Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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I can't help thinking there's something in there related to paternity.

Didn't JA just say the lie that OCA was afraid GA might be the father until the DNA tests were done?

And then - oh yeah! OCA remembered a date rape thing, when (again) she woke up with her clothing "awry"....:innocent:
Didn't JA just say the lie that OCA was afraid GA might be the father until the DNA tests were done?

And then - oh yeah! OCA remembered a date rape thing, when (again) she woke up with her clothing "awry"....:innocent:

anyone else think OCA molests herself in her sleep? :waitasec:
Maybe Mason was giving a warning to Terence Lenamon not to publish his book by actually filing a motion against Mr. Ashton. Ha, that didn't work now did it Mason. Mason probably had no idea what was coming out in Lenamon's book either.
Can you possibly give a better hint? I looked at the "official" JA page and couldn't find anything except a general denial that he did anything wrong.

IIRC Ashton had filed a motion to unseal the expert depos a couple of months before trial, but the discussion on the motion was mostly at sidebar and the motion was never ruled on--so I don't know what HHJP said to him. And I can't find the original sealing order. :banghead:

I've searched and searched - all I can find is the SA motion above, which notes that on 4/8/11, the court ordered that the original transcripts of the depositions would be maintained under seal by the courts.

Then I found this in WS archive - timeline by Think Tank.

ThinkTank04-09-2011, 03:10 PM
Timeline of new Defense doctor witnesses and Motions filed

- March 21 and 22, 2011 - Defense filed Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz as a Penalty Phase Expert

- March 22, 2011 Defense filed Motion to add (6) new witnesses to the Guilt Phase Dr. Danziger; Dr. Weitz; Kenneth Lewis [State Atty re Maya Derkovic]; Sharon Cadieux [George shoving incident]; Daniel Kondos [maintenance man for Suburban Dr; Patricia Young [George shoving incident]

- March 23, 2011 Response filed re Third Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz [not sure if this is a State reponse?]

- March 24, 2011 Hearing
Ashton talks about Defense Motions to add witnesses late
Judge wants to know who and why late - he has not seen the Defense Motion
Baez wanted to talk about Dr. Danziger in sidebar - Judge said do it in open court Finnell said she put Weitz on Penalty Phase list because she just found out an opinion last Saturday - Danziger and Weitz are on Penalty Phase list
Finnell says they are needed for state-of-mind witnesses on Guilt Phase list
Judge asks if the Defendant will need an Exam by the STATE?
Ashton says the STATE WILL want their expert to examine her
Finnell says there is no FL law to allow State to examine her, will have to litigate this issue Finnell says it is not a mental health defense nor diminished capacity Ashton says he needs the doctor's Reports, then set them for deposition Judge told Finnell to get the doctor's Reports submitted under seal

- March 31, 2011 Hearing - on Motion to add new witnessess
Defense strikes Sharon Cadieux
LDBurdick brings up Motion to add Danziger and Weitz to Guilt Phase list
LDBurdick says they already deposed the other witnesses so no prejudice from the Defense adding 4 of the new witnesses late
Ashton says he will do depositions on Danziger and Weitz next week, then can tell the Court if good cause for filing late
Ashton says he received the doctor's "Reports" by email, but they are rather limited
Judge says he got the same 2 "letters" by email
Ashton says he will do doctor depositions on April 7th, then will know more if there is prejudice to the State by adding these witnesses late

- April 8, 2011
State files Motion for Examination (of Casey) by Mental Health Expert
Ashton gave copy of this Motion to Defense at the Hearing this day
Ashton says he started the depositions on both doctors on April 7th but did not finish - he scheduled them for depos on April 13, 2011 to finish
Ashton tells Judge State is looking for a mental health expert to do the Exam
Defense says they will file a Response to this Motion
Judge has a sidebar then Orders that the sidebar will be SEALED and not transcribed and not given to anyone
I understand what it means for a court to seal a document but I am not certain who all is covered by that order.

Attorneys on both sides are covered, meaning neither can release the sealed document, but what about the defendant? In this case, it was the defendant making statements, and those statements were deemed as too sensational to make public so the document was sealed by the court in order to not further contaminate the jury pool and to ensure a fair trial. The trial is over but to date the order stands.

I am just pondering out loud here...thinking maybe Casey and Co. had hoped some of the information not previously released to the public would eventually be Casey's "Bombshell." Might that be what all the fuss is about? Maybe attorneys cannot release the sealed info but Casey herself is not prohibited form doing so? Maybe she had hoped to do just that in her own time and on her own terms?

