Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

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Life With Out Parole or The Death Penalty? and Why.

For me, it's a toss up....... Although I really want them to give Casey the DP.

After this DT has put GA on trial (and took the focus off ICA), I do hope the jurors see what a dangerous person ICA is and keep her away from society for the rest of her natural life. I do hope they go with 1st degree murder and give her LWOP...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I wish someone here knew specifically about Florida prisons, but it was always my understanding that Death Row inmates have almost total restriction (23hr/day). I don't want ICA in the General Population, because she'll eventually (IMO) draw people in and become a Queen Bee, and I really don't want her having a good time.
For now she is a 'baby killer' but prison is full of vulnerable women ripe for the picking. I just can't stand the idea of her finding a girlfriend and living happily ever after.
Sociopaths adjust happily to prison (as I've read from multiple sources), and I want ICA as isolated as possible. So if it's DP that will do that, that's the sentence I want for her.

ETA: I'm a spiteful b!tch, that's why.

I heard someone (excon who is now rehabilitated) on HLN that said that the very first thing the prison population would do if she is among them was to beat the carp out of her. they will have no sympathy for her
I believe she will be convicted of second degree murder since I don't think the prosecution proved beyond doubt that there was premeditation and intent.

This may change, if CAs testimony on the searches is impeached. Without that, an with Kronk's admitted movement of the remains, the case for premeditation is quite weak - that is too weak to convince all jurors.
I would like to see Casey get LWOP, but I don't think that will happen.
She'll probably be sentenced to life, but with an opportunity for parole eventually.

Life means Life in Florida, NO chance at parole for Casey :great:
I find it very interesting that almost everyone knows it's not a matter of IF she's found guilty, but when.

Anywho, I hope the jury proves me wrong, but I really think she'll get life. Out of all the baby killers (susan smith, diane downs, etc), and although they are all are abhorrent, KC is by far the most vile of them all. If anyone is more deserving of the death penalty, it's casey anthony. She takes great delight in her family's suffering...Laughing at her mom crying in the jailhouse videos and asking "why are you crying already?". Laughing it up with her attorneys right after her father broke down on the stand. Truly sadistic and evil. Her soul is made out of poop, if she even has a soul.

The only thing that would be punishment for her is to take away the only thing that matters to her. Her life. She cares only for herself. Just like ted bundy, I have no doubt that she would be kicking and screaming, having to be dragged, as the guards take her to the death chamber.
She is thriving in jail and she will thrive in prison too. Mommy will still send her snack money. People as jacked up as her will still send her $ and letters. She told muffin that being incarcerated is the first time she's ever felt independent. WTH?

I hope I'm wrong... but I think to spare the anthony's, the jury will sentence her to life so they can attempt to pick up some of the pieces of their lives, instead of the eventual appeals that would drag on in a death sentence.

Death is the only punishment worthy/fitting of the heinous crime casey committed against an innocent Caylee.

I think she's going to get felony murder and I think she will be spared the DP due to her age, the dysfunction of her family, no prior known or proven abuse to Caylee and due to her parents begging for her life.

I have total faith in the judicial system and after this, I don't care anymore about what happens one way or another about her. Too much of our lives and emotional energy have been spent up by C-M-A and all the surrounding ridiculousness.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the DP, but I think LWOP is more realistic. :(
I am almost scared to post anything on here anymore because earlier I was joking and someone got mad at me...I will just look at it as proof of how much we all care about justice in this case.

What I believe is justice and what I believe will happen are two different things.

I believe the jury will convict at this point, on what though, is the question. I do not believe she will get the death penalty, especially with her family not wanting that-they will have an impact on sentencing, I am sure. They are Caylee's family, too. What they say will determine it, for sure.

To me, justice at this point would be the death penalty. I will not feel justice was truly served otherwise, but that is just my opinion. But, I do think that her family's wishes are more important than mine.

The way I look at it I really do not care about her parents wishes.
The girl needs to get what she deserves=DP.
It is all about Caylee.
As I said in earlier posts this case has bought out the worse in me.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but I couldn't find.

If ICA gets LWOP will she go straight to prison?
We have over 8 billion people on the planet. People die every day - in accidents, homicides, from disease, from starvation, torture, wars, etc. Most of them are 'innocent', i.e., they're in the wrong place, wrong time - victims of circumstance

We send the cream of our youth to kill and die in orchestrated wars. Our clergy, politicians, populace describe them as 'heroes'. Our troops do not know those they kill, maim and torture, nor do they know those who kill and maim them. When our troops are returned to our shores in body-bags, we again describe them as heroes and our clergy, politicians and populace give them a hero's burial - yet in many instances they have killed, raped and robbed children and innocent civilians who've done them no personal harm. So I'm not going to get all sanctimonious and sentimental about the possible death of a useless creature who is so stiff-necked and arrogant that she has put her State to great expense, rather than simply state how her own daughter came to be tossed in garbage bags at a trash site -- someone so brazen and uncaring as to watch her family being crushed and vilified, rather than jeopardize her own chance for future liberty/freedom

