Defense Witness List

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Baez seems to take everything so personally. He has a chip on his shoulder. He seems like the type who thinks everyone is racist against him, out to get him, etc. Utterly bizarre. Something's off in that noggin of his.
...and he should...he's a really bad lawyer. Baez needs to take a harder look. Racist? Nah, everyone around him is just plain embarrassed.
Getting a headache trying to read the redacted. so far all I have is "We're not trying to hide anything." And "Jeff, you are a real funny guy."

Wow! :detective:

Did you really get that? How? If you have a screen capture of it, would you mind posting it?

What I wouldn't give to read the redacted lines! I wonder if the media can request that? And JBs unprofessionalism is astounding. Shouting in all caps, saying "YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS" AND "PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNEW THIS".

What a....oh there's no namecalling...fill in the blanks yourselves.:angel:

Wow! :detective:

Did you really get that? How? If you have a screen capture of it, would you mind posting it?


All I am able to do with this pdf form is blow it up to about 400 and try to see beyond the magic marker. I'll keep trying and post screen grabs as well.
Baez seems to take everything so personally. He has a chip on his shoulder. He seems like the type who thinks everyone is racist against him, out to get him, etc. Utterly bizarre. Something's off in that noggin of his.

He is just not that bright and combined with sleaze (only sleaze tries to get out of paying for your own child). But then again like attracts like. KC is going to be convicted and when she is, he will say we saved her from the death penalty.

He should probably talk as little as possible so we can't see how absolutely stupid he really is.
Baez' demeanor is astoundingly offensive. It looks like a youtube argument. How on Earth is he allowed to practice law? I hope someone shows that email, along with the other metric ton of garbage he's done, to the Florida Bar. I really think Baez does not understand what the judge meant by subject matter. Great job, by the way, to the Florida Bar for allowing him to practice. I'm sure the citizens are appreciative of having people like Baez loosed on them. Disgusting.

I thought so too then it hit me.... Baez understood BUT this was away for him to get back at Ashton.
Remember when Ashton submitted the list of aggravating factors for seeking the Death Penalty....he submitted a Notice listing the Statutes.

Order by Judge Perry

Notice of Aggravating Circumstances by the State

The Defense fired back with another Motion saying the State's list was 'insufficient'
Motion to Strike State's Notice of Aggravating Circumstances of Aggravating Circumstances 5-18-2010.pdf

Order Denying Motion to Strike State's Notice of Aggravating Circumstances of Aggravating Circumstances 5-18-2010.pdf

Baez's email to Ashton of the Expert Witnesses was IMO all about Payback for the Aggravating Factors List.:twocents:
I thought so too then I it hit me.... Baez understood BUT this was away for him to get back at Ashton when he submitted the list of aggravating factors for seeking the Death Penalty....and only listed the Statutes.

The Defense wanted the State to outline the reason for seeking the DP, Judge Perry agreed and ordered the State, within 10 days, to provide a list of aggravating factors. the State complied almost immediately.
Ashon listed the Statutes.

Order by Judge Perry

Notice of Aggravating Circumstances by the State

The Defense fired back with another Motion saying the State's list was 'insufficient'
Motion to Strike State's Notice of Aggravating Circumstances of Aggravating Circumstances 5-18-2010.pdf

Order Denying Motion to Strike State's Notice of Aggravating Circumstances of Aggravating Circumstances 5-18-2010.pdf

Baez's email of Expert Witness to Ashton was IMO all about Payback for the Aggravating Factors List.:twocents:

Bingo!!!! Tit for tat.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Simply amazing that the Defense would resort to this tactic considering the gravity, a DP case and a murdered 2 year old Caylee. This is NOT office politics guys ... grow up.

Justice for Caylee.

From your second link:

"He has served in US, Canadian, European and Australian courts as an expert in a variety of fields including injury and death litigation, product liability, toxic tort litigation, tobacco litigation, medical negligence, as well as both prosecution and defense expert in a number of homicide cases."

Sounds like he's a expert ho. I have also heard he and Dorothy Sims co-authored a book that's coming out next year. <lost the link>
From your second link:

"He has served in US, Canadian, European and Australian courts as an expert in a variety of fields including injury and death litigation, product liability, toxic tort litigation, tobacco litigation, medical negligence, as well as both prosecution and defense expert in a number of homicide cases."

