Dead Pets

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Also, what was the problem with their current dogs when Cindy said she looked up information about "chlorophyll" or something?

I wonder if Casey was "testing" the homemade chloroform on the family pets? They were lethargic... Just saying... how chilling.
How many pets did the Anthony's have that passed away? Mandy, Bo, Cinnamon, and Ginger, and then a cat (I can't recall the name). At least the pets died with dignity if they were euthanized at a vet. And GA and CA treated their pets with respect giving them a proper burial. I don't doubt after hearing about the pets that Casey tried to bury Caylee in the backyard too. I believe that Caylee was no more important than a pet to Casey.

After reading the comments here on this thread, I now do wonder if Casey poisoned any of her pets?

The whole accusation that somehow GA nefariously wrapped his dead pets in blankets and plastic bags and duct tape to infer to the jury that he would have done the same to Caylee's body was ridiculous. If anything, with all those buried dogs in the Anthony backyard, neither Gerus or Bones -- the cadaver dogs -- hit on their remains when they hit on human decomp in the backyard. I will bet the prosecution will bring that up in their closing arguments.
Think about what and how much Casey does ritualistically.

Could she have learned or internalized that death is comforting.
That's possible, but something tells me it is just as likely that Casey has internalized the motto, "Revenge is a dish best served cold".

And I think she may have practiced on the Yorkies with the chloroform, too.
The defense just rested their case, the Jury has left the courtroom, and Baez was just standing at the podium, reading from one of Cindy's previous statements regarding the computer searches...

Cindy: "...... the Cocker Spaniel and the two Yorkies were getting sick, very sick..........".

Of course, Cindy was saying she suspected the dogs were getting sick from eating the bamboo in the backyard. But, how long had the bamboo been in that backyard? And, suddenly all three dogs are getting sick from it?

I, too, believe that Casey was practicing on the dogs with the chloroform. This is right before Caylee ends up dead. I think Casey has a long history of 'experimenting' with causing harm.

What happened to the Anthony's cocker spaniel that Cindy was discussing in that statement, anyway?

I think the Yorkies, 'Tilly' and 'Tinker' are lucky to be alive. Those poor dogs. How much do you want to bet they stopped getting sick when Casey stopped living on HopeSpring Drive ?
Stare decisis is such a travesty. There is nothing wrong with letting the jury use their common sense and smell the evidence. Thought this was a search for truth??
I have a bad feeling that Casey did something bad to Cinnamon and Ginger, the mama dog and puppy, that died within 6 months of each other.

It may sound silly, but just watching Casey's face when it was discussed in court sent a chill down my spine.

Cindy said Cinnamon and Ginger died when Casey was a senior in high school, right?

I bet that Cindy loved those two dogs so much, and Casey killed them to get back at Cindy.
Like Casey did when she killed Caylee, just five years later.

Wow....didn't think to look at Casey's face when this matter was at hand.
Was conveying to a friend about these "dog" questions asked by JB, and their first reaction was to ask if he presented it to show that ICA had killed these pets. My mind didn't/couldn't even go there but now I wonder if THIS is a family skeleton that they want to have kept quiet. I am wondering if this THIS was the something ICA stated/promised to her parents that she didn't "tell them anything." This is sitting like a rock in my stomach.
I think the Yorkies, 'Tilly' and 'Tinker' are lucky to be alive. Those poor dogs. How much do you want to bet they stopped getting sick when Casey stopped living on HopeSpring Drive ?

This is profound....

My mind is reeling, thinking of ICA dispatching the family pets. But after listening to the testimony about the burial rituals the Anthonys had for their pets, I am even more convinced that not only did ICA commit premeditated murder but that she practiced first on the family's animals. Blood chilling! OMG, don't let this girl back out on the streets...she's a menace to society, both two legged and four legged (and winged and finned, for that matter).

WAY OT but...I have had a bad feeling for a long time that Casey may have been pregnant and "gotten rid of " another baby sometime in high school. Go with me for a minute. So CA talked about Casey quitting track in high school and gaining 15 pounds, she also talked about Casey's irregular periods and the fact that she and Casey would joke about being sooo bloated with PMS as to look pregnant. Lee made some comments such as "is it like last time" and the "secret" comment at the memorial. I don't know I just feel like it would explain the weirdness around the pregnancy with Caylee, Lee's reaction and CA not admitting to it until Casey was outed by her uncle. Maybe CA suspected ICA had been pregnant at some previous time and maybe even suspected the baby was "dumped" somewhere after birth but is in such pathological denial that she can't admit her daughter would do something like that. I know it's just a way out there feeling but I always wondered if there was a little newborn skeleton in those woods too...
The pet testimony is deeply affecting me & I wonder if it is making jurors think the same things.
It felt as if we were being giving eye witness testimony to what she did with Caylee's dead limp body. It explained everything about backing into the garage, borowing a shovel & the dogs hitting on the back yard area at the edge of the grass - just beyond that grass is where the pets are burried, I'll bet ( can someone link one ?).
I could never figure out why she would take Caylee back to the house, why she had her in the backyard. Hearing this today I was like duh ! With the pets is the perfect place ! Her parents would never dig or plant there !

Also, as many have said, the whole ritual was learned - and that explains the heart sticker - remember Cindy said she wrapped the cat in Caylee's bath towel as a sign of "love". They ARE alike - they both had a "sign of love" in their death ritual.

