DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #4

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Driving from the studio in Chantilly, VA to his home in rush hour traffic would take a long time. It's about 26 miles depending on where exactly in Chantilly the studio is at and what route is taken.

I wondered if Savvas went to the AIW office after chantilly before going home. jmo idk Have they said if wint came to the home or came in with Savvas in the car? jmo idk
Driver is under a lot of stress (we know he called someone crying). And police are questioning him, possibly suspecting him. That could explain why he was inconsistent.

I would like to give this guy the benefit of the doubt but people that are stressed and upset are questioned by LE all the time and they don't change stories in midstream.

The stories are completely different and I just don't see how that could have occurred even if he was upset.

And it does bother me that he had not worked for Savvas very long. It does seem Savvas was very approachable and friendly with his employees and a down to earth kind of guy.

Wasn't it stated that this guy got fired from a previous job? If so, do you know why he was fired?

I am sure the police to suspect him. He has given off vibes for them to suspect him.

Well, he's the official keeper of the cars. Maybe he's supposed to keep them locked at all times and realized he didn't. So he just said it was locked - because that's how he's supposed to leave them. Once they challenged him on the text/phone lie, he probably got grilled pretty hard and fessed up.

I bet W-1 didn't drive that car, maybe SS didn't drive it too often either.
Driver is under a lot of stress (we know he called someone crying). And police are questioning him, possibly suspecting him. That could explain why he was inconsistent.

The witness themselves admitting to lying to LE: "W- l admitted that IT had lied when lT stated the money was in a manila envelope when lr rcccived the money from the other employee"
Driving from the studio in Chantilly, VA to his home in rush hour traffic would take a long time. It's about 26 miles depending on where exactly in Chantilly the studio is at and what route is taken.

They could be counting from the time Amy was taken hostage (with housekeeper and son). I personally think Amy was taken hostage already and called her husband asking him to come home (under directions of kidnapper).
And this is the guy who reportedly called someone on Friday crying. He is under a lot of stress. I think police might be suspecting him, but they are barking at the wrong tree. Police think suspect didn't act alone (which makes a lot of sense, because it's hard to understand how one person can control 4 people). But so far I haven't seen any indication anyone else was there with the suspect.
Witness saw one guy with short hair driving away. You can see the photo of the suspect at the time of arrest. It looks like he has very short hair. I think he pulls his dreadlocks to make it appear he has short hair.

BBM - One person can do a lot... the McStay case with Chase Merritt. (prelim was supposed to have happened Friday), but he went from Pro Se to lawering up at prelim so put out to later date http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?280436-Chase-Merritt-Preliminary-Hearing-May-2015-**NEVERMIND** Alleged - Murdered an entire family and buried them on his own. It's going on at another thread right now and I'm following that case.
I would like to give this guy the benefit of the doubt but people that are stressed and upset are questioned by LE all the time and they don't change stories in midstream.

The stories are completely different and I just don't see how that could have occurred even if he was upset.

And it does bother me that he had not worked for Savvas very long. It does seem Savvas was very approachable and friendly with his employees and a down to earth kind of guy.

Wasn't it stated that this guy got fired with a previous job? If so, do you know why he was fired?

People (witnesses) tell conflicting stories day in and day out.
BBM - One person can do a lot... the McStay case with Chase Merritt. (prelim was supposed to have happened Friday), but he went from Pro Se to lawering up at prelim so put out to later date http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?280436-Chase-Merritt-Preliminary-Hearing-May-2015-**NEVERMIND** Alleged - Murdered an entire family and buried them on his own. It's going on at another thread right now and I'm following that case.

I no longer question if one person can murder multiple people and be able to control all of them. I have read way too many cases where it has happened before to other victims who were murdered in multiples. Even more victims murdered at one time that four.

He may have had assistance before the fact and after the fact but I still think he is the sole perpetrator of the murders themselves.


Per charging documents, Wednesday text that they (police) saw the text directed W-1 to "meet other employee on Thursday morning in Hyattsville to pick up the package."

View attachment 75130

Thanks for finding this. I think it is significant. Based on the reported "flurry of calls" between Savvas, his accountant, the bank and witness, I thought the withdrawal was ordered by his abductors, but "the package" referred to on Wed. In the text sounds to me like the $40k. In my mind, if there really was a plan to have $40k in cash, that raises the likelihood that this was an inside job motivated by the knowledge that a pile of cash would soon be floating around.

I do not buy that Savvas need it for the opening of his martial arts studio. Why would he need anything more than some tip money for contractors' crews, clean-up crew, movers, etc.? Maybe a little change for the cash register if there was one. Something not right was going on. Extortion? Blackmail? Drugs? Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but it just occurred to me that it is weird that the ceo of a large company would be opening a business like a martial arts studio and it sounds to me like it could be for money laundering.

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I wonder if this call was to keep them(W1) from showing up in the morning to pick SS up, like the other calls and text to keep people away from the home. jmo idk




Good new idea... but don't know what to make of it! But involving all those folks for an extra 5 hours.... why? That adds so much to the mixture and so much more risk if not needed.