Sounds like he's a expert ho. I have also heard he and Dorothy Sims co-authored a book that's coming out next year. <lost the link>

Is this it?


"Trial Guides"

Exposing the Deceptive Defense CLE with Dorothy Sims and Michael Freeman

Trial Guides is proud to bring together an all-star line up for this seminar on how to expose deceptive defenses and increase the value of your civil cases. Dorothy Sims is often called the most hated plaintiff lawyer in America for her practice of exposing defense doctors. Dr. Michael Freeman PhD, MPH, DC is notorious for clearly showing that defense experts’ "science" is actually science-fiction.

Exposing the Deceptive Defense (LA) — Trial Guides
Live SeminarFriday October 22, 2010 – 9:00am to 5:30pm Doubletree Santa Monica 1707 4th St. Santa Monica, CA 90401

Is this it?


"Trial Guides"

Exposing the Deceptive Defense CLE with Dorothy Sims and Michael Freeman

Trial Guides is proud to bring together an all-star line up for this seminar on how to expose deceptive defenses and increase the value of your civil cases. Dorothy Sims is often called the most hated plaintiff lawyer in America for her practice of exposing defense doctors. Dr. Michael Freeman PhD, MPH, DC is notorious for clearly showing that defense experts’ "science" is actually science-fiction.

Exposing the Deceptive Defense (LA) — Trial Guides
Live SeminarFriday October 22, 2010 – 9:00am to 5:30pm Doubletree Santa Monica 1707 4th St. Santa Monica, CA 90401

I think that was just a conference. I see where they have each authored their own books, but can not find where they co-authored.

Dorothy Clay Sims & Dr. Freeman have another joint conference together:

March 18, 2011
A full day with Dr. Michael Freeman and Dorothy Sims
Washington State Convention Center, Seattle
In the mature email exchange JB sends to JA re what the subject matter the defense expert will be addressing, he is very vague. The entomologist will discuss entomology, the DNA expert will discuss DNA etc.
Can these experts then be limited to testifying only in the broadest of terms. DNA is......etc and not be permitted to speculate without reports to back them up on specifics of DNA etc in this case? (sorry I have OCD over the report issue :) )
Does anyone know?
From your second link:

"He has served in US, Canadian, European and Australian courts as an expert in a variety of fields including injury and death litigation, product liability, toxic tort litigation, tobacco litigation, medical negligence, as well as both prosecution and defense expert in a number of homicide cases."

Sounds like he's a expert ho. I have also heard he and Dorothy Sims co-authored a book that's coming out next year. <lost the link>

Sounds like he didn't have what it takes to be a medical Doctor so he's spent the rest of his life punishing them. Better money than aiding the sick I'm sure. Thank you for using the word I bolded above. That's exactly how I feel.
A Chiropractor with a PhD????? I'm getting sciatica and cervical dysplasia just reading his CV. Plus I'm chain smoking now and may need to litigate. :)
His CV reminds me of the expression Jack of all trades, master of none.
The forensic report does state that there was duct tape covering the mandible and nose. Jamie Weintraub (one of the lawyers who they pay on the shows to take the opposite view says this is not true).

Dr. G. specifically states it.

Janie Weintraub tried to say that the tape was around the neck, not the mandible - claiming it was part of the skull. She has never seen a guilty person in her lifetime - she always claims there's no reason for death - a child is dead. She is too young to have committed suicide, she hadn't been sick, so that rules out Suicide, and Illness, there was no accident reported, therefore it's not accidental, so the only other answer is homicide.


Updated Dec 2, 2010 - deposition and new EXPERTS added

- Dr. Scott Fairgrieve - Canada - dog scent Expert - State depo via Skype Dec 16, 2010
- Dr. Tim Huntington - Nebraska - Entomology - State depo Dec 28, 2010
- Brandon Sparks - Kronk's son - State depo via Skype Nov 10, 2010
- Gail St. John - psychic/searcher - State depo via Skype Nov 22, 2010