The whole question of her killing some of these pets is valid. Killers have a history of this. I've made a few posts that she would have killed sooner or later - a husband, boyfriend, parent, somebody - it was only a matter of time before we heard the name Casey Anthony, probably on the ID network or a true crime book.

I too am curious if the lethargic dog got better after June 15th, but we will never know. My guess is yes. Chilling to think about, huh ?
So many dead animals. These narcissists' capacity for neglect runs deep, indeed.
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?

Yes, but when my sweet 17 year old kitty, got so sick, that I had the vet put her to sleep, he said nothing when I wanted to bring her home to bury. He must have felt it was up to me. I wrapped her in a towel that she had slept on and then put her in a brown paper grocery sack, and dug what seemed like a HUGE hole, and buried her. It took me a couple of hours to dig that hole. It was about 18 inches deep, and about as big around as a bucket. It was all I could do to dig it. It was October, so, slightly cooler weather for Texas, and yet I was sweating and panting. I keep thinking about that. How much work it was, how I was afraid it wasn't deep enough and that a dog would dig her up. I had my kids come out for a last goodbye, then, I put a big flat rock on top after I finished. Think how big the hole would need to be for a child almost 3. I have thought about Casey borrowing the shovel and then trying, but not being able to dig the hole. It's HARD work, and Florida would have been hot in June. Plus, the time frame shows it likely to have been afternoon. The hottest part of the day with the strongest sun.
Also, what was the problem with their current dogs when Cindy said she looked up information about "chlorophyll" or something?

I too have a yorkie and I'll admit he does seem to get sick a lot despite the fact that I feed him an excellent diet and he has great vet care. I did a search a couple years ago to make sure none of the plants I had were making him sick but if I remember correctly I searched for plants poisonous to dogs in FL. Just looking for Chlorophyll doesn't sound right to me. BTW, the ASPCA lists bamboo as non poisonous to dogs.
I am now fully convinced that Casey killed her daughter (and possibly some of the pets too), and buried that little girl in the backyard using the techniques she witnessed firsthand with the family pets. I think she eventually moved the body (thus the decomp in the trunk) and dumped it at the spot where the remains were later found by LE.

I agree with you 100%. I think she may have tried some of her killing skills on those pets too. I wonder if the little yorkie has recovered from being tired all the time! Wouldn't that be interesting to know.



eta: I've had 1 pet die on me in 14 years. My beloved kitty was cremated. Just how many animals are in the pet cemetary (back yard)?
So many dead animals. These narcissists' capacity for neglect runs deep, indeed.

Oh, and what about the animals that were buried in the woods, as someone (forgot who) mentioned in a depo. Saying that's where Caysey went to bury animals. My goodness how many dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, rabbits?

Just curious.


The defense just rested their case, the Jury has left the courtroom, and Baez was just standing at the podium, reading from one of Cindy's previous statements regarding the computer searches...

Cindy: "...... the Cocker Spaniel and the two Yorkies were getting sick, very sick..........".

Of course, Cindy was saying she suspected the dogs were getting sick from eating the bamboo in the backyard. But, how long had the bamboo been in that backyard? And, suddenly all three dogs are getting sick from it?

I, too, believe that Casey was practicing on the dogs with the chloroform. This is right before Caylee ends up dead. I think Casey has a long history of 'experimenting' with causing harm.

What happened to the Anthony's cocker spaniel that Cindy was discussing in that statement, anyway?

I think the Yorkies, 'Tilly' and 'Tinker' are lucky to be alive. Those poor dogs. How much do you want to bet they stopped getting sick when Casey stopped living on HopeSpring Drive ?

It would be quite interesting for these pets' vets to compare notes. In fact, I'd love to see someone exhume the dogs' bones and do tests that check for certain chemicals and compounds. They do that for humans--can it be done for dogs? Wouldn't it have been interesting for the prosecution to have thought of that angle and pursued it?
Perhaps that is why the smaller, younger yorkie that Cindy was so concerned about was lethargic, prompting CA to look up things on the internet?! Makes total sense.

Well it would certainly make sense. Slowly kill the doggies just to hurt Cindy, then the ultimate hurt would be to kill Caylee.

If anything, Jose Baez drove it home for me that in fact his client is a brutal killer (though I have no evidence she killed those innocent little doggies).


JOSE! can't you see? it isn't as funny to ask did you wrap your dog in a blanket. Pig in blanket funny dog in blanket NOT funny. How was Bo buried.. would be funny if you added banana fana bo bury fee fi foe .....
Now I'm even more convinced ICA killed Caylee, and probably killed those dogs too. One of the "warning signs" of sociopaths is that they are cruel to animals. If those dogs were not old and were fairly healthy, she probably killed them.

I know this is going to sound really gross but I wonder if they could do an autopsy on all the animals that did die. If there was anything left of the animals remains to test to see if Casey indeed practiced using the chlorloform on the dogs first.
I always thought she was guilty, but I wasn't completely convinced it was premeditated. I now have no doubt. I would not be surprised to find out she killed some of the dogs. We found out that before my sister's husband killed her--he killed her cat. Many times killers start with animals. I would not be surprised to find out she killed CA's beloved pets before killing her beloved granddaughter.

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