Dead Pets

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I missed this morning's testimonies (I slept in until almost 6 AM for me, in order to catch what is morning testimonies for those on the mainland I must get up before 3 AM)

How many pets died and were buried that way? TIA!
i hate to think that she's that much of a sociopath... but they sure did seem to go through a lot of pets. i thought my family went through a lot of pets growing up but not nearly as many as the anthonys did.

Not all pets die from old age. I can't begin to count how many pets we've lost in 25 years, I would guess around 20. MUCH more than was mentioned in Cindy's testimony. We have pets buried all over our property. Some lived to an old age, some were killed in accidents and a few had illnesses we didn't know about until it was too late to save them.
I have a bad feeling that Casey did something bad to Cinnamon and Ginger, the mama dog and puppy, that died within 6 months of each other.

It may sound silly, but just watching Casey's face when it was discussed in court sent a chill down my spine.

Cindy said Cinnamon and Ginger died when Casey was a senior in high school, right?

I bet that Cindy loved those two dogs so much, and Casey killed them to get back at Cindy.
Like Casey did when she killed Caylee, just five years later.

Also, what was the problem with their current dogs when Cindy said she looked up information about "chlorophyll" or something?
Regardless of whether or not she was a budding Dahmer practising on the pets... as a defense attorney, when your client is on trial for the murder of a small child, on your last day of presenting your defense ie part of your big finish, you DO NOT put the image of a ton of dead pets in the jury's mind. NO NO NO NO NO! I mean W T FRAK!
IMO mentioning the burial of the Anthony pets only helped the state.

1. The Anthony family buried their pets with respect. The parents would hardly take their treasured grandaughter and throw her into the woods.

2. ICA was in high school when some of pets were buried in the Anthony's yard and as a sociopath, mimicked the wrapping of her own daughter as you would a dog or cat. Sick beyond measure. I am now convinced that ICA intended to bury Caylee in the yard that day she borrowed the shovel.

3. Most importantly, the Anthony yard had buried dead pets in it and the cadaver dogs DID NOT hit on those spots. There was no dead animal in the trunk. There was a dead little girl!

Do you believe this helped the defense or the prosecution? Your thoughts.

--Mods, if this should not be a new thread or is improper in some way, please remove or move. Thank you.

I completely agree that this helped the State .. a lot!

CA seemed more into the process and wrapping the pets in blankets, not GA.

It provides context as to why/what ICA did to Caylee.

If it was family dysfunction then they would have buried Caylee in the garden, never called 911 and, we never would have heard anything.

Like Mother, like daughter.

ICA treated Caylee like a pet and even added the heart sticker ... allegedly.

She *tried* to bury Caylee in the garden with the shovel and either discovered it was too hard or ... she'd be busted by the dogs.

With no other options she threw Caylee into the woods around the corner.
I have a bad feeling that Casey did something bad to Cinnamon and Ginger, the mama dog and puppy, that died within 6 months of each other.

It may sound silly, but just watching Casey's face when it was discussed in court sent a chill down my spine.

Cindy said Cinnamon and Ginger died when Casey was a senior in high school, right?

I bet that Cindy loved those two dogs so much, and Casey killed them to get back at Cindy.
Like Casey did when she killed Caylee, just five years later.

My 2 most scorching hot buttons: abuse of innocent trusting children and animals. Too bad Old Sparky is no longer the mandatory exit strategy - I'd love to see smoke blowing out of her ears.
Think about what and how much Casey does ritualistically.

Could she have learned or internalized that death is comforting.
Now Kio Marie will come on rebuttal and tell how KC used to bury pets down there in the swamp, used heart stickers too. Amazing.
IMO mentioning the burial of the Anthony pets only helped the state.

1. The Anthony family buried their pets with respect. The parents would hardly take their treasured grandaughter and throw her into the woods.

2. ICA was in high school when some of pets were buried in the Anthony's yard and as a sociopath, mimicked the wrapping of her own daughter as you would a dog or cat. Sick beyond measure. I am now convinced that ICA intended to bury Caylee in the yard that day she borrowed the shovel.

3. Most importantly, the Anthony yard had buried dead pets in it and the cadaver dogs DID NOT hit on those spots. There was no dead animal in the trunk. There was a dead little girl!

Do you believe this helped the defense or the prosecution? Your thoughts.

--Mods, if this should not be a new thread or is improper in some way, please remove or move. Thank you.

You are so right. Mr. Baez demonstrated that the Anthony's did bury their pets with respect. The blanket and garbage bags with tape to hold the bags closed is probably the way most people do who are able to bury their beloved pets at home. And, clear tape or duct tape, was used to secure the bags shut. It wasn't placed on the pet's mouth. So he proved nothing to help his defendant's case at all but he did, once again, help the prosecution by demonstrating the love and respect of the pet's burials in stark contrast to the way little Caylee's body was triple bagged and dumped. It wasn't George Anthony who did that.
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?
What a huge mistake Baez made with this.
What I got out of it was ICA learned how to bag up dead things. Was going to bury Caylee in the back yard until she realized how much work it involved and she didn't have that kind of time as she had to go and get ready for that nights party or crawl into bed with her boy toy.
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?

Yeah, but most people around here do it anyway.
Mode of "burial" has always convinced me that neither GA or RK had anything to do with JB's bogus accident cover-up story. I find it staggering that the DT had two and a half years to plan a defense and this was all they could come up with.
WOW; That's a lot of dead pets, in my opinion.
Our Golden Lab is 15 years old; and my cat is 17 years old. Our pets are like "family" memeber - and they will be buried in a Pet Cemetery.
Mode of "burial" has always convinced me that neither GA or RK had anything to do with JB's bogus accident cover-up story. I find it staggering that the DT had two and a half years to plan a defense and this was all they could come up with.

I personally think that JB walked month-by-month all the way until trial and once he could no longer delay or stall he turned around and said ... well we need to come up with something.
Was Baez trying to insinuate, put the idea out there, that GA or CA disposed of Caylee in the backyard originally but perhaps didn't think it through that ICA borrowed the shovel, the body was in ICA's trunk, etc etc?

Surely with this line of questioning he was trying to get around to reasonable doubt on behalf of ICA? I do not know what he was thinking here!
And I think she may have practiced on the Yorkies with the chloroform, too.

Perhaps that is why the smaller, younger yorkie that Cindy was so concerned about was lethargic, prompting CA to look up things on the internet?! Makes total sense.
I would like to know ICA reaction was at the vets office when the dog died on the table.
Calm? Guilt? Crying? Cold?
I'm 62 and had to have the vet put my mom's very old cat to sleep and bawled so bad my husband had to drive us home. We expected this since he had cancer.

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