Defense Witness List

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am curious about Richard Eikelenboom. Apparently his report was handed to the State. So I'm guessing that report is about the results from the DNA lab, since the guy from the lab is testifying about Dr. Vass' work.

Now this is what Mason stated in the recent Motion For Reconsideration:

The defense further would show that Mr. Eikelenboom did participate in the actual and personal examination of many of the items of tangible evidence at the Orange County Sheriffs Office CSI division. He, along with his partner, not only examined many items, but took photographs of them. More importantly, he and his partner were photographed by the CSI taking the photographs of the evidence. Those photographs have all been produced in discovery.

Further, it is possible that Mr. Eikelenboom may berequired to offer testimony, either rebuttal or direct, as to issues of degradation of DNA, depending on the exact trial testimony of the State's experts on that subject. Mr. Eikelenboom, along with the other witnesses, is available for deposition by Skype or WebEx,as are so many of the other witnesses being questioned by the State and/or have been questioned by the defense.

The first paragraph doesn't address anything DNA related and since Eikelenboom's expertise was DNA I don't see much relevance. But the 2nd paragraph talks about degraded DNA. The only DNA related matters I can think of are the hair from the trunk and the identification of Caylee's remains. Am I forgetting something?

Good morning NNL (First BBM) I guess that this discovery of these photographs have been handed directly to the SAO because it wasn't filed with the clerk's office. Unless the defense is talking about the video which the OCSO took of the inspection and if this is the case Eikelenboom's photos have not been turned over. Then imo it is the defenses use of word games again.
2nd BBM this phrase used by the defense just shows me that Eikelenboom is just going to testify to the fact that everything is degraded because of all the evidence had been underwater for a long period of time and that is why there is nothing to be found.
Again the defense has nothing that can attack actual evidence or theory that the recovery site had been underwater for a long period of time. Which still doesn't give them anything reasonable to dispute the SAO case. jmo
Didn't CA want ICA to "bless" LA's bracelet or something?:waitasec:

Yep, apparently Casey is a holy prophet of sneezing who wants to do a religious RV tour in Costa Rica with her adopted Irish orphans and jail cell BFF Robyn and her kids (sadly, I'm so not making that up, it's in her jailhouse letters).

So what is exactly is that woman who wrote the cult book supposed to say? That Casey is the above and will lead the world to salvation? :crazy::floorlaugh:
What is this about??

(50) Carrol(l) Stoner - Winter Garden, FL - added Nov 29, 2010
C. Stoner co-authored a book about cults - “All Gods Children”

Was Casey in a "cult" or something?

I really don't believe ICA was in cult, based on the other witnesses listed for Penalty Phase, former schoolmates, old friends, etc, that C Stoner was a former teacher:

Carroll A Stoner is a science teacher at Ocoee High School, she is married and lives in Winter Garden:
Good morning NNL (First BBM) I guess that this discovery of these photographs have been handed directly to the SAO because it wasn't filed with the clerk's office. Unless the defense is talking about the video which the OCSO took of the inspection and if this is the case Eikelenboom's photos have not been turned over. Then imo it is the defenses use of word games again.
2nd BBM this phrase used by the defense just shows me that Eikelenboom is just going to testify to the fact that everything is degraded because of all the evidence had been underwater for a long period of time and that is why there is nothing to be found.
Again the defense has nothing that can attack actual evidence or theory that the recovery site had been underwater for a long period of time. Which still doesn't give them anything reasonable to dispute the SAO case. jmo
Hi there P1569 and thanks for your reply!

It's not the photographs I'm interested in, it's the expert's reports. Which expert will testify to what. The defense does everything in their power to muddy their witness list; a Foresic Antropologist will testify about K9, the person from the lab that tested things for DNA won't testify about that but about the work of the OakRidge Lab... These reports should clear those things up.

And you're right, the defense didn't officially file their discovery (yet). Maybe they will soon, similar to how we have to wait a while before we get discovery turned over to the defense. If they don't file with the clerk to avoid release to the public, my guess is the media/public could simply ask the State to release that discovery. Here's why: Remember CM's letter about not cashing Baez' check? He first handed it to the State and didn't file it with the clerk at that time. WESH then called the State's spokesperson to ask for that letter to be released. The State didn't consider the letter discovery (rightfully so IMO) and thus did not give it to WESH. But the expert's reports ARE discovery, so they fall under the Sunshine Law and will have to be released at some point.

About the degraded DNA, it also says rebuttal in the Motion. I read that like this: IF for instance the State calls a witness to testify about how DNA from the stain in the trunk degraded, Eikelenboom will rebut that claim by saying there is no way all that DNA vanished. JMOO of course, it could be that I'm completely wrong in my assumptions. Lord knows that happened to me before ;)
Docket Updated:

02/14/2011 Supplemental Defense Witness List

02/15/2011 Motion
State of Florida's; to Strike Defendant's Supplemental Witness List Filed February 14, 2011
Reply With Quote States Motion

"The Supplemental Witness List makes no attempt to show good cause to this court for the delay in the disclosure of these witnesses to the State of Florida"
Casey Prosecutor: New Defense Witness List Missed Deadline

The defense's witness list in question includes so-called jailhouse snitches Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic.

Also among the seven names listed, WFTV reporter Kathi Belich and Marvin Schecter, a lawyer from New York City.

