DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #8

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In an interview I saw him on today he said he was hired by Wint's parents to go visit Daron in jail. ???

I saw that, too. I think he's referring to the mother in Guyana and bsing about being hired.
In later interviews he kept tripping over the word "retained."

If there had been no murder - which I don't think if JW was involved that he'd necessarily sign up for that - he'd still have the job with SS in addition to whatever other PT jobs he got. Unless he made a big splash with it, it might not stick out. His traveling around to race isn't anything new, just previously he was doing it as part of the track he worked with. With it being a non-murder case it would have attracted less attention and he could have just slipped by and been seen as a support for the family instead of a suspect. Now with the multiple murder it's a high profile case with a lot of LE resources dedicated to it plus he's out of a job and would be hard pressed to get any other FT or PT jobs right now. The Italy thing does stand out as I'm not aware of if he competed internationally last year, which the whole Italy thing could have been a mistake of his to make unless paying for Italy was the biggest motive where the motive could be the undoing. Italy is something that makes me suspect JW on one hand, but if the family and the HK hadn't been murdered, I never would have heard of this case either and it could have just been another anonymous unsolved home invasion robbery that didn't make the news or involve much LE resources.

BBM. Agree, but I'm not sure he would still have a job with SS. If there had been no murders, but a home invasion/robbery, I think SS would have seriously wondered about all employees close to the family -- drivers, cleaners, etc -- and would have let go anyone that he had reservations about. JMO.
I keep returning and lurking on this thread to see if there have been any additional breaks in this case. Because it's one of those cases that sticks with you - a happy, successful, handsome, wealthy, tight-knit family that seemingly had so much, and anyone would want to have as family or friends, suddenly murdered, and in such a horrible way. There are still so many unanswered questions. I just can't imagine who would be able to brutalize a little boy, and then kill him. Those poor parents who spent their last moments trying to protect him. It's so awful. I came upon the pictures from their obits, happy snapshots from their lives, and thought to myself, "wow, they seem like people I'd like to know/have in my life" and then also thought about how they are now all dead. How terrible. :-(

I don't have much else to add to the discussion, because it would all be speculative on my part - except to say I totally believe DW did not act alone in this. I hope that justice is swift and extremely punitive.
I remember when this story came out & hoped we would see what profiler Van Zandt described happen - especially since the five people were with a fugitive. I thought the fact they were DW could be considered aiding & abetting or obstruction of justice as they were with a fugitive on the run or some legitimate reason to book them and hold them for questioning. At any rate, I was very surprised all 5 were all released so quickly and to my knowledge this didn't give LE a lot of time to separately interview all involved & find discrepancies in their stories or give them a chance to turn on others. The advantage of doing that so early is because they (the five who were booked) wouldn't have had a chance to compare notes with the other and formulate a story. Now - even though they still may be questioned, they have had plenty of time to put together a story. There must be more to why this didn't happen. Maybe they all knew not to talk without an attorney present. One thought I've had about those five people who were briefly held is that maybe LE found DNA from the crime scene which they have not made known to the public and it does not match DW or any other DNA in their system and LE is hoping to find a match. Perhaps, LE took DNA samples, hair samples, fingerprints from these 5 people and they match these to some sort of forensic evidence discovered at the crime scene.

But, what do I know...But, what do I know... I have very little personal experience in this area... not a police officer, attorney and don't watch CSI or Law & Order.... just a friend of the victims who desperately wants some sort of justice for the family.

EDIT: I forgot to quote the post I was referencing: So here it is:
Odd I haven't seen this story before, did I miss it?

Former FBI profiler: Play one story off the other in quadruple murder

WASHINGTON — The capture of Daron Dylon Wint and five people traveling with him will set off a series of interviews in an attempt to build a strong prosecution in the death of a D.C. family and their housekeeper, according to former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt.

