Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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Poor Cheney Mason. Still desperately trying to be relevant. Epic fail. Wah wah. Too bad. *snicker*

mr. Ashton strikes me as a multi-tasker; perhaps after he and his attorneys kick the dt's hiney, he can then run right across the street and host yet another standing room only, received to resounding applause, imperfect justice book signing. Its a win-win situation.

This would also give chaney mason a chance to finally get around to reading mr. Ashton's book, and get a personalized autographed copy to boot!

P.s. I just bet oca, the veteran event planner, would have thought of this first, that is if she was not so busy reflecting.

How did it work out for JA? Despite his disappointment with a jury that only cared about movies, snacks and cruises while he was fighting for a murdered child, I'm glad to say I think it's working well for JA personally, even though I suspect he'd trade a lot of it to have seen real justice in this case. The public knows the difference in innocence and not guilty and remembers that what matters is not winning or losing, it's how you play the game. He is respected and admired for his work on the case, is seen as having been a champion for Caylee, has a best selling book, a media tour speaking to full houses, and has sold rights to a movie based on his book. Has a lovely family supporting him, and I'm guessing his professional future looks pretty bright, IMO.

OTOH, FCA and her DT can't seem to get anyone intere$ted in them. She is basically a pariah in society with no family to turn to, but a whole slew of people lining up in court to sue her. JB has never had any standing to speak of, but now he is basically a laughing stock who can only depend on his buddy Geraldo to get his name in the media. CM and wife have lost friends and club memberships over his alignment with the devil and with his behavior after the trial, and with every new action seems determined to destroy what was once considered a good reputation in the legal community and local media. The DT's dreams of stardom and financial gain once the trial was over are dashed, and their disgusting client is free instead in prison as they'd expected. She is a noose around their necks, and one that is probably chafing and feeling pretty tight these days.

As far as JA using a co-author, I think that was a very wise decision. He is a lawyer, after all, not a professional writer, and simply had enough sense to turn to people who are experts in their field for help telling his story and getting it published in a timely manner. Now if CM isn't using one, I'd hope his writing is better and more clear than his speaking, and that he keeps his ego under control a little better in print than in life. Not that I'd read it, but just trying to be compassionate toward those who might try...

BRAVO...OH BRAVO.... very, very well said.
Every time I want to change my siggy, it seems to still fit current news. :great:

I took a long time off after the verdict and stopped myself from closely following the civil cases. Now, after the 3-year immersion into the case, my life is more balanced as I follow a lot of the latest cases when I have the time.

I and so many others have moved on; that is good. However, this motion has brought me back to seriously post.

As many have pointed out, there are a lot of sour grapes by the "victorious" DT. There's no need to go there. To quote former Judge Stan Strickland, "Indeed, the irony is rich!"But, I sure wish that SOMEONE in the media would post Mason's motion so I could savor his sour grapes in person, so to speak. The same goes for Jeff Ashton's reply, when it comes out. He does write some GREAT motions/replies!

Oh, and I also crave the live-stream of the hearing on this motion!

That's all I want for Christmas, even if it doesn't come in time! :christmastree:. My other Christmas present is already here. Due to delayed delivery and a damaged copy of the book, I didn't get my copy until late November. I'll be reading it Christmas Day in the car during the four hour drive to celebrate with friends and family.

If I don't finish it, I'll also read it on the way back!

Happy Holidays to you all and looking forward to a great New Year!

Poor Cheney Mason. Still desperately trying to be relevant. Epic fail. Wah wah. Too bad. *snicker*


Yep. Has sour grapes because JA let it be known that Mumbles Mason passed a note to him in court saying he had counted the ceiling tiles in the courtroom.......that pretty much summed up his contribution to that defense team. :floorlaugh:
If Mason is being manipulated by a client, he needs an appointment with Ablow.

