Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #3

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PP- it is not so much what campus's that are the focus as it is the common denominator that most of the young men were academically strong, and in some cases, either went to the same schools, or similar-

Many of the cases did not take place at or involve their alma mater directly.
I don't know which thread to put this in. Please forgive me if I've goofed, but I keep wondering about colleges where there have been no clearcut cases, but are near rivers or water. Examples include: Quincy University, Augustana College, University of Iowa, Loras College, Bradley University, UW-Green Bay, UW-River Falls, UW-Oshkosh, Carroll College, and Carthage College. Why have these been spared?
Welcome to WS, Petunia! That is the answer we would all like to know and the crux of these cases. (And you really can't "goof" don't worry about that. :))
I am new to the board, seems like a great, active group.

Anyways, I don't know about checkers, and this may have been brought up elsewhere and I missed it, but the game thing made me think of the Human vs Zombies game that is extremely popular on many campuses, also Manhunt?
Welcome to WS, CNYRN! We did get into that disturbing game of Manhunt earlier. I found one video on Youtube that someone made which looked too real for my liking. I don't find it would be out of the realm of possibilities myself.
:blushing: Woah! I don't run this site or any other. LOL I just post a lot and am an active member here is all. :) Tricia and the Mods do a great job here tho! We love them.

Hi SeriosuSearch--Thanx for info; I saw all the posts you do and thought you were in charge. I'll e-mail the detectives with what I've got because I'm certain I know exactly who is doing these crimes and exactly why. My hunch is the detectives will thank me but tell me they are way ahead of me(hopefully with names and addresses of the killers). I'll ask if they mind if I post my ideas on forum here; maybe you're right and it's harmless. Besides; someone else probably will figure it out soon and post anyway.
Hey Sherlock23; not a problem. We were thinking alike. When you figure this thing out; you'll kick yourself. Its a group of people who not only hate white men, but something else. That something else though is not religion.

Hey Sheerluck,

Why be cryptic? If you know something or have figured something out, why not share? If you know what or who this group hates, tell us! Anyone who knows the why should be closer to finding the who who. I don't get your stance in this post, seriously.

:blushing: Woah! I don't run this site or any other. LOL I just post a lot and am an active member here is all. :) Tricia and the Mods do a great job here tho! We love them.

Hi SeriosuSearch--Thanx for info; I saw all the posts you do and thought you were in charge. I'll e-mail the detectives with what I've got because I'm certain I know exactly who is doing these crimes and exactly why. My hunch is the detectives will thank me but tell me they are way ahead of me(hopefully with names and addresses of the killers). I'll ask if they mind if I post my ideas on forum here; maybe you're right and it's harmless. Besides; someone else probably will figure it out soon and post anyway.

Ok, I'm glad to now see that you will contact LE, but I wish you would share here so I hope they will give the ok you desire. Can't you give us more clues if you really know? How did you figure it out?

Well I'm not going to beg for info. If it's that valueable it should go straight to the detectives. To be honest though, this reeks of elementary school "haha, I know something that you don't." I'm not going to buy into this and I will be sad to see this type of behavior highjack this thread.
I concur. I know I can speak for most of us when I say this- we take this thread and furthermore site, seriously. Inasmuch as we participate it is not folly, we are hopeful that something we develop or theorize on will be helpful to progress a case in any way.
Remember, real families involved in these cases can be on here- and if you know something or think you know something I would request you either post or keep the fact that you may know something to yourself, out of respect for them.
The detectives have already said they know the who and the why. All we can do is provide them with cases which could be connected, imo. While we can entertain different theories, I doubt anything we come up with here is going to change what they have already uncovered in their investigation the past few years. They only reason they decided to go public was to force the FBI and LE agencies to further investigate the people they feel are responsible. The detectives don't have the legal powers which will be required to obtain search warrants and collect additional evidence.

Sheer, keep in mind...the families of these victims are trying to get their attention, too. The detectives know about this site and it is quite possible they have people who follow along. I think we all stand a better chance of having them see information here instead of them wading through the thousands of emails they are already sifting through....but that, of course, is only my personal opinion. (By the way, I wouldn't hold my breath for a response from them.)

