Deborah Bradley & Jeremy Irwin - Dr. Phil Interview - 3 February 2012 #2

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I don't think this is a fair statement. I don't "like" to fence sit. You make it sound like it's something I enjoy. I would rather have a resolution to this case. Preferably with Lisa being found alive.

Wasn't referring to you personally...I said "people who like to fence sit."
Kind of like the drinking. So what we know is she has shown a pattern of lying. Kind of makes me wonder what else she's lied about.

I still haven't seen an out and out 100% lie from Deb.
Why go on Dr. P. then? It was working out so well for her. Nobody was talking about the case. Leads had dried up. Searches had slowed down, etc, etc.

I didn't get the impression on the Dr. Phil show that they feel like nobody is talking about them. DB had quite a lot on her mind about the distressing things that people are saying about her.

However, Ashley Irwin said something along those lines:

Ashley Irwin said the family agreed to appear on "The Dr. Phil Show" in order to raise awareness about the case.

"(Lisa) has been gone a long time now, and with time, people just tend to forget," Ashley Irwin said in an email to Judy. "We know she's out there somewhere, so we just want people to remember to keep looking for her."

Read more:

If they're innocent it makes sense to want to generate new tips but I think it might make sense even if they're not. Some credible sightings of a living Lisa could provide a lot of reasonable doubt.

Also, there is the chance that one of them is innocent and in the dark about what happened and one of them is not, and in that case innocent one might be wanting to do interviews and the not-in-the dark one might find it hard to explain why they should not.
Wasn't referring to you personally...I said "people who like to fence sit."

Who would that be if not myself or anyone on this forum who is a stated "fence sitter"? Sorry but I do take your statement personally.
I don't "like" to sit on the fence either. Who wants to be up in the air about something? But I have to be there, because I don't KNOW that DB did anything to Lisa. However, I do know that my conscience will not let me say someone is a murderer if I don't have evidence of that.

I don't consider you a fence sitter either. I don't think we need to pussy foot around about who believes what here. You believe she is innocent, I believe she is guilty. The problem I have is with people who truly believe she is innocent, yet SAY they are fence sitters so that they can "save face" if they are found to be wrong. I respect those people who have the kahunas to say what they really believe without having the proverbial fence to fall back on.

I'm hoping the above statement does not get me to the dungeon because I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you posting here and I realize that we all are out for the ultimate see Lisa come home.
I agree with you (somewhat.) You seem to meet the definition of a fence sitter more than anyone else here who argues for DB's innocence. To me anyway.

I want to clarify that. For ME at least. I am not arguing FOR anyone's "innocence". My argument is against statements that are made which are not factual, or things that are "feelings" Like I have said, there is no evidence that DB/JI in any way harmed Lisa, or disposed of her body, etc. I am not a DB "supporter". To me a supporter or someone proclaiming her innocence is a person who is saying "Leave her alone, she is just a poor woman who lost her baby! She would do anything to find her and she would never hurt anyone! I KNOW she didn't do it." I have not said that. What I have said is that I will not ACCUSE someone or say I KNOW when I don't know. Give me some evidence, if it is good solid evidence then I will get off that fence.
Who would that be if not myself or anyone on this forum who is a stated "fence sitter"? Sorry but I do take your statement personally.

Then I will sincerely apologize to you. I stated before that I do not personally consider you a fence sitter. I consider you pro DB's innocence. I consider myself pro DB's guilt. At this point neither of us are right or wrong. We are just on different sides of that proverbial fence. *Throws a cookie to you from over the fence.* :D
I think if a ton of people were speaking badly of you, you wouldn't roll with the punches either. It's called human nature.

They didn't need supporters. The case was dead in the eyes of the public. Out of the newscycle. Nobody was bothering them as far as we know.

So they took this avenue to get the word out about Lisa. I didn't see to much of that. I saw infant pictures and the tour of a home. They did not show any more recent photo than what we have seen. It's not much.

This was a pity party for DB, imo. Neither of these two had interviewed with LE...and they have not employed any search teams either. They have not helped LE find Lisa.

If they loved Lisa, they would not be letting their attorney and "Consultant" lie on TV. They have deflected and spun every fact. This lawyer is NOT there to find Lisa. He is there as a mouthpiece for two parents who have told what they know about how their child went missing.