OMG - the mental picture this combo gave me is WAAAY over the top! :toast:

Can you imagine what a combined statement from the two of them would say? We wouldn't be able to understand a word of it and would wonder who the heck and what they were talking about. Too funny!!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I don't understand why Mason would be upset that Ashton mentioned Casey Anthony's evaluations in his book. He knows that the only reason they were sealed was to ensure that the jury pool wasn't further tainted and he knows that this is no longer an issue. He knows that Ashton had permission from the judge to discuss the information providing he relied on memory and notes as a source. Why is Mason pursuing this? Are there no new cases to be defended in Florida so he's stuck on the case that was over six months ago? I just don't get it. What does he hope to achieve ... does he want a cut of the proceeds of the book?

I gotta say - no matter what we post about the DT's behaviour - they manage to upstage us by doing something ever more ridiculous than we think they will! :floorlaugh: Good Times! :woot:
You know the ONE MAIN THING I got from Jeff's book was that the defense bombshell was a complete and total lie. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING showed that more than when JA revealed that Casey had told two, TWO separate stories to two separate psychiatrists. Then the THIRD lie was concocted and used. For people who did not read Jeff's book and who don't know about those OTHER TWO LIES....they just might have some reasonable doubt....did GA do something nefarious?? Was it a pool accident? NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING shows that courtroom lie for exactly what it was MORE than the fact that she first said (1) nanny did it (2) nanny pushed me down at JBP (3) George killed Caylee (4) George killed Caylee in the pool while molesting her (5) Casey innocently walked around the corner of the house and George yelled "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE".....
Jeff exposed that courtroom drama for EXACTLY what it was.......and the defense team cannot stand it.

You know the ONE MAIN THING I got from Jeff's book was that the defense bombshell was a complete and total lie. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING showed that more than when JA revealed that Casey had told two, TWO separate stories to two separate psychiatrists. Then the THIRD lie was concocted and used. For people who did not read Jeff's book and who don't know about those OTHER TWO LIES....they just might have some reasonable doubt....did GA do something nefarious?? Was it a pool accident? NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING shows that courtroom lie for exactly what it was MORE than the fact that she first said (1) nanny did it (2) nanny pushed me down at JBP (3) George killed Caylee (4) George killed Caylee in the pool while molesting her (5) Casey innocently walked around the corner of the house and George yelled "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE".....
Jeff exposed that courtroom drama for EXACTLY what it was.......and the defense team cannot stand it.


Hate to quote me...but....

So add to this the fact that that exposed courtroom lie cannot now play into their "newly rennovated" cash cow wannabe when they try to present her to the world as a rehabed former molestation victim...... OOPS....kink in that plan who to blame? Oh yes, let's get that big old mean Jeff Ashton in trouble since he dared to mess up our highly orchestrated plan... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
How did it work out for JA? Despite his disappointment with a jury that only cared about movies, snacks and cruises while he was fighting for a murdered child, I'm glad to say I think it's working well for JA personally, even though I suspect he'd trade a lot of it to have seen real justice in this case. The public knows the difference in innocence and not guilty and remembers that what matters is not winning or losing, it's how you play the game. He is respected and admired for his work on the case, is seen as having been a champion for Caylee, has a best selling book, a media tour speaking to full houses, and has sold rights to a movie based on his book. Has a lovely family supporting him, and I'm guessing his professional future looks pretty bright, IMO.

OTOH, FCA and her DT can't seem to get anyone intere$ted in them. She is basically a pariah in society with no family to turn to, but a whole slew of people lining up in court to sue her. JB has never had any standing to speak of, but now he is basically a laughing stock who can only depend on his buddy Geraldo to get his name in the media. CM and wife have lost friends and club memberships over his alignment with the devil and with his behavior after the trial, and with every new action seems determined to destroy what was once considered a good reputation in the legal community and local media. The DT's dreams of stardom and financial gain once the trial was over are dashed, and their disgusting client is free instead in prison as they'd expected. She is a noose around their necks, and one that is probably chafing and feeling pretty tight these days.