Defense Experts added to Witness List Nov 30, 2010

- Dr. Jane Bock - Colorado - Expert - Botany
- Richard Eikelenboom - Netherlands - Expert - DNA
- Dr. Michael Freeman - Oregon - Expert - Epidemiologist
- Dr. Tim Huntington - Nebraska - Expert - Entomology
- Dr. John Leeson - Winter Springs, FL - Expert - Digital Forensics - Computer
- Dr. Barry Logan - Willow Grove, PA - Expert - Forensic Chemist - this is PA LAB that
tested shorts and laundry bag
- Michael O'Kelly - Nebraska - Expert - Cell towers and cell phones
- Dr. Kathy Reichs - North Carolina - Expert - Anthropology - conducted anthropological exam on Caylee
- Dr. William Rodriguez - Maryland - Expert - Anthropologist/Taphonony
- Dr. Werner Spitz - Michigan - Expert - Forensic Pathology - performed second autopsy on Caylee

Status Hearing Nov 29, 2010 - new DEADLINES

- Dec 3, 2010 - Defense must give State info on Defense Experts - in WRITING
area of expertise and subject matter of testimony, and all photos and videos and
notes taken by Experts during examination of evidence

- Dec 20, 2010 - 1:30pm Hearing set for Penalty Phase Discovery to be unsealed

- Dec 31, 2010 - Defense must list new TES searcher witnesses

- Dec 31, 2010 - all Motions heard on NON scientific evidence

- Dec 31, 2010 - Deadline stays the same for all "late filed witnesses" (listed after May 24, 2010) to take depositions

- Jan 13, 2011 - DNA analysis with Report done 45 days from Nov 29,

- Jan 31, 2011 - Defense must list mitigation expert for penalty phase

- Feb 28, 2011 - Deadline stays the same for depositions of all Defense Experts and Penalty Phase witnesses

- Feb 28, 2011 - Deadline stays the same for Motions on all scientific evidence to be heard

- March 20, 2011 - depositions of new TES searcher witnesses taken
Getting a headache trying to read the redacted. so far all I have is "We're not trying to hide anything." And "Jeff, you are a real funny guy."

Just for fun and curiosity...

I have been using your method LancelotLink...It really works! I think that I have been able to decipher another line in the redacted emails.

In the December 01 - 11:06 email

Second redacted line following "We're not trying to hide anything."

"I've (already told) you what Fairgrieve was going to testify to and (because you.....)

( ) not sure about
Janie Weintraub tried to say that the tape was around the neck, not the mandible - claiming it was part of the skull. She has never seen a guilty person in her lifetime - she always claims there's no reason for death - a child is dead. She is too young to have committed suicide, she hadn't been sick, so that rules out Suicide, and Illness, there was no accident reported, therefore it's not accidental, so the only other answer is homicide.

Gaia I agree! if Janie wants to be on a panel about this case she needs to read up.She is always wrong!!!:banghead:
Just for fun and curiosity...

I have been using your method LancelotLink...It really works! I think that I have been able to decipher another line in the redacted emails.

In the December 01 - 11:06 email

Second redacted line following "We're not trying to hide anything."

"I've (already told) you what Fairgrieve was going to testify to and (because you.....)

( ) not sure about

YAY!!! I had I've and because you...and could not figure out Fairgrieve. YAY!!!

Great work!
During the first Phil Spector trial Dr. Henry Lee - working as a defense expert - was found by the Trial Judge in the case to have witheld evidence from the Prosecutors. Prosecutors felt it was evidence that was important enough to have influenced the outcome of the trial. That first trial ended in a hung jury. At the retrial, at which Lee did not testify, Spector was found guilty and he remains in jail at this time.

This portion of a longer article sums up Dr. Lee's dishonesty:

"Twelve years ago, forensic scientist Henry Lee mesmerized jurors with his analysis of scientific evidence in O.J. Simpson's murder trial. Holding up a photo of what he said was a shoe print he declared ominously: "Something's wrong."

Despite challenges from others, it was a statement simple and accessible enough to help turn the tide in Simpson's case and was emblematic of the style that has made Lee a nationally renowned expert. He made forensic evidence understandable before television's "CSI" shows transformed it into a pop culture subject.

Lee often carries a large magnifying glass to the witness stand, casting himself in the role of a modern day Sherlock Holmes. He also uses props to present a show-and-tell explanation that intrigues jurors.

But his extraordinary reputation is now under attack. The judge in Phil Spector's murder trial has ruled that Lee removed something from the scene where actress Lana Clarkson was shot and withheld it from the prosecution."Dr. Lee has a lot to lose here," said Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler, who cast doubt on the expert's credibility. The judge had heard testimony from several witnesses over a period of weeks on the mystery of a missing piece of fingernail at the crime scene.

