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So the psychiatrist Steven Gold can only be used in the penalty phase of the trial now because he wasn't listed? Is that correct? TIA
I noticed JB's signatures looked different on several docs I looked at. His usual loopy, rounded one is on some and the others have a sharper & completely different appearance to them...looks like someone else signed his name. Is this OK/legal?? :waitasec:

Lawyers sign for each other sometimes. My practice is to sign my own name and then "for Mr. X, with permission"--but some people just sign the other person's name. Personally I think it is misleading just to sign the other person's name.

So the psychiatrist Steven Gold can only be used in the penalty phase of the trial now because he wasn't listed? Is that correct? TIA

Yes, but what could he have said in the guilt phase anyway?
Hi kaRN According to this defense at the status hearing JB stated "I have not asked that any of our experts write any reports I think that is extra work"
By him saying this to me it means they are going to do a trial by ambush because they are using the experts memories. mo and mf
I don't believe a true expert would subject themselves to that. When JB said no to the report, he said no to their testimony at trial IMO.
These experts are accountable to their professional peers. If the Forensic Anthropologist for example goes down in flames on cross examination, he or she discredits the entire profession or so it's perceived.
As an RN for example, if I were asked to testify because I had performed a sexual assault screening on ICA based on her allegations against Lee and GA, and her (or any) lawyer other than one provided to me by my College of Nurses, was advising me that I shouldn't create a report or didn't need to- I would be required to contact my Professional College and create the report anyway. I am accountable to my Profession, not the whims of an employer or a lawyer who asked for my professional opinion and didn't like what s/he heard.
The law requires certain things of members of different professions. Lawyers have their requirements and failure to maintain standards of the legal profession can result in disbarment. Same with all the experts on their list. I don't believe we'll see anyone on the stand who isn't armed with an armful of file folders. for the state or defense.
TWA posted this interview of Dr Lee on NG, on another thread. I highlighted in blue and bolded the relevant part below. The reports exist IMHO, they just don't say anything JB wants to share with the court.

Henry Lee's bill
Did Henry Lee recently bill the state, ONLY FOR COSTS, because he said on Nancy Grace he was doing this for free?December 15, 2008 Dr. Lee says he is indeed working Pro Bono:
(snipped by me for length)
GRACE: Back to Dr. Henry Lee, who, as you all know, is a famed forensic scientist on the Anthony defense team. Dr. Lee, I`ve just got to ask you, you know, tot mom Casey Anthony was siphoning gasoline from her family`s car to fill up her own tank. How the heck are you getting paid? I`m sure you`re costing a pretty penny. Dr. Lee does not come cheap.

LEE: No, we did not get any pay for that and for -- I`ll say, you know, this country, as you know, everybody entitled a defense. And many forensic experts, we do pro bono cases and that`s our obligation to our profession. As an expert, we look at evidence, doesn`t matter inculpatory, exculpatory, we report (ph) as it is. I don`t think should be labeled as a defense expert going to just for defense. Many time, found more evidence, inculpatory evidence, than the police found. There -- you know, case history, case example, many time we`re allowed to work on the case together. Many of my cases, I let the defense expert observe. It`s nothing wrong.

GRACE: So Dr. Lee...

LEE: Nothing unusual.

GRACE: Dr. Lee, are you telling me that you are working on the case pro bono, for free?

LEE: Yes."
I don't believe a true expert would subject themselves to that. When JB said no to the report, he said no to their testimony at trial IMO.
These experts are accountable to their professional peers. If the Forensic Anthropologist for example goes down in flames on cross examination, he or she discredits the entire profession or so it's perceived.

The law requires certain things of members of different professions. Lawyers have their requirements and failure to maintain standards of the legal profession can result in disbarment. Same with all the experts on their list. I don't believe we'll see anyone on the stand who isn't armed with an armful of file folders. for the state or defense.
TWA posted this interview of Dr Lee on NG, on another thread. I highlighted in blue and bolded the relevant part below. The reports exist IMHO, they just don't say anything JB wants to share with the court.

GRACE: Dr. Lee, are you telling me that you are working on the case pro bono, for free?

LEE: Yes."

respectfully snipped
TY kaRN for sharing TWA post with me. I didn't remember Dr. Lee had stated that. I do hope that Ashton can get all the notes from this defense. Even is the defense doesn't want to show the SAO the reports that the experts did do. If the experts are professionals that the reports exist brings another question to mind. Will the experts show at their depositions with the SAO with their reports or not? If they do I can imagine that Ashton will bring this up at a hearing coming soon. mh + mo
SA will subpoena all notes, pictures, report and relevant material from the experts that they plan to use for their testimony at trial. That is why the judge said to subpoena their notes, reports, etc. that way if on the stand the experts produce different notes they will be in big do dos. jmo

Good grief, listen to Jose with the experts. "They are over there moving a lot of dirt around", Baez described what the CSI and FBI agents were doing at the scene.
Dr. Baden opining [ame][/ame]
The motions filed are a true statement of the state of the defense! The wrong dates, failure to notice all parties, in the motion for hours spelling errors "exhausted caped hours".