As far as JA using a co-author, I think that was a very wise decision. He is a lawyer, after all, not a professional writer, and simply had enough sense to turn to people who are experts in their field for help telling his story and getting it published in a timely manner. Now if CM isn't using one, I'd hope his writing is better and more clear than his speaking, and that he keeps his ego under control a little better in print than in life. Not that I'd read it, but just trying to be compassionate toward those who might try...

Thanks, and double-thanks LinTX. Says it all.
Every time I want to change my siggy, it seems to still fit current news. :great:

I took a long time off after the verdict and stopped myself from closely following the civil cases. Now, after the 3-year immersion into the case, my life is more balanced as I follow a lot of the latest cases when I have the time.

I and so many others have moved on; that is good. However, this motion has brought me back to seriously post.

As many have pointed out, there are a lot of sour grapes by the "victorious" DT. There's no need to go there. To quote former Judge Stan Strickland, "Indeed, the irony is rich!"But, I sure wish that SOMEONE in the media would post Mason's motion so I could savor his sour grapes in person, so to speak. The same goes for Jeff Ashton's reply, when it comes out. He does write some GREAT motions/replies!

Oh, and I also crave the live-stream of the hearing on this motion!

That's all I want for Christmas, even if it doesn't come in time! :christmastree:. My other Christmas present is already here. Due to delayed delivery and a damaged copy of the book, I didn't get my copy until late November. I'll be reading it Christmas Day in the car during the four hour drive to celebrate with friends and family.

If I don't finish it, I'll also read it on the way back!

Happy Holidays to you all and looking forward to a great New Year!


Here is the actual Motion to Show Cause, I thought it was already posted here, signed by Miss Lizbeth:
... just my humble opinion here, but...

keep your eyes and ears open peeps - this smells like the DTs patented "look over there!" distraction technique. Wonder what's brewin'?
Here is the actual Motion to Show Cause, I thought it was already posted here, signed by Miss Lizbeth:

So many legal issues raised here...does the court have jurisdiction over a retired state attorney after a not guilty verdict? :floorlaugh:
Are the other "contempt" matters as unruled on as of this date still viable as well as NEW contempt motions that may or may not be heretofore filed? :floorlaugh: against say...the defense? :floorlaugh:
Lordy, look at all those open doors. You know what they say...when God closes a window he sometimes opens a door.....big enough to file contempt motions against the defense
... just my humble opinion here, but...

keep your eyes and ears open peeps - this smells like the DTs patented "look over there!" distraction technique. Wonder what's brewin'?

Completely agree re: obvious distraction technique, I think they are trying to distract from the obvious success of JA's book and his upcoming TV appearances -- and there are quite a few scheduled, the Dr. G show in a little over a week, the Kronk lawsuit just filed, and the recent ZG/TM suits,

the DT hasn't had anything of substance favorable to OCA to say recently EVER......, last real thing was her Halloween-Disguised deposition, which COMPLETELY back-fired on her in a backwards kind of way,

yes, distraction, indeed!!!!
LG is right. The defense has been the sorest winners I have ever seen in my life. You'd think winning this case would be enough, but no. You'd think they'd be trying hard to help Casey move and have a normal life, but now. It's all just games like they played for three years, the same exact games of stalling, smearing, and distracting.

Honestly, the reality here is that the truth is the real winner and the defense can't stand it. The truth keeps ripping the lies apart and exposing Casey and the DT for the slimy, sleazy, pathological liars they all are. They thought a win meant profit and rewards. Instead, it's brought them misery and lawsuits, and they keep bringing it all on themselves the more they protect and coddle Casey.

You know, I've been so angry since the verdict. But now I realize that I'm just not as angry anymore. I think we all have started to move on except for the defense. We have taken the high road and tried to be at peace while the defense has acted like spoiled rotten children throwing tantrums in the same spot over and over. I think I am finally at that point where I realize that they are just not worth my time and anger anymore. It's their loss if they keep acting this way. They are only hurting themselves over and over the more they keep opening their mouths and spewing nothing but ignorant garbage.