I should probably remind everyone that the FBI and LE agencies are not considering outside information to be of any value since they have effectively dropped these cases. (Unless you can provide them detailed information about a specific crime where they can find actual proof of it.)
And keeping in mind that LE and media reads here. Shadow probably remembers the case of the guy who went on another board, and gloated about inside info he knew. Well it was all fine and dandy until LE and media tracked this guy down to find out what he knew. Which turned out to be nothing.
And keeping in mind that LE and media reads here. Shadow probably remembers the case of the guy who went on another board, and gloated about inside info he knew. Well it was all fine and dandy until LE and media tracked this guy down to find out what he knew. Which turned out to be nothing.
LOL That wasn't very long ago either.
I’ve been cruising and googling for the past few days about ‘missing college students,’ ‘college student drinking and binge drinking,’ etc…..Drinking among college students and deaths and accidents involving ‘drunk students’ is a HUGE problem and has been studied quite extensively. There are reports and studies used to counsel students and programs by many colleges. The most likely time for binge drinking is the first three weeks of school, the HOLIDAYS of Xmas and New Years, and Spring Break. (21st birthday celebration appear critical as well.) But these that we’ve been studying are spread throughout the school year.

The below study is dated 2002, but none the less, it’s very sobering in realizing what goes on at our college campuses.
A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences

I only studied a handful of OTHER states not involved in the most recent disappearances, and I don’t understand why there aren’t a number of unsolved missing and drowning in the OTHER states. Usually in the OTHER states, when there’s a death due to excessive alcohol, it’s solved. The student is in an accident or found dead in their bed, or IF missing, found. OR, IF there’s a student in another state ’missing,’ it’s perhaps ONE in that state over a five year period, or as in one state recently, there’s one unsolved from 30 years ago and it was a female.(not involving alcohol, fwiw)

THESE cases presently being studied, many of the students and young people did NOT drink or their blood alcohol was too low to have been ‘alcohol poisoning.’ PLUS, in other states, there are ‘female victims’ as well AND they’re solved. OR IF it’s a female, it could be ‘murder’ etc., AND it’s solved. OR, if they did appear to have a very high blood alcohol level (present cases study), they were TOO DRUNK to have made it to the water (IF FOUND).

The few car accidents and disappeared driver, the few run into a body of water and body found in car, or outside of car, COULD be legitimate accidents or……….maybe not. IF a car is found wrecked out in the country or rural road, the driver is NOT there, a search ensues and the driver is NEVER located, then……where are they? What happened to them? Curious. FWIW, we have at least one of those for ‘females’ in New England. (car found, student NOT)

The majority of these victims DO fit into the ‘risk age,’ 18-24, and then some a little older or younger, look as if they COULD be that age group. So, is someone targeting them? I have NO idea. SOME could be legitimate accidents, but even breaking it down into 2/3’s being accidents, it leaves a HUGE # of ’mysterious’ deaths and missing.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I was almost beginning to think maybe these were just a string of accidents. However, what these detectives have uncovered is interesting and IMHO, SHOULD be investigated. We’re not talking about just one student here, we’re talking about a NUMBER of students. IF a link can be found with even two, or say two in each state, it’s worth the time and money that would be used, imo. After all, it could be OUR children they save from being the next victim of this phenomena…………or predator(s).

Thanks fran! That's very interesting. if the ME in the Booth case feels the GHB was out of the system in his autopsy which took place two weeks after he went missing...I would like to know how long that ME believes that GHB could stay IN the system after death. Anyone want to call and ask?

Glad you are coming around to my way of thinking, Fran. :) Good post!!
I know there are ME and or Patholigists that have posted here, particularly the Rose Cole thread. You should PM them. lol.
I was thinking since Dark and Vermont broke the possible connection in that case...they might have an "in" there and could ask. Since it is nothing I have heard an ME say before...I would like his opinion on it.
I was thinking since Dark and Vermont broke the possible connection in that case...they might have an "in" there and could ask. Since it is nothing I have heard an ME say before...I would like his opinion on it.

Good idea. I've heard over the years that GHB related crimes are hard to prosecute because of the lack of tox evidence. I couldn't tell you though why I know that. I think it was from following that creepy date rape drug rapist case from Santa Barbara. Was his name Chambers? I know there was alot of info regarding GHB submitted at his trial.

ETA: it's not Chambers. The guy I'm thinking of was related to the Max Factor family. BRB.

Found him: Andrew Luster, here's the link:
Thanks, Suzi. Trust me, I don't need a refresher on that creep. I know his case very well.

The question here tho is what happens in a dead body that would allow the drug to dissipate or otherwise leave no indication if it was administered before death? Makes no sense it would be gone before autopsy to me.
Geraldo Rivera is going to be in Middlebury, Vermont tommorow to do a story on Nick Garza.
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