<BBM for focus>
Good point, SpanishInquisition, and likely the tactic used to gain SS's compliance, imo. If someone has a knife to a father's 10 your old child, it would be virtually impossible for them to restrain the father without accomplices..

Would be difficult, but is this poss? After entering home, solo perp w gun, knife, or other weapon in hand, demands all cells, tablets, comm. devices, etc. takes control of them, ditto landlines. Says - All I want is $. As soon as I get $, I'm outta here.

Perp demands Person 1 duct tape/flex-cuff/zip-tie Person 2, then Person 3.
For ex, w knife or gun on child (& housekeeper & AS), perp demands HK bind child,
then Mrs S. Then Perp binds HK.
If anyone hesitates, perp threatens, punches or stabs superficially to induce compliance, maybe hits until groggy or unconscious.
Azz-uming child, mother & housekeeper are all in place and restrained when dad enters, perp knocks him groggy or unconscious,so perp can restrain him.

Other weapons, such as taser or stun gun, could be used, temporarily during restraining process. ETA: could also be used as reminders to enhance cooperation w phone calls, etc. Just trying to put together jigsaw pieces from other cases where solo perp has controlled multiple household members. Does not take Superman or Chuck Norris to overcome.

Thinking thru poss acts for solo perp to gain compliance is horrible but not outside realm of possibility.
I keep returning and lurking on this thread to see if there have been any additional breaks in this case. Because it's one of those cases that sticks with you - a happy, successful, handsome, wealthy, tight-knit family that seemingly had so much, and anyone would want to have as family or friends, suddenly murdered, and in such a horrible way. There are still so many unanswered questions. I just can't imagine who would be able to brutalize a little boy, and then kill him. Those poor parents who spent their last moments trying to protect him. It's so awful. I came upon the pictures from their obits, happy snapshots from their lives, and thought to myself, "wow, they seem like people I'd like to know/have in my life" and then also thought about how they are now all dead. How terrible. :-(

I don't have much else to add to the discussion, because it would all be speculative on my part - except to say I totally believe DW did not act alone in this. I hope that justice is swift and extremely punitive.

omg my heart just sank looking at those photos- specifically the one where he's wearing a multicolored gingham shirt with a bow tie. my son has the same exact outfit. :( this could have been any of us. I hope the animals responsible for this FRY. What a beautiful family. So heartbroken for all of them. :( :(
It seems to me, if it was all about cars, and DW had all kinds of inside info, he/they would have waited til the family went away. I did read about a planned vacation but don't know where the link is

I don't believe it was all about cars either. You don't need to do an overnight sleepover and home invasion and kill 4 people, to steal their cars. JMO
Yesterday on CNN Pamela Brown (anchor) made a comment I haven't heard yet... that
NG last saw JW at the Dojo at 3:30 on Wednesday,we know that SS didn't leave till approximately 5:30 (Phone call from AS) could JW have been the one who let DW and possible crew in the home? The family would not have been suspicious of JW! That said,
Then JW would know that the family would have to be killed (I hate to say that word)
I looked to see if JW had gone to the Kart World Championship last year - which he didn't - and I learned that it is associated with SS's organization that he's a judge at as SS is part of FIA,:
This can be seen as good or bad for JW given how that SS was probably going to the event with his family. From what I can tell SS wasn't sponsoring JW and seemed to treat him as a driver/assistant rather than viewing him as pro racing material, which I could see that being a motive for both robbery and murder with there being potentially at least two perceived slights with not using JW as a coach and not sponsoring him. SS may not have been allowed to get involved with sponsorships at the professional level without it being a forbidden conflict of interest, which JW may not have understood that or thought SS was lying on why he wasn't helping him advance his pro racing career. Getting hooked up with someone high up in an organization you want to advance in can be great so long as they're not seen as holding you back, which JW could have seen that someone high up was holding back his career who didn't even view him as someone who could have a pro career, but instead should just be driving his inherited rich self around. Even if JW was involved, I don't necessarily think he'd plan to commit murder, but I could see motives as to why if he did. Being viewed as just some errand boy rather than as a pro racer could lead to bad consequences as SS could have been seen by JW as wrongly killing his dreams while at the same time giving PS everything JW wanted with racing, which only would exacerbate it.
Hi. I was wondering if anyone has read or heard that JW was NOT at the dojo with SS and NG on Weds. Given that JW was his assistant and SS was having other people (NG at least) help out there, it would make a lot of sense that JW would be enlisted to help. (In fact, it sounds like JW continued helping prep for the opening after dropping off the $40k if we believe that's why he was at Lowe's in that area.)

