Defense Motion to Release CWW's Grand Jury Testimony

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This might seems like a silly question but where is everyone seeing the grand jury transcripts?

Its a request for transcripts by Marks lawyer of CWW grand jury testimony .

But in the request; Marks lawyer simply mentions certain statements that Curtis previously made. He highlights these with the hope that his request is approved so that he can try to debunk and have Curtis grand jury testimony thrown out.
Sorry, still learning.....How do I get to the Google drive to see the motion document?

EDIT: Nevermind....I'm on my phone couldn't see the attachment. Found it on full site. My apologies.
Oh Dale, Dale, Dale...."favorite food?" I think she just asked about buying some chicken. (Chicken for a chicken sounds a little cannibalistic)
But I digress...if we are going to throw out far fetched "possible" theories from the defense, let's throw this post of hot slippery noodles against the wall:
CWW & AWW were both in love with MS and conspired to kill Teresa so they could all live together (as an eternal three-some happily ever after) in the Jarvis house. MS sells the vitamins, CWW runs the computers, and AWW handles the (ahem.....) household. That would explain "no reason to discuss money" and why CWW would say "he paid JRR." Then again, it could be simply as AWW's mother state in the MSM, AWW will do anything CWW tells her to do.....??? And, if that is the case...AWW still lied to investigators.
or MS could imply to LE. CWW was always jealous that I had it easier financially, and wanted his own dr wife. I know at one point TS had an old email she was emailing CWW but cant recall the email address. I think CWW was having an affair with my wife in attempts to acquire a dr wife. But, once CWW saw TS and I making strong effort to improve our marriage CWW knew TS had erased her earlier thoughts of divorcing me. CWW was livid when TS changed her mind, no doubt.
The allegations are limitless.
I have felt for a long time, and continue to feel, that LE does not have physical burner phones or burner correspondence between CWW and MS.

<rsbm> I've felt the opposite, that there were at least two. I remember posting about counting something like 11 were found in CWW's trailer. Someone upthread re-counted 8, (a lot, regardless) and I thought there had to be some kind of evidence there, the wrapped 'phones in particular.
From the article about how many times CWW struck Teresabbm:

Most of the documents paint a picture of the family's day to day life and include text messages from family and friends. Wright, 47, and Mark Sievers often texted about IT problems, but on June 28 &#8212; the day Teresa Sievers was killed &#8212; they spoke on the phone as many as five times.

Suggests they have ample evidence of, and from, at least two burners.
In the GJ transcripts (#23), CWW mentions in reference to MS "the kids was his biggest issue. " It has been alleged that TS planned to leave MS. If so, perhaps she threatened MS that she would attempt to gain sole custody of the girls. Throughout the case it has been the theory that the #1 motive was money. AmazonRain indicated she thought the sole motive for MS was money. But with MS being such a control freak with the girls, the threat of losing the girls could have pushed him over the edge. Was it money, control of the girls or both?

I so agree with this. In fact, if you "read between the lines" of that text message between J and Mark, it appears TS & MS were in the midst of some sort of separation. :thinking:

It's been so long ago I'd need to review but IIRC, neighbors spoke about a time not long before the murder where they said they hadn't seen Mark as often as before but had noticed Teresa more than usual. She'd been seen walking the dogs, outside more often....more visible. IDK, that text message just reads like it's possible (if not probable) they were not living together under the same roof for a time
I so agree with this. In fact, if you "read between the lines" of that text message between J and Mark, it appears TS & MS were in the midst of some sort of separation. :thinking:

It's been so long ago I'd need to review but IIRC, neighbors spoke about a time not long before the murder where they said they hadn't seen Mark as often as before but had noticed Teresa more than usual. She'd been seen walking the dogs, outside more often....more visible. IDK, that text message just reads like it's possible (if not probable) they were not living together under the same roof for a time
Yeah, that's what I thought, it sounded as though they were possibly seperated. I too remember neighbors saying (way back in thread 1), that TS was around more often then usuall, and was walking the dogs and with the girls.
I so agree with this. In fact, if you "read between the lines" of that text message between J and Mark, it appears TS & MS were in the midst of some sort of separation. :thinking:

<rsbm> Especially as he tells J she must call him if she wants to talk. That points to distance of some kind, but why wouldn't he be able to contact the girls of his own accord? And why wouldn't any of Teresa's family or close friends like Danielle, be aware of something as serious as that.

Maybe TS confided more in someone like MP (or even LS) at that time, especially if it were on a trial basis and she didn't want to worry family prematurely. Though Dr P would probably have been aware and inform LE. Maybe he did.

Or am I over-thinking, and it could've simply been when he was at CWW's wedding. I'm not familiar with 'phone tarrifs, but is there a chance it would be more costly for him to call from Missouri to FL than vice versa?
Good story line. MS has now inserted another magical piece of the puzzle (a AW burner) that may or may not have ever been present) and may or may not have ever been found, but can send the allegations in so many directions now. I can hear MS make a statement in court "You know, I was sort of wondering how in April 2014 TS asked about a particular food for CWW." " I was wondering how she knew CWW's fave foods." " "And I did notice a few texts between TS and CWW" "Lord only knows what TS and CWW subjected my precious kids to witness"

I have a feeling that when we finally hear MS's defense and why they claim CWW and JR murdered TS without his knowledge our mouths will drop open. My prediction is that it will be so absurd we will be left stunned. Since MS thinks he is the smartest guy in the room I think he thinks he can convince anyone of anything.
I bet AW is doing a lot of explain up in Missouri right now....
This makes me sick. She lost a daughter to a monster. I really have had faith she did not know, as she knows how it feels to lose someone to murder. If she thought he was going down there to steal antiques. like JR's gf thought, wouldn't you present that info immediately? Better to be a thief than a murderer.
This gets me so angry......the poor woman was brutally murdered and they want to find a needle in the haystack to take the heat away from Mark.....they will ruin more innocent ppl.......

