Deborah Bradley & Jeremy Irwin - Dr. Phil Interview - 3 February 2012 #2

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I never said it said baby, did I. I specifically bolded the part I was responding to. They did, in fact, have specifics as to the location and time. I dont need to use fiction as fact.

Can't miss the BP when you are driving down Brighton and it is accessible from 435. We went to Alter Ego for helmets and other bike stuff so often gassed up the bike there.

ALSO, as a point of clarification for the 'walking to the river from Lister' concept; isn't it a distance that is not flat smooth surface but rugged and hilly plus you have to cross over 210 and the train tracks? Then there is the fact that some of the river front is casino land and there are numerous cameras, something a local would know? That's how I remember it.TIA

And the person who could help with information was too sloppy drunk to know what was up that night

That, in my opinion, is shameful.

That may be true but it doesnt mean that Deborah is guilty of anything but getting drunk & passing out & UNABLE to ASSIST in Baby Lisa's case. we don't know. She, imo, set up the perfect storm through negligence. It's unfortunate that Deborah was drunk, drunks, imo, usually are unable to do much in the way of even taking care of themselves.

It is plausible to me that Deborah could have climbed into bed with her son & passed out. Anybody could have entred the home, it's hard for me to believe that Deborah distinctly remembers locking the doors, etc.

we may never know.
They aren't just my personal standards. But, yes, to me DB is looking more guilty every time she adds more new information. And feel free to be as condescending and personal as you want to be with me. I have a thick skin and don't mind. All I want is for Lisa to be found.

Not being condescending just know that not everyone fits neatly into little sections. It doesn't mean they are corrupt or guilty. Watching people I can say that it would be possible to guess how many people would react to any given situation, but not everyone. We want the same thing.

And the person who could help with information was too sloppy drunk to know what was up that night

That, in my opinion, is shameful.
I am really trying to understand that if people think she was too sloppy drunk, how in the world did a too sloppy drunk person possible pull this off and leave no too sloppy drunk evidence behind?
I am really trying to understand that if people think she was too sloppy drunk, how in the world did a too sloppy drunk person possible pull this off and leave no too sloppy drunk evidence behind?

I'm one who suspects DB is responsible for Lisa's disappearance, but I don't believe she was sloppy drunk. Just putting that out there...
I am really trying to understand that if people think she was too sloppy drunk, how in the world did a too sloppy drunk person possible pull this off and leave no too sloppy drunk evidence behind?

Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. But nothing else makes sense either. There is no solid information we can rely on, LE is revealing next to nothing, we wonder if what they do reveal is honest or a ploy to get more info, the family put out contradicting/revised information and it's all topped off by the advice/input of the family's legal team.

I can't think they're guilty because I have no reliable facts that point to that. But I don't think it was an abduction either ~ for the very same reason.

Everything is so unreliable, I don't even know if she really was drunk or just said she was.
What I write here is always my own opinion, as is everyone elses. I will tell you that I do have a background in LE and am married to a man who is also in LE. Three years ago, we moved from Liberty, MO (which is north Kansas City) to where we live now. My opinions obviously come from many years in the LE environment.

I also base my opinions on facts (not speculation) as well as a wealth of other information that I have learned over the years. Most of us do use our life experiences in our lives going forward.

It is not true that you (and DB for that matter) said that "if LE had anything at all, she would be arrested." It doesn't work that way with real life LE. Sometimes cases take years to bring a suspect to justice. I can give you many examples if you want.

Believe me, I want nothing more than for this case to be solved. I was one who thought DB was innocent in the beginning and then as certain things surfaced, I began to feel that she was guilty. I have that right, as do you to feel that she is innocent. After all, that is all that really matters in all this.

But it is LE's JOB to be suspicious. And sometimes, no offense to law enforcement, they are OVERLY suspicious. And that is ok as long as they still do their job properly.

