Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

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Aug 17, 2008
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'Mystery Woman' DeDe Spicher Defends Stepmom in Kyron Horman Case
By Elaine Aradillas

Tuesday August 17, 2010 09:45 AM EDT

But Spicher, the so-called "mystery woman" in the case, says she's just a good friend of Kyron's stepmom's, and that neither of them has anything to hide.

Asked by PEOPLE in an exclusive new interview whether she thinks stepmom Terri Horman was involved in Kyron's disappearance, Spicher, 43, says, "I just really don't. In my heart, I really don't. In all of these years [as her friend], I have not seen anything that would lead me to believe that she is capable or motivated in any way to do something like this.",,20413527,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines
Spicher says she's told police the same thing. "They wanted me to tell them that Terri did it or that Terri knew something," she says. "I told them everything that I knew, over and over again. But I didn't tell them what they wanted to hear."


Asked about her own whereabouts on June 4, Spicher says was at a 38-acre nursery preparing for a garden tour the following day. "I never left the property that day," she says.

Spicher says she stayed at Terri's house for 11 days after Kyron vanished, and that they were afraid for their own safety after getting death threats. But she wanted to be there for Terri.
I don't know if I hope she is right or not...
"There's this horror that my friend is going through," she says. "If I thought for a second that she was capable of [foul play], I would not have been there. She would not have been my friend in the first place."
This "article" just doesn't give me a feel for anything new. If they were involved, she's not going to say so; she's going to say exactly what she said. If she doesn't know anything she's going to say exactly what she said. If she's right, she's going to say exactly what she said. Sooooooo...wish there was more to the article but it tells me nothing...Disappointed :(
If she really did not leave the grounds that day...everything is even more confusing...

And no, we don't know for sure that she is seeking immunity...Bruce McCain, if that is his name, says she is...but maybe she really has nothing to tell?

I have to admit her tweets on that day seemed real enough to me, mentioning her friend's child being missing and something about a restaurant. At that point, there wouldn't have yet been the huge panic that developed very quickly after.

Don't know what to think...:(
I thought she did...cuz she didn't answer any questions and was expecting to be called back to the GJ... and I thought I read it somewhere too...:waitasec:

We don't know if she was even asked any questions.

Someone's theory on another thread made sense; that she was simply shown and requested to confirm her statement to police.
This is so crazy. On one hand, we have sweet DeDe defending Terri and giving a nice interview to People. And on the other hand, we have a presser by LE last week with the focus solely on DeDe and Terri with an accompanying flyer for the community.
Has it been confirmed that she asked for immunity? I thought just speculated.

This is the only MSM reference I find:

“DeDe Spicher will not testify before the grand jury now without a grant of immunity from the lead prosecutor,” McCain said. “That’s becoming more and more clear as each day goes by.”

McCain's opinion.
IF DeDe is telling the truth about never leaving the property that day, then I hope and pray they search every inch bit by bit. Her "story" to People just didn't touch me as the truth. I feel like she's so into Terri's friendship she'd do or say anything. They say the truth always comes out in the end. I wish it would hurry up on this one!!
Ya know...if, after all of this, we find out she NEVER left work.....OMG.
IF DeDe is telling the truth about never leaving the property that day, then I hope and pray they search every inch bit by bit. Her "story" to People just didn't touch me as the truth. I feel like she's so into Terri's friendship she'd do or say anything. They say the truth always comes out in the end. I wish it would hurry up on this one!!

I hope you are right but the truth doesn't always come out...sometimes suspicions last a lifetime but no one is ever charged. I keep getting the feeling that LE is just not getting what they think they need to charge Terri and she seems to be the only focus.
Asked about her own whereabouts on June 4, Spicher says was at a 38-acre nursery preparing for a garden tour the following day. "I never left the property that day," she says.

Question: What if Terri went to the property where DeDe was working and parked the truck where it could not be seen?

Question: At what time did DeDe arrive at the property that day? What time did she leave?

Not sure if this is the same property of the woman who had called DeDe and couldn't reach her.
For someone that knew TH and Kyron since 02, she sure comes across very cold. No pleas for whoever did something to Kyron to come forward. No pleas about Kyron, at all. Just total lack of emotion about Kyron.

A slight acquaintance that saw TH in FM had more compassion for Kyron.
Were her co-workers actively looking for her, or just calling her phone? And did they think it was odd before the police came around? Or just chalk it up to her working someplace off on her own?
I wonder if Terri reads here? If not, she should.
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