DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #9

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Dear Relisha,

Hi hon! I've not forgotten about you and that pretty smile. I see a lot of lil' Relisha's running around, summer time with the fire hydrants open and it's your time to play. You aren't there this summer and that hurts.

While I don't know you, or really what your future would have held - I know the likely outcome. The child that gets winter coats donated but never in her size. The mother too busy smoking up her TANF and those men she brings around ... always eyeing you like you're special in the way a grown woman should be to them. I meet adult versions of you daily, the girls that think they are on their way out - but sadly closer to disappearing in another way.

Relisha, what your mom or grannie did doesn't reflect upon you. You are special, someone different and you wanted out - not in .. not in for the long haul of system living. You're a child though and everything seems so out of reach. you were taught to ask for help, and you did. You were taught to look for the way out - you did. Sadly your mother wanted her paycheck but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you, it just means she doesn't know how to love properly or priorities. After all, I'm sure she says "I turned out just fine!". It's a system within a system ... a cycle.

Until you are found, I will canvas SWOP in DC and everywhere else for that crooked smile. I don't want to see you out there getting pb&j sandwiches from me or packets, but I rather that then thinking the alternative.

All my best,
Ugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAv394PYA9g&sns=fb The trailer for Keith's show. A trailer. Like it's a movie.

WOW. So let me just go off for a second. Mods delete if need be.

Do you know the musical score he selected? Here, let me school everyone:

Requiem For A Dream - Trailer - YouTube

I am SICKENED! Requiem for a dream, Hans Zimmerman for the sound to Relisha's film. Clint Mansell "summer overture"

I hate this man. I hate him and I left him a lil' comment. I no longer care if people google and know who I am. As kids say "come at me bro"
What a sick-o.


If this doesn't allow people to realize he had to watch Requiem (and honestly, every drug pusher and drug user has) to know that song. Why that overture? Why on earth? That's ok.. I reported for licensing rights. I'm SAG dammit, and I never get to use my union status for much but in times like these I will go straight to the board.

May he spend his days suffering.

If this doesn't allow people to realize he had to watch Requiem (and honestly, every drug pusher and drug user has) to know that song. Why that overture? Why on earth? That's ok.. I reported for licensing rights. I'm SAG dammit, and I never get to use my union status for much but in times like these I will go straight to the board.

May he spend his days suffering.

Good for you for reporting him! Such an arrogant so and so) Sorry, this forum doesn't let me curse.)
The score for the trailer could not be more inappropriate. Relisha wanted nothing more than to escape the trap house that was her reality.

I really have no words. I am so sorry princess.
he has me blocked every which way but sunday - however what he fails to gather is that I make my earnings making men miserable and getting power over them. Just because he's not paying my hourly rate doesn't mean anything, it's charitable.

Don't read my comment under his video if you have virginal eyes.
he has me blocked every which way but sunday - however what he fails to gather is that I make my earnings making men miserable and getting power over them. Just because he's not paying my hourly rate doesn't mean anything, it's charitable.

Don't read my comment under his video if you have virginal eyes.

I hear stuff like every day at work. Oh and I am in education ;)
Find Relisha !!!!

I've seen Requiem for a Dream.... sick film. What on earth could it possibly have to do with
our sweetheart?
Ok... I love Requiem and Mansell.... However, using it in the context of Relisha is crass at best. :-(
WOW. So let me just go off for a second. Mods delete if need be.

Do you know the musical score he selected? Here, let me school everyone:

Requiem For A Dream - Trailer - YouTube

I am SICKENED! Requiem for a dream, Hans Zimmerman for the sound to Relisha's film. Clint Mansell "summer overture"

I hate this man. I hate him and I left him a lil' comment. I no longer care if people google and know who I am. As kids say "come at me bro"
Iirc, there's not a single child in that story, neither book or movie versions. There definitely is quite a bit of ruining lives via drug use though, hmmm...
Find Relisha !!!!

I've seen Requiem for a Dream.... sick film. What on earth could it possibly have to do with
our sweetheart?
I'm guessing it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Relisha .
Because GUYS, it's always about Keith, GUYS. Don't ya know?

If this doesn't allow people to realize he had to watch Requiem (and honestly, every drug pusher and drug user has) to know that song. Why that overture? Why on earth? That's ok.. I reported for licensing rights. I'm SAG dammit, and I never get to use my union status for much but in times like these I will go straight to the board.

May he spend his days suffering.

