Defense finds something new in old evidence?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

Of course JB is going to claim that they found new evidence as soon as it was prudent. He has to open the doors to the potential of other opportunities to float SODDI.

Whether they find anything new or not you can guarantee they are going to claim it to further seed reasonable doubt and, you can bet your last dollar that whatever the SA experts say the Defense experts will counter .... Black is White and Up is really Down.

JB is just using the media spotlight to bluff and set the current blog debate on possibilities for new evidence as a distraction from what are they reviewing and why. If you are open to something being missed or new you are open to other possibilities.
Exactly...smoke and mirrors.
Duh, their Clue cards are in the sealed envelope and they will let it be known it was Professor Plum with the Wrench in the Billiard Room.
You can't help but wonder...... if a magician was brought in for some sleight of hand defense work. Maybe those videos should be reviewed frame by frame. Just saying.....
Baez would be best keeping his mouth shut 'cause all this does is make him look more asinine...IMO
Aedrey, your instincts are correct. The defense needed something to get Cheney Mason is a jerk news cycle bumped. So they come up with this evasive silly claim. You know b s when you hear it. They want Nancy Grace, et al to lead with Defense finds something new rather than Defense Lawyer Cheney Mason called a reporter a jackass.

The only reason anything could be new to them, which oddly they do not realize everyone is aware of, is because for two years the evidence has sat there, and the defense while squandering two hundred , seventy five thousand dollars, never brought the experts to inspect it.

Mrs. Drane-Burdick let Judge Perry know in the last hearing that
a) The State had offered, many times to send the evidence to the defense experts they would designate and
b) The State had offered , many times to allow for the defense experts to come to look at the evidence

In the words of Mrs. Drane-Burdick, "The court should deny the motion without even entertaining arguments on it." That is what I fully expect the judge to do.

PART 1 24 minute mark Mrs. Drane Burdick lets the court know that they have offered to send or have defense experts come to view the evidence

For part of 2008 all of 2009 and six months into 2010 the defense has turned down these offers.

I'll say they found something new. All of it is new to them. You just can't make this stuff up!!!!!
I'd just like to repeat that amount...$275,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, TWA!
And, of course, the defense filed a motion to seal on this stunning new evidence that HHJP will have to rule on tomorrow. Maybe the defense is trying to distract the media away from the TES rulings and Cindy's testimony by getting the judge to ok at least one of the defense motions. :)

Elephants could do cartwheels down Mainstreet . Nothing will distract from Cindy and Lee Anthony testifying tomorrow. I agree with you though, the defense is keenly aware of the interest in the hearing being off the charts. They will do something desperate to deflect attention.
That is clearly the state they are in, desperate.

Kathi, you deserve a raise!!! Go get em!!
OMG - I just read Baez's news release. He says - yes they discovered new evidence.

"Obviously there is a lot you can see (when you inspect the actual evidence) that doesn't show up in a photograph." His words.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Baez is a bigger dufus than I thought he was!
I know from watching forensics shows that sometimes new evidence is found. But I just don't think that's the case here. It's an insult to LE to say that something new was found. Whatever, Baez. Keep telling yourself that to sleep at night.

They found something new! They discovered their client really is guilty!
OMG - I just read Baez's news release. He says - yes they discovered new evidence.

Obviously there is a lot you can see (when you inspect the actual evidence) that doesn't show up in a photograph.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Baez is a bigger dufus than I thought he was!

Could you imagine, Mr. Baez, how true the colors would be had you had the evidence inspected two years ago? Imagine the magnificence of your bouquet on your wedding day, then imagine that bouquet two years later. hmmmm. hmmmmm.
I thought JB wanted to keep what they were viewing quiet. Don't want the media to speculate.....but he still opens his mouth. He did not say they have found evidence which will prove his client's innocence. So was this discovery new to just him or is SA more than aware of it?
OMG - I just read Baez's news release. He says - yes they discovered new evidence.

"Obviously there is a lot you can see (when you inspect the actual evidence) that doesn't show up in a photograph." His words.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Baez is a bigger dufus than I thought he was!
Yes, of course they did. They've had some of the world's finest experts examine the same evidence, but the likes of CM, JB, and HL have found what they believe constitutes "new" evidence. Uh, huh.
I think what he meant to say was............................

We have found "NEWS" evidence that was unable to be seen in just photographs. Seeing the NEWS in person makes it easier to provide "DISCOVERY".

He must have gotten his "script" out of order.
Baez: 'And now, ladies and gentleman, watch as I pull this rabbit out of my *advertiser censored**.'
Ynot's magical dream news article would go something like this....

...Asked to elaborate, Baez fluffed his pocket square and said with a chuckle, "Well, what we found that's new, heh heh, is that our goose seems to be cooked. Yup. I mean, we are dead in the water, people, and that's really new news to us."

Baez giggled, then continued, "Henry (Lee) fainted dead away and had to be carried out when we opened the trunk on that Pontiac, and Cheney (Mason) upchucked all over his new evidence-inspecting boots, and... well, hoo boy. We are really, heh heh, up a creek. Who could have known the evidence was this solid?"

Cheney Mason, when asked for his impressions, called this reporter a "liar liar pants on fire" and a "poopyhead," then toddled off in a huff, the 'click-click' of his too-tight vomit-stained boots slowly fading down the empty hallway....

Oh my what a sandwich! On one side, CM doing his jackass stint, on the other side, a hearing that will be memorable and in the middle some brand spanking new old evidence.

"Obviously there is a lot you can see (when you inspect the actual evidence) that doesn't show up in a photograph."

If it is so "obvious", why are they just now getting around to inspecting it? If he truly believed that you can see so much more in person, why didn't the whole caravan show up at the first opportunity afforded them? After all, the State wants to kill his client. Surely he could offer a better defense than to wait all this time before even looking at the evidence.
Are we talking about new evidence or a new theory about the evidence they have inspected? jmo
They found nothing new by a visual examination alone....but they're most certainly setting the stage for more BS. JMO

JB just saw his shadow, that's all! :crazy::crazy::crazy:

They may have also found Cheney's head that has been stuck up his *advertiser censored** for so long! :angel:
According to WFTV, Jose Baez is saying the defense experts found something new in the evidence they are looking at. Hmmm. Here's a snip from the article:

The defense claims they've made some discoveries.

“There's things you see that you can't see in pictures, that you can’t see in pictures that you see in person,” Baez said.

The defense won't tell WFTV what they've found that they didn't know before or the extent of their discoveries. They do not want WFTV to know exactly what they're looking at, even though the sheriff's office is videotaping and that tape will eventually be released.

How it can be possible for them find something new after all of this time, especially with the questionable Dr. Lee there? I'm thinking Baez is just saying that to make it look like they've found something. I don't think there's any way that all of a sudden new evidence can show up on the same evidence LE has already scoured.

What do you guys think? And what possibly could they have found?

Knowing how much the defense likes to play with words I'm feeling pretty sure they've only found something new to them, not anything new to anyone else. Unless a fingernail showed up out of nowhere.
JB said they found evidence that other investigators missed. If they are looking at the evidence and it is physically there how could it be missed? Could he mean that they discovered evidence that was not specifically pointed out to them in the pictures they examined? And had they bothered to examine the evidence early on when the opportunity was extended to them would they have seen it then?

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