DCF Shelter Hearings

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You bring up an interesting point: how long are records kept? I think it would interesting to see the complete history of social services involvement in several generations of the same family. More than interesting, I would think it would be extremely useful knowing that much history. The data could be used - probably is - in studies. Not just data on a single family's generations, but relations involvement, too. Interconnected.

I think there are people who are in DCF on here?

I was a teacher and had training every year as a mandated reporter. I am quite sure we were told reports were not kept for that long.

CHIPS - child in need of protective services. We teachers were so frustrated because we felt that we made reports and nothing happened. They said that the reports are kept and maybe at some point it added up to intervention needed. But I think there was a limit to the time.

And stuff is not shared from state to state. My last job was working with the homeless. Sometimes when we got too close to the child like requesting services for issues like gaps in education, the person would disappear.

Children still are seen as possessions. Parents have a lot of rights and not much info can be retained. Unless of course there was criminal prosecution.
You bring up an interesting point: how long are records kept? I think it would interesting to see the complete history of social services involvement in several generations of the same family. More than interesting, I would think it would be extremely useful knowing that much history. The data could be used - probably is - in studies. Not just data on a single family's generations, but relations involvement, too. Interconnected.


'Amends s. 39.202(7), F.S., to require case records be maintained until the youngest alleged victim among the subjects of the record has reached 30 years of age. One distinct exception to this policy involves adoption records, which are to be permanently maintained.'

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'Amends s. 39.202(7), F.S., to require case records be maintained until the youngest alleged victim among the subjects of the record has reached 30 years of age. One distinct exception to this policy involves adoption records, which are to be permanently maintained.'

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Interesting info!! But is that info only for kids in the foster care system? Or is it for all reports of abuse and neglect?
Interesting info!! But is that info only for kids in the foster care system? Or is it for all reports of abuse and neglect?

Good point. It is for all children (in and out of the foster care program), whose cases make it into the Central Registry of Alleged Perpetrators. Once in there, it will stay again until the youngest victim completes 30 years of age:


Also here:


Just curious if you mean from Missouri? Would Florida have access to those reports/records? I'm not trying to be a smart :butthead: I really have no idea. I just know the whole gang lived in Missouri for most of their lives.

As of today Mary Ann Groves petition case is still the ONLY one under Sievers. Don't see one for mama Bonnie.
These are the newest :thinking: motions, orders ? whatever they are called.

Did MS request demand it like he demanded his mommy to run over and petition for guardianship the Thursday night before the Friday morning hearing?

04/01/2016....Order of Reassignment
to Judge Lee A Schreiber


04/05/2016...Request for Judicial Notice

04/07/2016....Order of Reassignment
to Judge Robert J Branning

05/11/2016....Motion Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Branning, Robert)
Petition for Temporary Custody

I have had access to another state's records before. We filed a motion. Took awhile but we were acting on a hunch to fill in a huge gap. In Oregon, most file boxes have been scanned onto cd's. It's amazing what you can find when there is a need to search the archives.
I doubt if there are records going back 30 years. I think there is a limit on how long a report can be kept. And if there are, they would be in paper form in some box somewhere. I imagine a retired DFC worker may know if they remember anything with the .
Siever's clan.

Anyway, I do not understand why the children need to remain in Florida. They were homeschooled and it appears they had little contact with friends, did they?

What are the memories they need in Florida? Their mother's death? Their house of horrors? Their father's buddies that he exposed them to?

Yes, records can be kept that long. It might vary from state to state but the key words that one of the DCF's rep from the first hearing stated that it had to be looked further into regarding BS's placement. Not hard to call another state agency if there is an open case locally to gain more info.
With my own crazy day yesterday, I didn't make it here! I am now boiling over the change in judges. I assume a lawyer can request this? Was MS angered because the current judge could see straight thru him and did not buy his lies? Is it this simple for an inmate/lawyer to switch judges?

Does anyone know what this new judge is like?! Grrr, are we back to step one and new judge has to learn what a slimeball MS is?

Wonder what threat MS gave his Mamma to get her to file that custody request Thursday night? No way on earth does she and her partner want to raise these girls. IMO. Perhaps the partner part will be the deciding factor? I am of modern day belief and have friends who are gay and lesbian, and some with children. Just not sure how a court will see it.