Thanks for finding this. I think it is significant. Based on the reported "flurry of calls" between Savvas, his accountant, the bank and witness, I thought the withdrawal was ordered by his abductors, but "the package" referred to on Wed. In the text sounds to me like the $40k. In my mind, if there really was a plan to have $40k in cash, that raises the likelihood that this was an inside job motivated by the knowledge that a pile of cash would soon be floating around.

I do not buy that Savvas need it for the opening of his martial arts studio. Why would he need anything more than some tip money for contractors' crews, clean-up crew, movers, etc.? Maybe a little change for the cash register if there was one. Something not right was going on. Extortion? Blackmail? Drugs? Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but it just occurred to me that it is weird that the ceo of a large company would be opening a business like a martial arts studio and it sounds to me like it could be for money laundering.

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Too bad they didn't say what time this text was sent. That would be extremely interesting. If it was sent before 6pm, for example, when the assailants supposedly entered the home. If it was sent after that - well, it doesn't implicate insiders.
People (witnesses) tell conflicting stories day in and day out.

That is true, Jenny but most of those are eye witnesses who saw a crime happening. Each eye witness can see it different ways but that isn't the case here.

He was involved in the money drop himself and he certainly knew what he did or didn't do. There would be no logical reason for the story to change on his part.
Also, in the leaked voicemail left by Savvas for the housekeeper, did anyone else hear wailing/yelling in the background right before the name was bleeped? It sounded like Phillip. I think that may be what prompted Savvas to add, "we're going through some stuff with Phillip"

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Quote Originally Posted by Just K View Post
The home had a sprinkler system... does that mean inside or in the lawn?

Quote Originally by KristinSchmistin
*Awesome* User
I think it's outdoor. Only because if it were indoor then I feel like we would have heard if it was disabled somehow (and possibly then there wouldn't be deaths if it weren't disabled)[/QUOTE]

<BBM for Focus>

Just K, due to the homes value, strict fire codes for residential dwellings < effective January 1, 2011, all new residences in the District of Columbia are required to have fire sprinklers>. - See more at: http://www.firesprinklerinitiative....quirements-by-state.aspx#sthash.QjN28ssE.dpuf

Combined with the fires' behavior; the quick extinguishment by the Fire Department and the lack of the fires extention to other floors..
It would be safe to conclude that the Savopoulos home was equipped with a residential fire sprinkler system. When flammable liquid accelerants such as gasoline flashover the fireball of gasoline vapors instantly causes extremely high temperatures exceeding 1,000 degrees F. It is not uncommon for fire deaths to occur due to breathing and the direct exposure to these super heated gases, as opposed to smoke inhalation deaths which usually occur much slower due to the fire consuming most of the available oxygen.

Most fire deaths are not caused by burns, but by smoke inhalation of toxic gases.
Imo, the decision to douse the vicims with gasoline by Wint, and torch the fire, may have been due to the existence of the homes' sprinkler system. DW; a welder, would have likely known that an ordinary combustible fire would have been extinguished immediately by the fire sprinkler system..

I've followed a lot of horrific henious crimes over the past seven years at Websleuths. To torture and execute a family, including their 10 year old son, and housekeeper in this extremely violent and deviant manner ranks right up there with the worst case scenarios, imo.. D. Wint and associates are pure damn evil; "The Devil's Deciple/s"...
When questioned, the assistant/driver could have been feeling guilty of something non-criminal (just knowing he was the last one at the house, or that he missed the call from SS). IMO, it appears he wanted sponsorship/funding for his racing career, which would have made him grateful for SS employing him... a good thing. So, it doesn't make sense why would he jeopardize this by doing anything criminal... thus, maybe he WAS just upset and made incorrect statements.
Thanks for finding this. I think it is significant. Based on the reported "flurry of calls" between Savvas, his accountant, the bank and witness, I thought the withdrawal was ordered by his abductors, but "the package" referred to on Wed. In the text sounds to me like the $40k. In my mind, if there really was a plan to have $40k in cash, that raises the likelihood that this was an inside job motivated by the knowledge that a pile of cash would soon be floating around.

I do not buy that Savvas need it for the opening of his martial arts studio. Why would he need anything more than some tip money for contractors' crews, clean-up crew, movers, etc.? Maybe a little change for the cash register if there was one. Something not right was going on. Extortion? Blackmail? Drugs? Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but it just occurred to me that it is weird that the ceo of a large company would be opening a business like a martial arts studio and it sounds to me like it could be for money laundering.

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Family was already taken hostage on Wednesday (sometime after 6 pm).
So the fact that text message was send on Wednesday doesn't prove anything (especially since we don't know when it was send). After SS got home, and got taken hostage, the bank would already be closed. Thus, he would have to arrange money delivery for Thursday.
I would think (correct if I'm wrong) that 99.99999% of us here think that W-1 = driver. He would have car keys on his person :moo: would he not? :thinking: :thinking: hmmm...I guess I'm not sure if he would if he wasn't "working" at the time. Thanks for making me reconsider. :seeya:

ETA: I have a friend who is estate manager for the richest person in the state. I'm gonna drop a question to IT :floorlaugh: to see what IT says on this matter. If a driver has car keys when not working.

From experience: many folks have a key code or a fob to enter via the garage door... once inside the driver may have had to access another secure area where the keys were stored?
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