DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #8

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Volunteer group returns to Kenilworth Park to search for Relisha Rudd

Embedded video @ link


Screen grab of shirts some searchers wore:


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The comments in the article continue to come and are exposing KW and his clown posse. I can't imagine anybody that will now take him seriously. I am sure there are
some well meaning people in the search group, but they need a leader who is sincere
and knowledgeable . And honest.
DC's ABC7 reported that a woman that can communicate with the dead was at the search.

I'm glad that media is paying attention to searches for Relisha, but it irks me to no end that a charlatan that claims to speak to the dead, is getting attention. But then again, since Relisha is still missing, the media just highlighted a charlatan fail.
Where are you little Princess???? Shine the light. I hope you are still dancing little one. I think you are and in a place surrounded by love.
I can't see the secret group *Keith banned me after I told him he was full of it and that I spoke directly to LE about him*. Jig is up!

I did send to join the other group just linked here. I really hope the person who was threatened calls it in NOW. It is vital to document as they happen, otherwise LE will see it as a non-urgent issue because the victim treated it as such.

Did he have a radio show tonight?
Goodnight to Relisha and to everyone on this web who is trying to find her, and support those who are in the field. Tonight, well every night, everyone is searching for this little lost lamb. I'm praying someone finds her soon and makes a home for her and her little brothers that they can all call their own.

A motherless soft lambkin
Along upon a hill;
No mother's fleece to shelter him
And wrap him from the cold:--
I'll run to him and comfort him,
I'll fetch him, that I will;
I'll care for him and feed him
Until he's strong and bold.
C. Rosetti
I can't see the secret group *Keith banned me after I told him he was full of it and that I spoke directly to LE about him*. Jig is up!

I did send to join the other group just linked here. I really hope the person who was threatened calls it in NOW. It is vital to document as they happen, otherwise LE will see it as a non-urgent issue because the victim treated it as such.

Did he have a radio show tonight?

That was incredibly bold of you AK. Thanks for taking such a clear, consistent stand. Obviously you're in this for the long haul, and I'm so happy you've chosen to champion Relisha's cause.
I missed it but why was someone asking what a sex-worker is? I'm like Websleuths unofficial sex-worker know it all (because I am one). What does that have to do with this case or did I miss something?
Absolutely nothing!
I always look forward to your posts because you have an incredible memory for details, a great understanding of human behaviour, your logic is on point and you never hesitate to call a spade a spade.

So, if by sending an answer to that post I offended you AK, I'm very sorry. Please accept my apology, because that was not my intention.
It's a page back, #928 I think. A reply to your statement about getting people help instead of institutionalizing.
I missed it but why was someone asking what a sex-worker is? I'm like Websleuths unofficial sex-worker know it all (because I am one). What does that have to do with this case or did I miss something?
I wonder if the jacket and tooth they found is Relisha's

It is very interesting to see this information referenced, with no link, no date or background information, in the WAPO article.

I have followed every thread on Relisha and waded into and through the quagmire of dung that is piled on, day after day, by Mr. Warren. So, why is it that I have not heard of the second search where they found a tooth and a hood of a HH jacket?

The longer this goes on, the more I believe that Relisha is still being used for fame, notoriety, and ultimately money. I think that the grandmother knows exactly what happened to Relisha Rudd and that Tatum was used in the process and became expendable. I have to wonder if these items are being planted and the responsible parties are leading these amatuers around by their respective noses. How many people will profit off of this sad story?

I can barely come here, even to the generic thread, because it is always about this imbicile KW and his followers...now WUSA, WJLA, News4 Washington, ugh, they are all giving this attention seeker much more than his 15 minutes of fame. It is utterly reprehensible.
It is very interesting to see this information referenced, with no link, no date or background information, in the WAPO article.

I have followed every thread on Relisha and waded into and through the quagmire of dung that is piled on, day after day, by Mr. Warren. So, why is it that I have not heard of the second search where they found a tooth and a hood of a HH jacket?

The longer this goes on, the more I believe that Relisha is still being used for fame, notoriety, and ultimately money. I think that the grandmother knows exactly what happened to Relisha Rudd and that Tatum was used in the process and became expendable. I have to wonder if these items are being planted and the responsible parties are leading these amatuers around by their respective noses. How many people will profit off of this sad story?

I can barely come here, even to the generic thread, because it is always about this imbicile KW and his followers...now WUSA, WJLA, News4 Washington, ugh, they are all giving this attention seeker much more than his 15 minutes of fame. It is utterly reprehensible.

BBM. Exactly, Just K! When I read that, my first thought was, what is the source of this information?

Also, this is my first time hearing about The Cartoon Network. A "source" for that information was provided in the article as:

But a law enforcement official provided this detail from the homicide scene that has not been publicly released: The Cartoon Network was on the television.


Interesting. I'd like to know the source of information regarding the second search.

Pardon any typos, will correct later... I'm mobile and it took me almost 5 minutes just to type this, lol.
It is very interesting to see this information referenced, with no link, no date or background information, in the WAPO article.

I have followed every thread on Relisha and waded into and through the quagmire of dung that is piled on, day after day, by Mr. Warren. So, why is it that I have not heard of the second search where they found a tooth and a hood of a HH jacket?

The longer this goes on, the more I believe that Relisha is still being used for fame, notoriety, and ultimately money. I think that the grandmother knows exactly what happened to Relisha Rudd and that Tatum was used in the process and became expendable. I have to wonder if these items are being planted and the responsible parties are leading these amatuers around by their respective noses. How many people will profit off of this sad story?

I can barely come here, even to the generic thread, because it is always about this imbicile KW and his followers...now WUSA, WJLA, News4 Washington, ugh, they are all giving this attention seeker much more than his 15 minutes of fame. It is utterly reprehensible.

and especially the UBM

Thank you.
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