GUILTY DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #23

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That's what I miss about seeing and hearing a trial on livestream. We miss the nuances, the hesitations, the body language, the behavior and the tone of the person's voice when answering certain questions.

We also miss hours upon hours of actual testimony each day. Testimony that may clarify questions some have.

Patriciah is a valuable asset to us all and has been very helpful to fill in some of the blanks.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the theories on this thread. Its fascinating how posters view the same case and testimonies and have differing points of view. I have so much respect for everyones POV. They are thought provoking and that is why I have read every post in this case.

In this particular case my point of view has been in the minority opinion.

I still do not believe there has been any evidence supporting the theory Wint had help.

I didn't believe it when it first happened and after the trial testimony I believe even more so now he had no assistance and was the sole prepetrator as charged.

Imo he murdered each one by himself and relished in doing so. Due to the multiple injuries and bruising found I also believe he tortured them at varying times throughout the 20 hours before murdering them all at different intervals.

I also believe he planned before entering to murder all victims silencing them all leaving no live witnesses.

One thing I have learned over the decades when following cases like Wint's they are never nearly as complex as some may think.

I think he went there knowing there were already people in the home. It would give him time to tie and bind them up gaining full control over all of them. Then immediately gaining full control of Savvas the minute he walked through the door seeing all of his love ones in extreme danger with a predator inside he did not know.

Wint's testimony has more holes in it than swiss cheese. Narcisstists believe others will believe their lies without question.

Imo he believes others thinks like he does but normal people do not and Wint is far from being normal.

He truly believes that others will believe he had no motive yet true narcissistic psychopaths are known to hold extreme abnormal grudges for years or decades seething under the surface while contemplating how to exact revenge. When they finally act on their premeditated plan often the victims aren't just murdered in overkill ways but the victims often go through a prolonged torture before they are finally murdered.

These kind of predators always places blame on others when in truth and reality all their abnormal precieved woes are totally because of their on bad choices.

We will see another suspect similar in psychopathic traits when Charles Meritt stands trial for brutally murdering his 4 victims from one helpless family.

I have no doubt in the prosecution case. The investigators in WDC are some of the best in the nation. They nor the DA have uncovered any evidence of anyone else's involvement and if there had been more they would have found it during their 3 year long ongoing investigation.

Imo...So in the end it is exactly what it appears to be and Wint was the sole mastermind and doer of all that happened.

May justice be swift.

Jmo of course.
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It's impossible to get into the mind of someone like Wint when trying to figure what they do...why and how they do things they do.

I can only guess. I think he went outside and to the garage to retrieve the 40k left in the car.

That way he could make sure no one had surrounded the outside of the house who could be hiding around and near the garage

He also may have thought the same if he entered the garage from the house exit door into the garage thinking someone may have notified the police and they were waiting for him to come out of the garage once retrieving the blood money.

And DW was AWARE he had been seen and could be identified by the 2 men across the street.

Assuming AS, SS, PS and VF are still alive based on AS phone call to sprinkler company at time DW seen going into garage.

Why on earth would DW kill them and set the house on fire knowing he had been seen by the 2 employees of the Australian ambassador???

He could be charged with B & E or burglary at this point. But not murder.

DW didn’t attempt to kill those 2 workers did he??

JMO. Puzzle pieces not fitting for me.
If no one abetted DW in the crime, what I don't understand is why AS would have called the sprinkler company while DW went to the garage to retrieve the money, rather than call 911. If she was alive and able to use her phone then, why not call for help? DW wouldn't have known, would he? And help could have been there before DW got back into the house. For that reason, I can believe there was a 2nd perpetrator who stood watch over the victims in DW's absence.

I am losing track of the testimony at the trial. Did the employees of the Australian embassy say that DW positively saw them?
It's impossible to get into the mind of someone like Wint when trying to figure what they do...why and how they do things they do.

I can only guess. I think he went outside and to the garage to retrieve the 40k left in the car.

That way he could make sure no one had surrounded the outside of the house who could be hiding around and near the garage

He also may have thought the same if he entered the garage from the house exit door into the garage thinking someone may have notified the police and they were waiting for him to come out of the garage once retrieving the blood money.

I'm not sure he would have cared. Narcissistic sociopaths tend to believe they are in complete control. As you already pointed out, they think everyone should believe their explanations, no matter how much evidence contradicts them. They also believe everyone else exists for their personal benefit/manipulation. That's why they cannot empathize with others and why DW could inflict such horrible pain to the victims and not even care. I could not do any such thing to even the people who have hurt me most.