I have been thinking maybe they planned to headline her first media appearance with a promise of never-before-heard statements from Casey. Or something like that.

I've searched and searched - all I can find is the SA motion above, which notes that on 4/8/11, the court ordered that the original transcripts of the depositions would be maintained under seal by the courts.

Then I found this in WS archive - timeline by Think Tank.

ThinkTank04-09-2011, 03:10 PM
Timeline of new Defense doctor witnesses and Motions filed

- March 21 and 22, 2011 - Defense filed Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz as a Penalty Phase Expert

- March 22, 2011 Defense filed Motion to add (6) new witnesses to the Guilt Phase Dr. Danziger; Dr. Weitz; Kenneth Lewis [State Atty re Maya Derkovic]; Sharon Cadieux [George shoving incident]; Daniel Kondos [maintenance man for Suburban Dr; Patricia Young [George shoving incident]

- March 23, 2011 Response filed re Third Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz [not sure if this is a State reponse?]

- March 24, 2011 Hearing
Ashton talks about Defense Motions to add witnesses late
Judge wants to know who and why late - he has not seen the Defense Motion
Baez wanted to talk about Dr. Danziger in sidebar - Judge said do it in open court Finnell said she put Weitz on Penalty Phase list because she just found out an opinion last Saturday - Danziger and Weitz are on Penalty Phase list
Finnell says they are needed for state-of-mind witnesses on Guilt Phase list
Judge asks if the Defendant will need an Exam by the STATE?
Ashton says the STATE WILL want their expert to examine her
Finnell says there is no FL law to allow State to examine her, will have to litigate this issue Finnell says it is not a mental health defense nor diminished capacity Ashton says he needs the doctor's Reports, then set them for deposition Judge told Finnell to get the doctor's Reports submitted under seal

- March 31, 2011 Hearing - on Motion to add new witnessess
Defense strikes Sharon Cadieux
LDBurdick brings up Motion to add Danziger and Weitz to Guilt Phase list
LDBurdick says they already deposed the other witnesses so no prejudice
from the Defense adding 4 of the new witnesses late
Ashton says he will do depositions on Danziger and Weitz next week, then
can tell the Court if good cause for filing late
Ashton says he received the doctor's "Reports" by email, but they are rather limited
Judge says he got the same 2 "letters" by email
Ashton says he will do doctor depositions on April 7th, then will know more
if there is prejudice to the State by adding these witnesses late

- April 8, 2011
State files Motion for Examination (of Casey) by Mental Health Expert
Ashton gave copy of this Motion to Defense at the Hearing this day
Ashton says he started the depositions on both doctors on April 7th but did not finish - he scheduled them for depos on April 13, 2011 to finish
Ashton tells Judge State is looking for a mental health expert to do the Exam
Defense says they will file a Response to this Motion
Judge has a sidebar then Orders that the sidebar will be SEALED and not transcribed and not given to anyone

Here we go again with lawyers propagating the myth that mental illness correlates with violence. So disgusting that they keep implying this stigma inducing nonsense.
iirc, they are "available" for anyone wanting to weed through them and pay for the good stuff. There were literally 200+ sidebars in the trial.

actually, there were 271 sidebars, as I kept count... :crazy:

[ame=""]Trial Trivia :) *No Discussions* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] link to my count!

And Thanks for the answer... :seeya:
Not gonna happen :D As my mom used to say Pashawwwww. Don't ask me what it means or even if it's a word lol.

pshaw/(p)SHô/ Exclamation: An expression of contempt or impatience.
The judge may have sealed the deposition because the doctor rendered an opinion not necessarily because of what KC claims to have happened. I would think the judge would have made it clear why he was sealing the depo. To tell them they could use their notes but to not tell them they were limited to revealing certain information only would seem unlikely. Why bother to seal the deposition if RA could have written about anything that was in that deposition. So could it have been the doctor's opinion that she was lying and that is why the judge wanted it to be sealed since one of the charges against her was lying to LE???? It was sealed before her trial and now she has an appeal so the judge may be keeping it sealed for that very reason. jmo
CM's basing his motion on someone else's filing? He's relying on the big, bad media to have gotten the story right? That's funny!
Just to remind people that don't have enough money to buy the book - we do have a Book Sharing website here on WS!!!!! :great:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Here we go again with lawyers propagating the myth that mental illness correlates with violence. So disgusting that they keep implying this stigma inducing nonsense.
I thought the whole hoopla was about her changing her story AGAIN! I also thought they didn't believe there was anything MH-wise wrong with her.
Am I misremembering???

