Dear Raven,

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I love LauriJ's posting style whichever way she posts.... :blowkiss:

But I Can Tell You This, Some Posting Styles Are Really Absolutely Idiotic, But That's Just Because I Have Anger Management Issues.:doh:
Let's get real--no one chased anyone away.
i caN dO iT toO! i caN dO iT toO!

?won em raeh uoy naC !nevaR
bAd terMie bAd GiRl, iF yOu doN't eAt yOur MeAt yOu caN't haVe aNy pudDin'...

My head is hurting!!
Flygirl has done gone and flown the coop! And here I was waiting for her to come back with some more observations which would shed more light on Raven's present activities.

Or maybe she was grounded ??
I'm thinking I might have missed something. :waitasec:

Anyway, I'm ready for some news. I don't even care who it is that brings it anymore. But for God's sake LE, make an arrest already. :banghead:
I wonder what will happen to break this case? Will it be a new piece of evidence? A new look at the case by LE, where they develop a new understanding of what they currently have? A new witness? Or an inadvertent statement by one of the known parties in the case? A slip in other words. It will happen. It may take time, but it will happen. The only real unknown is how long it will take. May not happen for a while. Or it could happen today or tomorrow. A lot of pressure on someone. Probably makes it hard to sleep. Just wondering what or when?
mysteriew said:
It may take time, but it will happen. The only real unknown is how long it will take. May not happen for a while. Or it could happen today or tomorrow. A lot of pressure on someone. Probably makes it hard to sleep.
Good post. Let's hope that at the absolute minimum, the scum that did this is living with his own guilt and is haunted every night by memories of Janet's smile and her laugh and the look in her eyes when holding her beatiful baby.
JerseyGirl said:
Good post. Let's hope that at the absolute minimum, the scum that did this is living with his own guilt and is haunted every night by memories of Janet's smile and her laugh and the look in her eyes when holding her beatiful baby.

I would prefer that he remember the look on her face as she saw the knife, the look on her face as she was lying there in a pool of her own blood, the look of the blood on his own hands.
The looks on the faces of her parents and friends at her funeral, and the strain that shows in their faces now. The look on Kaiden's face when he said Mommy and she didn't appear.
I started decorating for Thanksgiving and I thought,
Wow, if I was The Raven, I would be giving thanks every single day that I can do whatever I want whenever I want, enjoying my freedom.

Cold Turkey Song Lyrics

Artist/Band: The Plastic Ono Band

(John Lennon)

Temperature's rising
Fever is high
Can't see no future
Can't see no sky

My feet are so heavy
So is my head
I wish I was a baby
I wish I was dead

Cold turkey has got me on the run
My body is aching
Goose-pimple bone
Can't see no body
Leave me alone

My eyes are wide open
Can't get to sleep
One thing I'm sure of
I'm in at the deep freeze

Cold turkey has got me on the run
Cold turkey has got me on the run

Thirty-six hours
Rolling in pain
Praying to someone
Free me again Oh I'll be a good boy
Please make me well
I promise you anything
Get me out of this hell

Cold turkey has got me on the run

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Alright Raven--

I'm writing this to plead with you--give Kaiden to the Christiansens. If you are not giving him the attention that he deserves to have from his own father and if he is in daycare all day while you put in your 10 hours a week in at work and play the rest, while Kaiden goes home only to have your mother take care of him, let the Christiansens have him. Let him be in an environment with cousins and family that he can interact with all of the time. That the person he runs to if he falls down isn't a caregiver but a family member.

I pity you Raven, I pity you that you have no feelings. I pity you because you think that putting Kaiden in daycare just to get him out of your hair (thinning as it may be) is a good idea. I pity you because while Janet could have been at home with her baby getting a few more moments in with her sweet son, you created the situation that caused her to work out of the home. I pity you because you have no remorse for what you have done to your family. I pity you because you actually believe that you aren't the reason why all of this happened.

Believe me, I could go on and on. But why don't you for the first time in your life, do the wise and right thing and let the Christiansens have Kaiden?

Jenifred said:
Alright Raven--

I'm writing this to plead with you--give Kaiden to the Christiansens. If you are not giving him the attention that he deserves to have from his own father and if he is in daycare all day while you put in your 10 hours a week in at work and play the rest, while Kaiden goes home only to have your mother take care of him, let the Christiansens have him. Let him be in an environment with cousins and family that he can interact with all of the time. That the person he runs to if he falls down isn't a caregiver but a family member.

I pity you Raven, I pity you that you have no feelings. I pity you because you think that putting Kaiden in daycare just to get him out of your hair (thinning as it may be) is a good idea. I pity you because while Janet could have been at home with her baby getting a few more moments in with her sweet son, you created the situation that caused her to work out of the home. I pity you because you have no remorse for what you have done to your family. I pity you because you actually believe that you aren't the reason why all of this happened.

Believe me, I could go on and on. But why don't you for the first time in your life, do the wise and right thing and let the Christiansens have Kaiden?

...And giving up his meal ticket? raven is probably receiving free money, free medical, free babysitting, free benefits just because he has Kaiden. Giving that up? I don't see that happening!
ewwwinteresting said:
...And giving up his meal ticket? raven is probably receiving free money, free medical, free babysitting, free benefits just because he has Kaiden. Giving that up? I don't see that happening!
I guess that's what's funding his trips. Wonder if there's some way to tip off health and human services to the fact that there might be an abuse of funds in this case.

You're dirty Raven, simply dirty. Using your child as a meal ticket and spending money. What about using that money for what it's really for--KAIDEN!!
To The Raven,

Now I lay me down to sleep
I hope LE stays away from my street
If I shall die before I wake
I've saved the taxpayers from me on the make!

From me to you the Raven - Sleep Tight...
Sleep Tight PNess!

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