Deborah Bradley's Estranged Husband Speaks - Where Is Baby Lisa?

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I must be missing something. Why was this photo posted on this thread? :waitasec:

I don't know. Can't figure out the attacks on SB either. Unless it is because he didn't throw DB under the proverbial bus. :waitasec:
oh_gal, here's what I was able to find on this issue:

"Lawyers. Military personnel and family members all have access to free legal services provided by the "legal office" (JAG). What most people don't realize, however, is the JAG is of very little help when it comes to divorce and separation. At most, the JAG can give you general advice. They cannot prepare divorce or separation documents, they cannot represent you in court, they cannot file legal divorce or separation paperwork for you. Quite often, even the "general advice" may be of little use, as there is no requirement that a military lawyer be licensed to practice law in the state they are stationed in, so the lawyer's knowledge of divorce laws of that particular state may be limited."

Thank you! It was as I feared....not as simple as I thought!
It's been 2 years. If there was a property settlement, or alimony/child support to sort out, I would hope DB would have taken care of it by now. If there's money to be had, custody issues to determine, I personally wouldn't wait 2 years or longer to bring it to resolution. Good night - the husband could just swing in and take the child since they are both in fact still married to each other.

In the back of my mind I think it may just be a paperwork thing that neither one of them can't be bothered to sort out.

I could be wrong, but that's how I'm taking it. Just my opinion, in my opinion only, etc., etc., etc. :)


This couple could bifurcate any financial issues they have and still go ahead and get a divorce.
If SB had said anything even remotely negative about DB, you know the network would have been falling all over themselves to get it on the air.

Apparently he didn't. That all they got was that he thinks she was a good mother says a lot in DBs favor, IMO.
I also have to wonder, has Sean Bradley done something that makes him fair game for citicism? He's not a person of interest in this case, that I'm aware of.

The last time I checked, neither are the parents... just sayin'... MOO
I also have to wonder, has Sean Bradley done something that makes him fair game for citicism? He's not a person of interest in this case, that I'm aware of.

I completely agree with you. Way too much speculation and judgement regarding his situation and has nothing at all to do with this case. His relationship with his son (or Debra for that matter) is none of our business.

Did anyone consider that perhaps the "cannot afford it" reason they have not divorced is because he has agreed to continue carrying her as a dependent for full medical care and military spouse benefits? There is no reason for us to assume any nefarious reasons at all for this.
oh pfffftttt...they can't afford a divorce. I divorced my ex and we did it all by ourselves with about 300 bucks. You're telling me that in 2 years the two of them couldn't scrape together enough funds for paperwork and a filing fee?

And he hasn't spoken to DB or his son (for goodness sake) for 2 years. How does he know she's a good mom? I wonder if he's even paying to support his son? It would be a good reason to give her a glowing review if he isn't.

I'm calling bull=chit.



Sad to say that many people who have abandoned their children rationalize it by saying the other parent is a good parent, as if that somehow means they haven't left their children in a lion's den.
I dunno to me this thread has gotten out of hand. Are people so desperate to find fault with DB that they are willing to pick apart any non negative statement made by friends/family? Now there is some devious reason why they never divorced?

ok thanks but I'm still not getting the point. Are we supposed to notice something? She looks happy and holding a child. :dunno:'s just a pic of her from back in the day when she was with her (estranged) husband..
While I am not sleuthing SB here (honey currently in Afghanistan as I type) I do have one question pertaining to this marriage.
Since DB and SB are still legally married, under the law, can Lisa be the legal child of SB?

I asked this under the ask a question thread. SB is the legal father of Baby Lisa. JI is the biological father.


The legal father is the man who is married to the birth mother even if she has been separated from him and even if he is not the biological father.
Yes. Seriously.

I'm not trying to be snarky, but I seriously would love to hear how you come to this conclusion based on how much a) limited info you know about DB personally and b) how much non-existent info you know about SB personally.
The last time I checked, neither are the parents... just sayin'... MOO

Of course they are persons on interest in this case. They are the parents of the missing child and the owners of the home from which she went missing.

Sean Bradley, on the other hand, is a peripheral person who has nothing what-so-ever to do with the disappearance of this child, and therefore, imho, not fair game for trashing.

We're barely even allowed to discuss DB's brother, but somehow SB is just up for grabs?!

I have a problem with that.

MOO, JMO, IMO, and so on and so forth.
I thought I read they were high school sweethearts and got married when he joined the military and she wasn't even pregnant out of wedlock....
I agree, there is really nothing to discuss here...

Of course they are persons on interest in this case. They are the parents of the missing child and the owners of the home from which she went missing.

Sean Bradley, on the other hand, is a peripheral person who has nothing what-so-ever to do with the disappearance of this child, and therefore, imho, not fair game for trashing.

We're barely even allowed to discuss DB's brother, but somehow SB is just up for grabs?!

I have a problem with that.

MOO, JMO, IMO, and so on and so forth.

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