Debbie Reynolds, 84, dead one day after her daughter's passing

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This year cannot end soon enough. Pneumonia 4 times, hospitalized twice, nearly didn't make it. Good friend died of brain cancer - awful, awful, awful, eye surgery, foot nerve problem - not even mentioning the election. And, now this.

Kinda OT but I lost my beloved pup Max December 9. Go away 2016!

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I have very close friends that had three children until their 16-year-old son was hit head on by a drunk
driver and died (of course the drunk lived). They both wanted to die & be with their son. Thank God,
the only reason they didn't kill themselves was for the sake of their other two children..
This happened years ago, and to this day, they are NOT and NEVER will be the same.

True. We lost my only sister 6 years ago tomorrow and my mother has not been the same [emoji22]. God Bless You Debbie and Carrie.

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I would think most stars are laying low until 2017, only 2 more days to go. I was reading the horrendous DFail and they had an article about the number of celebs who had passed away this year. The article stated that whilst the beginning of the year was above average for losses, the rest of the year was average.
Whatever the autopsy will reveal, IMO, Debbie died of a broken heart. Losing a child is the WORST
thing anybody can go through.

Interesting enough, Korean doctors have given death from a broken heart a legitimacy. I read about it year ago and it is a real thing. No one can imagine a pain of grief so bad that every joint in your body hurts. It makes you want to just melt into the floor.
I have very close friends that had three children until their 16-year-old son was hit head on by a drunk
driver and died (of course the drunk lived). They both wanted to die & be with their son. Thank God,
the only reason they didn't kill themselves was for the sake of their other two children..
This happened years ago, and to this day, they are NOT and NEVER will be the same.

Life is a new normal for those of us who have lost a child/children. People think we are crazy when we tell them that we will welcome our own death when it comes to us.
She began collecting Hollywood memorabilia - several years ago she sold Marylin Monroes famous white dress for over 4 million!

Joely Fisher reacts to mother's and sister's deaths just 1 day apart: 'Some of the magic people have left the tribe...for the moment I am inconsolable... - @MsJoelyFisher


Debbie Reynolds is not Joely's mother, but I am sure the sentiment remains the same.
What I really meant to say...maybe this is a blessing in disguise to save Debbie having to live
without her daughter. Now she's with her daughter.
Having lost my 16 yo son, I completely agree. I have two other sons keeping me here, but I sure won't be sorry to go. The desire to be with your child is overwhelming.

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This is so terribly sad. The comfort I take is that I believe Debbie and Carrie are together now.

I saw a tweet earlier that I had to smile at. Someone said "Any Postcards From The Edge fan has to darkly appreciate the thunder stealing."

RIP ladies

BBM So true. That made me smile a little too.
Died of a broken heart ; imo.

Rest gently, Debbie and Carrie.
Dec 29 2016, 11:52 am ET

'Broken Heart Syndrome': Could Debbie Reynolds Have Died of Grief?

by A. Pawlowski

The death of Debbie Reynolds just one day after her daughter Carrie Fisher passed away is a reminder of the crushing effect grief can have on the body.

The 84-year-old Oscar-nominated performer reportedly suffered a stroke Wednesday. The official cause of death has not yet been disclosed.

"She wanted to be with Carrie," her son Todd Fisher told Variety.

"Broken heart syndrome," or stress-induced cardiomyopathy, has been well-documented in recent years. It can be caused by an emotionally stressful event, like the death of a loved one, and it has been blamed in cases when one spouse dies soon after the other...

Dam* 2016. Just read "Gilligan", Bob Denver, died yesterday
From what has been reported, she died from a stroke (not cardiomyopathy). High levels of stress (which I am sure she was under because of Carrie's death) increase the risk of a stroke.

"Higher levels of stress, hostility and depressive symptoms are associated with significantly increased risk of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) in middle-age and older adults, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke."
CBS Morning News today had Dr. Jon LaPook explain the broken heart syndrome in a bit more detail.
“Basically, when you’re under a lot of emotional stress... you have this huge release of things called catecholamines. That’s adrenaline, norepinephrine, [and] dopamine, and they can affect the heart and the blood vessels. They flood the heart and what’s thought to happen, although it’s not entirely clear, is that they stun the heart muscle,” CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook told “CBS This Morning.”

The heart’s left ventricle, which is responsible for pumping blood to tissues all over the body, can stop working normally, LaPook explains, which can lead to a blood clot and stroke.

What happens in that scenario, he says, is that the muscle of the left ventricle can balloon out, and a blood clot can form in that ballooned-out portion of the heart. The clot can then break off and travel to the head, causing a stroke.
From what has been reported, she actually had several strokes in the past. So she was already at high risk and no doubt the stress over her daughter's death didn't help.

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