Deborah Bradley & Jeremy Irwin - Dr. Phil Interview - 3 February 2012 #2

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I'm blaming Melissasmom and In da Middle for my off topic :great:
When my twin brother who was born 14 months premature and I were about 12 or 13, our dad said hehated to hear people refer to parents as old man and old lady (this was back in the 60s) so we asked what he preferred us to call him. his reply was anything but "the old man". From that day forward we called him Uncle Carl or by his first name only. It was a joke that lasted until he died 7 years ago at age 97.
;) snicker
I actually believe that DB loved Lisa. However, her not being able to say Lisa's name is an indication to me that she is distancing herself from Lisa. I truly don't even know if DB hurt Lisa. I tend more to think that it was an accident, whatever it was. Or, perhaps something happened to Lisa due to DB's drinking. I don't know all of the answers to this, but I do know that the way she speaks in reference to Lisa is not the way that we see mothers speak of their missing children.

I'm sorry, I just don't know what you mean by this. Just becasue she calls her 'my daughter"? She has said she loves her, she misses her, she just wants her home. She has even said their family is not complete without their baby. Are you strictly basing this off her not saying "Lisa" every time she talks about her? I have seen parents of missing children say "my son" or "my daughter".
Your twin brother was born 14 MONTHS premature? Wouldn't that make him 'negative five months old' ?

People would often ask if we were twins, so I told them yes but he was born 14 months premature. It left alot of people :waitasec:

That may be true but it doesnt mean that Deborah is guilty of anything but getting drunk & passing out & UNABLE to ASSIST in Baby Lisa's case. we don't know. She, imo, set up the perfect storm through negligence. It's unfortunate that Deborah was drunk, drunks, imo, usually are unable to do much in the way of even taking care of themselves.

It is plausible to me that Deborah could have climbed into bed with her son & passed out. Anybody could have entred the home, it's hard for me to believe that Deborah distinctly remembers locking the doors, etc.

we may never know.

I believe that could be true IF she was really that drunk. I think she was probably feeling pretty good, but I question how drunk she really was. IMO it all seems a little to convenient...
If she was so drunk she can't remember if she checked on Lisa at 10:30, then I have a tough time believing she wasn't still stumbling drunk at 4am... just saying, that's blackout drunk. No matter how "sobering" the situation was for her, I personally don't think she would've been able to recover enough to have drawn some serious attention to herself when le showed up...
But it is LE's JOB to be suspicious. And sometimes, no offense to law enforcement, they are OVERLY suspicious. And that is ok as long as they still do their job properly.

Here is a story about suspicion:
One time, about 20 years ago, my sister got pulled over by the police. It was the middle of the afternoon. The officer came to the window, got her information, etc. then asked her how much she had to drink that day. She replied that she HAD NOT been drinking. He said "Ma'am you were swerving all over the road" He made her get out and take a sobriety test ( backwards alphabet, walk a straight line, etc.) Well, she passed it with no problem, so the officer finally let her go, grudgingly, she said. I asked her why she got pulled over if she wasn't driving badly. She said "Oh, I WAS swerving, I was trying to open a bottle of Coke while I was driving." (this was back in the day when they still had glass bottles and bottle openers) The officer did not believe her when she said she was trying to open a Coke. He thought for sure she was swerving because she was drunk.

Now this is obviously not in any way like a missing baby case, but what I am trying to say that sometimes something may seems suspicious, but there are explanations for it. Suspicion is not proof. Evidence is proof. There was no evidence that my sister was drinking, she didn't even drink, but it sure looked bad for her.

And my sister is still a bad driver :)

One doesn't have to be drunk to be guilty of reckless driving. People die as a result of somebody else's reckless driving.

I actually believe that DB loved Lisa. However, her not being able to say Lisa's name is an indication to me that she is distancing herself from Lisa. I truly don't even know if DB hurt Lisa. I tend more to think that it was an accident, whatever it was. Or, perhaps something happened to Lisa due to DB's drinking. I don't know all of the answers to this, but I do know that the way she speaks in reference to Lisa is not the way that we see mothers speak of their missing children.

