DCF Shelter Hearings

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Visits between MS and everyone else are recorded and monitored. The exception being the lawyer. That would be the only way MS is getting forceful demands/commands out to his mom about the girls. If MS mom gets the girls, then he still controls the money that may come from insurance policies, even if the state appoints a state guardian. MS thinks he gets the money to spend on new lawyers and other possible things to keep the girls away from their moms family. BS may be a victim but IMO is controlled by her son. IMO, the girls either need to stay with TS mom or go into independent foster care as awful as that may be. MS tears are only for himself. I hope the Judge sees that. I also hope the best investigation is given to all adults in this matter.
“Not what he wants for his children. DCF has disregard for that.”--Mike Mummert, Mark Sievers's attorney, reacting to temporary custody decision, as quoted by WINK News

Just when you think Mark can't go any lower, his attorney tops him. What he wants? Attorney Mummert, if he'd been reading WebSleuths, would know that what Mark wants, given what Mark has done, shouldn't concern any decent person. Does Mummert think Teresa Sievers wanted to be beaten to death? Everyone may deserve an attorney, but not an attorney willing to tread water in Mark's cesspool.
If the murderer hubby gets the money first before being indicted; Then they can use that money for all the lawyers in the world.

But in this case. If he is found guilty. It will not be likely that he could use Teresa's estate money for appeals. Jmo.

Simply because the estate will then allocate who gets what at which age and who gets what to take care of the girls before they hit that age of controling their own financials.

Now since his girls still have at least 8 to 10 years before they would have full control of whatever finances; Means that mark needs 8 to 10 years to still brainwash the girls.

But that's highly unlikely once Curtis takes the stand and let all the secrets out this year. Jmo.

But I agree. Since Mark used Teresa's money to keep up her life insurance while taking her life. Then none of Mark's family should have access to any of that money.

I would think the judge would have to take into consideration that there had never been an issue with the mother of TS staying in the Siever's home or the girls visiting with her prior to all of this. Her family didn't even believe at first that he had anything to do with the murder. So the judge should ask why MS has a problem with it now. Good call for now. I hope the girls are thriving.
Florida statutes provide that parental rights may be terminated under certain circumstances. One factor the court will consider in determining whether to continue the parental relationship with an incarcerated parent is if:

(1) (d) 3 The court determines by clear and convincing evidence that continuing the parental relationship with the incarcerated parent would be harmful to the child and, for this reason, that termination of the parental rights of the incarcerated parent is in the best interest of the child. When determining harm, the court shall consider the following factors: * .....

 h) The parent or parents have committed the murder, manslaughter, aiding or abetting the murder, or conspiracy or solicitation to murder the other parent or another child, or a felony battery that resulted in serious bodily injury to the child or to another child. Proof of a nexus between the murder, manslaughter, aiding or abetting the murder, or conspiracy or solicitation to murder the other parent or another child, or a felony battery to a child and the potential harm to a child or another child is not required.

“Not what he wants for his children. DCF has disregard for that.”--Mike Mummert, Mark Sievers's attorney, reacting to temporary custody decision, as quoted by WINK News

Just when you think Mark can't go any lower, his attorney tops him. What he wants? Attorney Mummert, if he'd been reading WebSleuths, would know that what Mark wants, given what Mark has done, shouldn't concern any decent person. Does Mummert think Teresa Sievers wanted to be beaten to death? Everyone may deserve an attorney, but not an attorney willing to tread water in Mark's cesspool.

This whole case is screamin dysfunction. I really wanted to give the paternal side of the family the benefit of the doubt BUT not after reading this article that you quoted from. Mary has every right of being scared that her family will be eliminated from the girls. I'm not giving up on the judge and the future decisions yet . I only can say that I have faith in DCF in regards to this case that they will protect the girls and its very obvious that DCF wants and knows its better for the girls to be with Mary permanently. Mary has the advantage because she is following the rules and letting all the phone calls take place between both families and providing stability. she was the only who redirected her life to move to FL and provide stability. The attorney for DCF stated that there "a lot of chefs in the kitchen" How ironic and so true in this case. All these dysfunctional ppl causing headaches.
Teresa said if something happens to me and Mark then my brother should handle things.

Now Teresa is dead and Mark is in jail for having her killed.

So maybe her brother needs to get a lawyer.
Still, Mummert said he feels DCF pulled a fast-one on him.

