GUILTY DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #23

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Good morning Kim.

In other cases where other defendants have placed blame on others... which is a very common defense claim varied in what the DA decided to do.

As the defendant is testifying they often have experts for the state that is closely watching the jury's reaction such as body language..facial expressions.

In this case since it was reported when the jury and Wint came back in after he had already given some of his testimony none of them would even look at Wint. So imo the jury is turned off by even being in his presenc
That leads me to believe none of the jury are buying his ridiculous concocted BS story of being a victim instead of a stone cold murderer..

IKR! The innocent lamb - windmilling multiple knives at some guy and his GF in upstate NY, imprisoned for the assault then back after the same victim again when he’s out .... threatening someone’s 2-yo daughter.... unable to get along with anyone on the rare occasion that he managed to land a job ...... kicked out of one family member’s home after another for violence .... outside his former employer with a beer, machete & BB gun - just a babe in the woods!
Notes Part 2:

  • DW admits to looking up info on wiping iPhones, says he still doesn't think they were stolen. Looked up how to factory reset iphone, get rid of cloud content. DW doesn't want van as he fears it will connect him to the fire/crime. Darrell gives him 6K for the van. DW said Darrell bought jeans at Walmart - Bach contests this, shows receipt that shows Darrell purchased painter's pants, because Darrell was due to start new painting job the next day. DW said he doesn't remember that, remembers jeans. They left Walmart and DW realizes he left his backpack at the house on Woodland. Return to Walmart to buy backpack.
  • There was 1 hour between the 2 Walmart trips - DW said that he and Darrell went to a neighborhood. Darrell went into a house to meet someone, and DW remained in the car for 30 minutes, then they went back to Walmart.
  • Bach asks DW if he knew Darrell was talking to the police in May 2015 - DW says no. Darrell took police to 51st & Frolich to show them debris pile, which contained zip ties. DW said he didn't know anything about debris pile. Photo of debris pile was shown to DW only. 51st & Frolich location is a block away from DW's former workplace.
  • 5/16 DW wakes up and realizes his van was gone. Doesn't know what happened to it, but figures it has to be Darrell. Thought it's Darrell's problem now.
  • 5/18-19 DW admits to looking up hideout places, extradition treaties - says he was concerned about being linked to the crime because of the van.
  • DW says when he was in NY he called his stepmother to ask if there were any issues with his green card application (she had previously helped him fill out the application). Denies asking if the green card arrived - said he knew it takes a year for a green card application to be processed/approved.
  • 5/20 sees himself on the news, calls his father on a landline. Father puts him on phone with a detective. Goes to a hotel - Vanessa signs for hotel room.
  • 5/21 leaves NY for DC around 7Am, back in DC by noon. Goes with Darrell to Garnett's house, then to breakfast place, then to hotel. Darrell paid for room. DW in contact with lawyer, Darrell supposed to get lawyer to meet to turn himself in. Used flip phone to make calls during this time. Darrell returns around 9-10PM. DW says he smelled like smoke because of cigarettes
Like I said still blown away by how detailed your are!!!!!! and appreciate your attention to detail!!!!! Want to say thanks again, below are some things I did not know and found fascinating.

DW tried to get re-hired at AIW in 2008 & 2009 but was turned down - brings to mind his 2010 arrest for hanging out near AIW with a machete and a BB gun.

DW testified that he took a black string backpack with him to DC to work on 5/13 (when he thought he was going to do a paint/drywall job with his brothers). He stated the backpack contained bottles of water. He mentioned the backpack again, when he said he retrieved it from the Porsche at Woodland Dr. on 5/14. He stated he realized after the first trip to Walmart with Darrell that he left the backpack at the house. That was the reason he gave for second trip to Walmart, to get a new backpack.

Darrell took police to 51st & Frolich to show them debris pile, which contained zip ties. DW said he didn't know anything about debris pile. Photo of debris pile was shown to DW only. 51st & Frolich location is a block away from DW's former workplace.
The 30 minute drywall job was downright stupid and insulting imo.

It would take his brother as long to go get him and back to the jobsite than it would to do the quick half hour supposed job himself. Eyes rolling on that piece of his made up story.

