Decomposed Body found in Scurry Co.*3/16/13* - LE identified as being Hailey

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I could be wrong, but I think SmoothOperator was wondering about the age of the remains themselves, not the age of the victim at TOD.
Meh. I'm a dumb blonde. You get what you get lol.
The first 3 years the bones have a strong odor. At the end of the third year this odor becomes faint the fourth and fifth year the ligaments holding bones together begin to go away.
altered rumor: someone at the bone site remarked that the skull was that of a child or a small adult and that the remains were female. ( i do not have any links) An experienced person would have known if it was a child and must have seen other evidence to suggest the remains were female
altered rumor: someone at the bone site remarked that the skull was that of a child or a small adult and that the remains were female. ( i do not have any links) An experienced person would have known if it was a child and must have seen other evidence to suggest the remains were female

I saw something on someones private facebook page saying something similar hours before the media was hinting it could be Hailey.
I'm wondering what it was that would lead this man to have a firm opinion on the remains being under 5 years old?

Anyone here familiar with human remains enough to answer what details would the naked eye be able to discern the age of remains from just a couple years old(like under 5years) from the remains being say closer to 10 or more years old?

Because in my layperson's mind I'm thinking once all the skin, tissue, etc is gone and only the bones are left I just am not seeing how one could easily discern that they were under 5 years old vs. being several years older..

TIA to anyone who may be able to shed more light on this particular issue.

I think the colour of the bones could have something to do with his opinion. If he is a fossil hunter, he may have some knowledge about bones. Newer bones tend to be whiter looking. Human bones tend to turn yellow over time. But some factors affect the colour of the bone like the type of soil they are found in. Also, newer bones are "greasy" JMO
Something that may be important is the fact that bones and DNA don't weather in the same way - the environmental conditions affect them differently. So it's probably not possible to tell how degraded the DNA is just from looking at the bones. This may mean extra testing once the bones get to the lab because the state of the DNA likely won't be known until initial testing is done. It also could theoretically mean the samples could have to be shipped to a second lab that specializes in highly degraded DNA. And we all know backlog is a fact of life in many forensic labs anyway.
I am from West Texas, and we are in a serious drought right now and have been for some time. During the summer of 2011, we had horrible wildfires in our area and in the area where these remains were found. The firefighters were fighting these fires everywhere. The ground here is very hard and we had over 100 days in a row of triple digit temps in our area. I would think that those conditions would really effect the decomposition of a body. We drive to Lubbock every three months for a doctor's appointment for our son, and we sometimes go through Colorado City, Snyder, or Big Spring. You cannot imagine how dry these areas are. When we are driving I just look out at how much area there is to cover and cry, because she could be absolutely anywhere. I believe the bones could look much older than they are due to the fact of what our climate is like here. It's awful, according to our city council members we only have about 18 months of water left. Just wanted to give others who don't live in this area and idea of what type of surrounding this "person" has been in. God Bless whoever this body belongs too, I hope it will bring closure, answers, and justice to those who loved him/her.
Now small town Texas is one thing. These were bones. 20-30 years ago was a very different story. Texans have guns. They liked to use them when they think they 'had to'. I'm sure the death/disappearance rates back then were a different story, and a lot of those might not of ever been reported to LE. JMO

I was born and raised two counties over from CCity in Stonewall County, and in my 44 years there has been only 5 murders here, 3 of which were domestic. Sorry to disappoint, but we do not live in the Wild West. Rural murders are indeed rare.
Now small town Texas is one thing. These were bones. 20-30 years ago was a very different story. Texans have guns. They liked to use them when they think they 'had to'. I'm sure the death/disappearance rates back then were a different story, and a lot of those might not of ever been reported to LE. JMO

Lets see. 20 or 30 years ago, some of us Texans already had running water and automobiles. We only used our six shooter when re really, really "had to".
Lets see. 20 or 30 years ago, some of us Texans already had running water and automobiles. We only used our six shooter when re really, really "had to".

Lets see. 20 or 30 years ago, some of us Texans already had running water and automobiles. We only used our six shooter when re really, really "had to".

