DC DC - Robert Wone, 32, Washington DC, 2 Aug 2006

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Just obstruction of justice at this point.
Thanks for bumping this gaia. I had not heard about this case. What a crazy messed up story!! I'm still reading the police report but wow....I smell guilty all over these guys.
I think maybe he was killed before he was going to bed. Drugged, assaulted, then killed... then the clean up/maybe put in shower and the bed part staged (with the mouthpiece put in) to look as if he was asleep.
I have been reading the police report the last couple days too and I can't believe these guys have not been arrested for anything other than obstruction. Obviously LE thinks they are guilty they just have not been able to prove it. I would think that they would be able to charge them with tampering with a body too as it is obvious they cleaned Robert up.

The question is why did they do this to him? These guys seemed like normal guys, the were prominent gay rights activists, they had a lot going for them. It seems like it was premeditated. They invited Robert to spend the night so he didn't have to drive back home and they already had some sort of planned hatched. It all actually reminds me a little bit of Amanda Knox and her buddies killing Meredith Kercher.

They obviously injected him with something to incapacitate him and sexually assaulted him. How did Robert end up with his own semen in his anus? Did they put it there for some weird reason. I can think of one scenario of how that could have happened but it would require me to get pretty graphic. Long and short - Robert engaged in sex with one of the men to the point of climax, another man then had sex with that same man getting Robert's semen on himself and then that same man had intercourse with Robert. I wonder how closely LE looked at the other men to see if they had semen in their bodies?

The knife wounds are interesting too. They are very clean and methodical and there are three of them. That makes me wonder if each of the three men did not stab RObert one time apiece.

I can't decide if Robert went over there and was at first a willing participant in the sex acts until something went very wrong. I wish they could pinpoint what drug he was injected with. I wonder if they injected him with this drug telling him it would enhance his pleasure or something and maybe that is waht killed him so they then decided to cover that up by stabbing him and trying to make it look like an intruder did it. They didn't do a very good job of staging the crime scene. They are lawyers, for gosh sakes, wouldn't they know that tampering with the body, cleaning it up and placing it on the bed would look very, very suspicious?

The whole scenario is just weird and confusing.
gaia: Your theory that the drug they incapacitated him with killed him and that SOMEONE panicked and then staged a "murder by an intruder" makes sense in that there was almost no blood found at the scene.
But, the medical examiner stated that the small intestine was filled with blood from internal bleeding and that the blood was actually partially digested - meaning that it took some time for him to die.
So he apparently didn't die from the drug that was administered to him.
Did you read the part about the electrically-stimulated ejaculation?
About the Second Floor Guy having all kinds of S/M fetish type items in his room - including an electrical penis stimulator, butt plugs, and other such fetish items. I think he did the whole thing, incapacitated the victim with a drug, then "had his way with him" and then who knows?
The other two I suspect of participating in a coverup but don't think they were complicit in the death.
Oh yes, how quickly I forget things! The ME report did say he was still alive after he had been stabbed. So, someone stabbed him and then just left him there alone to die a slow death. Cold.

I don't remember the part about the electrically-stimulated ejaculation and will have to look that up because even with my vivid imagination I can't for the life of me figure out what in the world that consists of!
Oh yes, how quickly I forget things! The ME report did say he was still alive after he had been stabbed. So, someone stabbed him and then just left him there alone to die a slow death. Cold.

I don't remember the part about the electrically-stimulated ejaculation and will have to look that up because even with my vivid imagination I can't for the life of me figure out what in the world that consists of![/QUOTE]

Gaia, thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking! I guess I need to revisit some parts of the story too lol.
Well, my fearless comrade....since you have read the links...should I open them at work or save them for later?
Also, why only arrest Ward for obstruction? At the very least I think all three of them should have been picked up on that count. I wonder what their explanations were to police regarding the clean up aspect...the clean and pristine bed Wone was laying on, the lack of blood considering his injuries...it's just so wacky that as lawyers they would even try and go this route.

The injection sites on Wone's body say to me that he wasn't involved in any sort of consensual sexual relationship with any of them.

But yet, why kill him? I could see if he was involved sexually with one or more of them, jealousy could have come into play and that be a motive but....whew....what a freaky story. I keep going in circles trying to figure it out. I do believe these men are guilty but if it's only one of them why wouldn't the others turn on the perp unless all three of them were directly involved? The 3 stab wounds lends credence to all three literally having a hand in it. And what's up with Wone's own semen being in his anus? They had to know LE would check for signs of sexual assault and how would that play into the investigation?
Well, my fearless comrade....since you have read the links...should I open them at work or save them for later?

Well.....it all depends on your workplace. There are not pictures or anything so if you have a quick clicker finger you can minimize it pretty quick......
I heard about this case when it first happened from a close friend who was very active in the gay community in DC. There was an uproar in the community from some who felt it was gay-bashing because the victim was straight but the people living in the house were gay.

Of course, if you read the affidavit, it seems apparent (to me anyway) that it was an inside job. My friend was quite surprised at the details--it didn't match what he'd heard thru the grapevine. He moved from the area last year, so he didn't know about the affidavit being released.

I think the best DC can do is obstruction of justice because the housemates did a thorough enough clean up. Maybe this charge is as much as they think they can make stick.

Also, I asked my friend if an unconscious male could ejaculate via a manual method and he felt that it was possible. FWIW. I hate the idea that the poor man was violated with some kind of prod in addition to however else he was violated. Very strange and disturbing.
How could his own semen get up his anus? Why would someone put it there?
Jun 29, 6:31 PM EDT
DC judge acquits 3 in probe of unsolved killing

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three romantically linked men who lived in a posh D.C. neighborhood were acquitted Tuesday of misleading police in the investigation of a mysterious stabbing death at the men's town house in 2006.

D.C. Superior Judge Lynn Leibovitz said despite "suspicious and even damning circumstances," prosecutors did not prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt after a five-week trial. Joseph Price, Dylan Ward and Victor Zaborsky had been charged with obstructing justice and conspiracy after 32-year-old lawyer Robert Wone, of Oakton, Va., was stabbed to death in a guest room at their home.

The three defendants lived together as a self-described family in Washington's Dupont Circle neighborhood. They insisted the stabbing was committed by an intruder, but there were no signs of struggle or forced entry.

Prosecutors claimed the men's unusual relationship showed the intensity of their bond, and that they would be willing to lie to protect each other and their family members.

Leibovitz read her 35-page order to a packed courtroom as the defendants looked on with little expression. She said it was very probable the government's theory that all or some of the defendants withheld helpful information from investigators was correct, but she couldn't find the men guilty.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

They were on trial for obstruction and conspiracy, they still can be tried again for murder. They did it, no stranger came in and did all that to Robert. Hopefully they will be charged with murder one day when one of them talks to the wrong person.

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