GUILTY DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #24

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Bruce Leshan‏Verified account @BruceLeshan
Katerina Savopoulos tells the man who killed her parents and brother that she still suffers nightmares and suicidal thoughts. That she still hears her mother’s voice, “Hello sunshine!” And yet she forgives #DaronWint.” @wusa9 #MansionMurders


8:13 AM - 1 Feb 2019 pst from Washington, DC
Wint did it and he did it all by himself. He had no help. He was broke and about to be homeless cause his dad was kicking him out. He had no where to go so he robbed his former boss cause he knew he had money. He held a grudge all those years cause he couldn't find steady work.

I think he killed the kid first, then Amy as Savvas was forced to watch his wife being brutally murdered and hear the kid being killed. The housekeeper was killed last.

Since Wint can't get death I hope he gets jail justice. I hope someone beats his head in with their fists until he is clinging to life.
If I remember correctly, patriciah referred to the jury smirking and rolling their eyes during parts of DW's testimony because it was so ridiculous. There is nothing to appeal on that. I assure you they were not laughing about the crime.

Wint's story was so stupid and outrageous that the jurors probably felt it was comical for him to actually make that made up crap his defense.
I don't think there is anything earth shattering "new" - although they had the first interview with Nelly Gutierrez, the other housekeeper. But the podcast is done very, very well. They really dive into the timeline of the crime, the victim's final hours and all the phone calls, speak to various people, etc. Then all the reporting from being at the trial. It's a lot of information, but it's very organized and succinct. Not just talking or recapping. It is very chilling and human and really pulled me in.

Here are a few articles regarding the podcast -

A New Podcast Further Investigates DC's Mansion Murders | Washingtonian (DC)

This Week in True-Crime Podcasts: The D.C. ‘Mansion Murders’
Thank you! I just finished the first episode & it is really good. Lots of detail, such as from POV of the firefighters who first found the crime scene.
There's also a great Q&A about the case that the reporters answered here:

22 Hours: An American Nightmare – Q&A | WTOP

This was one part that caught my attention in the podcast that I don't recall hearing about during the case:

The night of the fire, Daron said he watched news coverage about the fire on Woodland Drive. That night, amid searches on his phone for news clips about the fire on Woodland Drive, Daron also searched for “savage vocalist die” -- which appears to be autocorrect or misspelling of Savopoulos. But at that time, police had not publicly identified the victims -and didn’t until the following day.
There's also a great Q&A about the case that the reporters answered here:

22 Hours: An American Nightmare – Q&A | WTOP

This was one part that caught my attention in the podcast that I don't recall hearing about during the case:

The night of the fire, Daron said he watched news coverage about the fire on Woodland Drive. That night, amid searches on his phone for news clips about the fire on Woodland Drive, Daron also searched for “savage vocalist die” -- which appears to be autocorrect or misspelling of Savopoulos. But at that time, police had not publicly identified the victims -and didn’t until the following day.

wow that is a very interesting tidbit!! IMO it confirms that Wint remembered Savvas from his time at Savvas’s business AIW 10 or so years earlier - IE that this wasn’t random & the past relationship just a coincidence.

I read “savage vocalist” as Siri’s attempt to make sense of DW’s saying the Savopoulos family name. And the second syllable appears to be pronounced “voe” with a long O, as in vocalist - which I doubt DW would’ve said right if he didn’t already know & remember it.
Still so grateful for this podcast link, thx again scdiv! On ep 3 now, listening to the info they got from Nelly re her very sensible theory on when/how DW got into the house.

This crime is one of those i feel like I’ll never move on from, still remember every detail & every question left unanswered. Podcast is great, fills in so many (small) holes.

Would still really like to read the trial transcripts - WTOP or another local news org should put them online.
No problem @taylorss. I had the extra time to give it a listen and it kept my attention from the start. It just felt like so much care and detail went into the reporting, in a way that was very organized. You are doing great. It took me about 2 weeks to get through all of it!

There was talk in the podcast of trying to get the actual trial audio recordings, but the request was being reviewed and I didn't come across any follow up that the audio was ever released. I haven't seen the court transcripts online to read. In the podcast episodes that get into the trial and cross examination, they re-enact a lot of the trial back and forth from DW's testimony. It sounded like he was very, very well coached and controlled at not reacting to when the DA's questions or tone got aggressive or accusatory, etc.
I’m almost done with the podcast. It’s great, you can tell the local reporter who does it was obsessed with the case the way we were on here. There’s lots of new info - nothing major, just filling in holes / crossing Ts that were never crossed in the MSM during the trial.

One thing that’s always bothered me about this trial ... DW’s testimony is SO carefully coached. There’s just no way he came up with that ridic story himself that was supposed to exonerate him. All the tiny details he had a supposed explanation for.... and then the way his story never crosses the line into conduct that could get the crime pinned on him. IMO only a lawyer would have come up with that.

A prime example is DW’s attempt to pin blame on his brother Steffon, a real stretch that served no purpose beyond a possible alt explanation for why DW’s mitochondrial DNA was found at the murder scene. (Because Steffon had the same mother as DW, unlike Darryl, so only Steffon was a mitochondrial DNA match.) No WAY did DW on his own identify the problem of his mitochondrial DNA & come up with the solution ... so that means his public defender did. Gross.

I def understand the essential nature of a vigorous defense of one’s client, but this goes way beyond that. His lawyer was NOT supposed to invent a story for him & coach him so closely on reciting it. IMO it seems like professional misconduct for her to invent a story blaming innocent people for a horrible crime, disparaging their names and devastating DW’s family even more than it was already devastated by his sickening crimes.

I know the DC public defenders office is proud of its reputation for activism. But based on this case they need to check themselves, they’re going to wind up instead with a reputation for professional misconduct, malpractice claims and disbarment.
I don't think there is anything earth shattering "new" - although they had the first interview with Nelly Gutierrez, the other housekeeper. But the podcast is done very, very well. They really dive into the timeline of the crime, the victim's final hours and all the phone calls, speak to various people, etc. Then all the reporting from being at the trial. It's a lot of information, but it's very organized and succinct. Not just talking or recapping. It is very chilling and human and really pulled me in.

Here are a few articles regarding the podcast -

A New Podcast Further Investigates DC's Mansion Murders | Washingtonian (DC)

This Week in True-Crime Podcasts: The D.C. ‘Mansion Murders’
I've listened to half of the podcast and have found the photos for each episode
very troubling. These were real people that were tortured and brutally murdered. Producers did a good job and I'll finish the series next weekend.
There were so many new bits of info from the podcast. Some nagging questions we all had were finally addressed. Since I’m not trying to turn this thread into my personal blog, I’ll just note a few for you all who may still be interested in this case but don’t have ~7 hours for the podcast.

- how DW got into the house:
Nelly’s speculation is that he entered thru the opened garage when Vera took the garbage out that way. This theory came when Nelly saw a pic from inside the house where there was no bag in the garbage can. She said every day around 3:00 the dogs would be put out back and the garbage taken out thru the garage.

IMO this implies MOO that DW had been watching the house to identify the best time to enter. Maybe he was just hanging around that one day & got “lucky” to spot his chance. But a regularly timed daily chore that both left the house open & the dogs out of the way is SUCH a stroke of “luck” that it’s hard not to imagine he knew it was coming.

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