DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #4

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OTOH, people have different ways to comfort and soothe themselves. She's most likely a "hot mess" too. I don't think getting one's nails done is really out of line. Would we be upset if she had a cup of hot chocolate (or a gin & tonic!) or watched a movie for comfort and temporary distraction from this horror?

This is true.

I definitely have my go-to things for comfort. And honestly, I've never been in such a situation so I can honestly say I have no clue what I would do.

:blush: but I will agree to disagree and perhaps others will disagree with actions. When my other half passed, I had no shoes that were appropriate for the funeral I thought. I went to the best known department store in the US (you gals know "D's" reputation) to get shoes about 3 hours before funeral. I ended up pretty much yelling to high heaven for help..and yes, I was YELLING for help....as I wanted just effing shoes for his funeral. Yeah, I was considering my appearance and respect.

I'll give her a pass... Her nails are her thing. Even if she is crumbling. Even MORESO imho. That said.... back to discussion of #1 in general :biggrin:

Did you get the pic uploaded?

I know we all have our comfort things or things we NEED to do before things like that- I have fortunately never been in that situation, so I am definitely going to withhold my judgement. Although it appears that H hasn't lol... good thing he's not on websleuths ;)
I have read the court ordering docs several times and I just REALLY red them again .. Does anyone think there were maybe FOUR PEOPLE INVOLVED ...I do and this is why... After changing his story the driver/assistant (W1) said that he was given FOUR wrapped stacks of cash. When witness W2 was interview they showed a photo that was received via text from W1. In the photo there were what appeared to be TWO stacks of cash. The report also noted that were NO traces of "loose cash"... When Wint was arrested they found $10,000 in cash ... So maybe two on the inside two on the out?

^^^^ I've definitely considered this---4 people were possibly involved and each got a cut of $10K.

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A couple of days ago it was mentioned that a latent print was found in the home. Am I remembering that correctly? Was that before or after Wints arrest?

It stuck with me because mention was made that they were going to compare it to Wint. That seemed odd because Wints prints should have been on file and because it would have been a fairly simple matter to make the comparison. Also he would have been printed again when he was arrested.

Who released the info about the print?

I was thinking about that last night. What if? What if they ran that print and did not find anyone in the system that matched. Meaning someone without a record was in that home.
The info was probably released to put pressure on that person. To point out they made a mistake, they left evidence showing they were in the home. To put pressure on them. Media then assumed the print comparison would be with Wint. LE didn't want media going around checking out all the players without records so they didn't correct them.
Bruce Leshan @BruceLeshan · 1d1 day ago

Prosecutors say there's a latent print on a water bottle from the mansion. They want #DaronWint prints to compare. @wusa9

The info came out during court Friday.
I'm now really wanting to know what everyone was doing during the late morning of Thursday. SS at least was still alive around noon.

I think there was a noon deadline for a bigger bundle of cash. When it didn't arrive, Wint killed the three adults, poured gas on the boy and around the second floor and down the stairs (as mentioned in the Charging Doc), tossed a match in the boy's bedroom, and sped away. The fire was visible from the boy's window by 1:15 and the firefighters arrived shortly afterwards.

Between 10am-12pm, I wonder if people were still trying to get money for SS. If not, what was Wint doing during those two hours? I think he could commit the murders between 12-1pm, so what happened between 10am-12pm?

I don't think W1 was in on it at this point. I think he was used as a courier. He was at Home Depot after the drop off, which kept him out of the way, imo, while the other business associates pulled strings to get more money. W1 could be called upon again when needed or someone else could make the drop.

TOTAL SPECULATION, thinking aloud of possibilities.


If the bodies were not burned as to the adults

(Foxfire, your thoughts on that at http://www.scribd.com/doc/266278174/Daron-Dylon-Wint-Charging-Documents )

- I would *think* they may know if they were murdered between 12=1, or earlier in the morning before that call to W-1? That would blow this case apart perhaps if so. Can they differ the timing if there was a fire in the next room, but they were not burned? That is the room where the DNA/pizza/bodies were found.

We haven't gotten to prelim yet, so don't know details of such. And it appears LE has been very close to vest on evidence so far (which is why we all are speculating so much)

ETA: Foxfire who is now on this thread - I believe is a certified fire person with WS. At least I know IT to be :biggrin:
If the bodies were not burned as to the adults (Foxfire, your thoughts on that at http://www.scribd.com/doc/266278174/Daron-Dylon-Wint-Charging-Documents ) - I would *think* they may know if they were murdered between 12=1, or earlier in the morning before that call to W-1? That would blow this case apart perhaps if so. Can they differ the timing if there was a fire in the next room, but they were not burned? That is the room where the DNA/pizza/bodies were found.

