atlanta that means she is indicating her mom is truthful in that respect.

but her mom lied to her about where Relisha was and wont meet her eye and is not talking to her now.

I am just confused as all hell.

So we should believe her mom and sister and cops and reporters and school officials (ALL of whom say that SY is the one who states she allowed Tatum to take the child and claim she was an active participant in a cover up or Relisha's absence) are LYING.

But on the fact that on that final trip/outing with Tatum Shamika said no and he took her anyway, somehow from one of the women each of whom claim they are not the woman. On this ONE fact we should trust her mother's word.

my head hurts. my stomach is a mess.

stop this ride I need to get off and catch my breath
I took it to mean the article was the one where she told KT no when he asked to take her to Atlanta, GA and her mom mentioned it...because it backs up SY's claim she did tell KT no (at least that time). I don't think there are other articles regarding her telling KT he could not take RR anywhere else. Doesn't mean SY didn't tell him that, but it does dispute KT's nephew's account last night saying he walked with RR and KT to the store.

I think the police are having a difficult time sorting this out and I hope they don't have tunnel vision to the point of excluding other possibilities such as MY having the child last. They should give a LDT to SY and everyone else in the family to get an idea of where things stand.

No one has discussed RR's illnesses and how they could play a role here. Could RR have been seriously ill? The headaches and seizures were perhaps part of a dire medical condition for RR compounded by not seeing a real doctor. Maybe no one killed her (except neglect), but they covered it up anyway.
I really hope all three of them show up tomorrow night.
Another round for tomorrow? On his FB he says M, A and S tomorrow night and maybe no questions asked from callers til later because he might just mute his mike and them them have at it:)

That could be very interesting!
Why exactly wouldn't SY file a MP report? What is her reason...oh that's right, she wasn't told she needed to.
If MYT is a crackhead or on any other drug and Tatum came to her and offered her cash or drugs, or his connections, I have no doubt she would hand Relisha over in exchange.

I worked with addicts for over a year in a clinic. They have warped minds and they would steal $1 candy from a baby and try to return it to the store for a cash refund. She certainly looks the part. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
Have you all determined if another child is missing or not? I'm sick. I'm sweating from head to toe. What if there is?? And no one reported her missing!!!!
They found the white truck in the 1600 block of Eastern. I noticed on the map there are two businesses close by Progressive Waste Solutions and Consolidated Waste Industries Of MD. They both have access to rail service and it shows trash trucks etc in their yards.

Does anyone have the address of KT's childhood home in the area?
If MYT is a crackhead or on any other drug and Tatum came to her and offered her cash or drugs, or his connections, I have no doubt she would hand Relisha over in exchange.

I worked with addicts for over a year in a clinic. They have warped minds and they would steal $1 candy from a baby and try to return it to the store for a cash refund. She certainly looks the part. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

How does her husband figure into that though?
Why exactly wouldn't SY file a MP report? What is her reason...oh that's right, she wasn't told she needed to.

She didn't want Tatum to lose his job.

She didn't want to lose her boys.

Relisha wasn't missing because she was safe with Tatum.

Nobody asked her to.

She didn't know she had to.

She wasn't under the impression that she was missing.

Ok...so I was wrong. All these stories and I can't keep them straight. The only thing Shamika has been consistent with is that the last time Relisha went with Tatum, it was from Ashley's. The rest...well, now she claims she never let Tatum take her anywhere. My heart hurts along with my head.

Every. single. time. I. think. I. can. have. empathy, they throw a wrench in. I fold. :jail::jail::jail::jail:
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