"This motion was filed with approximately 24 hours notice, which means we didn’t have the opportunity to file a motion, an opposition or anything like that, it was like 'let’s show up and litigate'," he said. "We were placed in the position of being able to contest the department’s motion and not being able to bring forward our own motion for placement."

Mummert said that also put the judge in a corner.

"Basically what they did is they tied Judge Branning’s hands,” Mummert said. "I’m not trying to find fault. He did the only thing he could have done."

Mummert added: "We are looking forward to giving Judge Branning more options in May."

He was referring to the May 11 court date that has been blocked off for an eight-hour "full-blown evidentiary hearing” to determine who gets temporary custody of the girls.

HAHA, a defense attorney couldn't keep up with a emergency hearing. When DCF is involved they do not have to give more than 24 hrs notice to any party. It was an emergency hearing......

May 11 will be explosive but the details need to come out! Rooting for Mary and the girls plus she has DCF behind her as well. That speaks volumes. They are very thorough with their checks!
. . . he girls to be with Mary permanently. Mary has the advantage because she is following the rules and letting all the phone calls take place between both families and providing stability. she was the only who redirected her life to move to FL and provide stability. The attorney for DCF stated that there "a lot of chefs in the kitchen" How ironic and so true in this case. All these dysfunctional ppl causing headaches.

Chefs in the kitchen! I wonder if the DCF attorney was making a sly reference to CWW, JRR, and masterchef MS.
I started w empathy for BS. Then I swayed a little in the opposite direction. I would hope every innocent person involved in this case would want nothing more than protect the children and place them where they have best shot at survival ( I think the judge knows best for long term results). BS please understand the facts, your son is guilty and going away (Your ex house guest CWW will ensure that) for a long time. Why drag your grand kids back into the fire just as they have exited the smoking building choking and coughing. They have had clean lungs for several weeks now. Please don't place MS' wants as more important than the children's needs.
I started w empathy for BS. Then I swayed a little in the opposite direction. I would hope every innocent person involved in this case would want nothing more than protect the children and place them where they have best shot at survival ( I think the judge knows best for long term results). BS please understand the facts, your son is guilty and going away (Your ex house guest CWW will ensure that) for a long time. Why drag your grand kids back into the fire just as they have exited the smoking building choking and coughing. They have had clean lungs for several weeks now. Please don't place MS' wants as more important than the children's needs.

Amen to this! But I'm also going to add that BS chose MS's, CWW's and AW's wants and needs over her own ailing daughter during TS' funeral. I do not trust her judgement. Her loyalties are not where they should be and her decision making in regards to her family are warped at best, IMO. And how dare MS even claim that TS's family is not the best place for his children? On what grounds? On the grounds that he won't have a grab at that 4.4 mil? TS's family is innocent of her murder and had nothing to do with it in any way shape or form. MS is a murderer and his mother spawned a murderer and housed a murderer during her daughter in laws funeral. And now she wants to TAKE THE KIDS AWAY from her deceased daughter in law's family. Shameful! I got news for you lady: You have no right!!! They are complete innocents and your son is not! What right do you have to punish them for what your son did??? What makes you think you and your murderous son who will spent the rest of his life in jail have more to offer these girls than TS's family??? You don't, let them go so they can search for peace and heal!
Does anyone know if it's at all possible any insurance company will pay out to the estate/girls before a conviction? IF so, whomever has guardianship of the girls will have guardianship of their money - is this correct? There are so many aspects of insurance that are difficult to understand at the best of times, more so when one parent is accused of murdering the other parent. IF the girls get some of the insurance, IF BS has the girls, then is it possible BS could funnel funds toward a team of defense lawyers for her accused murderer son? Or is there some entity who oversees any estate of the girls to prevent such financial abuse?
Does anyone know if it's at all possible any insurance company will pay out to the estate/girls before a conviction? IF so, whomever has guardianship of the girls will have guardianship of their money - is this correct? There are so many aspects of insurance that are difficult to understand at the best of times, more so when one parent is accused of murdering the other parent. IF the girls get some of the insurance, IF BS has the girls, then is it possible BS could funnel funds toward a team of defense lawyers for her accused murderer son? Or is there some entity who oversees any estate of the girls to prevent such financial abuse?

