Deborah and Jeremy will be making TWO national TV appearances on 5/21 Monday

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Can anyone who was listening confirm or correct my understanding that JI said the $69 charge went through to his cc account but JT said the charge was "attempted?"
How can these people, who refuse to answer LE's questions, afford to think they are entitled to have an "attitude" because LE can't answer theirs?
Can anyone who was listening confirm or correct my understanding that JI said the $69 charge went through to his cc account but JT said the charge was "attempted?"

I caught that, too. I guess one of them misspoke. :angel:
I'd much rather hear that Lisa's parents were willing and ready to be questioned by LE any way that LE wants to question them but instead I get to hear Deborah's indignation and anger that LE is not solving this case and that she has not lied at all, not one time, during this case. That she has always been truthful..................allrighty then. And about that debit card: What??????? Jeremy states that the card was stolen a month following Lisa's disappearance. Investigators say that card numbers were used. So, which is it? Are we suppose to believe that someone returned to the scene of the "kidnapping" and somehow or other "stole" Jeremy's debit card??? And then used the debit card to try and change Lisa's name???? Really??? So, the "kidnapper" returned, stole the credit card and shared the real name of a Missing child with a company in order to change her name????

I'm so, so glad that we are not as stupid or gullible as JTacopina and his clients think that we are. :banghead:
it's not there for me and several others...

we are not talking about a group... we are referring to the "lisa irwin kidnapped" fb page - the fb page linked on LI's official website that nina mentioned earlier ;)

Oh, sorry! I thought you all were talking about the Facebook link that was posted a little bit back in this thread.

I didn't find anything from last year. This is from October 2010.
it looks pretty much the same except it says Good Morning Welcome to A2Z Services
and not Welcome to: UK Deed Polls.
and "A2Z Services Experts in Changing Names since 1987"
instead of "We are Expert in Changing Names since 1992"

Same company name change in the copyright section.

The phone number is different and the HM Revenue and Customs logo is missing on the current page.

So..... They are experts in changing babies' names as well as their own name!:what:
They knew about this in dec- why was it not mentioned in the new info DB promised on Dr.Phil??

I am sorry-but I just don't believe this new story
Is it just me or has the national media been pretty fair and easy on the Irwins? When you think about the situation that they are in, especially with LE saying they are not cooperating, you would think that the media would be a lot more harsh and accusatory towards them. But they seem to gloss over/don't really mention about how the parents have barely talked to LE.....I'm not sure what the motive is. The media has made a lot of money off of cases where there's a villain, and I feel like, for whatever reason, they don't seem to want to overly point towards one person.

And yes, I do think a lot of thinking and planning goes into how the media treats each of these cases and how they decide to portray the people involved.
Can anyone who was listening confirm or correct my understanding that JI said the $69 charge went through to his cc account but JT said the charge was "attempted?"

I couldn't watch MK but the Today Show showed a letter which appears to say that the money was returned to JI after he complained.
:moo: and :twocents:

I have been thinking about WHY Deb, Jeremy and their "Defense Attorney" would do these interviews now ?

The last couple of times we heard from them was :

- February 3, 2012 : Interview on the Phil McGraw Show

- April 3, 2012 : Baby Lisa Missing for 6 Months

- May 21, 2012 : The Deb, Jeremy and Tacopino Road Show in New York

So ... what is going on ?

I just canNOT believe that anyone is naive enough to believe this bulldinky story about this credit card ... it reeks of "absolute desperation" on the part of Deb, Jeremy and their DT to point AWAY from Deb and Jeremy ...

Now, is it possible that LE has "something" that is REAL INFO, a REAL TIP, and this is just "distraction" and a way for the DT to put doubt out there for a potential jury pool ?

Seriously ... what else could be the reason for today's Road Show, besides a "nice pay day with benefits" ?

JMO and MOO ...
They knew about this in dec- why was it not mentioned in the new info DB promised on Dr.Phil??

I am sorry-but I just don't believe this new story


BBM : Good point ... they have had ample time to speak about this ...

And I agree ... I do NOT believe this new story ... new story = :liar:

It's funny to me that JT chose to re-christen "the bad guy" in the case after himself :O
Mom: no words to describe how we feel; not a sec i don't think about her...u don't have choice (on how i function)

Dad: re debit card lead-on Nov 6, DCard used for website to change name and children's name over internet...;it went thru and appears to be legitimate purchase; found out about it in mid of Dec...time we get some answers from someone

MK: ...but not stolen on nite Lisa went missing
Wait, it didn't go missing with the baby? So ninja baby-napper smacks head when they realize they don't have the funds to change the baby's name (for some reason that strikes them as necessary:waitasec:) because they have spent it all on diapers and toddler food and comes back to ninja JI's debit card number a month later? :waitasec: Is that the leap JT hopes we all make? Sounds like he is just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. If there weren't a missing baby to fret about, it would be comical.
I am very curious to know what the people who believe SODDI think of this new credit card info?
The Fox guy said that BOTH the stationary & name websites were registered to the same person. I think Deb ordered fliers from the stationary co, got drunk & forgot about it.

it would be pretty embarrassing if this came out as the truth...

I hope LE comes out with their own statement.

me too! they need to after this round of bashing.

pretty hypocritical for deb to accuse LE of not giving them answers when they won't provide LE what they need to conduct a thorough investigation.

DB: Please do the right thing for Lisa. She deserves to be home, with her brothers- with her mom and dad. It's not right. You think you deserve her but you don't. She deserves to be with us and we deserve her.

many here (and worldwide) would disagree, deb.

Dad: re debit card lead-on Nov 6, DCard used for website to change name and children's name over internet...;it went thru and appears to be legitimate purchase;

i wonder if deb did this... purposefully to throw off LE. she'd have access to JI's card numbers... i wish LE could track down the IP of the computer that made the purchase... did deb borrow a friend's computer on nov 6th? where was deb on nov 6? lol

Can anyone who was listening confirm or correct my understanding that JI said the $69 charge went through to his cc account but JT said the charge was "attempted?"

there were two attempted charges as well:

(but then again this is the same reporter who once again writes that LE says there is no evidence lisa is dead... remember he got this wrong months ago from SY's comments? deanna corrected it here)

They knew about this in dec- why was it not mentioned in the new info DB promised on Dr.Phil??

that was my second question... (after a general "wth?")

Is it just me or has the national media been pretty fair and easy on the Irwins?

someone posted a list of local news "headlines" to demonstrate that local media were fairly easy on them... i haven't seen national media be any less fair.

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