In a new filing, Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick writes that the deadline has already passed in the case for a new witness to be listed unless a good reason is provided. The filing asks for the judge to either require the defense to explain its reasons for the new witnesses or not allow any of them."


And here I thought the Defense was going to list new EXPERT witnesses....
Breakdown of the new additions

4 are on the State's Witness list
1 is from the Defense's Penalty Phase Witness List
2 NEW ones are WFTV Reporter Kathi Belich and New York Criminal Attorney Marvin Schecter
Okay, why in the world is Kathy Belich listed as a defense witness?

Anyone...anyone....Beuller? Beuller?

Thanks to Tulessa who pointed this little nugget out.

If Ms belich is a defense witness, then perhaps she wouldn't be allowed in the courtroom until she testifies. If she were last on the defense's list of witnesses called or was cancelled at the end of the defense case, it would be very difficult for her to do news reports on Mr Baez's daily antics. Perhaps the defense doesen't want Kathi B sitting in court watching them work?
Could this be construed as another Willful Violation of the Courts Orders?
If Ms belich is a defense witness, then perhaps she wouldn't be allowed in the courtroom until she testifies. If she were last on the defense's list of witnesses called or was cancelled at the end of the defense case, it would be very difficult for her to do news reports on Mr Baez's daily antics. Perhaps the defense doesen't want Kathi B sitting in court watching them work?

Good point Paintr!
Okay, why in the world is Kathy Belich listed as a defense witness?

Anyone...anyone....Beuller? Beuller?

Thanks to TotallyObsessed who pointed this little nugget out.

ETA: Thanks to you too Intermezzo....just saw it first over in other thread.

If she is on the witness list I guess she can't be in the court harassing JB/CM, of course it's payback too, I'm sure they are snickering like two badly behaved schoolboys at their latest brilliant stroke of genius. HHJP won't allow it, the time has passed for adding new witnesses.:great:

The defense's witness list in question includes so-called jailhouse snitches Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic.

Also among the seven names listed, WFTV reporter Kathi Belich and Marvin Schecter, a lawyer from New York City.


And here I thought the Defense was going to list new EXPERT witnesses....
Breakdown of the new additions

4 are on the State's Witness list
1 is from the Defense's Penalty Phase Witness List
2 NEW ones are WFTV Reporter Kathi Belich and New York Criminal Attorney Marvin Schecter I got it.....JB is going for an insanity defense....meaning the defense attorney went nuts....:banghead: what in the world does he possibly think Kathy B could do to help his case? He is trying to pull something underhanded (what's new) and IMO CM is behind it. CM knows all the tricks and JB is just not in his league as far as the 'tricks' are concerned. That kind of underhanded trickery comes with experience.I sure hope JP doesn't allow this new witness list. I don't know anything about Marvin Schecter....anyone???? I got it.....JB is going for an insanity defense....meaning the defense attorney went nuts....:banghead: what in the world does he possibly think Kathy B could do to help his case? He is trying to pull something underhanded (what's new) and IMO CM is behind it. CM knows all the tricks and JB is just not in his league as far as the 'tricks' are concerned. That kind of underhanded trickery comes with experience.I sure hope JP doesn't allow this new witness list. I don't know anything about Marvin Schecter....anyone????[

Prior to these offices, he chaired the indigent defense committees for both organizations.

If the defense is adding Kathy B to the witness list as a stratagem to simply keep her out of court, isn't there something additional that the attorney representing the press (the gal for the Orlando Sentinel seems to handle matters on behalf of all local press) could do to defend her on this matter or at least call attention to publicly? This would appear to be a blatant attempt to interfere with her ability to do her job and would set a dangerous precedent. If defense attorneys can punitively keep reporters they don't like out of a courtroom using such a ruse then this would be real trouble in a country that prides itself on First Amendment rights. I got it.....JB is going for an insanity defense....meaning the defense attorney went nuts....:banghead: what in the world does he possibly think Kathy B could do to help his case? He is trying to pull something underhanded (what's new) and IMO CM is behind it. CM knows all the tricks and JB is just not in his league as far as the 'tricks' are concerned. That kind of underhanded trickery comes with experience.I sure hope JP doesn't allow this new witness list. I don't know anything about Marvin Schecter....anyone????

It seems that rather than focus on the guilt/innocence of ICA in the horrendous premeditated murder of Caylee ... JB elects to focus on the notoriety of ICA and the media attention she gets ... that she is convicted in the court of public opinion, blogs and, media and thus unjustly treated.

KB is a classic example of a passionate reporter seeking justice for Caylee ... unlike the A's and Defense team who treat ICA as the CEO who is conspired against by everyone including LA, FBI, SAO, Bloggers, Media, etc.

JB always seems to focus on the indigency and privacy for ICA as if that is his/her only hope. Unfair trial.[

Prior to these offices, he chaired the indigent defense committees for both organizations.


I'll second your mmmmmmmmm somehow, someway, the defense is going to appeal based on the defense not being able to properly investigate and defend Casey due to restrictions of the nearly every hearing CM or JB or both bring up a financial the State is not constricted re: finances....but they are....I can feel it in my bones. And I will venture to say we should be prepared to hear a lot more whining about it.
Please don't tell me CM is going to try and say Casey isn't getting a fair trial because she's indigent.

Well he has in a roundabout way...he and Jose have been whining of late how much more money the State has to prepare and try this case...

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