From JA's motion in limine -

During the deposition of Drs. Danzinger and Weitz, certain statements were attributed to the defendant and are remote in time to the events surrounding the death of Caylee Anthony... JA then references certain deposition page numbers, which means that there are at least 150+ pages of OCA statements that the defense does not want the public at large to learn about.

I think JA is all about "bring it" - and with his thirty years of experience, perhaps he could predict what would follow once his book, and his words gleemed from his "recollections" on this particular subject, were released.

:hen: The chickens are coming home to roost

150+ pages = :coffeews:,0,1945078.story

Defense wants Ashton to explain why he shouldn't be held in contempt for releasing information in sealed court files.

Anthony's defense attorney, Cheney Mason, filed the motion Wednesday. It asks Chief Judge Belvin Perry to compel Ashton to appear and tell the judge why he should not face contempt charges.

Do these people NEVER quit??? Injustice to Caylee wasn't enough????? UGH!
The judge may have sealed the deposition because the doctor rendered an opinion not necessarily because of what KC claims to have happened. I would think the judge would have made it clear why he was sealing the depo. To tell them they could use their notes but to not tell them they were limited to revealing certain information only would seem unlikely. Why bother to seal the deposition if RA could have written about anything that was in that deposition. So could it have been the doctor's opinion that she was lying and that is why the judge wanted it to be sealed since one of the charges against her was lying to LE???? It was sealed before her trial and now she has an appeal so the judge may be keeping it sealed for that very reason. jmo


IMO - whatever is in those sealed depositions, even if released during her appeal period, will have no bearing on her appeal. The appeal only deals with evidence and rulings during the trial. These depositions were not used during the trial and therefore can not be considered by the appellate court for any purpose.
This baffles me too. There must be something more in those depositions that the defense team doesn't want to get out, or this is just petty bullcarp because the defense and Casey are so immature about everything. I mean, what Ashton talked about was basically what was said at trial, only modified just a bit. I don't think anyone who read the book was surprised by what Ashton talked about from his notes of the depositions - the information really wasn't anything new. I don't understand how the defense can be upset about that. There must be something else there we don't know about that they are afraid of getting out if those depositions are unsealed, or maybe Casey threw a gigantic fit because Ashton dared to talk about those depositions, so the defense had to do something to make her stop texting them about it every two seconds, LOL. This is such a LAME motion to me.

Or maybe Mason is just mad that Ashton talked about those depositions before Mason could. It could be as petty as that, unfortunately. Maybe Mason was going to talk about those depositions in his book and make that a selling point and he's mad that Ashton blew that out of the water by talking about it first. I'm sure if Ashton got permisison to talk about it, Mason could retire himself and get permission to do the same thing.

BBM - for me, it could go either way. Remember how the defense protested regarding the jailhouse video of Casey when she heard about the remains being found. Once released and we were able to view it, it really didn't show anything spectacular towards guilt or innocence. IMO, there was no reason for the defense to have objected to that video being released.
I must say, from the other rulings in this case, as well as the civl case (now) seems very likely that JA will be held in contempt. JB will skate by on the dormant contempt charges....Casey will not have to answer any of the questions in her civil case.... skittles fly out of unicorns' butts....and Florida seems to love child killers.

I knew that's where skittles came from!:laughcry:
I must say, from the other rulings in this case, as well as the civl case (now) seems very likely that JA will be held in contempt. JB will skate by on the dormant contempt charges....Casey will not have to answer any of the questions in her civil case.... skittles fly out of unicorns' butts....and Florida seems to love child killers.

Sad but true. I hope the public takes a close, SERIOUS look at who they are choosing as Judges. What a disgraceful bunch they have down there.
I can't help but wonder what the outcome would be if JA were found to be in contempt. A fine? $5000.00 maybe? 30 days in the county lock-up? Something else akin to community service? Something tells me that JA would be willing to pay the price of any or all of these punishments to make sure that the world knows the truth. If he were worried about it, he wouldn't have published it. IMO, he either knows there will be no problem, or he felt the ends justified the means. Either way, I am glad at least one person had the fortitude to stand up and do what was right for Caylee. No one else has. JMO.

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