Here is a story about suspicion:
One time, about 20 years ago, my sister got pulled over by the police. It was the middle of the afternoon. The officer came to the window, got her information, etc. then asked her how much she had to drink that day. She replied that she HAD NOT been drinking. He said "Ma'am you were swerving all over the road" He made her get out and take a sobriety test ( backwards alphabet, walk a straight line, etc.) Well, she passed it with no problem, so the officer finally let her go, grudgingly, she said. I asked her why she got pulled over if she wasn't driving badly. She said "Oh, I WAS swerving, I was trying to open a bottle of Coke while I was driving." (this was back in the day when they still had glass bottles and bottle openers) The officer did not believe her when she said she was trying to open a Coke. He thought for sure she was swerving because she was drunk.

Now this is obviously not in any way like a missing baby case, but what I am trying to say that sometimes something may seems suspicious, but there are explanations for it. Suspicion is not proof. Evidence is proof. There was no evidence that my sister was drinking, she didn't even drink, but it sure looked bad for her.

And my sister is still a bad driver :)
Can't miss the BP when you are driving down Brighton and it is accessible from 435. We went to Alter Ego for helmets and other bike stuff so often gassed up the bike there.

ALSO, as a point of clarification for the 'walking to the river from Lister' concept; isn't it a distance that is not flat smooth surface but rugged and hilly plus you have to cross over 210 and the train tracks? Then there is the fact that some of the river front is casino land and there are numerous cameras, something a local would know? That's how I remember it.TIA
Under 210 at N Brighton, but a bit rugged and hilly. Then travel down N Brighton to Birmingham and wind around it for a bit unless you want to go through the wooded area right there in the dark. Get off of birmingham, cross very overgrown lot unless you want to go through the parking lot of the grain elevator with a security car parked there most of the time and the truck drivers parked there that are waiting for the grain elevator to open. THEN we get to cross the railroad tracks that might also have rail cars parked waiting for the grain elevator to open. THEN we get to navigate our way in the now very pitch black dark to actually get to the river that was very recently receeding from major flooding and had majorly undercut banks ready to give out with no notice. THEN we get to do the whole thing in reverse to go back home. All of this and no evidence nor being spotted defies my kind of logic for her to be able to pull off. Oh, yeah, then we get to do all of this drunk!
It doesn't make a difference to you, but it does to me. Because this is how I have come to some of the conclusions that I have about DB. Her calling Lisa by her name will not bring Lisa home. But, neither will sitting in her house not answering questions from Law Enforcement. DB doesn't even call her own daughter by her name when this baby is missing. That speaks volumes to me.

Is it that you don't think Deb loves her daughter because she won't say her name? Or does it make you believe that she hurt Lisa?
Is it that you don't think Deb loves her daughter because she won't say her name? Or does it make you believe that she hurt Lisa?
I think my kids would think they are in trouble if I said their real names! Especially when I have to add the middle name! :floorlaugh:
I have a question: If Debbie were truly "sloppy drunk" how would she remember what lights were on before she went to bed? Even when Jeremy came home, after the hysteria of finding Baby Lisa missing, who would remember what lights, in which rooms were on?

Were it me, I wouldn't even think about that. My panic would take over and I would have not given that a thought.
Has anyone ever heard DB call Lisa by her name? I don't think I have. It's always "MY daughter or OUR daughter or a 10 month old baby."

I know this post is from a few pages back, but yes. There could be more times, but this is just off the top of my head:
"Our focus is Lisa, is our Lisa coming home to be with us where she belongs."

Also in the Judge Jeanine interview when JJ asked Deb who went to bed first she says "Lisa."

ETA: was writing this post when the subject was brought up again lol
I'm thinking, when you only have one daughter, and that daughter is the youngest, my baby, my daughter, my / our girl doesn't leave much doubt as to who you are referring.

Or as my only son once said when asked if he had any brothers "No, but my sisters do" :D
I think my kids would think they are in trouble if I said their real names! Especially when I have to add the middle name! :floorlaugh:

When the middle name comes out you KNOW you're in trouble!
I actually only call my youngest by his name about half the time.. I will call him "brother" or sometimes "brother man" I KNOW, it sounds bad, but it is more of like a nickname. I asked him if he cares that I call him brother and he said no, he likes it.
Of course this has nothing to do with Lisa. Sorry for the off-topic :)
But it is LE's JOB to be suspicious. And sometimes, no offense to law enforcement, they are OVERLY suspicious. And that is ok as long as they still do their job properly.