Psycopthaths do not think like normal people and that is why when they concoct their wild lies they are not based in logical Wint....Jodi Arias among others like them.
IKR! The innocent lamb - windmilling multiple knives at some guy and his GF in upstate NY, imprisoned for the assault then back after the same victim again when he’s out .... threatening someone’s 2-yo daughter.... unable to get along with anyone on the rare occasion that he managed to land a job ...... kicked out of one family member’s home after another for violence .... outside his former employer with a beer, machete & BB gun - just a babe in the woods!

You have him pegged right Taylor. He really believes the jury is going to believe all his lies about being nothing but a cowardly little victim in all of this.

Imo most likely every one of them have been insulted and ticked off just having to sit there enduring his blah... blah...blah ...poor pitiful me fictional story.
The 30 minute drywall job was downright stupid and insulting imo.

It would take his brother as long to go get him and back to the jobsite than it would to do the quick half hour supposed job himself. Eyes rolling on that piece of his made up story.

Psycopthaths do not think like normal people and that is why when they concoct their wild lies they are not based in logical Wint....Jodi Arias among others like them.

It's funny, I thought about Jodi Arias as well. Maybe because it's so rare for defendant's to take the stand in cases like these. I thought that DW's testimony was far better than Arias though. Arias gave so many long winded, rambling answers. DW didn't really expand on any of his answers, he stuck to his story and kept his answers brief. Either he was better coached, or just a different kind of psychopath.
It’s always seemed probable IMO that someone else was involved in some way in this disgusting atrocity. DrrW long seemed like a good candidate IMO and now he looks more likely than ever. Like

But DrrW as the mastermind and DW as his pawn? No way IMO, for so many reasons including:

- DW’s CODIS match DNA found on pizza, apparently no DrrW DNA found in connection with crime

- hair found in room with victims matched DW but not DrrW

- no known connection between DrrW & S family, while DW has bad-blood employment history with SS that he attempted to hide in his testimony by lying about working under older PS rather than SS

- DW’s FB blackout on the days of the crime, compared to tons of usage every other day around then - not credible IMO that he constantly forgot his phone everywhere on these two days but never any other time

- DW apparently planned to be out of touch with his GF during the timeframe of crime and there’s no evidence he told her that it was because he’d be working

- Aussie eyewitnesses placed DW at S home during crime, while all potential sightings of DrrW were in side role of removing & burning car(s)

- DW had clear financial motive, as he was homeless, unemployed, facing legal & immigration problems, couldn’t even afford phone service, while DrrW apparently had thriving weed-sales business and also had new job with SW’s company

- DW has no verifiable alibi for the time in question (and apparently his attnys didn’t even try to verify, if his claim of ignorance of Ed’s death is true... but he’s most likely lying about that too) - facts are unclear but seems that DrrW may have verifiable alibi at new employee training with SW’s company

- when LE rolled up on DW & three terrified young female human shields recruited w/o consent, DW told them ‘don’t trip, they’re here for me’

- for reasons known to them, prosecution insists DW was not only primary actor but sole actor - they have no reason to shield DrrW, so far it doesn’t even seem they’re relying on him as a witness (and even if they do eventually dredge him up, that doesn’t require dishonestly covering up his role in the crime)

- DW has long history of violence, criminality, threatening to harm those who would be seen as off-limits by most people, such an infant daughters and his own family, and of trying to frame his own brother for his crimes

- and of course DW’s self-serving story is contradicted by more than 60 prosecution witnesses

This all is just off the top of my head! I’m sure this list could be five times longer, anyone else please add what I’m missing!

Thank you for summing this up so well and showing how DW must be lying about a lot of things.

I agree with most all the points and if anything DW's story is probably the opposite of what he is saying.

DW was probably the one dragging his brother into everything and getting help from him and not the other way around like DW is claiming. Either both during and after the crimes but definitely after for sure as his brother knew where the burning of debris took place and other things.

IMO I am convinced at a minimum DW was getting help from his brother after the murders. I am just not clear as to how deep his brothers level of involvement goes at this point.

I will not be surprised if they both were involved up to their necks in this.
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Going back to the way earlier discussion of the 5th Amendment - if there’s any thought of ever charging DrrW in connection with this, calling him to the stand is a thorny matter.

Re conduct that might be self-incriminating, DrrW can only be made to give answers if he’s been granted immunity from prosecution (as was DW’s GF). But once immunity is granted, it includes all offenses he testifies about. Unless prosecution is completely certain of his role in the crime, they risk hearing more from him than they expected - up to & including “I did everything & DW was just my unwitting pawn,” after which he couldn’t be prosecuted. !!!