Hey now stop bragging about that running water or the neighbors might get jealous. lol

My point was that most area's were good. Where I grew up was, and I'm ahppy to hear some other's of you were as lucky as I was. Other's had some issues with LE, and when someone disappeared it wasn't exactly investigated. It was just assumed they left on their own. My family have been LE in Texas for generations, and some of the area's we lived in while it was a perfectly nice town the LE wasn't what you would expect it to be.

I mean the night before last someone less than 5 minutes ago shot an unarmed man who was breaking into his house. Two weeks ago someone got shot in road rage. These things happen a lot, and not from people you would expect to do something. That's not even counting the stuff thats happening from PTSD which this area is drowning in. So from my point of view if you take that kind of stuff and factor in certain people not doing their job at the time I would think a lot could fall through the cracks. That's the only point I was trying to get at.

That doesn't tie into this particular case though. If these remains aren't her I just hope whoever's family can finally have some peace.

PS: I have nothing but respect for LE, and as I said most of my family did go that line of work.
Hey now stop bragging about that running water or the neighbors might get jealous. lol

My point was that most area's were good. Where I grew up was, and I'm ahppy to hear some other's of you were as lucky as I was. Other's had some issues with LE, and when someone disappeared it wasn't exactly investigated. It was just assumed they left on their own. My family have been LE in Texas for generations, and some of the area's we lived in while it was a perfectly nice town the LE wasn't what you would expect it to be.

I mean the night before last someone less than 5 minutes ago shot an unarmed man who was breaking into his house. Two weeks ago someone got shot in road rage. These things happen a lot, and not from people you would expect to do something. That's not even counting the stuff thats happening from PTSD which this area is drowning in. So from my point of view if you take that kind of stuff and factor in certain people not doing their job at the time I would think a lot could fall through the cracks. That's the only point I was trying to get at.

That doesn't tie into this particular case though. If these remains aren't her I just hope whoever's family can finally have some peace.

PS: I have nothing but respect for LE, and as I said most of my family did go that line of work.

Just couldn't resist giving you a hard time. You made 20 or 30 years ago seem like a loooong time. When you get to be my age, it was just yesterday.
I would not hesitate to shoot anyone who was breaking in to my home. If I didn't, that "unarmed" person could hurt my kids , beat or strangle us, rape or kidnap.

First, I would have to buy gun. I'm 50 years old and I have lived in Texas all of my life. I have never owned a gun and none of my family or friends have guns except for the one family member who is in LE. I have lived in tiny rural towns, and in Austin and Dallas.

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I would not hesitate to shoot anyone who was breaking in to my home. If I didn't, that "unarmed" person could hurt my kids , beat or strangle us, rape or kidnap.

First, I would have to buy gun. I'm 50 years old and I have lived in Texas all of my life. I have never owned a gun and none of my family or friends have guns except for the one family member who is in LE. I have lived in tiny rural towns, and in Austin and Dallas.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We have a saying around here, "Trespassers will be Shot, Survivors will be Shot Again!"
Just couldn't resist giving you a hard time. You made 20 or 30 years ago seem like a loooong time. When you get to be my age, it was just yesterday.

I was giving you a hard time back lol. In my defense for me It was. 20 years ago I was 4.

TGI: The unarmed person we don't know what they would of done, and I might of done the same. I do own guns though, and I also own the responsibility that comes with them. I come from a heavy military/LE family so it was kind of a requirement to be comfortable around them. My point was that things like that do happen here now, and I'm sure they did then.

It's all rather off topic though because none of it has much to do with a young girl I'm pretty sure was not breaking into anyone's home. So I'll behave and stay on topic now.
We have a saying around here, "Trespassers will be Shot, Survivors will be Shot Again!"

My uncle has a sign that say's that! I much prefer it to the old one that said "Guard Dog Has a Gun".

Ok ok on topic for real this time.
Interesting info at a controversial blog. JMO
A lot of the info was copied onto the Hailey Dunn Updates and Discussion fb. JMO
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