DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #14

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I think you are correct. SS IMO told him he was to meet and receive cash for buying stuff for the new business. IMO he's going to impress on JW that it's money and that he needs it ASAP. No stopping for gas, no grabbing breakfast on the way. SS was depending on that money to save his life and the lives of three others

Right! And since the bank didn't open until 9am (which I find weird...even in the tiny town, Missouri I live in they open at 8am)

So it would take some time for the AIW employee to get the money. I am gonna say at least 15 minutes. Conservative. At 10:26 the cash was already in the car. Rush Hour...and there is no wasted time, IMO.
Oops ... was wondering how to post. .even checked the rules, tech, etc. Then realized this thread moved. Now it works. Thanks for patience with the new person.

I have been following this story since it first broke into the news. It has my heart and I seriously want justice for the S family and V's family.

Since I am new to WS I am trying to backread the info here as much as I can to get caught up on this site. This is now my go-to, and I hope to contribute as much as I can.

Thanks for the warm welcome and encouragement. I am thrilled to have found such like-minded people.

IMHO Truth and time walk hand in hand. Given enough time, I believe the truth will come out.

I appreciate everyone's insight and expertise.. Thank you.

I wanted to post my thanks here and now I will stay on topic.
I think you are correct. SS IMO told him he was to meet and receive cash for buying stuff for the new business. IMO he's going to impress on JW that it's money and that he needs it ASAP. No stopping for gas, no grabbing breakfast on the way. SS was depending on that money to save his life and the lives of three others

See, this is why it's confusing. This is a quote from a Fox report:

"Wallace allegedly told police he knew there was $40,000 in the package because another employee had told him. But police found that Wallace text messaged photos of the bundles of cash -- apparently to his girlfriend, according to WTTG."

I know he changed his story and said cash was handed to him out of the accountant's pockets , but did he also change his story to say that he knew he was picking up money ahead of time and not just a package? Makes complete sense that SS would tell him it was money and urgent at that.

It's just confusing that JW lied about it and also that he worded his text to SS on Weds night as "Got your messages. I'll let you know when I pick up the package." Unless SS said something like, "in all of our communication, please refer to the money as the package."
Oops ... was wondering how to post. .even checked the rules, tech, etc. Then realized this thread moved. Now it works. Thanks for patience with the new person.

I have been following this story since it first broke into the news. It has my heart and I seriously want justice for the S family and V's family.

Since I am new to WS I am trying to backread the info here as much as I can to get caught up on this site. This is now my go-to, and I hope to contribute as much as I can.

Thanks for the warm welcome and encouragement. I am thrilled to have found such like-minded people.

IMHO Truth and time walk hand in hand. Given enough time, I believe the truth will come out.

I appreciate everyone's insight and expertise.. Thank you.

I wanted to post my thanks here and now I will stay on topic.

Hi CR. you're just in time for Taco Tuesday. Fish tacos tonight...
I just want to remind everyone that the blog that attempts to take credit, on May 27th, for finding the link between the two addresses on 85th Ave/Lanham & New Carrollton, took this credit for this find THREE DAYS after the combined effort of three Websleuth members that resulted in this exact find. We generated the google maps showing the distance between the two addresses on May 24th! Then one of the three of us called the find into MPD before NT ever posted this article. MPD was aware of the connection because a WS member called in the tip.

The NT "find" was not "an exclusive" bombshell!
So when NT reported that an LE official knew of the "connections" between DW and JW, all he was referring to was the google map connection?
I do not mean to trivialize the find of three WSer and am so glad you reported it, but seems a rather tenuous connection to me in lieu of further corroboration of any actual "connection" as we take the term to mean--actual affiliation between to people who have met, bonded to some degree, and have some sort of relationship through the ties of a social, educational, religious, business, or some other community.
If the "connections" between DW and JW as first discovered by Websleuthers and then repeated by NT consist only of the occupancy of two apartments in some proximity to each other --an occupancy not even established as being within the same time-frame or parallel in any way except by a son's father who might have lived next to a father's son he, the father, did not even know---
Sorry. Glad a potential connection was reported, and always happy to see fellow WSers get some well deserved credit, but this is not connection, as presented thus far by Sluethers or NT, mere coincidence, which only goes to prove the old saw "It's a small world." JMO
So when NT reported that an LE official knew of the "connections" between DW and JW, all he was referring to was the google map connection?
I do not mean to trivialize the find of three WSer and am so glad you reported it, but seems a rather tenuous connection to me in lieu of further corroboration of any actual "connection" as we take the term to mean--actual affiliation between to people who have met, bonded to some degree, and have some sort of relationship through the ties of a social, educational, religious, business, or some other community.
If the "connections" between DW and JW as first discovered by Websleuthers and then repeated by NT consist only of the occupancy of two apartments in some proximity to each other --an occupancy not even established as being within the same time-frame or parallel in any way except by a son's father who might have lived next to a father's son he, the father, did not even know---
Sorry. Glad a potential connection was reported, and always happy to see fellow WSers get some well deserved credit, but this is not connection, as presented thus far by Sluethers or NT, mere coincidence, which only goes to prove the old saw "It's a small world." JMO
Well, all some WSers have ever suggested is that both JW and DDW had familial households at three different addresses within a two block distance and within .25 miles from the lot where the Porsche was torched. I can't speak for any connection that the NT Blog may be insinuating :/ All we know is that there is only a loose map/address connection between two key players and there are THOUSANDS of sprawling apartment complexes in both PG & Montgomery County, MD. It is a pretty interesting coinky dink, IMO. But, as you suggest, it is definitely not an absolute connection or proof of a connection between those two key players. But, it was definitely something that was worth calling in and apparently worth checking out by MPD.
Right! And since the bank didn't open until 9am (which I find weird...even in the tiny town, Missouri I live in they open at 8am)