Frankly, even as a fence sitter, I don't understand how they could not see through this. To actually believe this was done for Lisa is naive. This was done to rehabilitate a couple who the public are angry with.

I see words mean nothing to some. They want DNA evidence. Unfortunately, that is seldom found unless there was a violent act. Drowning, smothering and strangling won't leave blood. Because there is no DNA, there will be people who can't convict. Either that or they have to know exactly how it was done and why. None of these are needed to convict in a court of law.

One cadaver hit should put some question, at least, in their minds that there was a recent dead body in the house. What about the lawyer explaining that? Can anyone see what he is doing and the parents have signed off on him to represent them so they are going along with his ridiculous explanations of what occurred.

How many parents of a missing child of recent date hired a high-profile defense attorney with two days were found to be innocent of the crime?
I want to clarify that. For ME at least. I am not arguing FOR anyone's "innocence". My argument is against statements that are made which are not factual, or things that are "feelings" Like I have said, there is no evidence that DB/JI in any way harmed Lisa, or disposed of her body, etc. I am not a DB "supporter". To me a supporter or someone proclaiming her innocence is a person who is saying "Leave her alone, she is just a poor woman who lost her baby! She would do anything to find her and she would never hurt anyone! I KNOW she didn't do it." I have not said that. What I have said is that I will not ACCUSE someone or say I KNOW when I don't know. Give me some evidence, if it is good solid evidence then I will get off that fence.

Ok...then perhaps we will have to agree to disagree in a friendly way then. :) To me a fence sitter will give opinions for both sides...both equal. They will bat back and forth all theories. They won't just argue that there has not been any evidence. Because, certainly there is a LOT of evidence that LE has that neither of us know. Can we agree on that at least?
Sitting here crying for those precious babies and the family that really did love them! This is why supervised visits should be done ONLY in certain places. DAMMIT!
I know. Her parents have tried so hard to save these children.
He himself might not be dead! I've seen articles saying only the children's bodies have been found.

It's being confirmed on Fox. So sad....not for Josh, but the two boys.
Yes, she is concerned about wild "accusations and theories."

Well here is another wild theory:
Two parents, with three kids, only one parent working, don't have money to pay their cell phone bill but Mom thinks it's okay to buy wine and feed her neighbor. Mom lived in the vicinity of a high publicity case, Fort Bragg, NC, where another mother faked/staged a kidnapping. Mom has said she followed other missing child cases.

The family is struggling to get more money...
fake a kidnapping? How can this be done? Have someone put up a will never have to be paid out because the family knows who "took" the baby. Have a known felon (who you only have to promise a little money...because he is a homeless/drifter or so you think) be seen several times walking around with a nearly naked baby. Wait four hours to report the "kidnapping" or until you have confirmation that the baby has been handed off. Tell a bunch of convoluted stories of what happened. Say that your three cell phones, one broken, were stolen. That way, people can believe that an intruder broke in, took your cellphones and nothing else except your baby.

Hire a high powered attorney, who tells you to stop talking so he can spin, wait three months to again speak publicly, sell new photos of you and the baby for upwards to 1/2 a mil...that's what that other lady got...plead for someone to drop her off at a fire station, a church, whatever "we don't want you we want her...there's $100,000 reward." Mom & Dad collect their talk show $$$. The Lawyer and the "PI" can get paid. The "benefactor" doesn't lose any money or she can be paid back for BS's time. The baby can now magically come home...and the "kidnapper/baby buyer" can just fade away into the night.

How's that for a wild theory?

bbm - I wish it were true!

Jim Spellman said that his info is, D/J did NOT get paid and/or gifts for Dr. Phil.
So they took this avenue to get the word out about Lisa. I didn't see to much of that. I saw infant pictures and the tour of a home. They did not show any more recent photo than what we have seen. It's not much.

This was a pity party for DB, imo. Neither of these two had interviewed with LE...and they have not employed any search teams either. They have not helped LE find Lisa.

If they loved Lisa, they would not be letting their attorney and "Consultant" lie on TV. They have deflected and spun every fact. This lawyer is NOT there to find Lisa. He is there as a mouthpiece for two parents who have told what they know about how their child went missing.

Frankly, even as a fence sitter, I don't understand how they could not see through this. To actually believe this was done for Lisa is naive. This was done to rehabilitate a couple who the public are angry with.