We know that NG was at the dojo at least until 5:30 when she overheard SS get the call from AS. Someone posted here that In NG's latest interview, she said the last time she saw JW was at 3:30 at the dojo. I was kind of assuming that he would be there with his boss, so this makes sense to me. Any reason beyond that he wasn't there?
The depth of pain for all of them including the parents/grandparents is simply unimaginable. I'm also in awe that LE can now glean DNA off pizza crust. I wasn't aware it could survive that long on something so spongy.

Science is amazing. I don't know why people think they can get away with crimes these days. Deranged lunatics I guess.
Science is amazing. I don't know why people think they can get away with crimes these days. Deranged lunatics I guess.

If it were not for that pizza, I fear he may have very well gotten away with this crime and that's pretty scary.
Hi. I was wondering if anyone has read or heard that JW was NOT at the dojo with SS and NG on Weds. Given that JW was his assistant and SS was having other people (NG at least) help out there, it would make a lot of sense that JW would be enlisted to help. (In fact, it sounds like JW continued helping prep for the opening after dropping off the $40k if we believe that's why he was at Lowe's in that area.)

We know that NG was at the dojo at least until 5:30 when she overheard SS get the call from AS. Someone posted here that In NG's latest interview, she said the last time she saw JW was at 3:30 at the dojo. I was kind of assuming that he would be there with his boss, so this makes sense to me. Any reason beyond that he wasn't there?

It does beg the question: if JW truly left at 3:30, then why didn't he go to Lowe's for that errand? Because SS wasn't at the dojo on Thursday to be assigning errands.

I keep returning and lurking on this thread to see if there have been any additional breaks in this case. Because it's one of those cases that sticks with you - a happy, successful, handsome, wealthy, tight-knit family that seemingly had so much, and anyone would want to have as family or friends, suddenly murdered, and in such a horrible way. There are still so many unanswered questions. I just can't imagine who would be able to brutalize a little boy, and then kill him. Those poor parents who spent their last moments trying to protect him. It's so awful. I came upon the pictures from their obits, happy snapshots from their lives, and thought to myself, "wow, they seem like people I'd like to know/have in my life" and then also thought about how they are now all dead. How terrible. :-(

I don't have much else to add to the discussion, because it would all be speculative on my part - except to say I totally believe DW did not act alone in this. I hope that justice is swift and extremely punitive.

Thank you for that link. I had not seen all those pictures and though they were very difficult to look at I looked at every one in honor of Phillip. One thing I will take away from that viewing , besides overwhelming and reoccurring sadness, is that it made me glad to know that Phillip had so much love and so many fun and interesting experiences in his short life. May the surviving family members and friends find at least a bit of comfort in that someday. God be with them all as they travel this "valley of the shadow".
Yesterday on CNN Pamela Brown (anchor) made a comment I haven't heard yet... that
NG last saw JW at the Dojo at 3:30 on Wednesday,we know that SS didn't leave till approximately 5:30 (Phone call from AS) could JW have been the one who let DW and possible crew in the home? The family would not have been suspicious of JW! That said,
Then JW would know that the family would have to be killed (I hate to say that word)

Who left the dojo first? NG or W1? She last saw him at 3:30 pm, but was that because she left, he left, they both left, or they were working in different areas of the dojo?
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