So it would take some time for the AIW employee to get the money. I am gonna say at least 15 minutes. Conservative. At 10:26 the cash was already in the car. Rush Hour...and there is no wasted time, IMO.

Rush hour continues after 9:15 in DC? I guess people are early birds on the West Coast. I always sail to work after 9 AM. But at 7:00 or 8 AM, traffic is brutal. As a race car driver he would likely make the trip quicker than google estimates for the various routes during moderate to heavy traffic. Good choice to move a package quickly I guess.

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I just want to remind everyone that the blog that attempts to take credit, on May 27th, for finding the link ....
The NT "find" was not "an exclusive" bombshell!

Just K -
Who would have thought "NT" found a bombshell?
Everybody knows Nancy Grace/HLN is the only one who announces Booooomb-shell!!!!

(Sorry, just trying for comic relief, flop.)

Just K -
Who would have thought "NT" found a bombshell?
Everybody knows Nancy Grace/HLN is the only one who announces Booooomb-shell!!!!

(Sorry, just trying for comic relief, flop.)
Thanks for that :) This has been a thorn in my side. As I used to work for a medium-sized urban newspaper, I would not have taken credit for research done by others. I would have said something like, "amateur sleuths, on Websleuths, have found a loose connection.... If there is any weight to this find....it could be significant. When LE was asked about this possible connection they said they were aware..."
Is there confusion about DDW's status in US? Bringing over from closed thread.
"Originally Posted by popsicle
....http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/man-accused-of-killing-four-in-mansion-appears-in-court-tuesday/2015/06/16/5fe112c0-1441-11e5-9518-f9e0a8959f32_story.html?wprss=rss_crime&tid=sm_tw_ pl. " sbm
(Now al66pine posting)
From link: Atty: "My client is a U. S. citizen." bbm
WaPo reporter: "Wint was born in Guyana and became a naturalized citizen after moving to the U.S. in 2000." bbm

Pardon me?
Early threads discussed DW as permanent resident/green card holder, not a citizen.

Remember early talk about his (~ 2-3 mo?) US Marine Corps service?

Did his being in USMC lead to nat'ed citizenship, maybe pt of reason he went in?
"Path to U.S. citizenship
A lawful permanent resident can apply for United States citizenship, or naturalization, after five years of residency. This period is shortened to three years if married to a U.S. citizen...Male permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 25 are subject to registering in the Selective Service System." bbm

All of above is IIRC, w no link, could be all wrong.

Sounds to me like, officially his status never changed because he never qualified for any other, but he self-reported and had a "stinkin badge" of some sort and no one bothered to check, as we have no system to perform the checks. This will change. I do not say this with any animosity against immigrants. Both of my great-grandfathers were immigrants and had they not been, I'd not have the great good fortune to live in this amazing country.
True example of criminal mentality, Wint used the cracks in our system to keep on falling through to greater and greater evil.
If there is one good that can come out of this, it will be that another Wint will never have cracks to use again, not overcrowded prisons, not mandatory and completely non-sensical sentencing, not a lack of effective monitoring in immigration--because it's not the Savopoulos's or the Figeuroas or NG or the dogs who should have caught this one, it is ALL of US.
Rant over. He's not the first. Let him be the last.
I ended up on the MPDC site and wonder are any of these cameras close to the S house or on the route from S house to the MD location of the burning Porsche.


Due to it being the nation's capital and with all the security measures for the President, the DC area has more cameras per square mile than any other city. The system can read license plates and track them as they move from what I have heard. This is not a some rural small town of no consequence, so they will be able to see where JW and the Porsche traveled.
Right! And since the bank didn't open until 9am (which I find weird...even in the tiny town, Missouri I live in they open at 8am)

So it would take some time for the AIW employee to get the money. I am gonna say at least 15 minutes. Conservative. At 10:26 the cash was already in the car. Rush Hour...and there is no wasted time, IMO.