I agree with you. I think she's distanced herself from the truth as to what really happened that night. I don't believe she was too drunk to remember.

If the Irwins are guilty, do they or their lawyers benefit from having this case go on and on in the media?
One doesn't have to be drunk to be guilty of reckless driving. People die as a result of somebody else's reckless driving.


Um, I wasn't saying that my sister didn't do anything wrong. I would never try to open a bottle with a bottle opener while driving, that is just stupid. My point was that because she was swerving the officer assumed she was drunk ( she was probably snotty to him too, which didn't help) but she WASN'T.
Um, I wasn't saying that my sister didn't do anything wrong. I would never try to open a bottle with a bottle opener while driving, that is just stupid. My point was that because she was swerving the officer assumed she was drunk ( she was probably snotty to him too, which didn't help) but she WASN'T.

I was pulled over for speeding in New Brunswick on a trip halfway across Canada by the local RCMP. the officer asked me to step out of the jeep, which was a good distance higher from teh road than stock. I tried to stall a bit because my left foot was asleep but he demanded I get out NOW! I stepped out and dang near fell on my face b/c my foot felt like a big ball of numbness. Right there he wanted to charge me with a DUI. I asked him for 2 more minutes, paced back and forth til I finally got the feeling in my foot back. We both had a pretty good laugh over it until he issued the speeding ticket. :blushing:
just another example of how deceiving things can be to a LE officer.
I was pulled over for speeding in New Brunswick on a trip halfway across Canada by the local RCMP. the officer asked me to step out of the jeep, which was a good distance higher from teh road than stock. I tried to stall a bit because my left foot was asleep but he demanded I get out NOW! I stepped out and dang near fell on my face b/c my foot felt like a big ball of numbness. Right there he wanted to charge me with a DUI. I asked him for 2 more minutes, paced back and forth til I finally got the feeling in my foot back. We both had a pretty good laugh over it until he issued the speeding ticket. :blushing:
just another example of how deceiving things can be to a LE officer.

My friend was swerving around her lane one sunny afternoon and got pulled over. She jumped out of the car quickly and heard the cop on the loudspeaker saying " Please get back in your vehicle and wait for me to approach."

She looked back at the patrol car and said " OK, but can I let the bee out first." :bee:
...DB says: "Nothing is missing from my room so if a cadaver dog hit,why didn't they take anything from my room?"

...Cadaver dogs don't steal! She is a piece of work.

This female has fried my last nerve and I haven't seen the show yet. .....smug, isn't she?

....Better make a beer run. Think I'm gonna need it.

Didn't the paperwork state that the cadaver dog hit "near the bed in the area of the floor"? I took that to mean that the dog didn't hit on the floor, but did hit on something that was on the floor, like clothing, a blanket, etc. What did she think? That if the dog hit the carpet would be missing?
So I've read through 51 pages (took a bit!) this evening to get all caught up.

Yesterday was a zoo and didn't allow for WS reading much :(

I see lots of discussions about lights and ear infections. Maybe I've missed the discussion about the things that jumped out at me.

1) Debbie Bradley on her own unsolicited brought up her brother and the rumors that he came back to the house or helped her get rid of her daughter. She made clear that he was not at the house after dropping her off from the grocery store. I thought it was interesting she brought it up since Dr. Phil didn't. Those rumors and/or theories obviously bugged her enough to bring it up. It has been said she was a protective older sister and that came through yesterday. I'm still chewing over in my mind that part of the show.

2) The whole exchange between Tacopina and Phil McGraw on what questions could be answered by JT and his clients. It was clear to me anyway that JT got the questions in advance from the producer and they went over them. Leads me to believe some questions were rejected as couldn't be asked period and some could only be asked if answered by JT. I wondered if JT was prepared to walk out of the interview?

3) Why weren't the three in Calif with Phil? And if they couldn't do that, why didn't Phil go to them since the audience wasn't participating in asking questions. Having those four in the same room I thought would have revealed more than a satellite interview.

4) I'd love to know when/how KCPD watched the show and been a mosquito buzzing around the room when the lead detectives did LOL I was able to watch it earlier than it aired locally because someone I know taped an East Coast version that aired at 9 a.m. EST. And will KCPD or FBI file subpoena on the show for the raw footage?