I think his conviction needs to happen first. With this being such a high profile case, I'm sure the insurance company has their legal dept staying on top of it. I'm more worried about BS and the hidden motives to her motion she filed. When is it enough so the maternal side can have peace.
Amen to this! But I'm also going to add that BS chose MS's, CWW's and AW's wants and needs over her own ailing daughter during TS' funeral. I do not trust her judgement. Her loyalties are not where they should be and her decision making in regards to her family are warped at best, IMO. And how dare MS even claim that TS's family is not the best place for his children? On what grounds? On the grounds that he won't have a grab at that 4.4 mil? TS's family is innocent of her murder and had nothing to do with it in any way shape or form. MS is a murderer and his mother spawned a murderer and housed a murderer during her daughter in laws funeral. And now she wants to TAKE THE KIDS AWAY from her deceased daughter in law's family. Shameful! I got news for you lady: You have no right!!! They are complete innocents and your son is not! What right do you have to punish them for what your son did??? What makes you think you and your murderous son who will spent the rest of his life in jail have more to offer these girls than TS's family??? You don't, let them go so they can search for peace and heal!

I wondered what the topic could have been when MS video called both his mother and her partner several times. Really sad that TS's family is getting dumped on and having to fight to the bitter end for the girls. I think a lot is going to come out during the May 11th hearing. They blocked 8hrs of time for it...... For me I can sum it up in one sentence. The evidence shows he's guilty, so send him to prison where he can go crazy by looking at his wife's picture all day.
Does anyone know if it's at all possible any insurance company will pay out to the estate/girls before a conviction? IF so, whomever has guardianship of the girls will have guardianship of their money - is this correct? There are so many aspects of insurance that are difficult to understand at the best of times, more so when one parent is accused of murdering the other parent. IF the girls get some of the insurance, IF BS has the girls, then is it possible BS could funnel funds toward a team of defense lawyers for her accused murderer son? Or is there some entity who oversees any estate of the girls to prevent such financial abuse?

I'm sure that until Mark is either convicted or acquitted any life insurance payouts will be on hold.

I wonder if the life insurance company's would automatically pay Mark if for some strange reason he was acquitted. Would they try to withhold payment to him by going to civil court? Or is it a given that the insurance company's would have to pay him?

Why would BS attempt to take custody from MAG?

Teresa's mother has lost so much already- why would she be attempting now to take the only people left who are a part of Teresa? It makes no sense- especially after the sacrifices that MAG made to be able to be with the children!

What has MAG ever done to BS to cause her to take these drastic steps... against this grieving mother and grandmother?

Mark Sievers is what.

BS is doing his bidding- there is no other logical explanation.

If I was ever on the fence in regard to BS before- I am not on the fence now. She has taken an action I deem an act of war against her daughter in law and the Tottenhams. I pray she loses.

I have very strong opinions about her now. I hope one day we learn what the true story is with this family, I don't think it's a pretty one.
Why would BS attempt to take custody from MAG?

Teresa's mother has lost so much already- why would she be attempting now to take the only people left who are a part of Teresa? It makes no sense- especially after the sacrifices that MAG made to be able to be with the children!

What has MAG ever done to BS to cause her to take these drastic steps... against this grieving mother and grandmother?

Mark Sievers is what.

BS is doing his bidding- there is no other logical explanation.

If I was ever on the fence in regard to BS before- I am not on the fence now. She has taken an action I deem an act of war against her daughter in law and the Tottenhams. I pray she loses.

I have very strong opinions about her now. I hope one day we learn what the true story is with this family, I don't think it's a pretty one.

Makes you wonder what the intentions are in BS's mind. Was it her idea or Mark's? She never expressed interest before so this makes me believe she filed on Mark's request. I think she is doing this for her son and feels guilty for his present situation. Not setting the alarm could still be stressing her out and / or she still allows her son to manipulate her.....

Mary is ahead of the pack. She followed the rules in regards to the phone calls which is a very telling because of the dysfunctional mess in the case in regards to Mark and it's very rare that the social services attorney is backing her 100%. A lot of hearings I attended showed both families in an equal standing before the presiding judge. Getting the feeling that the next hearing which is blocked off for 8 hours will expose a lot of things and I have suspicions that the paternal side was involved with DCF when Mark was younger. JMO

Should also add is that when social services comes in contact with a person , they check their central database if they were ever involved with the families before. When a DCF worker stated that they had do more checking into BS 's possible relative placement awhile back at a hearing that was a hint that they were involved with that side of the family before . Any contact with social services from yesterday or 30 yrs ago and beyond will be recorded. No way of escaping documentation with this agency.
Thank you so much Oregonmama. Found the video; I can hardly stand to look at him. I can't type what I think of BS requesting custody.
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