Hey all, we know what all this custody is about, right? The greed that got Teresa murdered - Money! MS doesn't give a hoot about those girls, who raises them, where they are etc. His only concern is they be in the custody of a person on his side so he can have access to some of that murder money.

Who would keep his commissary fund supplied? His mom more than likely doesn't have enough money to put hundreds a month into it. His mom is in her 60's, so who will fill it when she is gone? This Me-Me-Me thinking guy may have an idea he will get out in 25-30 years, if not sooner, so mamma has to squeeze money out of the settlement while she has the girls, to save for him.

Who knows, he could still owe CWW for his participation. Since bruther rolled on him, again who knows what MS might be up to. I would not trust MS if I could stay awake 24/7 every day watching him! Now that he is in jail, he is among prisoners with much more street smarts and inside knowledge on how to get things done. This is bad news for MS will use it to his advantage.

It struck me as funny, yet sad, that the friend who had the girls can no longer keep them. Guess she wised up to the mess MS put her in and she wanted no part of keeping them from Teresa's mom. Smart lady! These girls are people, they need stability and love, not be passed around as if they are objects!
I would think the judge would have to take into consideration that there had never been an issue with the mother of TS staying in the Siever's home or the girls visiting with her prior to all of this. Her family didn't even believe at first that he had anything to do with the murder. So the judge should ask why MS has a problem with it now. Good call for now. I hope the girls are thriving.

All of this should also raise another question. MS and the children stayed behind at Teresa's mother's house so the girls could visit longer with their grandmother. So this should raise a big question in the judge's mind. How many times before had MS ever stayed longer than TS?
Actually, disregard my hunch because I am 95% sure I was wrong. I've dug around a little and since became aware that 2 judges recently retired on March 31. That means the caseloads would have shifted. Cases would have just been redistributed between other judges.


Two Circuit Judges to Retire in 2016

In 2016, the 20th Circuit will say goodbye to two longtime Judges in the 20th Judicial Circuit. On March 31, Judge R. Thomas Corbin and Judge Cynthia Pivacek will retire from the Office of Circuit Court Judge.

Regardless of any "current petitions," PAST HISTORY plays an important part in the placement of children. IMO <modsnip>
A guardian who has a history of raising progeny who are self sufficient, educated and successful OR, <modsnip> It is a NO BRAINER, in my book....pick the FAMILIAL GUARDIAN who has had the best historical outcome for adult progeny and has the most time available NOW, to provide for the care and psychological well being of the children!!!
If it were up to me, I would willingly hand my grandchildren over to the grandparent who has had the most success in raising children. I would know that my grandchildren would be well cared for, and that I would still be able to visit them. The bottom line is always, what is best for the minor children....Not is what is best or my ego.
Teresa said if something happens to me and Mark then my brother should handle things.

Now Teresa is dead and Mark is in jail for having her killed.

So maybe her brother needs to get a lawyer.

Totally with ya. Teresa's last will and testament should be followed to the letter. Why aren't her brother or the other guardian TS appointed in this fight for the kids? Are they waiting for a guilty verdict? It's a coming. I know MAG wants to be with her granddaughters; the same as I would have to do. She'll go to the trial every day that she is able. I think Teresa's family possesses bright genes. Good. Honest. Hard working. Talented. Common Sense. Love and politeness. MAG lost a daughter and gained two granddaughters. C and J [mod edit] lost a mother and gained a grandmother, at least for the time being. I doubt the caregiver gets changed on the 11th to any other guardian. MAG arrived after Mark was arrested. MAG is in for the long haul through the "murder for hire trial" in FL. I pray for her stamina and stoicism. It is heart aching for us; imagine living it.....

I personally am troubled by the apparent dynamics BS has with her own children, MS and his sister. Taking the emotion out of it, MAG appears to have a healthier relationship with her children, who also appear to be stable and high achievers. If I were the judge, I would take this into account and choose MAG as the wiser choice of guardian. IMO

Stable, high achieving, goal oriented, those who are sturdy individuals. Teresa's family in CT. And MAG dropped it all to make this watershed for J and C [mod edit] as easy as humanly possible as they have been with her since last month. I am so thankful that she is able to do this. I could handle the homeschooling, too. Field trip every Friday. Chik Filet after library time. Music each week. Swim meets twice a week Xs two. This is going to be a while. It will be costly, too, raising Teresa's two pre-teens. I hope when the trial is over that they all 3 move to CT.