The judge concluded that only one, former Spector lawyer Sara Caplan, had told the complete truth. She said she saw Lee pick up something and place it in a vial.

"I find the following," Fidler said. "Dr. Lee did recover an item. It is flat, white, with rough edges. I cannot say if it is a fingernail. It has never been presented to the prosecution."Lee denied during a hearing last week that he found such an item. He said his only findings were some white threads and a piece of bloodstained carpet.

The prosecution contends the item Lee withheld was a piece of fingernail with the trace of a passing bullet that would show Clarkson resisted having a gun placed in her mouth. Her right thumb was missing a piece of acrylic fingernail after her death.

During the hearing with jurors absent, Lee displayed his showmanship on the witness stand, complimenting prosecutor Alan Jackson on his good looks and producing cotton swabs and sticky notes he said he used to pick up and package evidence.

He became testy when challenged and said he felt his reputation was being damaged by the prosecution's insinuations.

The session had been delayed because Lee had to fly in from Taiwan where he was consulting on a case. By the time the judge ruled Wednesday, Lee was traveling in Italy and could not be reached for comment.

University of Southern California Law professor Jean Rosenbluth, who has been attending Spector's trial, noted the judge did not sanction Lee and issued what she called a "benign and narrow ruling." But she said it could smudge his career.

"Any time he takes the stand now he can be impeached with a finding by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge that he failed to turn over evidence," Rosenbluth said. "It's certainly not helpful."

Full article:

After the Judge's finding regarding the dishonesty, Lee spent much time "out of the country" - and avoided the press.

Interestingly enough, Prosecutor Alan Jackson had an extremely difficult time verifying Dr. Lee's educational background as listed on his submitted CV. Something about there being an extremely short amount of time between him obtaining his Masters and his Doctorate degrees. And the listed school not responding to several requests for information regarding this.

Stands to reason Dr. Lee would donate his skills for free in a big case like this one. I would think he is still trying to recover his tarnished reputation.
I can hardly wait to hear what Judge BP is going to have to say about JA's motion to compel. I bet he is not going to sit on it until the next status hearing, after all, the list is due TODAY.

I guess questions I have for our lawyers out there is could the Judge picke up the phone and conference both JA and JB about this motion without there being a hearing on it? If so, would it have to be video taped like the last telephone conference? And the biggest question, if you were Judge BP, how would you deal with this? What do you expect will be done?

I have to say that I don't think JB's fingers have ever stung too much from any of the smacks (mildly stern lectures) from the Judge. JB reminds me of a willful school brat that talks back to a teacher and says, "you can scream all you want, but you can't really do anything about it."

If you ask me, JA also knows how to play the media and work the Judge to get what he wants. He chose to release the emails and knew full well "we" (the media, nasty bloggers and forum participants) would see it all.

I just love what Valhall post today about the whole thing and think she has got JB's number!

I can hardly wait to see what happens!

In the Email exchange, between Baez and Ashton, Baez lists 2 Anthropologists and according to Judge Perry's Order he only GRANTED 1 Anthropologist and DENIED a Taphonomy Expert(but allowed the Defense to Request a Rogers Hearing...Have they?) . Procedures for Future Motions 5-12-2010.pdf

1) Kathy Reichs (Anthropologist)

2) William Rodriguez (Anthropologist/Taphonomy

:waitasec::waitasec:, the 3 emails from Baez listing the experts differ.

In the first and second email he states Eikelenbloom is an Anthropologist/Taphonony Expert and William Rodriguez is an just an Expert...

Then in the 3rd email Baez states William Rodriguez is an Anthropologist/Taphonomy and Eikelenbloom is a DNA Expert.


Also listed as Expert Witnesses...either working Pro Bono or being paid by Baez himself because Judge Perry DID NOT GRANT these experts in his order

Dr Michael Freeman (Forensic Epidemiologist)
Michael O'Kelly (Cell towers)

BBM...that is the problem with "pro bono" and this case....."pro bono" means nothing...ask the State of Flordia about Henry Lees "crate of oranges" "pro bono" billing for $8,000.00---Would also like to say---jb doesn't listen to what HHJP tells him....he just goes along his merry way....
I think I figured out where JB found all his experts -

He went on line to

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