Defense Motion to Release CWW's Grand Jury Testimony

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Here's my theory on CWW's wife AW and Taylor, girlfriend to JR. Both women believed their men were going to Florida to steal antiques, and thus why CWW had a brand new shed. The girls were complicit in a would-be antique heist, but not a murder. When LE came knocking the second time, JR's girlfriend was smart enough to figure out that she couldn't be convicted of something that never happened (the robbery) and that's why she spilled the beans on JR after he admitted he killed TS. AW to me doesn't appear very bright, and why she was so uncooperative with police. She is also very close to her mother who knew all of their business and that's why unbeknownst to CWW, she felt compelled to explain CWW's upcoming absence by saying he was going to Florida to work on the Siever's computers. If she'd known about the murder ahead of time she never would have given her mother any connection that he was going to Florida at all. AW probably did have a burner phone, but it was because she really believed her husband was stealing antiques. If Taylor did have one, JR destroyed it when he destroyed his. LE is accepting Taylor's version that she didn't know about the antique heist, probably because without her their case would have fallen apart.

Welcome to Websleuths, Pingie. I hope you post more in the upcoming months. We have a pretty solid "crew" here for Teresa.
Well JC! I miss a few days b/c of Real Life and BOOM :bombshell: But seriously, just when you think the twists and turns are all done, nope. SMS wasn't lying about the books, movies, twists and that "WIDE NET" of players involved. Good Bless Teresa, hearing "2 soft blows" just makes me revisit how the died and the horror she must have felt in those moments. What sick twisted dudes we are dealing with here. I pray her daughters are 100% certain they are ready when the day arrives they search through and read about their mom's murder. It is so graphic and makes me sad, I can only imagine how they will process this when the day comes. Lots of prayers for them.

Well JC! I miss a few days b/c of Real Life and BOOM :bombshell: But seriously, just when you think the twists and turns are all done, nope. SMS wasn't lying about the books, movies, twists and that "WIDE NET" of players involved. Good Bless Teresa, hearing "2 soft blows" just makes me revisit how the died and the horror she must have felt in those moments. What sick twisted dudes we are dealing with here. I pray her daughters are 100% certain they are ready when the day arrives they search through and read about their mom's murder. It is so graphic and makes me sad, I can only imagine how they will process this when the day comes. Lots of prayers for them.


Sadly, I think the'll hear about it before they're ready. They may hear people talking, or their friends who have more liberal access to tv and the internet may say something. :(
I so agree with this. In fact, if you "read between the lines" of that text message between J and Mark, it appears TS & MS were in the midst of some sort of separation. :thinking:

It's been so long ago I'd need to review but IIRC, neighbors spoke about a time not long before the murder where they said they hadn't seen Mark as often as before but had noticed Teresa more than usual. She'd been seen walking the dogs, outside more often....more visible. IDK, that text message just reads like it's possible (if not probable) they were not living together under the same roof for a time

And this is the first time we are hearing about it... Was never in the media ... her sister and her best friend didn't even know?
And this is the first time we are hearing about it... Was never in the media ... her sister and her best friend didn't even know?

My hypothesis was WRONG. Per the docs I just posted, that text between J & her dad was on May 1, 2015. He was in MO busy plotting the murder of her mother that evening.
And this is the first time we are hearing about it... Was never in the media ... her sister and her best friend didn't even know?

Also, we heard months ago from someone either here or in the media interviews about them having separate bedrooms. There are pictures of one of the bedrooms that's obviously T's because of her journal on the table and only one side of the bed slept in.

*suspicious me* Unless MS had dashed back into the house to set some scenes while family was ready in the car.
Also, we heard months ago from someone either here or in the media interviews about them having separate bedrooms....

If I were married to him I would need a separate bedroom (a refrigerator box would be perfectly fine, too...).

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