The Anthony creature had 31 days in which to tell the police and her parents that her own small child was dead. She said nothing. She went partying, thieving and shopping

She's had 3 years in which to tell her lawyers and the world at large what happened to her daughter. Instead, she's fought for her life by remaining silent, hoping that by concealing the facts and the truth, she'd be able to go back to her pointless, shallow existence

Right now, as I type this, infants in the Congo are being raped by human animals -- others are being slashed to pieces -- others are being forced to witness the slaughter of their parents and siblings. Where are the bleeding hearts in their case ? Where are those who're opposed to the death penalty in their cases ?

Today, tens of thousands will die, around this planet. Most of them will die in agony. They certainly won't dominate Western news. There will be no talking-heads earning a living defending their rights, no impassioned testimonies or closing statements and no book or movie deals, no candles of any colour being lit for them, no sparkly photographs online, no agonising about their deaths

If the worthless imo Casey Anthony is put to death, she'll be just another statistic as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to hear the done-to-death wail of, ' It's better to let nine guilty go free than see one innocent person executed '. Casey Anthony has had 31 days followed by 3 years in which to drop the arrogance and tell the world the truth. She's refused to do so. She was the last to see her daughter alive and everything points to her being her daughter's murderer. She's refused to exonerate herself or plead her case. Instead, she's relied on sleazy lawyers to rant and spin in the belief the public will buy the rubbish lies she's told from the outset. She's busied herself with tying knots in her clothing and posturing before banks of cameras. Ok - kill her. Get her out of my face. I'm long past caring about her story - her ever-changing tale. It's her choice to die if she's innocent. Her chances to tell the truth have expired. Just get rid of her. There are far more worthy individuals -- millions of them -- who are far more deserving of public attention, sympathy, understanding and mercy. Where's THEIR day in court and before the cameras ? Where's the concern for THEIR rights ?

The hypocrisy disgusts me
LWP I think she would be treated better if she got the death penalty. This way she will be in general population, and the chances of someone duct taping her face are greater.

Are we *sure* she would be in general pop? I mean, being she's such a <airquotes>celebrity</airquotes> now and all. Gen pop might be considered too dangerous for her and she could still be under the out an hour a day format, which, would suit me just fine.

It would kind of like being on Death Row - without the perks.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but I couldn't find.

If ICA gets LWOP will she go straight to prison?

Yes, I think it would only be for non-violent crimes that they would get to go home first. Too many would be apt to run if faced with life without parole.
Are we *sure* she would be in general pop? I mean, being she's such a <airquotes>celebrity</airquotes> now and all. Gen pop might be considered too dangerous for her and she could still be under the out an hour a day format, which, would suit me just fine.

It would kind of like being on Death Row - without the perks.

I think she would be in general population, unless she proved to be a problem. I think she would be a celebrity-type prisoner. She probably wouldn't do too bad, they say she's a model prisoner now.

Susan Smith seems to be doing fine in prison. Even getting it on with guards from what I've heard.
I agree that getting them out of society is the ultimate goal but I think that it is still debatable which is ultimately more expensive.

KC is very young so if she gets Life that would mean possibly being incarcerated for 60 or more years. Since her crime is against a child, she will require special treatment, most likely will not be in genpop, which is going to costs more and for many more years than most. She will appeal her case for many years to come and it will costs a lot of money, most likely footed by the taxpayer.


I also think that she would continue to reach out from prison and torture her parents until the day they die. I think that she will become even more hardened as she sticks with her invented persona and tale. There will be all the "exclusive" interviews with the likes of Diane Sawyer et al., and books and movies that will play up the "unanswered" questions. Also, some may think it a stretch, but I could even envision her trying to have JA or LDB offed. I think that if she lives to be my age--59--she will look much, much older, with her face "frozen" permanently in that demonic demeanor.
I wish someone here knew specifically about Florida prisons, but it was always my understanding that Death Row inmates have almost total restriction (23hr/day). I don't want ICA in the General Population, because she'll eventually (IMO) draw people in and become a Queen Bee, and I really don't want her having a good time.
For now she is a 'baby killer' but prison is full of vulnerable women ripe for the picking. I just can't stand the idea of her finding a girlfriend and living happily ever after.
Sociopaths adjust happily to prison (as I've read from multiple sources), and I want ICA as isolated as possible. So if it's DP that will do that, that's the sentence I want for her.

ETA: I'm a spiteful b!tch, that's why.

I've been wondering about the painful withdrawal ICA has experienced. For a person totally fixated on pleasure and the appetites of the flesh, how has she adapted to being unable to party, drink, and carouse with her boyfriends? How will such a person be able to happily adapt to life behind bars? Are sociopaths so far gone that the create their own little fantasy world wherever they are?
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