Here is a story about suspicion:
One time, about 20 years ago, my sister got pulled over by the police. It was the middle of the afternoon. The officer came to the window, got her information, etc. then asked her how much she had to drink that day. She replied that she HAD NOT been drinking. He said "Ma'am you were swerving all over the road" He made her get out and take a sobriety test ( backwards alphabet, walk a straight line, etc.) Well, she passed it with no problem, so the officer finally let her go, grudgingly, she said. I asked her why she got pulled over if she wasn't driving badly. She said "Oh, I WAS swerving, I was trying to open a bottle of Coke while I was driving." (this was back in the day when they still had glass bottles and bottle openers) The officer did not believe her when she said she was trying to open a Coke. He thought for sure she was swerving because she was drunk.

Now this is obviously not in any way like a missing baby case, but what I am trying to say that sometimes something may seems suspicious, but there are explanations for it. Suspicion is not proof. Evidence is proof. There was no evidence that my sister was drinking, she didn't even drink, but it sure looked bad for her.

And my sister is still a bad driver :)

My sister had close to the same experience. Late night coming home from work had stopped for gas and a guilty pleasure bag of M&M's. Dark two lane road in the country got stopped by a highway patrol officer. Taps on the window and bellows about her drunken swerving and she lifts up her big bag of candy she was trying to open. He laughed and laughed and then told her to open her candy before she started driving next time.
What evidence suggests there was an abduction? A story from a parent is not evidence.

How does a cadaver dog hit suggest there was an abduction?

An Amber Alert was issued by Kansas City police around 7:30 a.m. Oct. 4. They have the authority in Missouri. It was also in effect for parts of Kansas. I have pictures still on my phone of the interstate signage. Very chilling.

There are strict criteria for Amber Alerts. Whatever suspicions that law enforcement had right away about Debbie Bradley's actions they considered it an abduction and the Amber Alert was in place for some time (there was debate about how quickly it was dropped). There had to be some evidence of an abduction more than just DB's story for an Amber Alert to be issued.

If you had asked me four months ago tonight would I think four months later this case would be unsolved and on Dr. Phil I would have laughed. I truly thought answers would come within a week.
I am really trying to understand that if people think she was too sloppy drunk, how in the world did a too sloppy drunk person possible pull this off and leave no too sloppy drunk evidence behind?

You're right. We only have Debs word that she was drunk.
Is it that you don't think Deb loves her daughter because she won't say her name? Or does it make you believe that she hurt Lisa?

I actually believe that DB loved Lisa. However, her not being able to say Lisa's name is an indication to me that she is distancing herself from Lisa. I truly don't even know if DB hurt Lisa. I tend more to think that it was an accident, whatever it was. Or, perhaps something happened to Lisa due to DB's drinking. I don't know all of the answers to this, but I do know that the way she speaks in reference to Lisa is not the way that we see mothers speak of their missing children.
When the middle name comes out you KNOW you're in trouble!
I actually only call my youngest by his name about half the time.. I will call him "brother" or sometimes "brother man" I KNOW, it sounds bad, but it is more of like a nickname. I asked him if he cares that I call him brother and he said no, he likes it.
Of course this has nothing to do with Lisa. Sorry for the off-topic :)

I'm blaming Melissasmom and In da Middle for my off topic :great:
When my twin brother who was born 14 months premature and I were about 12 or 13, our dad said hehated to hear people refer to parents as old man and old lady (this was back in the 60s) so we asked what he preferred us to call him. his reply was anything but "the old man". From that day forward we called him Uncle Carl or by his first name only. It was a joke that lasted until he died 7 years ago at age 97.
I'm blaming Melissasmom and In da Middle for my off topic :great:
When my twin brother who was born 14 months premature and I were about 12 or 13, our dad said hehated to hear people refer to parents as old man and old lady (this was back in the 60s) so we asked what he preferred us to call him. his reply was anything but "the old man". From that day forward we called him Uncle Carl or by his first name only. It was a joke that lasted until he died 7 years ago at age 97.

Your twin brother was born 14 MONTHS premature? Wouldn't that make him 'negative five months old' ?
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