I'm not sure he would have cared. Narcissistic sociopaths tend to believe they are in complete control. As you already pointed out, they think everyone should believe their explanations, no matter how much evidence contradicts them. They also believe everyone else exists for their personal benefit/manipulation. That's why they cannot empathize with others and why DW could inflict such horrible pain to the victims and not even care. I could not do any such thing to even the people who have hurt me most.


Hi Anna so nice to see you posting on this thread.

It hasn't gotten nearly the amount of attention that I thought it would have since it is such a high profile case with terrifying facts and multiple victims including young' child. Although of late there are many other cases/events happening at the same time so that may be part of the reason.

True they absolutely do not care about others. Zero.

They view other people as mere objects/ornaments and use those closest to them to their advantage. Even his girlfriend was allowed in his good graces because he felt she made him look better. Its always about them and making themselves look better.

They view a girlfriend or wife or children as objects that put themselves in a better light. Its never about the others allowed to be in their pod and only about the wants of the narcissist.

Everything most important in their universe is totally centers around themselves.only.

They will do whatever they feel is in their best interest and that includes doing anything they feel makes them more protected. Imo that is why he went outside to enter the garage. He wanted it to appear he had not been inside of the home at all and only entered the garage from the outside.

These kind of killers like Wint and Merritt will go to great lengths to avoid being caught.

Regularly they will accuse others of committing the crimes they have been charged with.

Just like DW has no problem throwing his own brother under the bus. Just like Chase Merritt threw Summer under the bus in order to save himself.

Never mind Merritt had murdered Summer and her entire family in cold blood. His sole goal was to cast suspicion on his murdered victim in order to evade detection.

Never mind that Wint's own brother had tried to help him when he was down on his luck. His family members were the only ones who have assisted him even at his age when he was perfectly able to work and make his own way. Just like countless other males do at the same age.

Nope he didn't appreciate any of that. Instead he used them and made their lives miserable even leading them to get a RO against him. Usually it really has to be a very dangerous situation for close family members to get a RO against another close family member. I think he had put his family through hell before this happened. He has long been a bad seed imo.

He will turn on anyone quicker than a deadly rattlesnake in full recoil ready to strike deadly venom.

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If no one abetted DW in the crime, what I don't understand is why AS would have called the sprinkler company while DW went to the garage to retrieve the money, rather than call 911. If she was alive and able to use her phone then, why not call for help? DW wouldn't have known, would he? And help could have been there before DW got back into the house. For that reason, I can believe there was a 2nd perpetrator who stood watch over the victims in DW's absence.

I am losing track of the testimony at the trial. Did the employees of the Australian embassy say that DW positively saw them?

The way I envisioned it, Amy was only able to use the phone when he freed her hands and let her make the call, during which time he had a sword to her son's throat. Then when the call is done, he ties her arms up and takes away the phone?
And DW was AWARE he had been seen and could be identified by the 2 men across the street.

Assuming AS, SS, PS and VF are still alive based on AS phone call to sprinkler company at time DW seen going into garage.

Why on earth would DW kill them and set the house on fire knowing he had been seen by the 2 employees of the Australian ambassador???

He could be charged with B & E or burglary at this point. But not murder.

DW didn’t attempt to kill those 2 workers did he??

JMO. Puzzle pieces not fitting for me.
I thought DW was made aware during the course of the investigation and/or at the trial that he had been spotted by the embassy workers. I don't think he was aware at the time he was at the mansion that he was spotted.

The way I envisioned it, Amy was only able to use the phone when he freed her hands and let her make the call, during which time he had a sword to her son's throat. Then when the call is done, he ties her arms up and takes away the phone?

IIRC the sprinkler company called AS earlier, so wouldn’t someone just hit redial?
And weren’t AS, SS, VF in one room and PS in another? How could AS see PS if she was bound to a chair in 1 room and PS bound to a bed in another room?

IIRC the sprinkler company called AS earlier, so wouldn’t someone just hit redial? Hi
And weren’t AS, SS, VF in one room and PS in another? How could AS see PS if she was bound to a chair in 1 room and PS bound to a bed in another room?


I think Wint could be heard clearly from Philip's room when he threatened to harm him. Wint wanted them to hear everything he may have been doing to their little child.

Do we even know if Amy and Savvas were even aware he had gone outside??

I imagine during the 20 hours he left each room from time to time.

Even when he wasn't physically in front of them I think they were terrified because they knew he could return at any noment.

IIRC the sprinkler company called AS earlier, so wouldn’t someone just hit redial?
And weren’t AS, SS, VF in one room and PS in another? How could AS see PS if she was bound to a chair in 1 room and PS bound to a bed in another room?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the rooms connecting? The door between the rooms would have been left open, then, to give the adults a view of PS...and would be able to hear his cries. :(
I think Wint could be heard clearly from Philip's room when he threatened to harm him. Wint wanted them to hear everything he may have been doing to their little child.