Yay!!! Go AstroKitty. Another version of his trailer uses "I'm Coming Home". I'm pretty sure Skyler Grey loved the KOSAIR Children's Hospital use (made by nurses, with staff and patients) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeP6kIshw5Q], but I'm not so sure she, or P Daddy, even knows this one exists [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA7v1CpeqsU].
Find Relisha !!!!

I've seen Requiem for a Dream.... sick film. What on earth could it possibly have to do with
our sweetheart?

It's not about Relisha, IMO, so it has nothing whatsoever to do with the betrayed, beautiful little girl with whom so many of us have become deeply attached. Her name is an opportunistic grab for a recognition factor, IMO, coming with a built in audience of people who actually want to find out more information about what's happening with the case and curiosity seekers. Potentially the audience will include women with whom the host might seek a more intimate relationship. So creepy.

The music for a trailer, IMO, has to tell a good, cohesive story to lure people in to the theatre in order to see the entire production, so it's got to have a strong "hook" in the melody, and a strong build. It sets the tone instantly for the audience. In fact, some of the most successful trailers have little to do with the final product because they are edited by someone who may only edit trailers and use early material which may not even appear in the finished film. So choice of music is very important. The music will tell the audience on an emotional, an intellectual, and a physical level what the movie, the subject of the trailer, is about even when the visual images can't.

So, again JMO, this music is dark, threatening, agitating, powerful, dominant, draining. It may well suggest to the host a film noir scenario in which a flawed hero saves the day. I think the host is feeling the music as being very masculine, very edgy, very powerful. The thematic repetition in that music really drives it. It's the sort of music that could back a revenge drama, or a stalking/hunting/searching scene (IMO). For AK and many others, the relationship between the music and RfaD is very strong, and will inspire very visceral responses whenever they hear it. In fact, the host may have chosen the music as well because he sees the Relisha's family as being broken and having, to some degree, the same problems as the central family in RfaD.

So, IMO again, if you don't look at the title of the show, the music says nothing about a missing child. But that's not what the show is all about for the host. Really, it's just self-promotion for an impotent, pompous little man pretending to be a successful detective/dj/tough guy--whatever. This music is about him being "the finder" of Relisha, not Relisha herself. I think that the trailer shows the host's true orientation and ambitions, and they are all about self-aggrandizement.

As I said up-thread, the host has also got a version of his trailer using the Skyler Grey/P Diddy vocals of I'm Coming Home as the score. This song works, IMO, to suggest the feelings of a lost child, or a child who now can go a place where she/he can be with loved ones. At least the opening chorus, the melody, the harmonies, even the underlying sense of hope are totally suitable. Some of the lyrics, not so much, but that's only because the subject matter of the verses is about an adult returning, where the chorus is, I think, more universal. With careful editing, it's the perfect song to accompany images of children.

The little 30 sec. plea for KOSAIR's children says more in the first 5 seconds about their mission than the host gets said in his entire production. I look at his trailer as being like very bad performance art made by people who really, really want to be thought of as artists but have no discipline, no vision, no intelligent point of view, no sense of line or proportion, and no talent; but who can use a computer.

O/T Many years ago, an art prof was introducing computer assisted art techniques to his college classes. He reported that many people in the evening intro to commercial art class were disappointed in what computers could offer them, because "you already have to have talent to make the art look like art with a computer." Just saying...
Why go through all that trouble and then not even have a show? It's not like its some professionally produced show. Hook up the mic to the Xbox and roll.

ETA: I thought NOLA was the "chocolate city"
I still think about you all the time Relisha. I pray for the day you'll be found and those responsible for your disappearance are brought to justice.
I really wished LE would search Kenilworth swamp (Anacostia & Quarles) area again, that place gives me a sick feeling after leaving from Baltimore and searching twice in May' this same area I covered minimal ground. Every time it rains the area changes and holds water differently. It dead ends with easy access to just back in and dump, it's hidden. I really believe Relisha' is there I really do... Makes me sick NO UPDATES ' on this child case at all from LE!

Have you guys had a chance to view " Mzpolotatum's" Ig account and the pictures loaded on that account March 19, 12 hr window of Andrea's murder?

IMO Kahlil' loaded these photos while on the run to mask a "loving wife & husband" I believe Andrea' was nothing more than a 24 yr companion for this sicko!!!!

I believe Andrea' had all the answers, she and Relisha' are the only ones who never got to speak to police, the only ones who knew what he was really about.

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