I see words mean nothing to some. They want DNA evidence. Unfortunately, that is seldom found unless there was a violent act. Drowning, smothering and strangling won't leave blood. Because there is no DNA, there will be people who can't convict. Either that or they have to know exactly how it was done and why. None of these are needed to convict in a court of law.

One cadaver his should put some question, at least, in their minds that there was a recent dead body in the house. What about the lawyer explaining that? Can anyone see what he is doing and the parents have signed off on him to represent them so they are going along with his ridiculous explanations of what occurred.

How many parents of a missing child of recent date hired a high-profile defense attorney with two days were found to be innocent of the crime?

Well said. I have asked questions many times here specifically about how some people justify some of this, but the questions have been met with silence. It's easy to gloss over some issues and explain away others for some. But, it is America and we have freedom of speech and I mean it when I say that I respect each and every persons opinion here. It really is hard to debate things like this by just typing out words because no one can see our demeanor or hear the way we are saying our words. I think that it is human nature to take up a "side" in these situations. Don't you?
The problem with that is that to people who like fence sitting, nothing is ever proven to them. Even with the CA case, even though she was found not guilty of killing Caylee, most of us believe that she did. However, there were obviously at least 12 people who believed she didn't.

Please don't take this as being snarky, but you can't really consider yourself a true fence sitter if you feel she is not guilty and are just waiting to see if she is proven to be guilty. The difference between you and I is that I believe DB is guilty. I admit to thinking that she is guilty. But, if they are able to find a person who confesses to having taken Lisa, or if Lisa comes home in some way, I will happily and gratefully admit I was wrong.

But don't you feel, in some way, that it is wrong to accuse someone of something they didn't do? I KNOW, this is not a court of law, innocence until proven guilty does not apply.

But, what IF, hypothetically, the people on this forum who feel that DB did this WERE a jury? And the case was presented to you as it stands today? Physical evidence: one cadaver dog hit that as far as we know was not even verified. And whatever else, to you, is evidence. Hinkyness, feelings, inconsistencies, etc.
You would really, honestly, be comfortable with rendering a guilty verdict? And then, as you say, what if down the road Lisa is found and the family had nothing to do with it? So someone served however much time in prison, vilified, their life ruined, because you thought they were guilty with the paucity of evidence this
case presents. Would you then say "Ooops, sorry, I was wrong. My apologies." The thought of it makes me very, um, uncomfortable.
I know. Her parents have tried so hard to save these children.

This is a very sad day for those who followed this case. It is another time when the courts rule and let the parents to continue to visit with a child even though the parent is a murderer. We all know he murdered Susan yet due to lace of evidence he wasn't convicted. There were people who actually thought this guy didn't kill Susan. OMG! this is getting way too crazy.

His behavior from the first day showed he was mentally off. Good Grief, this makes me ill. Those beautiful boys, so precious. Fists to the courts and fists to the people that support this carp. The System is wrong and Wrong Way Too often when it comes to rulings in Family court.

They did it to Ayla too. We could make a list of DCF mistakes. Haleigh too. We know many, many, many children that have died at the hands of a parent. And many of these children were handed to the abusive parent by the court.
Why are you going to be alarmed if you left that window open and lights on?

I think...that she thought he meant ALL as in overhead lights and she did say that she had forgotten to close that window, so I can see her being alarmed about it.
I don't "like" to sit on the fence either. Who wants to be up in the air about something? But I have to be there, because I don't KNOW that DB did anything to Lisa. However, I do know that my conscience will not let me say someone is a murderer if I don't have evidence of that.

Have you posted your theory on the theory thread yet? I'd love to read it, and I'm being sincere - thanks :)
IDK about that, why not just say, sorry I must have forgotten the lights on again. It sounds like this was a frequently repeated conversation in their home, what with Jeremy being so frugal about the electricity bill and so mindful of the lights being an electrician. I can't imagine she jumped up in a fright every time JI brought up the lights that she'd left on.

I might be more alarmed if the lights that I left on and the windows that I left open had suddenly turned themselves off and closed themselves while everybody was sleeping.

Could be that Jeremy was the turner offer of the lights at bed time :)

I would be alarmed if I had FORGOTTEN to close a window and was told that ALL the lights were on (even though it was just the few *if more than normal* that I had left on)
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