Dead Pets

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Also, what was the problem with their current dogs when Cindy said she looked up information about "chlorophyll" or something?

I recently read where Cindy still has those two dogs--maybe they are still alive because Casey has been in jail. JMHO
If ICA had anything to do with the death of the dogs when she was in HS I wouldn't be a bit surprised. She seems to compete with CA on some weird level. She may have gotten rid of the dogs to spite CA, the same way she got rid of Caylee.

I noticed that she has to be the center of attention always, she even seems jealous of the attention JB gives LDB.
Anyone have the count and timeline of ICA age and Each Pet?? Including GR-Ma and Pet named Misty?

When I heard this live today I became physically ill....
Do we know the exact SPOT in their yard where the pets were buried??

Where is it in relation to the playhouse??

If Casey lays Caylee there by the playhouse (where the dogs hit) to dig the hole....

I had previously thought she was going to put her UNDER/IN the playhouse...

Thinking she could just move the paving stones.

Then got the shovel when she realized she had to dig.

Then realized it was too hard to dig and gave up and put her in the trunk.

In the pet cemetery is a much better option than under the playhouse.

WHERE in the yard is the pet cemetery? Please tell me that someone knows...
The more I think about this, the stupider I think it was for the DT to bring this whole issue up. It points to Casey just as much as it theoretically could point to GA. And in bringing up the issue, JB highlighted just how many Anthony family pets have died. Websleuthers aren't the only ones who know that killing animals is an early sign of antisocial personality disorder, aka something's really wrong with you. I'd bet there's someone on that jury who's thinking, whoa, did Casey have something to do with those pets dying? It could only be one. But that's all it takes to bring up the idea to the others when they start deliberating.

Good post Wholehearted. I too wonder why the defense would bring this issue before the jury. Like you said, it sounds like pet funerals and burials were a family affair. This pattern would fit any of the family members.

Since the defense has rested its case today, I guess we won't be hearing evidence as to how the Anthony family members wrapped garbage.

i hate to think that she's that much of a sociopath... but they sure did seem to go through a lot of pets. i thought my family went through a lot of pets growing up but not nearly as many as the anthonys did.

I'm convinced that she was testing the Chlorform on the dogs. Bamboo is not toxic to animals. I do animal rescue and research any plants I put in the yard because the last thing I want is more vet bills or for any of my pets to get sick. Bamboo is fine. ICA was drugging the dogs. She was probably jealous of them too. You know those little Yorkies eat so much. ICA was probably thinking, gee I could have a new pair of shoes with the money my mom spends on dog food.
Is Kio on the State's witness lest? tia
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?

Not for me, but where I live,I can look over into VA. and Tenn. from top of my mountain, here in Kentucky. :) So I have the entire out doors to bury my pets.
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?

Bette, the Anthony family lies under oath in a murder trial. I don't think they care about ordinances on pet burial. If they were caught, they would lie about it anyway. Probably claim they were using the pets for fertilizer. jmo

by the way - love your eyes.
Slightly OT: There are city ordinances in many communities that prohibit burial or disposal of pets on private property. Such ordinances are in place in both cities where I've lived for the past 40 years. While it's possible that someone may not be discovered burying a pet in their yard, there are fines for those who are caught or reported. Are their ordinances that prohibit burying pets on private property where you live?

Yes, we have laws like that here where I live. I don't abide by them either. I'm 40 something years old and grew up having funerals for family pets in the back yard...I've done the same as a married mother of a son.

I see nothing wrong with it.
Mandy was a doggie who had to go to the vet when ICA was a toddler.

Bo was a doggie in Florida, Bo passed away in the summer of 1990. Bo died on the vet table. ICA was 4.

Ginger and Cinammon were buried with a towel. 2 cocker spaniels, mommy and baby (died within 6 mos of each other). Fall of 2003, and Winter of 2004. ICA would have been a senior.

Penny, the kitty, 2009, he passed and he was wrapped with one of Caylee's hooded bath towels.

At least we know ICA didn't kill Penny (since she was in jail).

Cindy still has her 2 yorkies (I believe). 1 was getting very sleepy about 2 months before Caylee disappeared.


The little dog in this video caught my attention months ago-- it is very distrustful of KC, who is behind the camera. Starts at about .46, you can see it next to the chair eying her warily. mo

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Home's Clip : Little Caylee Dancing‬‏[/ame]
Do we know the exact SPOT in their yard where the pets were buried??

WHERE in the yard is the pet cemetery? Please tell me that someone knows...

Not sure - here are some pics. CA said that ther eis a stone dog on the graves - but I don't see it.


I am so "frushtrated". I'm out of the country and can't get a single video to play properly. I've read through this entire thread but still can't get an overall impression as to what the "pet" testimony is really all about. How many pets died? Why did the family wrap them in blankets and plastic bags to bury them? Is that somehow the ok thing to do? Who lead this line of questioning and for what purpose? Can someone please, please, please recap?
He just inserted the needle into her arm.... Not ONE parent on the jury isn't thinking that they loved the pets enough to bury them, but dumped the baby :*(

It may be worse than that. If so much as one juror has that lightbulb moment "2 diferently aged dogs died close together when she was a senior", "Mom's newer little Yorkie is always sick and tired. Enough so that Mom is worried about poisoning from what the dog is eating possibly plants", "chloroform possible / probable cause of death for 2 year old daughter Caylee".

Way to go DT! You guys by eliciting answers from CA have moved your client from a strong circumstantial case with some wiggle room for accident to "OMG she is like Hanibal Lechter or Jeffrey Dahmer"! Way to go team! It's Miller Time!
And I think she may have practiced on the Yorkies with the chloroform, too.

I'm willing to bet that the Yorkies are so much better since ICA's been let's say away. I always said from day one she was going to do away with CA and GA, thus the hand to hand combat and household weapons etc. Once they were gone she would be free to party and Amy was told it would be about a month. If she ever gets out they really need to sleep with their eyes open. She is so cold, it's scarier than I thought. :crazy:
It may be worse than that. If so much as one juror has that lightbulb moment "2 diferently aged dogs died close together when she was a senior", "Mom's newer little Yorkie is always sick and tired. Enough so that Mom is worried about poisoning from what the dog is eating possibly plants", "chloroform possible / probable cause of death for 2 year old daughter Caylee".

Way to go DT! You guys by eliciting answers from CA have moved your client from a strong circumstantial case with some wiggle room for accident to "OMG she is like Hanibal Lechter or Jeffrey Dahmer"! Way to go team! It's Miller Time!

Yes. Jose was right...suddenly I have had an "aha" moment. :eek:
I am so "frushtrated". I'm out of the country and can't get a single video to play properly. I've read through this entire thread but still can't get an overall impression as to what the "pet" testimony is really all about. How many pets died? Why did the family wrap them in blankets and plastic bags to bury them? Is that somehow the ok thing to do? Who lead this line of questioning and for what purpose? Can someone please, please, please recap?

Mombomb (she is the bomb!!) transcribes the days events - here are her posts:

And here is her specific post where JB is questioning GA about pets:


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