We haven't gotten to prelim yet, so don't know details of such. And it appears LE has been very close to vest on evidence so far (which is why we all are speculating so much)
Apparently Figueroa was still alive because she was pronounced at Georgetown Hosp.
I think someone drove him to the neighborhood. They may not have stayed, but I believe they drove him there. Possibly a female. Because people would be more likely to open the door to a female. The reason I believe that is because I don't think he would want to walk the neighborhood and take a chance on someone noticing and being a witness later.
^^^^ I've definitely considered this---4 people were possibly involved and each got a cut of $10K.

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If that ends up being true... oh man such a hideous crime for 10k...it'll be the most senseless think ever. :(

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I have read the court ordering docs several times and I just REALLY red them again .. Does anyone think there were maybe FOUR PEOPLE INVOLVED ...I do and this is why... After changing his story the driver/assistant (W1) said that he was given FOUR wrapped stacks of cash. When witness W2 was interview they showed a photo that was received via text from W1. In the photo there were what appeared to be TWO stacks of cash. The report also noted that were NO traces of "loose cash"... When Wint was arrested they found $10,000 in cash ... So maybe two on the inside two on the out?

I'm trying to figure out the money part as well -- the supplemental arrest warrant affidavit says this:

An occupant of the vehicle was subsequently interviewed and admitted to purchasing money orders after the murders under the direction of an
identified person who was providing [him/her] with money. The occupant estimated the total amount of the money orders to exceed $10,000. *** In plain view, members of the U.S. Marshals Task Force observed a large stack of what appeared to be $100 dollar bills. The denomination of this money is consistent with the denomination of money that was delivered to the decedent's residence prior to the homicide. In addition, several money orders were observed in plain view. This vehicle was also transported to the D.C. Department of Forensic Science with the aforementioned items still in place.

I'm still wondering why the perps were found with so many money orders?

I suspect a poor attempt at trying to launder the money. They were probably paranoid that it could be traced back to them. That would make sense as to why there were so many people with Wint. Maybe they were helping him to get the money orders as to avoid suspicion. Easier to have 5 people buying money orders than one person buying a $10K money order.
Questions re Mr S' Asst/Driver and Cash Withdrawals from whose a/c
Q 1:
May have missed it, but not seen any info re whether asst/driver was employee of -
- Mr S or fam personally, or
- AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.
May h/missed it, but not seen info re who $ w/drawn from bank actually belonged -
- to Mr S or fam personally, or
- to AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.

Re both of above -
some MSM & posts here assume (imo) one or the other, but so far IDK basis.
Anyone who has theory about employer or a/c owner, can you explain basis, pls.

Having actual, factual answers to ^2 Q's, imo jmo moo, would make a difference in
how Mr S w/consider issues.
Perhaps easier -
- to 'wangle' bank into making procedural exceptions, if his/fam a/c?
- for bank disburse $, because bk already had doc's on file
auth'ing other sr. AIW officer/employee(s) as signatory to transact AIW biz w bk.

Who would Mr S would ask to make w/drawal at bank? Why that AIW employee?
If docs auth'ing other AIW officer/employee as signatory were already on file, then
seems straight-forward for Mr S to direct bk to disburse $ to that officer/E'ee.

Who would Mr S ask to deliver $ to house? Why driver/asst and not another?
Bruce Leshan @BruceLeshan · 1d1 day ago

Prosecutors say there's a latent print on a water bottle from the mansion. They want #DaronWint prints to compare. @wusa9

The info came out during court Friday.

So it wasn't a leak or an aside to media, but was actually brought up in court. And still doesn't make sense. Prosecutors don't make print comparisons. They call LE or the lab and request it to be done. And they shouldn't have needed a court order to do so as it is part of evidence processing. Odd.

Anyone with LE connections want to check this out?
Questions re Mr S' Asst/Driver and Cash Withdrawals from whose a/c
Q 1:
May have missed it, but not seen any info re whether asst/driver was employee of -
- Mr S or fam personally, or
- AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.
May h/missed it, but not seen info re who $ w/drawn from bank actually belonged -
- to Mr S or fam personally, or
- to AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.

Re both of above -
some MSM & posts here assume (imo) one or the other, but so far IDK basis.
Anyone who has theory about employer or a/c owner, can you explain basis, pls.