The bs never ends......
Unfortunately, IMO, when you are a female victim, the amount of sexual shaming ( the best way I can put it), that goes on trial is ludicrous, and I think that is exactly what is going to be put on trial.
I need to look back at the affidavit because I cannot recall exactly, but didn't they seize like 7 or 8 phones from the Wright residence?

ETA: Found it, search warrant items mentioned on Bates 4372 (not affidavit). I counted a total of eight including two of which that were in plastic bags - one of which was an iPhone.
For people who claimed they had no money, they sure did have a lot of phones.
Unfortunately, IMO, when you are a female victim, the amount of sexual shaming ( the best way I can put it), that goes on trial is ludicrous, and I think that is exactly what is going to be put on trial.

I agree. And it's disgusting! The making of a "criminal defense attorney" and their case. Pulling at straws!
Unfortunately, IMO, when you are a female victim, the amount of sexual shaming ( the best way I can put it), that goes on trial is ludicrous, and I think that is exactly what is going to be put on trial.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I just took it for granted that that was what was going to happen (sad to think this way) that I didn't even verbalize it. He's banking on that double standard
For people who claimed they had no money, they sure did have a lot of phones.
And that new shed! WTH??? "Mom, can I borrow money for food? Just look at us, we are both starving. Oh, have you seen our new $2,000 shed?"
I don't think AW had a burner. That would mean she knew beforehand that CWW was going to FL for nefarious activity. If she did know beforehand I think she would have been stating lies to her family where and why CWW went away. "Yeah Mom, CWW went to Chicago to set up a new computer system"
I believe with MS introducing a fake AW burner he is silently leveraging telling his bro "Hey, take me down and I will take AW down"
I am guessing if LE has any evidence of an AW burner we would now have 4 people behind bars. I think FL laws would consider all 4 equally guilty. But I guess CWW in his plea statement would never have mentioned an AW burner
I don't think AW had a burner. That would mean she knew beforehand that CWW was going to FL for nefarious activity. If she did know before hand I think she would have been stating lies to her family where and why CWW went away. "Yeah Mom, CWW went to Chicago to set up a new computer system"
I believe with MS introducing a fake AW burner he is silently leveraging telling his bro "Hey, take me down and I will take AW down"
I am guessing if LE has any evidence of an AW burner we would now have 4 people behind bars. I think FL laws would consider all 4 equally guilty.

I agree she had no burner. Her meltdown backs that up. She began the backtrack when CWW either contacted her through JRR's 'phone, or his own burner. After the murder, she had to be at the very least suspicious (for me, read knew) and probably why there were his and hers wrapped 'phones.

LE were not impressed with her (CK interview), they stated she wasn't a nice person, but acknowledged she'd been through a lot. They also knew she was lying through her teeth in protection of CWW, though aware she was not complicit in the murder. That she'd 'been through a lot' probably got her out of whole heap of trouble after the fact.
I don't think AW had a burner. That would mean she knew beforehand that CWW was going to FL for nefarious activity. If she did know beforehand I think she would have been stating lies to her family where and why CWW went away. "Yeah Mom, CWW went to Chicago to set up a new computer system"
I believe with MS introducing a fake AW burner he is silently leveraging telling his bro "Hey, take me down and I will take AW down"
I am guessing if LE has any evidence of an AW burner we would now have 4 people behind bars. I think FL laws would consider all 4 equally guilty. But I guess CWW in his plea statement would never have mentioned an AW burner
I am too late to edit my post so will now add additional thought. If I were JR I would direct my lawyer to ask for a liberal 25 plea deal just like CWW received, if I will testify AW had a burner. JR would be the only person that could corroborate MS story of AW burner, whether she had a burner or not. Maybe with DP on the line LE is leveraging JR to get another complicit member? I know, probably just wild speculation, but this new AW burner could go in so many different directions.
This potential burner phone of AW's, "allegedly" used to call CWW during the killing spree doesn't ring the slightest bit of truth to me.
AW cried and whined to her mom and the friend/witness (can't recall her initials---major brain fog right now) about CWW going to FL without her and without his phone. AW would have never told Mom and friend that CWW was going to MS's if she had prior knowledge. She may not be the brightest but she would have at least kept her mouth shut. Then, AW tried to back track her story about CWW's whereabouts but Mom didn't believe her for a minute and even discussed it on MSM. Friend/witness called LE based on AW's behavior!
Besides, JMO, she doesn't have whatever it is one must have to plan an execution.
AW may have known or had an idea of what really happened after CWW got home (and that's 100% totally on her) but I'm not buying this story MS is trying to sell.
I agree with whoever said MS is sending a message to CWW... "Watch out 'cause I'm coming after your wife". MS is desperate to beat this and is using his children and anyone else he thinks might throw some reasonable doubt into the mix. Who knows... he may try to throw BS under the bus next if he could figure out an angle.
AWW used very poor judgement (and that's being generous) after the murder but a direct party to it? Don't think so.

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