Do we even know if Amy and Savvas were even aware he had gone outside??

I imagine during the 20 hours he left each room from time to time.

Even when he wasn't physically in front of them I think they were terrified because they knew he could return at any noment.

Yes. This makes sense. Of course, DW wouldn't have told them where he was going or how long he would be gone. Perhaps he had left the room briefly dozens of other times to catch them trying to get loose or communicate and that's when he was torturing them.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the rooms connecting? The door between the rooms would have been left open, then, to give the adults a view of PS...and would be able to hear his cries. :(

It truly makes my heart hurt for both of these parents. I think they heard and saw horrific acts being done to their little son.

Oh the horror they must have gone through during the last 20 hours of their lives.

By then they most likely longed for it to end because that was the only way peace would ever come.

The circumstances of this case couldn't get any more heartbreaking.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the rooms connecting? The door between the rooms would have been left open, then, to give the adults a view of PS...and would be able to hear his cries. :(

IIRC it was 2 bedrooms with a Jack and Jill bath between. Depending on furniture arrangement maybe they could see PS, maybe not. They could definitely hear PS.

The Aussies specifically said DW was walking down the sidewalk - that sounds like he came from somewhere else, not the house itself. The house was set back from the sidewalk with a privacy hedge around the perimeter - IDK why DW would risk being spotted & multiply the time he’s outside by going from house down path & stairs to sidewalk then around to garage, rather than just crossing the property to get from house to garage.

But more to that line of thinking, if there was a door from the house to the garage, I don’t know why he wouldn’t just use that & stay hidden!

I figure his BS testimony had elements of truth since it was so carefully crafted to match the facts of the case .... so if he says he went from house to garage then maybe he did.... but IMO that doesn’t match the Aussie testimony so who knows.
He’s certainly got a distinct look, but he’s pretty soft spoken. The judge keeps reminding him to speak up so everyone can hear. He seems small in stature to me, but the prosecutor asked/pointed out how much he was working out in May of 2015, and he admitted he wouldn’t have a problem overpowering a 5’8” man, or woman or ten year old.[/QUOTE

1st time post now that you have been in court and actually saw daron do you think that he might be the one in the video running.
The Aussies specifically said DW was walking down the sidewalk - that sounds like he came from somewhere else, not the house itself. The house was set back from the sidewalk with a privacy hedge around the perimeter - IDK why DW would risk being spotted & multiply the time he’s outside by going from house down path & stairs to sidewalk then around to garage, rather than just crossing the property to get from house to garage.

But more to that line of thinking, if there was a door from the house to the garage, I don’t know why he wouldn’t just use that & stay hidden!

I figure his BS testimony had elements of truth since it was so carefully crafted to match the facts of the case .... so if he says he went from house to garage then maybe he did.... but IMO that doesn’t match the Aussie testimony so who knows.

This photo shows shrubbery close to house- maybe there wasn’t a path from front door to garage behind the hedge. Maybe you have to use sidewalk...


This photo shows shrubbery close to house- maybe there wasn’t a path from front door to garage behind the hedge. Maybe you have to use sidewalk...



You may be right, I can’t see your pic for some reason! this is the one I was looking at - based on other pics, the front door is on the left under the white arch and the garage is around the corner on the right where the white car is - can’t see behind the privacy hedge so maybe it was blocked off .... tho that would really limit the use of the property & be out of the ordinary IMO-

In any case, it seems like there was a door from house to garage (IIRC didn’t DW say DrrW went that way & met him there?) so why did that murderous psychotic idiot not just go through the house??
You may be right, I can’t see your pic for some reason! this is the one I was looking at - based on other pics, the front door is on the left under the white arch and the garage is around the corner on the right where the white car is - can’t see behind the privacy hedge so maybe it was blocked off .... tho that would really limit the use of the property & be out of the ordinary IMO-

In any case, it seems like there was a door from house to garage (IIRC didn’t DW say DrrW went that way & met him there?) so why did that murderous psychotic idiot not just go through the house??

I went by the house (well lot now, but the foundation of the house is still there) - it’s very close to the street.
I think one of the things that has haunted me so much is why Wint found it necessary to burn down the home and the specific location of where it started.

It has to be something to do with his one of his victims.

Why did he especially want to erase and destroy everything he had done to a 10 year old boy?

Why did he put gasoline in large amounts directly on Philip's mid section from the waist done?

Those are the most haunting questions I have.
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