So a very tough call generally .... but then again I know nothing of what prosecution knows or has done behind the scenes, so this a general concern rather than one specific to the case.

I think if the prosecution doesn't call him in their rebuttal case, it means they want to charge him with something. jmo.
The 30 minute drywall job was downright stupid and insulting imo.

It would take his brother as long to go get him and back to the jobsite than it would to do the quick half hour supposed job himself. Eyes rolling on that piece of his made up story.

Psycopthaths do not think like normal people and that is why when they concoct their wild lies they are not based in logical Wint....Jodi Arias among others like them.

I agree that DW is a bonified Psychopath because anyone who could harm and kill that poor innocent boy let alone the other adults in that house the way they were killed and then set fire to the house.....well, that deviant monster does not have any feelings for others.

They cannot feel emotions for others to be able to do that. A true psychopath. Those are the scariest criminals and murderers to me because of what they are capable of. Since they have no normal feelings for others they can commit horrendous crimes on others and not blink an eye about it.

And yes Jodi Arias was among them. I watched her carefully during the trial and it was downright scary at times to see her reactions or lack thereof at times. I caught how she had to watch others to see how others were reacting so that she could mimmick a normal reaction and copy them.

Criminal Psychopaths are very scary individuals indeed.
Taylorss - are you planning to go to court this week? I'm going to try to head over tomorrow, but probably will only be able to make the afternoon session.

I’ve wanted to go all along but haven’t been able to get the time free ..... finally got a day cleared last week & then found out ME was to testify, no way did I want to be there for that! This week seems even harder than last week but I’m still hoping I’ll manage to make it there...
Thanks for the link to the video. I really can't tell from this video - I think it could be DW, but it's so grainy.

Couldn't LE or the defense mock up this and figure out the height/weight of person based on size of dumpster...
6’2 and 5’7” would be very different in relation to the dumpster....

JMO and wondering
I listened to the newest podcast this morning, there was some good info as always.

One thing that was new to me - apparently records show DrrW’s phone was never near the S home on the days of the crime. Asked about that on cross, DW apparently said he couldn’t explain it.

Also podcast pointed out, which I’d forgotten, that we already know one way DrrW was involved after the fact - sending that young woman witness around to try to get money orders with the ransom cash on May 14.

They also highlighted a good point about DW getting his van towed - van was unregistered / expired tags or whatever, which would’ve meant he’d likely be pulled over & van subject to search if he drove it.
It's funny, I thought about Jodi Arias as well. Maybe because it's so rare for defendant's to take the stand in cases like these. I thought that DW's testimony was far better than Arias though. Arias gave so many long winded, rambling answers. DW didn't really expand on any of his answers, he stuck to his story and kept his answers brief. Either he was better coached, or just a different kind of psychopath.

I have only started looking at this case, in the last few days, during the trial.
I will have to go back to the beginning, but at present, I see GUILTY clearly. MOO.
Who would believe such rot?o_Oo_O
They also highlighted a good point about DW getting his van towed - van was unregistered / expired tags or whatever, which would’ve meant he’d likely be pulled over & van subject to search if he drove it.
Finally something about the van that makes sense. The expired tags might be the reason he torched the car - he couldn't risk getting pulled over.
I listened to the newest podcast this morning, there was some good info as always.

One thing that was new to me - apparently records show DrrW’s phone was never near the S home on the days of the crime. Asked about that on cross, DW apparently said he couldn’t explain it.

Also podcast pointed out, which I’d forgotten, that we already know one way DrrW was involved after the fact - sending that young woman witness around to try to get money orders with the ransom cash on May 14.

They also highlighted a good point about DW getting his van towed - van was unregistered / expired tags or whatever, which would’ve meant he’d likely be pulled over & van subject to search if he drove it.
I also recall news that DW did not have an "ID" which allegedly prevented him from employment, and even purchasing Money Orders. No ID is strange to me? However, there are states where owner Identification is required to register vehicle, and even renew tabs so perhaps that's the only truth in this matter!
I think if the prosecution doesn't call him in their rebuttal case, it means they want to charge him with something. jmo.
It's so painful to think that anybody associated with this crime has remained free for the last 4 years. If a trial strategy, what if like mystery Ed, DwlW would have also died (i.e., he wouldn't be available for rebuttal) or later charges. I just don't want to believe DA waiting to prosecute DwlW until after DW trial. If anything, I believe DwlW may have been an informant. MOO
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