Having actual, factual answers to ^2 Q's, imo jmo moo, would make a difference in
how Mr S w/consider issues.
Perhaps easier -
- to 'wangle' bank into making procedural exceptions, if his/fam a/c?
- for bank disburse $, because bk already had doc's on file
auth'ing other sr. AIW officer/employee(s) as signatory to transact AIW biz w bk.

Who would Mr S would ask to make w/drawal at bank? Why that AIW employee?
If docs auth'ing other AIW officer/employee as signatory were already on file, then
seems straight-forward for Mr S to direct bk to disburse $ to that officer/E'ee.

Who would Mr S ask to deliver $ to house? Why driver/asst and not another?

I know one answer: as to who would be able to withdraw funds from any AIW business accounts aside from him- it's usually either the CFO, or comptroller, or whomever handles accounts payable -
It's different in every company depending on size and what officers you have- but usually one of those positions would also be on the accounts and have permission to access and withdraw, etc.

Sent from my not so humble opinion.
Questions re Mr S' Asst/Driver and Cash Withdrawals from whose a/c
Q 1:
May have missed it, but not seen any info re whether asst/driver was employee of -
- Mr S or fam personally, or
- AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.
May h/missed it, but not seen info re who $ w/drawn from bank actually belonged -
- to Mr S or fam personally, or
- to AIW or other Mr S owned or affiliated business.
-other, like about-to-open martial arts studio.

Re both of above -
some MSM & posts here assume (imo) one or the other, but so far IDK basis.
Anyone who has theory about employer or a/c owner, can you explain basis, pls.

Having actual, factual answers to ^2 Q's, imo jmo moo, would make a difference in
how Mr S w/consider issues.
Perhaps easier -
- to 'wangle' bank into making procedural exceptions, if his/fam a/c?
- for bank disburse $, because bk already had doc's on file
auth'ing other sr. AIW officer/employee(s) as signatory to transact AIW biz w bk.

Who would Mr S would ask to make w/drawal at bank? Why that AIW employee?
If docs auth'ing other AIW officer/employee as signatory were already on file, then
seems straight-forward for Mr S to direct bk to disburse $ to that officer/E'ee.

Who would Mr S ask to deliver $ to house? Why driver/asst and not another?

Regarding the first question, the Charging Document (p 3/8) says this: "Members of the Major Crimes/Cold Case Homicide Unit conducted an investigation into
this offense. Members identified, located, and interviewed a Person identified hereafter as W-1. W-l stated [he/she] is an employee of Mr. Savopoulos
whose job consisted of transporting Mr. Savopoulos to and from work and handling daily assignments given to him by Mr. Savopoulos
." BBM.
I am confused. Is the red car missing or is the envelope missing? It says they did not find the envelope in the car so wouldn't it have to be there?

Is it possible that there's more than one red car? There was a red Audi in the driveway and maybe the car inside the garage (the Mosler or another) was also red?
I know one answer: as to who would be able to withdraw funds from any AIW business accounts aside from him- it's usually either the CFO, or comptroller, or whomever handles accounts payable -
It's different in every company depending on size and what officers you have- but usually one of those positions would also be on the accounts and have permission to access and withdraw, etc.

Sent from my not so humble opinion.

Shouldn't there have been some suspicion over him withdrawing funds from one business to supposedly use in another business? Isn't that a no-no?

And maybe I am overreacting. But if I were n employee being asked to pick up and drop off money that is one thing. But I would have been highly uncomfortable with being told to leave such a large sum of money in the car, no personal contact.
Agree. All along I thought the $40,000 was very strange. Ransom? I don't think the criminals were that stupid. $4Million is more like it for ransom, considering the financial status SS had. SS does own an Investment firm in Puerto Rico, so this causes me to go hmmm. I also get the sense that SS was a very trusting, down to earth kind of person, willing to give the shirt off his back to another in need. SS's friendliness and generosity may have made him very vulnerable and open to the type of crime that took his and others' lives. I don't know if the S's would be what is called "nouveau riche" or if they came from old money. I can tell you that in my neck of the woods the two different types lead very very different lifestyles, one much more exposed,than the other.

I do not have a good feeling about the assistant at all.
100% agree with this entire post. I sense there was naivete involved on the part of SS...either he was far too trusting or there was a reason he had certain personalities in his employ. Perhaps someone completely outside of or in charge of the people currently involved was coercing him long before this final act.
Quoting myself :)D)

Was this to be a private studio? Where's the announcement/publicity/fanfare?? Am I the only one puzzled by this? (Tell me gently, if so ;))

I have scoured the Internet for announcements about a grand opening of a martial arts studio/center in chantilly, va and have found nothing. Anyone else have any luck?

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