Dr. Purple Truck. Stayed with MS for weeks in February. Electronic equipment. Now, that's an interesting chapter in between commercial breaks. Did MS sell his motorcycle to him after he rode it down Jarvis? All of that merchandise is part of the estate. It's been written that the Sievers' finances were operating in the red. Huh. Doubt it. He had the cash to pay the IRS. With 4.4 Mill in ins payouts, he'd be a multi-millionaire with a lucrative business with a like minded doctor and sell supplements to everyone and chelate them, too. Only the truth is that he lost his wife, his life, his money, his job, his best friend, an another friend, and their families, muddied his two daughters lives...on & on.

I still can barely believe all of it is true. And most of you guys know more than I do. I know that MS is a dangerous menace to society. TS seems so real to me now. Ditto for fondness of sweet C&J.


"The girls were placed with the family friend after Mark Sievers&#8217; arrest. The friend indicated she could not take care of the children long-term, and the girls began staying with Groves after the friend went on vacation in March, officials said in court."

One cannot profit from committing a crime or can we? Mark should not have access to any funds including, but not limited to, the value of the guns and cash and valuable coins and bills. Insurance; his car which was really her car; his van was confiscated. What was found on it or in it that contain tips for the LEO to keep it? When you pay to hire someone to murder your wife, it is not like getting a divorce and splitting everything 50/50%.

The portions not linked are simply an opinion of mine, nothing more.
The woman from Missouri who had been a long time of MS (sorry I can't remember her name) indicated during her interview that there was an extremely contentious relationship between MS and his mother.

I would imagine any judge would want to look very carefully into the background of anyone applying for custody. I wonder how much close scrutiny BS can tolerate.... Besides, MAG has already been granted custody, which would set a kind of a precedent by the time a judge gets around to considering the Petition by BS.

I am not at all familiar with what all factors a judge must consider in a case like this. I don't know if they are required to give any weight at all to the desires of an incarcerated parent, whether that parent is convicted or not. Wasn't TS all involved right before her death with a girl who had gotten busted for drugs and had lost custody of her child to DCF? Was a judge asking that girl what SHE wanted done with the child?

I'd appreciate any input from someone who is familiar with this system and how it works.

Oh, and I didn't particularly like BS after watching her two interviews. Now? She needs to butt out of this.
Does anyone know if it's at all possible any insurance company will pay out to the estate/girls before a conviction? IF so, whomever has guardianship of the girls will have guardianship of their money - is this correct? There are so many aspects of insurance that are difficult to understand at the best of times, more so when one parent is accused of murdering the other parent. IF the girls get some of the insurance, IF BS has the girls, then is it possible BS could funnel funds toward a team of defense lawyers for her accused murderer son? Or is there some entity who oversees any estate of the girls to prevent such financial abuse?

Huh! There's not a snowball's chance in hades that any insurance company is going to pay out one dime of insurance money when they don't have to legally do so. So unless there was a policy that directly named her children as beneficiaries, any payout will be held up until there is a conviction.

And, no, gaining custody of the children does not automatically mean MAG would gain control of the payouts when they are made. This type of a payout will undoubtedly need to go through a court process. The judge would be the one to decide who is going to have control of the finances. There could be (and likely will be) an order for the proceeds to be placed into a trust with a financial guardian overseeing the investment and disbursement of funds.

The one thing MAG most likely will get awarded fairly easily and fairly soon is the Social Security survivor benefits the girls are entitled to. That money "goes with" the children because it is supposed to pay for their shelter, food, clothing and other expenses. I am assuming MAG is hiring someone to homeschool the children and these funds can be used to pay for that type of thing also.

As far a TS's will and what her wishes were for her children, I believe that is out of the picture. MS survived her and he is their parent. So her wishes died with her. Although it sounds as if her mother is honoring what her daughter wanted for her children.
I wonder if all three of TS siblings asked DCF for custody besides Mom, just to cover all their bases. In that case, DCF knows the whole family is going to be there or the girls.
I wonder if all three of TS siblings asked DCF for custody besides Mom, just to cover all their bases. In that case, DCF knows the whole family is going to be there or the girls.

Seems like a strategy that would confuse and complicate things more than help in reaching the desired goal.

Did you all notice that this hearing was on Friday, and BS waited until Thursday NIGHT to file for temporary guardianship? SMH

Yeah, like she really wanted to get those girls...NOT!

SMH = Smack My Head? So Much Hogwash? What does it mean?
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