It's just ridiculous how much they keep shooting themselves in the foot. I don't think I've seen such an immature bunch of people in the legal profession before. They continue to be nasty to everyone while protecting Casey with disguises, a hidden lair, and stupid stories about her life being in danger. Why continue to play this stupid game? Why is Casey worth all of this effort when she hasn't brought in one dime so far?

So now they complain about Ashton, victor of truth, warrior for Caylee, and more suceessful author and person than any of them will EVER be. Lies only carry you so far, defense. You're seeing that right now. Truth is forever. Truth is winning in the end and you can't stand it.

Yeah, I'm sure Ashton is just shaking in his well fitted boots right now, Mason. Please. *shakes head* This defense team will just never get it. At least that means more entertainment for us! I'm not angry anymore, but I can still sit here and laugh at them heartily!
So many legal issues raised here...does the court have jurisdiction over a retired state attorney after a not guilty verdict? :floorlaugh:
Are the other "contempt" matters as unruled on as of this date still viable as well as NEW contempt motions that may or may not be heretofore filed? :floorlaugh: against say...the defense? :floorlaugh:
Lordy, look at all those open doors. You know what they say...when God closes a window he sometimes opens a door.....big enough to file contempt motions against the defense

That's what I was wondering! In contempt, how? There is no case going on with Casey and Ashton involved in it. Can he actually be held in contempt without a case going on? Maybe I should ask this in the legal thread...
I want to thank you all who are reading his book & commenting on the thread here at WS. I have yet to receive it (Santa's bringing it) and LOVE the thread!!!

I specifically asked Santa to bring it to me too! I hope he doesn't leave you my copy by mistake. :floorlaugh:
LG is right. The defense has been the sorest winners I have ever seen in my life. You'd think winning this case would be enough, but no. You'd think they'd be trying hard to help Casey move and have a normal life, but now. It's all just games like they played for three years, the same exact games of stalling, smearing, and distracting.

Honestly, the reality here is that the truth is the real winner and the defense can't stand it. The truth keeps ripping the lies apart and exposing Casey and the DT for the slimy, sleazy, pathological liars they all are. They thought a win meant profit and rewards. Instead, it's brought them misery and lawsuits, and they keep bringing it all on themselves the more they protect and coddle Casey.

You know, I've been so angry since the verdict. But now I realize that I'm just not as angry anymore. I think we all have started to move on except for the defense. We have taken the high road and tried to be at peace while the defense has acted like spoiled rotten children throwing tantrums in the same spot over and over. I think I am finally at that point where I realize that they are just not worth my time and anger anymore. It's their loss if they keep acting this way. They are only hurting themselves over and over the more they keep opening their mouths and spewing nothing but ignorant garbage.

It's just ridiculous how much they keep shooting themselves in the foot. I don't think I've seen such an immature bunch of people in the legal profession before. They continue to be nasty to everyone while protecting Casey with disguises, a hidden lair, and stupid stories about her life being in danger. Why continue to play this stupid game? Why is Casey worth all of this effort when she hasn't brought in one dime so far?

So now they complain about Ashton, victor of truth, warrior for Caylee, and more suceessful author and person than any of them will EVER be. Lies only carry you so far, defense. You're seeing that right now. Truth is forever. Truth is winning in the end and you can't stand it.

Yeah, I'm sure Ashton is just shaking in his well fitted boots right now, Mason. Please. *shakes head* This defense team will just never get it. At least that means more entertainment for us! I'm not angry anymore, but I can still sit here and laugh at them heartily!

........ :silly: .......Perfect! Very sly humour you slipped in there Aedrys - Love It!
Here is the link.

I normally, do not get pizzed off enough to let it rip-but-this has me SO fried.

I think Cheney Mason is despicable to the enth degree-and I told him so.

We will never get rid of the evil and evil doers in this world. BUT, we can certainly tell them off! Thank you Steve Jobs.
So, yes. go to this link and let Cheney Mason, know what you think about him. It's a free digital world.
Don't worry, he can't sue you for speaking you mind. :)

I had to add my 2 cents. Thank you for the link. Classy website with his "bird flipping" pic on it. What a dope

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