A disgrace to the taxpayers and the justice system! :banghead: :furious: :banghead:

And Mrs. Eikelenbloom is not listed. Weeeee! :dance:

Attorney Kimberly Guilfoyle
"As preiminent as Dr. Lee is...this case is over for the defense. They have a trail of bones, she was found a quarter of a mile from the home, items matching evidence that what she was wrapped in is from the home, if it matches up from the crime scene to the home, that is a connection, they have duct tape. She was out partying while the child was missing, showing no regard, she made up a story about Zenaida Gonzalez, she is pinned to that story because she told it, repeatedly. It has been proven to be a lie. The scene, the home, the searches on the web about how to break necks, how to make choloform,the shovel, cadaver dogs alerted, the evidence of death in the trunk, plus mitocondrial DNA matching it up.....please......It is a triangulation of guilty."
"Only if they could reincarnate the OJ jurors and put them in would be the only chance they have. This is over for the defense."
Dr. Lee's expertise is in blood spatter. There's no blood spatter involved in this case. He charges about $300,000 just to testify and I don't think FL will agree to that. He's not an expert in insect activity, or fauna and flora in the Florida area. I have NO IDEA what use he is to the defense other than a big name to use.

Good observation! I wonder, because HL was called in to look at the car, would he be testifying about body fluids in general and the decomp found in the car? Maybe he has something to say about the shape found on the trunk liner. Perhaps that is now his new area for expertise.
:twocents:One of the AMAZING things Henry can do is RECONSTRUCT crime scenes!:twocents:
He has a fine talent for piecing things together, perhaps THAT was part of the reason :waitasec: (along with his famous name) :waitasec: in his on-site observation of the vehicle. There are basic points of scientific inquiry that CAN NOT be removed from this man's skill set, his attention to detail is ONE of them and it's my feeble opinion that HCL will be a HUGE behind the scenes voice for the defense gang.:dance:

Yep, HCL has more than a "few" (oh forgive me, Jane Velez Mitchell!) ISSUES (snicker) :banghead:but he does have a catalog of experience within that brain, just really :angel:really :angel:really :angel:needs to work on delivery and recognizing that "EMERITUS" within the scientific community is honorable! :blushing:
Joy, apparently ( according to what Jose said in open court) the OCSD agrees with you that Dr. Lee is of value, because he comes to FL to train them ( yes, since the Spector trial too).
If I understood correctly, now that the witness list has been provided, there will be a hailstorm of subpoenas issued from SA's office.

Are all of these expert witnesses to be served with subpoenas for things like their CVs so that JA can prepare for depositions?

I recall that information covered under 1, 2, 3, & 4 were to be gotten from the experts themselves and the information covered under 4 & 5 was to come from JB & co.

Did I get that right?
Attorneys In Casey Case Get Into Email Dispute

The defense won't give prosecutors specifics, only what the experts' fields of expertise are, which prosecutors say they could have gotten over the Internet"


State of Florida December 1 2010

Motion for Clarification/To Compel Compliance With Order For Additional Discovery
Gee JB if this is information that will help prove your client's innocence why would you not be giving SA ALL the information they need? jmo

In the Email exchange, between Baez and Ashton, Baez lists 2 Anthropologists and according to Judge Perry's Order he only GRANTED 1 Anthropologist and DENIED a Taphonomy Expert(but allowed the Defense to Request a Rogers Hearing...Have they?) . Procedures for Future Motions 5-12-2010.pdf

1) Kathy Reichs (Anthropologist)

2) William Rodriguez (Anthropologist/Taphonomy

:waitasec::waitasec:, the 3 emails from Baez listing the experts differ.

In the first and second email he states Eikelenbloom is an Anthropologist/Taphonony Expert and William Rodriguez is an just an Expert...

Then in the 3rd email Baez states William Rodriguez is an Anthropologist/Taphonomy and Eikelenbloom is a DNA Expert.


Also listed as Expert Witnesses...either working Pro Bono or being paid by Baez himself because Judge Perry DID NOT GRANT these experts in his order

Dr Michael Freeman (Forensic Epidemiologist)
Michael O'Kelly (Cell towers)
Attorneys In Casey Case Get Into Email Dispute

The defense won't give prosecutors specifics, only what the experts' fields of expertise are, which prosecutors say they could have gotten over the Internet"


State of Florida December 1 2010

Motion for Clarification/To Compel Compliance With Order For Additional Discovery

What I wouldn't give to read the redacted lines! I wonder if the media can request that? And JBs unprofessionalism is astounding. Shouting in all caps, saying "YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS" AND "PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNEW THIS".

What a....oh there's no namecalling...fill in the blanks yourselves.:angel:
Arrogant....self serving and keeps shooting himself in his foot...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
What I wouldn't give to read the redacted lines! I wonder if the media can request that? And JBs unprofessionalism is astounding. Shouting in all caps, saying "YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS" AND "PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNEW THIS".

What a....oh there's no namecalling...fill in the blanks yourselves.:angel:

Jose is so incredibly rude and sarcastic in those emails I really don't know how Ashton can bear to work with him. It's so unprofessional it boggles my mind. I always feel I'll never be shocked by the defense team's antics again, but I always am. Jose should know that what the court ordered, the subject of testimony of his experts, is to be in writing. It doesn't matter if he thinks Ashton should already know the subject of their testimony, it's required to be in writing. Come on Jose, man up!
What does it mean about Dr. Fairgrieve will testify at the hearing if we have one? Page 2 of 5 emails between JA and JB.
Richard Hornsby, Bill Sheaffer and Judge Strickland must have spit their drinks all over the keyboards in uproarious laughter reading this childish drivel from Baez. I have never seen a profession write anything like this. Ever!!!

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