5) KCTV5's Sandra Olivas had a retired Kanas City, Kan. homicide captain come in and watch the show Friday afternoon (before it aired locally) and give his thoughts. I don't know if you saw that interview or not (I can provide a link if you want) but I found it so fascinating. He really wanted to focus more on DB's drinking that Phil did and had a lot more questions that weren't answered. In hearing some of the questions he would be asking....made me appreciate more some things in the case.
And then he says he told her to put "the youngest boy" to bed. Another inconsistency, or did he mean the oldest boy could stay in their bed?
And did she mention the stray kitty?:waitasec:
This is what apparently happened per Jeremy and Debbie.

Debbie goes to bed with two boys and kitten. She apparently doesn't check on daughter in her room (assuming no one grabbed her while she was outside with neighbor and taking in the stray kitty).

Jeremy's boy gets up during the night and moves to his room. Jeremy comes home. Tired and ticked off. One of the reasons he's ticked off is more lights are on when they can't afford their cell phone bill so thus a high electric bill the front door is unlocked and her son is in their bed on a school night. Oh and there's a kitten in the bed. And a messed up window.

My guess?

He's probably using his outdoor voice. She says be quiet you'll wake Lisa. Hey shouldn't Lisa be awake and whimpering or crying at the commotion? Check on her and the rest is history.
Since I think they're guilty, I'm interested in seeing how Deborah and Jeremy deal with the media as the months and years go on, and it becomes evident that the case isn't going to trial. Will we still be hearing from them 5...10 years from now?
They aren't just my personal standards. But, yes, to me DB is looking more guilty every time she adds more new information. And feel free to be as condescending and personal as you want to be with me. I have a thick skin and don't mind. All I want is for Lisa to be found.

BBM: I totally agree ... Adding my :twocents: ... Wow ... I see we got some new "smileys" ... :great:

From reading here at WS and the transcripts, and reviewing the videos published, DB and JI's interview with D P Show was an EPIC FAIL ...

Deborah just does NOT come across well at all and she absolutely does NOT come across as CREDIBLE -- and I am NOT referring to the part about being "drunk" -- I am saying "in general" ... she is obviously hiding something ...

And it is so obvious that Deborah's "main concern" is ME ME ME ! And once again, there are changes in her "story" ... you would think that her and her defense lawyers would have gone over what she previously said, :waitasec: afterall -- this is NOT the first time Deborah has CHANGED her STORIES -- and TIMELINE ... AND ... they are going on the Dr Phil Show ...

As to Jeremy, it is so obvious that he is so "controlled' by Deborah -- and also Joe Tacopino ... and Jeremy's "demeanor" clearly indicates that he is "hiding something" ...

JMO ... but I believe Jeremy IS the "weakest link" ... put him in a room ALONE with LE and I am going to bet that he would "crack" ...

Anyone who has a "missing child" and has to go on the Dr Phil Show with their DEFENSE ATTORNEY -- IMO is obviously "guilty" ... WHY would INNOCENT parents need their attorney there to "hold their hand" ? They wouldn't IMO ...

Deb and Jeremy canNOT "blame" anything on LE -- LE's "treatment" of them --LE is there to help find Baby Lisa ... but obviously Deb and Jeremy do NOT want LE's help ... or to find their daughter ...

Otherwise ... they would NOT have been "hiding" from LE for the past 4 months ... and they would NOT have been "hiding" from the local media ... and they would have been "front and center" at ALL the vigils ... and the "list" goes on ... and on ...

Instead, Deb and Jeremy CHOSE to HIDE behind their defense attorneys ... which SPEAKS VOLUMES regarding their "guilt" ...

MOO MOO and MOO ...
SyrasKelly, but surely you know EVEN IF you are curious, NO ONE has this information! I have a lot of questions that I would absolutely like to pull out of my hat BUT NO ONE can answer them. I know that.

The fact is the is so very little information is available in the case.

There is very little info available because Debbie Bradley won't tell the truth what happened to Lisa that night. JMO.
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