Again, why do we think the money came from the bank that morning? The only reference I remember to the bank was the part of JW's statement he admitted was a lie.
So when NT reported that an LE official knew of the "connections" between DW and JW, all he was referring to was the google map connection?
I do not mean to trivialize the find of three WSer and am so glad you reported it, but seems a rather tenuous connection to me in lieu of further corroboration of any actual "connection" as we take the term to mean--actual affiliation between to people who have met, bonded to some degree, and have some sort of relationship through the ties of a social, educational, religious, business, or some other community.
If the "connections" between DW and JW as first discovered by Websleuthers and then repeated by NT consist only of the occupancy of two apartments in some proximity to each other --an occupancy not even established as being within the same time-frame or parallel in any way except by a son's father who might have lived next to a father's son he, the father, did not even know---
Sorry. Glad a potential connection was reported, and always happy to see fellow WSers get some well deserved credit, but this is not connection, as presented thus far by Sluethers or NT, mere coincidence, which only goes to prove the old saw "It's a small world." JMO

This is not a real connection. Proximity is not the same thing as knowing the two connected in some way. There has been no indication that they ever met. i think if they knew each other someone else would come forward and say so. They seem very different.
IIRC he was told the night before to meet the accountant so they probably discussed it. He is given the money sent a pic and she asked how much so he told her...

And then we have to circle back around to the conversations we have had over and over that the next day,he told the police he didn't learn about it until that morning. Just more to fuel the speculation of why he said he had forgotten with so much talk about it the night before with his girlfriend. No wonder people say he did not *forget* that he learned about the package of money -rather he lied.
Due to it being the nation's capital and with all the security measures for the President, the DC are has more cameras per square mile than any other city. The system can read license plates and track them as they move from what I have heard. This is not a some rural small town of no consequence, so they will be able to see where JW and the Porsche traveled.

I've never heard that we have more cameras than any other city and i think I would have. There are no traffic cameras near the house. Some of the houses have cameras, including the Savopoulos' (though the perps took the dvr) and I'm sure LE has investigated them. But I don;t know of any way LE can consult traffic cameras for this sort of thing -- they only take pictures of cars exceeding the speed limit and running red lights.
I found the conversation between girlfriend and he to be interesting in that she never asked where did it come from, or what was behind having money.

I'd been thinking that, too and then I remember that we only know what's been released to us. As prolific as texters (?) are, there are probably a couple tweets/phone calls before and after that one seemingly damning exchange. Man, they text every little thing these days. Am I getting that confused with tweeting? I feel so old some days.

"Hey, Toots, off to pick up a package for Mr. S - see you later"
Gets to destination, finds out it's cash, gets in car and takes pic, continues on errand.

Assuming he's innocent and unconnected, of course.

Which I do. :)
Rush hour continues after 9:15 in DC? I guess people are early birds on the West Coast. I always sail to work after 9 AM. But at 7:00 or 8 AM, traffic is brutal. As a race car driver he would likely make the trip quicker than google estimates for the various routes during moderate to heavy traffic. Good choice to move a package quickly I guess.

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Yes traffic is god awful here. 66 which JW would've taken to Chantilly is horrendous even on weekends.

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I agree that what she said was weird. It was almost as if (IMO) she was knew ahead of time that there was going to be a cash delivery, but she just didn't know how much--or even think JW would necessarily know how much. She said "I wonder how much..." instead of "Holy smokes? What on earth are you doing with wads of cash? How much is there. Be careful!" (Or, something funny, like "I'll take some of that!") However, there is a chance there was more dialogue that was just not reported. Soooooooo much that is not reported.

And i am getting ticked off about that. I think LE OWES the public a press conference in which they bring us up to date on the status of the investigation. I don't expect them to give us all the case particulars, but we should know in a global sense what investigators are doing to find and bring the perpetrators to justice, and whether or not at this point in time, they have some idea of who is involved. WE should rate a progress report which need not tip LE's hand or compromise the case. I do not care if they speak in total generalities, but hey, REMEMBER US?
This evil was an offense against humanity. But at the very least, DC people should have some word on the case as for all they know cretins are still running amok and pose a threat.
Again, why do we think the money came from the bank that morning? The only reference I remember to the bank was the part of JW's statement he admitted was a lie.

Because that is what he said. It is in the charging documents. And I have no doubt that the AIW employee who took the money from the bank confirmed this. He didn't lie about where it came from, he said he was in the bank when it was withdrawn and saw the bank manager hand the AIW employee the package. Then changed it to the AIW employee handed him the money from his pockets at the bank.

Where exactly do you think it came from?
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